ዳስ ሓውያ (ሞይታ)
ዳስ ሓውያ (ሞይታ) ዳስ ሓውያ ብሓንቲ ዘፈር ጠጢዓ ቀዳማይ ክፋል ኣብ ኤርትራ ብፍላይ ክኣ ኣብ ከበሳ፡ ሓደ ዳስ ሓውያ ዝብል ቢሂል ኣሎ። ብዙሓት ደቂ’ቲ እዚ ዳስሓውያ ዘበለ ዛንታ ዝተሰርሕሉ ከባቢ ከም ኣብነት ዘግልገልሉ ኣዘራርባ’ውን እዩ። ብተወሳኺ እዚ ከም

ዳስ ሓውያ (ሞይታ)
ዳስ ሓውያ ብሓንቲ ዘፈር ጠጢዓ
ቀዳማይ ክፋል
ኣብ ኤርትራ ብፍላይ ክኣ ኣብ ከበሳ፡ ሓደ ዳስ ሓውያ ዝብል ቢሂል ኣሎ። ብዙሓት ደቂ’ቲ እዚ ዳስሓውያ ዘበለ ዛንታ ዝተሰርሕሉ ከባቢ ከም ኣብነት ዘግልገልሉ ኣዘራርባ’ውን እዩ። ብተወሳኺ እዚ ከም ምድጋም ቃል ወይድማ ከም ምስላ ዓይነት ጥራይ ዝግለጽ ዘይኮነስ፡ ከም ኣብ ሓደ እዋን ዝተሰርሐ ተንታን ዘለዎ ሓቀኛን ኣሕዛንን ታሪኽ ምኻኑ’ዩ ዝግለጽ። እዚ ዛንታ’ዚ ብዝተፈላለየ መልክዓት ዝዝንቶ’ኳ ይኹን እምበር፡ ብዛዕባዚ ብዕሙቕ ዝበለ መልክዕ ዝፈልጡ ብዙሓት ከምዝህልዉ’ውን ዘይሰሓት’ዩ።
እዚ ታሪኽ እዚ፡- ቅድም ኢሉ ኣብ ኣውራጃ ሰራየ ወረዳ ደቡብ፡ ኣብ ጋውለ ጎሞሮ ዝጽዋዕ ከብቢ ዝተሰርሐ ታሪኽ ምኻኑ ይፍለጥ።
ኣነ ኣብ ሜዳ ኣብ ተጋድሎ ሓርነት ኤርትራ ተሰሊፈ ኣባል ናይተን ኣብቲ ከባቢ ዝንቀሳቐሳ ዝነበራ ሓይልታት ኮይነ ኣብ ዝቃለሰሉ ዝነበርኩ እዋን፡ ዳስ ሓውያ እትብል ቢሂል ብዙሕ ግዜ ተጋጥመኒ ነይራ። ካብዚ ተበጊሰ ድማ ብዛዕባ ዳስ ሓውያ ብዕምቆት ክፈልጥ ይፍትን’ካ እንተነበርኩ፡ ብርጡብ ዘትሕዘኒ ክረክብ ግን ኣይከኣልኩን። ኣጋጣሚ ኮይኑ ካብቲ ከባቢ ናብ ካልእ ቦታ መስ ተንቀሳቐስና፡ ሓደ ወድ’ቲ ከባቢ ናይ ዕድመን ኣፍልጦን ብዓል ጸጋ ዝኾኑ ኣቦ ረኺበ ብዛዕባ ዳስ ሓውያ ክገልጹለይ ሓተትኩዎም። ንሶም ድማ፡ ንዛንታ ናይቲ ተረኽቦ ካብ ሱሩ እናተሓሓዙ ገለጹለይ።
ኣነ ሎሚ ብዛዕባ ዳስ ሓውያ ክጽሕፍ ዝደረኸኒ ቀንዲ ምኽንያት፡ ስለ ዳስ ሓውያ ክትንትን ዘይኮንኩስ፡ ብመሰረት ካብ ልሳን እቶም ዓቢ ኣቦ ዝረኸብክዎ ናይ ቃል ታሪኽ፡ ገለ ገለ ምስ ህልዊ ኩነታትና ዝዛመዳ ነጥብታት ስለ ዝትዓዘብኩን፡ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ከገልጸን ኣገደስሲ ኮይኑ ስለ ዝተሰማዓንን’ዩ። ንሰን ድማ፡-
