እወ ደስኪልካ ፍረ ኣልቦ ኰንካ እወ ደስኪልካ ዓዲ ዉዒል ኰንካ ድስኩል ቁጽሪ ሓደ ኣብ ባር እዩ ምዓልካ ድስኩል ቁጽሪ ክልተ ቤት ጽሕፋት ኣሎካ። [gview file="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Deskilka_Habte.pdf"]

እወ ደስኪልካ ፍረ ኣልቦ ኰንካ
እወ ደስኪልካ ዓዲ ዉዒል ኰንካ
ድስኩል ቁጽሪ ሓደ ኣብ ባር እዩ ምዓልካ
ድስኩል ቁጽሪ ክልተ ቤት ጽሕፋት ኣሎካ።
tesfaldet January 14, 2014
yedeskleka alo nakan kemzikemakan ahidimuka kab adika niska DESKILKA
Genet January 14, 2014
Way to go tesfaldet
No Eritrean ever say to another Eritrean what you are saying.
You are getting a back bone, DEMHIT on your side following a dictator; I wonder where your destiny is? No body surivive for long in somone else’s land or country.
enjoy while you can.
Sorobeti January 14, 2014
This guy has many names like TesfaKihdet, TesfaBarenet, TesfaTilmet, and finally TesfaDemhit.
Genet January 14, 2014
Good one.
TesfaDEMHIT is the right name.
kidane January 14, 2014
Genet on
Kabakum leflefti sire zeyeblkum demhit yihishu.
Genet January 15, 2014
My dear brother Kidane,
You have to be too special, not to understand the grave consequences of having foreign mercenaries on your own land. It is your right to support the dictator and PFDJ’s system. However, brother Kidane, you don’t have a right to endanger our people and destroy our country’s sovergenty. The DEMHIT fiasco has awaken Eritreans fromerly known as the “blind PFDJ’s followers”. Brother Kidane, get it to your head, Tigray is not part of Eritrea and it will never be. DEMHIT roaming our streets is not safe for anyone except for the dictator. Please keep in mind, I am not saying Tigray is not worth to be part of Eritrea. The fact, Tigray is part of Ethiopia and its people are proud Ethiopians. Therefore, highly trained and armed DEMHIT or the Tgrayan mercernaries, should never be allowed to do police work in our streets. The dictator who is a master of manipulation, is running out of tricks. The DEMHIT debacle is backfireing big time. The fatigue magician(dictator), jumped the gun by his poor effort to coverup the Lampadusa tragedy. Clearly, he is losing his evil touch of manipulation. The DEMHIT fiasco and the many, many, many Eritreans’ Lampdusa tragedies, will take him down. Brother Kidane, the train of change in Eritrea is on the move. so, get on it. It is ok you can change your mind. It is not too late. If you are Wold-DEMHIT kidane, then get out of the way of the train.
Good Luck!
Tamrat Tamrat January 15, 2014
Are they foreigers?
Eritrean soldiers were in Ethiopia till about 1996. Most of the soldiers setteled in Ethiopia could speak both tigrina and amharic. For any non tigrinya People it was not easy to know the difference and was no need either. We Called them tigre soldiers in generall. So according to you ethiopia was enjoying eritrean mercinary. Both Eritrea and Ethiopia have more than Three ethnic Groups in common. So it is difficult to label People mercinaries.
L.T January 14, 2014
Weyane thought Isaias is all for Eritrea when he is away,they believe everything will go after him..I think they loved him than”Nusu -Nihnan”becouse they talked all the time since 1998 only for him..I want him to marry with them:-)let him work he is busy!
dan January 14, 2014
tesfaldet kemaka atinetat eyom adi zebashwu zelewu ata moshquat
semhar January 14, 2014
The time is now to liberate our land and our people!
The time is now! The UN, the OAU, all our neighbor’s countries are on our side!
Let’s get rid the mad dog Isayas, his son, and the blind followers HIGDEF! Like the Libyans did to their mad dog Gadafi his sons and his blind followers.
It’s your choice, to be on the side of your people, or on the side of the tyrant dictator.
It’s your choice, to liberate our land and our people now!
Shames on us to let the mad dog Isayas wedi Medhin Berad destroy our land and our people!
We should implement the advise of the founders of our revolution.
1) Woldeab W/ Mariam: “God blessed this crown (Eritrea) for us,
Woe to him who dares touch it.”
2) Ibrahim Sultan. “ Stand united my dear folks.
Unite and work together for Eritrea.”
The time is now!
Thanks God we are all armed!
The mad dog Isayas must be die just like his friend the mad dog Gadafi.
He should be thrown away in Maybela!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Death to the mad dogs Isayas, his son and blind followers HIGDEF!