- ታሪኽ ዳስ ሓውያ፡ ምስቲ ኣብ ሃገርና ብኢሳይያስ ዝካየድ ዘሎ መስርሕ ዘመሳስሎ ነገራት ስለዘሎ፡
- ኢሳይያስን፡ ቀንዲ ሰራሕ ታሪኽ ዳስ ሓውያን ዘመሳስሎም ኣተዓባብያን ባህርን፡
- ኣብቲ ዳስ ሓውያ ብሓንቲ ዘፈራ ጠጢዓ ትብል ቀጻሊ ታሪኽ፡ ግደ ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ከመይ ከምዝነበረ ንምብራህ ኣገዳሲ ኮይኑ ስለ ዝረኸብኩዎ’ዮ።
እቲ ንወለዶታት ከም ዛንታ ኮይኑ ዝተሰጋገረ ሓቀኛ ናይ ቃል ታሪኽ ከምዝሕብሮ፡ ኣብ ጋውል (ዓዲ ጋውል) ሓደ በቲ እዋን ህዝቢ ዘመሓድሩ መስፍን ከምዝነበሩ ይግለጽ። እዞም መስፍን ባዓል ሓዳር ኣቦ ቆልዑ ነበሩ። መሳፍንቲ ዝገብሩዎ ምውስቦ፡ ምስ በቲ ናቶም ደረጃን ሚዛንን ዝረኣዩ ከምኦም መሳፍንቲ ጥራይ ስለ ዝነበረ፡ ሓንቲ ጓል ካብ ደቆም፡ ሓደ ወዲ መሳፍንትን ክቡራትን እናተጸበዩላ ከለዉ፡ ሓደ ጎበዝ ካብቶም ኣብቲ ገዛ ዘገልግሉ ዝነበሩ ፈተወት። ዝምድናኣ ምስኡ ክሳብ ደረጃ ስጋዊ ርክብ በጽሐ’ሞ ከም ውጽኢቱ ድማ ጥንሲ ሓዘት። ኣብ ከምዚ ኩነታት ምስተበጽሐ፡ እቲ ዝፈተወቶ ኣገልጋሊ ካብቲ ገዛ ሃዲሙ ከደ። ንሳ ድማ ኣቡኣ ብዛዕባዚ እንተፈሊጦም ከይቀትልዋ ስለ ዝተፈርሀ፡ ንሶም ከይፈለጡ ግዜ ሕርሲ ኣኸለ፡ ወቆልዓ’ውን ተውሊዱ ጎበዘ።
እቶም መስፍን ከምልምዲ፡ ኩሉ ግዜ ድሕሪ ቀትሪ (ኣጋምሸት) ምስ ዝኸውን፡ ኣብቲ ቅድሚ ገዘኦም ዝነበረ ጽላል ኮፍ ኢሎም ነቶም ኣብቲ ቅርዓት ዝጻወቱ ቆልዑ እናረኣዩ ይዛነዩ። ወየ ዘይፈልጥዎ ወዲ ጋሎም’ውን ምስቶም ዝጻወቱ ቆልዑ ሓቢሩ ይጻወት እሞ፡ በቲ ንሱ ዘርእዮ ንጡፍ ምንቅስቓሳትን ብልሓትን ድማ ይሳሓቡ ነበሩ። ነትም ኮፍ መባህልቶምን መዛርብቶምን ድማ ይብልዎም “ኣንታ እቲ ቆልዓ’ቲስ ክነፍዕ! ትርኢዎ ዶ ኣለኹም ኩሉ ግዜ ኣብዚኣ ኮይነ ንኹሎም ይዕዘቦም’ሞ እቲ ካብ ኩሎም ዝነፍዐን ወላ ሰውነቱ’ውን ካብቶም መዛንኡ ዝመስሉ ዝጎለዐን ዝረአን ቆልዓስ ንሱ ጥራይ’ዩ” ብምባል ወድመን ከምዝኾነ ክፈጡ ደጋጊሞም ይሓቱ። መዛርብቶም ድማ እቲ ነገር ስለ ዝፈልጥዎን ዝኸበዶምን ነቲ ሕቶ ከምዘየቕለብሉ ብምግሳይ ይሰግርዎ ነበሩ ይበሃል።