EYENSN January 14, 2014
I can’t understand why would you want see Abraham issais dead, what did he do to any of us ? Just because his father is a president doesn’t make him a criminal ? Plus let’s not forget that ELF killed a lot of innocent Eritreans to but no one is talking about it while the killer them self are around us all over the world. You see, I don’t believe in killing the killers but bring them to justice with evidence. Killing them doesn’t solve anything but would bring more killing my sister. Plus if you believe in killing go to Ethiopia and arm yourself and show us what you can do but I think those of us we just came out of the country are not interested to carry the gun anymore, we had enough of it so if anyone believe in carry the gun it’s ready .just go get it. The reality is no one want to do it including you but we want some one else to do it for us so we can enjoy the breaking news in smerrr room. No that’s not happening everyone of us know each other now but I advise you to follow some of the opposition party’s peaceful struggle strategy.
nakfa January 14, 2014
Forgive her she does not know what she is writing she is simply blinded by some personal past issues, otehrwise she would have written some edible comments but trol is always a troll!!!
Genet January 15, 2014
EYENSN, What does this stand for?
Do you think Abraham Issais’s life is more important than the young Eritreans dying everywhere? ELF killed EPLF killed. Now EPLF/PFDJ, more correctly, Issais is killing Eritrean right NOW. Why should Eritreans spare the killer’s son’s life? If Eritrean mother is put in jail for her son’s sins, why should the killer’s son be set free? why is he getting your sympathy? Is it because he is the “president’s” son? Why not let them test their own medicine?
Semhar January 15, 2014
Thanks Genet,
God bless Eritrea and the courageous Eritrean like you.
Let freedom ring in Eritrea!
Thanks God now that we know who is who, we know who are our friends and who are our enemies we will certainly defeat our #1 enemies.
The Eritrean Liberation Flag will rise up again!
Eritrea will be the land of the free and the home of the brave!
EYENSN January 15, 2014
I am 100% sure that you know what eyensn stands for but don’t worry how I know. Anyway you are saying the presidents son needs to be killed but who is supposed to do it? You don’t seem to be ready to do it so if you or semhar are not doing anything about it who do you want to do the dirt job for you? Please let’s not say something that we are not willing to do. Everyone of us want this situation changed somehow and whoever deserve punishment can get that through the rule of law not by the hand of past criminal or foolish people. The reason why I am saying that is because first if the president is doing wrong now then we should not repeat it, second we want solve the problem not to make it worst just because some sick people want a revenge. So my friend I think the eritrean people is sick and tired of the situation and need solution not revenge but if you think you and some of your cousin want do it then you can do it and we call you a criminal and you want follow it later on. Please let’s not waste on nonsense comments and do some good job that would make a difference
Genet January 16, 2014
Of course, I know what EYENSN stand for, but it is not clear what you stand for? You are missing the point. I think, you need to get out of your tunnel vision about our country’s status. No body said, our priority is to kill the killer’s son. As an Eritrean, you should know we don’t have a culture of killing. The ELF and EPLF introduced the willy-nilly killing in Eritrea. If you ask your parents and grandparents, they will tell you Eritrean people have a great deal of respect for human life. But make no mistake, the son of a killer will never be free. You know, those who died in the sea, those who are confined in shipping containers, those were and are being shot dead at Eritrean’s borders are someones’ sons and daughters.
I am sure you want change in Eritrea. But you need to see the bigger picture. Our people are being exterminated from their own land. Holding the killers aaccountable for their actions is not about somone wanting to kill. Do you know what YPFDJ’s current argument is? If you talk to them what they think about the current Eritrean’s issue, they will say, “people just want to kill the “PIA” and his son. “I don’t understand, why do they want to kill them” It sounds like imature argument. However, this is what the PFDJ’s operative feeding their supporters. SO, we need to becareful about not to be taken for a ride by PFDJ’s surivival’s tactics. Remember, before it was about labeling all oppostions as “They just want to take power from PIA” “They are not going to bring any changes” Now it is “They are just want to kill them” Let us focus on the most important issue which is saving our people. “You just want to kill him and his son; you just want to take power from PIA” is weak and stupid argument. Killing a killer or killers is not a crime. How do you know one is not ready to do what is needed to be done?
Fithawi January 15, 2014
Well said Genetina.For the brain dead supporters of evil,the children of our poor nation who are dying everywhere like mosquitoes don’t mean anything at all.Their already decaying body is empty with no compassion,humanity and sympathy left to care for their fellow citizens who are shackles and chains suffering from all kinds of unimaginable and immeasurable atrocities inflicted upon them by Issaias & family.The dirty son of the dictator is the unofficial commander of the crippled so called Eritrean Air Force and he is believed to have committed so many crimes against the members of the force.He is equally guilt of crimes against humanity like his father and he deserves to die.It would have been easy to exonerate Kim Jong Un of the North Korea had he not executed his own uncle for no apparent reason last month and proved to the world that a son of criminal dictator is criminal.