ከምዚ እናበለ ነዊሕ ምስ ከደ፡ እታ ስድራቤቶምን ቀረብቶምን ደጊምሲ ከንገሩ ኣለዎም ኣብ ዝብል መደምደምታ በጽሑ። በቶም ፈተውቶምን ኣዕርኽቶምን ጌርካ ክኣ ከምዝንገሩ ተግብረ።
እቶም መስፍን፡ ኣብ ማእከል ቤቶም ከምዚ ዓይነት ነገር ከጋጥም ምኽኣሉን፡ ብዓቢኡ ድማ ንዓመታት ዝኣክል ዘይምፍላጦምን ኣዝዩ ጎድኦም። ኣብ ዓሚቕ ጋህን ሓዘንን ውዲቖም ብኡ ኣቢሉ ድማ ሰለሎ ከም ዝኣተዎም ይንገር። እዚ ነቲ ቤተሰቦም’ውን እንተኾነ ከም ሓዲሽ ኣጉሃየ።
እቲ ቆልዓ(ወዲ ጓሎም) ኣባሑጉኡ ብዛዕባቲ ተረኽቦ ክሕበሩ ከለዉ፡ ኣብ ሙግርሑ ስለ ዝነበረ፡ ድሒሩ እናዓበየ ክርደኦን ከስተማቕሮን ዝኽእል ብዙሕ ነገራት ከዋህልል ከኣለ። ገለ ካብኡ
- እቲ ኣብቲ ገዛ ዝዓሰለ ሕማቕ ሃዋሁን፡ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣዲኡ ዝውርወር መሪር ናይ ልሳን ጹግራፋትን፡ ንሳ እተርእዮ ምሹቕራራት ዓሚቕ ጓህን ኣብ እምርኡ ስፍራ ገበረ።
- ንሱ ሓደ ካብቶም ኩቡራትን ሕፉራትን ኩሉ ነገር ዝተመድመደሎም ኣኮታቱ ዘይኮነስ፡ሓደ ዝተፈልየን ዘይመኻፍልቲ ጸጋታቶምን ምኻኑ እናተገንዘበ መጽአ።
- ወዲ ሓደ ኣገልጋሊ ከምኻኑ መጠን፡ ወላ ነቶም ኣዕሩኽቱን መጻውቱን ደቂ ተራ ነበርቲ’ውን እንተኾነ ትሕቲኦም ከምዝቑጸር በብቑሩብ ተጎልሓሉ።
- ጠንቂ ናይቲ ኣብታ ስድራቤት ዝተፈጥረ ኣበሳ ንሱ ምኻኑ ስለ ዝተወስደ፡ ናብታ ስድራ ዝቐርብ ዘበለ ኩሉ ብሕማቕ ከምዝሪኦ ገይሩ ኣቐመጠ።
ካብዚ ብምብጋስ ኣብ ልዕሊታ ዘዕበየቶ ስድራቤት ዓሚቕ ቂምታ ክኣልኽ ጀመረ።
ቆልዓ ኬንካ ኣይንበርን’ዩ ዕድመ በጺሑ ኣብ ምምስራት ሓዳረ-ናብራ በቕዐ። እንጀራ ‘ውን ኮይንሉ ጽቡቕ ይባሃል። ምስቲ ዝነበሮ ብልሒ ሃብቲ ድማ ተወሲኹውዎ፡ ነቶም ቂምታ ዝሓዘሎም ኣኮታቱ ክወዳደሮም ዘኽእል ዕድል ረኸበ። ብተወሳኺ ካብታ ዓዲ ብዙሓት ኣዕሩኽትን ደገፍትን ከጥሪ ከምዝኻኣለ ይዝንቶ። ንዝረከቦ ጸጋታት ብምጥቃም ኣብ ልዕሊ እንዳ ኣባሕጉኡ ዝነበሮ እሉኽ ቂምታን ጽልእን ዝፍውስ፡ ሕማቕ ዊንትኡ ምሉእ ብምሉእ ዘርዊ፡ ሓንሳእን ንሓዋሩን መልሲ ክህብ ወሰነ።