May God save Eritrea (ente keb seba emo terifa eya)
Semhar January 15, 2014
Please listen to the
Interview with Tesfay Temnewo Part 1 to Part 37
Please read his book
ንኣርብዓ ዓመታት
ዝተቐብረ ጉድ!
ብተስፋይ ተምነዎ
After you read the book you will be able to tell know who are our friends and who are our enemies.
kidane January 14, 2014
Anti ajaw abey konka dika tikales.habo meanta yihatit mish computer.you are dreaming weak upp .nina wana zeyebla kelbi.
kidane January 14, 2014
Semhar on
aje niaki zihabe hangol bika keyteweledki terifki .nina wana zeyebla kelbi gezawtina
ER ITRAWIT January 15, 2014
You are not like you name unfortunately, what Semhar saying is Isaias might feel the pain like others mums and dads but Isaias he send people to do the dirty job for him and what about the people they were doing all this years killing our people they are still doing it?????? so how many people are we talking about it is ageley and unfair the children to pay the price we should avoid this way thinking in my opinion. Lebey gin gber eka halewlew aytbel nay wedey Isaias tray ayjebka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Semhar January 15, 2014
Please listen to the
Interview with Tesfay Temnewo Part 1 to Part 37
Please read his book
ንኣርብዓ ዓመታት
ዝተቐብረ ጉድ!
ብተስፋይ ተምነዎ
After you read the book you will be able to tell know who are our friends and who are our enemies.
sam January 15, 2014
i love it
selamawit January 15, 2014
semhar, we don’t need more bloodshed. we need all the responsible people get charged for what they did and for what they are doing!!!
nobody should be punished for his ancestors if there is nothing else. of course they have to take reposibility for their passiveness: OUR PARENTS WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR US. BUT LATER ON, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR PARENTS.
you know, here in europe you meet people with similar history like the hgdf families: descedent of e.g. mass murderer (nazis) or fellow-runner.
believe me, they are punished enough!
fetahawi January 14, 2014
ስላምን ጥዕናን ንክኩላሕና
ኣነ ኪብሎ ዝደሊ ከምዚ ኣይነት ስዕሊ ፖስት ምግባር ከም ደቂ ሰባት ምዃና ንኩላሕና ኪትመጸና ቲክዕል ጉድለት ጥዕና ኒጸላዒናውን ውልቀ ሰብ ክንትምነይ ዘይግበኣና ባሕላውን ሓይማኖታዊን ኤርትራዊ ስነምግባር ስለዘይኮነ ካብ ስምዒታዊ ሓራ ምኳን ሓባራዊ ሸቶና ይኩን
Semhar January 15, 2014
Please listen to the
Interview with Tesfay Temnewo Part 1 to Part 37
Please read his book
ንኣርብዓ ዓመታት
ዝተቐብረ ጉድ!
ብተስፋይ ተምነዎ
After you read the book you will be able to tell know who are our friends and who are our enemies.
semere January 15, 2014
Let us stop insulting each other and concentrate on how to dismantle the regime of Isayas. We may have different opinions, but that does not make us enemies. All of us will contribute to save our country each in his/her own way. That is the way we got our independence in 1991.
Moreover, I don’t think Semhar deserves all those ugly names. She expressed what we all dream, with emotional caricature.
EYENSN January 15, 2014
I wish you can explain it more when you say we can have difference but doesn’t make us enemies. Having different opinion may not be a problem but taking different action would be a problem. Semere wants a son of a criminal want see dead, I oppose to this kind opinion. Not because he is a presidents son but it does matter who the person is everyone is innocent until proven guilty by the court that includes everyone not only the people who we call a sons of the criminal. Now if semere has a chance to kill Abraham she would kill him and that would make her a criminal so now we become enemies. You see different opinion doesn’t make us enemies but different does. That’s how I see thing. We are seeking justice to all of us including the people we call criminal then it would be up to the rule of law to what happens to a criminal otherwise if anyone of us start to the law into their own hands like semhar suggested then we should know what would happen and I think that’s the main reason why we can’t agree on anything yet.
Tamrat Tamrat January 15, 2014
In Ethiopia both in derg time and now the government People use gossip spreading tacktic for some big decision. Their cadres spread a big governmental decision before actually doing it and then the cadres measure the temprature. If the temprature is the same or not in alaming degree then the dcission is announced as if no one ever heard it. If the temp is too high then the concerned official come up with how some useless People spread gossips to desturb the nation. A good example from Ethiopia again was the atempt that tplf plan in installing Azeb the late pm wife into a high position. But the temp was too hot even to a degree to destroy tplf then it was abondoned as a trush gossip. Since Forto there is a strong gossip that Abraham is taking over. May be that is the reason for the wish of the Death of the son. But it is just a wish. Not litteraly killing. I guess
semere January 16, 2014
With all respect, please don’t put in my mouth what I never said about Abraham Afeworki. My point is let us stop insulting each other; difference of opinion should not make us enemies. I never said difference in action. When there is a mature and respectful dialogue even the common action follows suit. But if we start throwing stones at each other in the stage of dialogue we go nowhere. I hope I made my point clear.