ስለዚ ኽኣ መደባቱ ንምፍጻም ዝቐለለን ኣድማዕን መንገዲ ከናዲ ጀመረ። ዝሓሸን ድማ ብሓደ ግዜ ስሚ ኣስትዩ ከፋንዎም (ክውደኦም) መረጸ ። በዚ መሰረት ነቲ ዓድን ከባብን ዘትኣናግድ ሓደ ዓቢ ድግስ ክገብር ወጠነ፡ ንጎዶቦታት ብምልኡ ዓደመ። እቲ ድግስ (ውራይ) ክልተ ማዓልታት ዝወስድ ኮይኑ፡ እታ ቀዳመይቲ ማዓልቲ ንእንዳ ኣባሕጉኡን ኩሉ ቤተሰቦምን ዝዕደሙላ ጥራይ ክትከውን ወሰነ። ካብኦም ዝውለድ ሓደ ከይተርፍ ብምባል ድማ ብምሉኦም ኣብታ ማዓልቲ ከምዝርከቡ ገበረ።
ኣቀማምጣ ዓዲ ጋውል፡ እቲ ካብ መንደፈራ ንዓረዛ ዝወስድ ጽርግያ ብጎኒ’ታ ዓዲ’ዩ ዝሓልፍ። ብተወሳኺ እቲ ምብራቓዊ ሸነኻታ ንጎላጉል ዓዲ ቑንጽብ ዓዲ ኢታይ ከም’ውን ዓቢይ ዓዲ ዘርኢ ክኸውን ከሎ ምዕራባዊ ጎና ግና ኣጻድፍ’ዩ።
ባዓል ጉዳይ፡ እታ ዳሱ ኣብታ ገምገም ጸድፊ ከምዝነበረት ይግለጽ። ብርግጽ እተን ኣብ ጎቦ ዝቖማ ዓድታት ብጽበት መሬት እቲ ገማግም ዝጥቀማሉ’ካ እንተኾነ፡ ነዚ ባዓል መደብ ባዓል ውራይ’ዚ ግን ንዝነበሮ ጥጁእ ውጥን ኣብ ምዕዋት ዓቢ ዕድል ነበረ። እታ ዳስ ብፍሉይን ውቁብን ኣገባብ ዝተሰርሐት ኮይና፡ ናብቲ ገምገም ጸድፊ ዘብል ሸነኻ ድማ ብጽቡቕ ጨርቂ ዝተነጽፈ ዓራውቲ ተሰርዐ። ብድሕሪ’ቲ ዓራት መከላኸሊ ዘይብሉ ባዶ ከንሱ፡ ነቲ ዳስ ብዘማዕርግ ብቐንዱ ድማ ነቶም ቀንድን ክቡራትን እንዳ ኣባሕጎታቱ ተጸጊዐሞ ኮፍ ክብሉ ባህ ዘብል ዝመስል መጋረጃ ተጋረደ።
እኽለማይ ብምልኡ ተሻሽዩ፡ ኣብቲ ነቲ መዓልቲ ክስተ ዝተመደበ ኣጋንእ ስዋ፡ ሓሞት ሓርማዝ ተባሂሉ ዝፍለጥ ናይቲ እዋን ስሚ ብምእታው ተዘጋጀወ።
ግዜ ምምጻእ ዕዱማት በጺሑ፡ እንዳኖ ካብ ርሑቕን ቀረባን ክመጹ ጀመሩ። ቀንዲ እሙናት ኣዕሩኽ ባዓል ጉዳይ፡ ተዓጣቖ ኮይኖም፡ ገለ ካብኣቶም ኣጋይሽ በብዝመጹዎ ተቐቢሎም ኮፍ ብምባል፡ ካብቲ ብስሚ ዝተቓመመ ኣጋንእ ስዋ ከከፊሎም እናቐድሑ ዝዕድሉ ክኾኑ ከለዉ፡ እቶም ካልኦት ድማ፡ ኣጋይሽ ስዋ ምስ ሰተዩ ኣብ ገጾም ዘርእዩዎ ምልክት እናተዓዘቡ፡ “ንዑ ድኣ ኣብዚኣ ምዕራፍ ትሕሸኩም” እናበሉ ሰሰሒቦም ናብቲ ዓራት፡ ካብ ዓራት ድማ ናብቲ ጸድፊ ክፋነዉ ተዋዕለ። እታ ኣፍደገ ዳስ ድማ ንኽት ኣትወላ እምበር ንኽትወጸላ ዘይተፍቅድ ኮይና ዋዓለት ተባሂሉ ይዝንቶ።
ኣብ ስግር ምድንባር ኣከለጉዛይን ሰራየን ዘሎ ዓድታት ዝነብሩ ሓደ ዓይነስዉር ተወላዲ ካብቶም ብዘርኦም ክጠፍኡ ዝተወሰነሎም መሳፍንቲ ዓድጋውል ነበሩ። እቶም ዓይነ ስውር ኣቦ ሓንቲ ጓል ዝነበረቶም ኮይኖም፡ ብብልሕን ምስትውዓልን ኣዝዮም ፍሉጥ ክምዝነበሩ ይትረኽ። ዓይነ ስዉር ኣቦ፡ ብዕዉር ዝብል ሳጋ ይጽውዑ ከምዝነበሩ ይንገር። ንሶም’ውን ናብቲ ጉዳይ ክመጽኡ ስለዝነበሮም ጓሎም መሪሓቶም ብበቕሊ ካብ ዓዶም ንዓድጋውል ኣምርሑ።
ባዓል ጉዳይ ነዞም ብዕዉር ዝጽውዑ ተወላዲ ብብልሖምን ምስትውዓሎምን ይሰግእ ስለዝነበረ በቲ ንሶም ዝመጽሉ መንገዲ ዝመጹ ቤተሰብ “ኣንታ እቲ ዕዉርሲ ይመጽእ ደሎ? ኣበይከ ረኺብኩሞ”? እናበለ ኣብ ዘዝበጽሕዎ ክከታተል ከምዝዋዓለ ይሕበር። እዞም ተወላዲ ድማ ኣብታ ጥቓ ዓዲ ምቕልቃል ዳስ ምስ በጽሑ፡ ንጓሎም “በሊ ናዓይ ኣብዚኣ ኣውርድኒ እሞ፡ ኣነ ክሳብ ዝሸይን ንስኺ ናብቲ ዳስ እናማዕደኺ ዝኣትዉን ዝወጹን ተኸታተሊ” በልዋ። ድሕሪ ምሻኖም፡ “እሞ ክንከይድ በሊ እቲ ዳስ ከ እንዳ ውራይ ዶ ይመስል፡ ሰብ ክኣቱ ክወጽእዶ ትሪኢ ኣለኪ”? ኢሎም ሓተትዋ። “ኣቦይ ዝኣቱ’ሞ ይሪኢ ኣለኹ ዝወጽእ ግን ኣይረኣኹን” በለቶም። “እዋእ! እስክ በሊ ቁሩብ ንጸበ ጽቡቕ ጌርኪ ድማ ርኣዪ” ብምባል ተጸበዩ። “ሕጂ’ውን ዝኣቱ እንበር ዝወጽእ ኣይረኣኹን በለቶም፡ “ወላ ንኽሸኑ ውጽእ ኢሎም ዝምለሱ’ውን ኣይረአኽን”? ኣቦይ በዘይካ ዝኣቱ ዝወጽእ ኣይረኣኹን በለቶም። ኣትዩ ዝወጽኣ ከም ዘየለ ምስ ኣረጋገጹ “በሊ ደጊም እዚኣስ ጣቃ የብላን፡ ዳስሓውያ እያ” ብምባል ንዓዶም ክምለሱ ወሰኑ። “ንሕና’ውን በሊ ቅልጥፍ ቅልጥፍ እናበልና ንኺድ’ሞ ንድሕሪት ቅሊሕ ምባል ድማ ኣይትግደፊ ኢኺ” ኢሎምዋ ንጓሎም መንገዶም ሒዞም ቀጸሉ።
ባዓል ውራይ ድማ ነቶም ኣብ መንገዲ ሰላም ኢሎምዎም ዝሓልፉ ዝነበሩ ኣጋይሽ እናሓተተ ኣበይ ከምዝበጽሑ ክከታተል ስለዝዋዓለ፡ ካብቲ ኣብ ዳስ ክበጽሕዎ ዝግበኦም ግዜ ስለ ዝደንጎዩ ክጥርጥር ጀመረ። “እዚ ዕዉርሲ ምናልባት ደኾን ጠርጢሩ ንድሕሪት ተመሊሱ? ተመሊሱ’ዩ” ብምባል፡ ሰብ ኣፍራስ ብጉያ ኣርኪቦም ሒዞም ዘምጽእዎም ኣዕሩኽቱ ላኣኸ። ዓይነ ስዉር ምስ ጓሎም ነዊሕ ምስ ሰጎሙ፡ ብድሕሪት 4-5 ዝኾኑ ሰብ ኣፍራስ መንገዶም ተኸቲሎም ይጎዩ ብርሕቕ ትሪኦም ከምዘላ ጓሎም ሓበረቶም።”በሊ በቕሊ ሕዝለይ ክወርድ’ሞ ናብዚ መሻሉ ንእቶ ቀስ ኢልና ድማ ውሽጢ ውሽጢ ንኺድ”ኢሎም ብዘራእቲ መሻሉ ተኸዊሎም ጉዕዞኦም ቀጸሉ። ሰበ’ፍራስ ድማ ኣፍራሶም ብናህሪ እናጋለቡ ንወዮም ዝህደኑ ንጎኒ ገዲፎሞም ሓለፉ። ክሳብ ስግር ኣከለጉዛይ ዘርኢ ገማግም በጺሖም፡ ኣማዕድዮም ክሪእዎም ምስ ዘይካኣሉ ንድሕሪት ተመልሱ።
ኑራ ሑሴን
Fidel December 13, 2013
Eske Dahan Kibirti habti kinewedake eti hasbki dahray Ritona nibelu mis tarik Ezi diablos Isaias gin zerakeb yebilun gin dahan qezile kibrti habti.
teberaber December 13, 2013
Dear fidel,
If you have a brain, the message is already clear. The thing is ” a one wsy street”. Once you are in. It is done. You dont come out. Eira eiro type of thing. Makes sense now. Lets see what the rest of the story holds.
Thanks Nura.
Kalighe December 13, 2013
ዳስ ሓውያ (ሞይታ)
Is it ሓውያ or “hawiya” which in Arabic means a cliff (ghedel) ?
Can you please elaborate on this ?
Meretse Asmelash December 13, 2013
Huwook zibAs qerni yineKs (a greedy hyena bites a horn), somewhat like that.
Now let me wild guess like most of you commentators. I think this story took place ages ago in Yemen, Middle East, but I may be wrong until it is proven by the writer ( finish her story telling)
Nura I can’t wait for your next narration.
Tekluu Gubtaan December 13, 2013
Brilliant !!!!!!!!well done Nura ,keep it up can’t wait to read the rest !!
fidel December 14, 2013
Ni Kibirti habti Himak kisema ele aykonkon ritoy hibe Bizaba Hawiya kitgeliz kela umo gudlet solwo haberet kithib kela meseley eyu kerima silemintay moyay sile skone gefih filtet dima sile seleni abzi zizento solo zanta bilike ente sey tegelizu gega habereta tihib sile sela ni serat isaias dima bi kale misela gera tiglozo nesi diablos himak aysemakum. Mis mulu akburot.
Mesfin Bahlibi December 14, 2013
ኣንበሳጅርን ጅራተቀጭን ዝተባህሉ ክልተ ኣሕዋት ደቂ ደቁ ንንጉስ ላሊበላ ፡ ናይ እንዳዓለቦኦም ንግስነት ምስፈረሰ ናብቲ ፈታዊ ወለዶም ዝነበረ ደጃዝማች ድዕቡል ፡ ኣብቲ ግዜ’ቲ ናይ መረብ ምላሽ ገዛኢ ዝነበረ ዘርኢ እንዳ በለው ፡ ተጸጊዖም ዝዓበዩ እዮም ፡ (ዓጀብቲ ናይ ደጃዝማች ድዕቡል ኔሮም ክኾኑ ይኸሉ) ፡፡ ኣንበሳጅር ብሕጋዊ መንገዲ ከይሓተተ ንጓል ደግያትድ ዕቡል ስለዘጥነሳ ብሞት ተቐጺዑ ፡፡ ጅርገደላ ካብ ጓል ደግያት ድዕቡልን ካብ ኣንበሳጅርን ዝተወልደ ፡ ኣባሓጎኡ ወዲ ስለዘይነበሮም ዓራቶም ወረሶ ፡፡ ዕድል ኣብዝረኸበሉ ግዜ ድማ ሕነ ኣቡኡ ንቤተሰብ ኣዲኡ ብመልክዕ ዳስ ሓውያ ዝግለጽ ስጉምቲ ወሰደሎም ፡፡ ጎራሕ ገብርሂወት ዕዉር ኣመሊጡ ፡ ካብ ጓሉ ወሊዱ ዘርኡ ቀጺሉ ፡፡ ደቂ ገብረህይወት ምስ ጅርገደላ ዕርቂ ጌሮም እታ ቁስሊና ሓውያ ብምባል እንዳ ሓውያ ተሰየሙ ፡፡ ጅርገደላ ኣባሓጎኦም ንኣድከመን ምልጋእን ተስፋን እዩ ፡፡ ካብዞም ሰለስተ ኣሕዋት ናይቶም ክልተ ማለት ኣድከመን ምልጋእን ፡ ኣብ ታሪኽ ኤርትራ ዓቢይ ተራ ኣለዎም ፡፡ ብስም ክልቲኦም ኣሕዋት ዝስየም ሕጊ ኣድከመ ምልጋእ ዝባሃል ፡ ቅድሚ ትሽዓተ ሚእቲ ዓመት ዝቖመ ፡ ክሳብ ሕጂ ኣብግብሪ ዝውዕል ስርዓተ ሕጊ ዝመስረቱ ፍትሐኛታት ፡ ንኤርትራ ዓቢይ ጸጋ ዘውረስዋ ፡ ካብ እንዳበለው ምምሕዳር እንዳ ኣድከመ ምልጋእ ብምባል ፡ ብመልክዕ ባሕሪ ነጋሽ ኣብ ላዕለዋይ ጽፍሒ ምምሕዳር ንኣማኢት ዓመታት ዝነበሩ ፡ ነዞም ሎሚ እንዳ ኣድከመ ምልጋእ ተባሂሎም ዝፍለጡ ብልሓተኛታትን መለኽቲ ዘንጊን ብምዃኖም ዝልለዩ ዝፈረዩ እዮም ፡፡
hagerawi December 14, 2013
The Hawya tribe
There were a tribe of the Hawya in Serae Eritrea, ruled by Dejach De’bul, a
strong and feared ruler of Mereb Mellash, about 600 years ago. They were of the
Great Belew tribe. He was told that he would have a daughter whose son will crush his
rule. When the girl was born, his only child, he had her secluded from the public.
The lonely girl grew up and used to watch people from her window. One day she saw this tall
and handsome soldier Ambessajir, and fell for him. He was from far away tribe Selewa from
the south, and lived with his mother. She was so obsessed that although he could not come to
her home, she had herself rolled with hay and taken to him. The romance did not continue for
long when he was discovered and caught.
When he found out who the father was, one of his soldiers, Ambessajir, he had him killed, by
burying him shoulder deep and horses running over his head, crushing his skull. This was the
highest punishment those days.
At those days, the aristocrats were too feared and had full power over the common man. This
daughter of Dejach De’bul, named Mariam Hanna, or Wehadet or We’alet, became pregnant
and hid from her father. The son grew up with his mother’s tribe.
One day, the chief was sitting outside and saw boys play with a ball game called the Karsa.
Dejach De’bul noticed that one boy played very well that the other boys could not wretch the
ball from his hold.
He admired this boy and said, to his aide “If this boy could be one’s grandson?” The aide
found this opportunity to tell his master of the story, and answered, “My Lord, promise us not
to be harsh and be understanding. Can you promise me one thing- kidan? (In the old times,
when one gets kidan, he is allowed to say his word and not be punished) Dejach allowed him
to speak and the aide replied? This boy is indeed your daughter’s son
hagerawi December 14, 2013
part 2
The chief was so shocked of his not knowing and his daughter had a bastard, and that he knew
nothing of it all these years.
But the whole tribe were dissatisfied that their chief had harshly punished their favourite
soldier. Dejach De’bul regretted having killed Ambessajir that he forgave his daughter and
had the grandson named as his heir.
The son grew up. His mother used to tell him how her father had his father Ambassajir was
killed for loving her. Eritrea has still paternal laws. Other kids scolded him of having no
father. As a young man, he wanted to vindicate his father.
He felt very sad of his father’s being punished this way and thought of revenging his death,
and decided to wait for the right moment against his powerful grandfather.
He became a man and married and became strong. His grandfather had come to forgive, liking
and thrusting and relied on him. One day, Dejach De’bul, his grandfather was going for a trip,
which would take a year.
hagerawi December 14, 2013
part 3
He appointed this grandson to be his viceroy, and had him swear the oath of loyalty,
three times, as was customary. But after a month of his travelling, the powerful grandfather
was taken sick and died of cholera, in a far away country. The grandson inherited the whole
This became ripe time to revenge his father’s death. So he prepared a big feast to all male
members of mother’s clan, the Hawya. He had a big tent built right by a cliff, known now as
Mi-kit-kat Deku.
He had all fine food served. But inside the beer, he had poison, that is, elephant’s bile, added
to it. All the guests ate and after drinking of the poison felt dizzy, and he had them thrown off
the cliff, so that newcomers would not notice. The hill he built the tent is still called Das
But, one member of his mother’s clan, Gebre Hiwet the blind, had perhaps been suspicious of
this grandson. When he came near the tent, he asked his daughter who was leading him, if she
could see anyone coming out of the tent. She is to have said the famous words “Das Hawya,
zi-atew imber zi-wet-sih aye-re-aynan!” The tent of Hawya, entering only, not leaving do
we see. Meaning that see could see them entering the tent of Hawya, but saw no one coming
out of the tent.
Gebre Hiwet the blind then cried “This cursed son! He has killed all of my brothers! Quickly,
lead me out of here before he kills us too!” And they quickly went away, to flee. The
grandson had almost all members killed and then remembered the shrewd Gebre Hiwet the
blind. He asked if he had been inside.
When told that he never entered, the grandson realized Gebre Hiwet had been suspicious and
had fled. Gebre Hiwet the blind was the only male member of the Hawya tribe to be alive, and
he should be killed. In the meantime, having vindicated his father’s harsh death, this new ruler
proclaimed that his name was Jir Gedela. He may be the father of the Adkeme Melega’ tribe.