For your information dictators and communist regimes have a tendency of creating family dynasty. They do it to escape from justice for the crimes they committed. Everybody knows that Fidel Castro handed power to his brother, Kim Jong-il of North Korea left power to his son Kim Jong-un, Mubarek and Gaddafi were in the process but fate overtook them…. and the list goes on endlessly.
Isayas is both a dictator and a communist. Are you denying there is a possibility? This does not mean that his son should be killed.
L.T January 15, 2014
For all double vision Selemawit and Solomon.Kebiz ..etc..it is typical that you lose your energetic to talk about isaias since 1998 and we are wondering now why you not speak about that person before?Isaias becomes sudden symptoms and you will become more difficult for us and we know that you may have problems with your balance policy in Ethiopia and difficulity manipulating people…Ok there are some who believe that isaias is from Tigria and despite intense attacked him in several parts of the world.Regarding the eminet Isias private life that play no major role in Eritrea becouse we see him a guding people chose,no doubt about that!
He did not have a break from his poltical office late in 1964 and he will never take the time out and we do not give him permission to do so until his last breath and it is not phenomenon ,if we go to Sweden Olof Palme is not Swedish,John F Kenndey is from Ireland,Che is not Cubans,Hitler is from Wein,Helmet Shmidet are Jews,Meles is half Eritrean….I know Meles Uncle Aboy Amanuel Dej Gebreluel.They are are our neigbor and his children Dr Teodros(was M.I.S.O.N with Heile Fidda)Yodith and Medhanie and Medhanie is my childhood friend and we call him”Bam.Brush” becouse he was fat like Meles:-)is here in Sweden so then if Isaias comes from Tigria and I know his uncle Dej Solomon Ende-Rase in Wollo until the Dergue killed him in 1974,Ato Hagos Abraha was very talented football player in Addis Abeba on 40s but he died early and Com Mokonon’s children live in Canada are all Eritreans and Isaias mother’sister W/ro Hanna children Senait,Daniel.dawit and Samuel lives in Stockholm and they are Eritreans and marry Eritreans.We have a very high confidence in Isaias and his government
selamawit January 15, 2014
l.t., why than does iseyas and you have problems with election in eritrea when he is “chosen”???
will you answer this question? i am curious to know how long it will take till the word “gutless” is again “fitting”..;o)
p.s. “The liar’s punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.” G. B. Shaw
needless to mention the cheap, cheap rhetorical propaganda trick to call everybody “weyane” when he refuses to support the dictator…;o)
L.T January 15, 2014
Semhar it is ok if you are from Tigria!
I read many books written by Baelu Ghirma”Key Kokb(Red Star),Derasiw”the isolate author)and “Oromay”(Everything is over)Oromay book I read for the first time in 1985 half of the book and then when I went to Eritrea in 1993 in Addis Abeba bought it and read the whole the book.Tesgayee the mian character in the book had a beautful Ethiopian bride and he got engaged with her and love her more than anything and she called “Roman”then he went to Eritrea Asmera and meet “Faimeta”(the fire soul)Eritrean girl and was nadly in love with her..atlast moment he must want one of them but he wanted them two simultaneous and “Sebay kilte new negow kibl mote”(the one that has no duty has no place in the most wspecially)in desperate end he was alone…Weyane went through similar events.He wants the whole Ethiopia but want to use Tigria to save capital money and Erotrea are to him like a bank account.I promise you Semhar?Weyane never get it all in the end.This is the end but nothing is over from it is over.Weyane won the war against the Dergue but people of Ethiopia are still there and very small amount of people all power in Ethiopia as we see it land a volcane waiting an outbreak.
selamawit January 15, 2014
l.t., why than does iseyas and you have problems with election in eritrea when he is “chosen”???
will you answer this question? i am curious to know how long it will take till the word “gutless” is again “fitting”..;o)
p.s. “The liar’s punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.” G. B. Shaw
needless to mention the cheap, cheap rhetorical propaganda trick to call everybody “weyane” when he refuses to support the dictator… ;o)
Semhar January 18, 2014
I really cannot understand how you can even remotely advocate for DIA and his son. The mad dog Isayas, from the day he join our revolution he has been murdering the Eritrean people in what ever move he makes.
You are completely off-track. Isayas is a mad dog. He is a murderer and he gives orders to his son and his blind followers to do his ruthless crime.
Please read new book
ንኣርብዓ ዓመታት
ዝተቐብረ ጉድ!
ብተስፋይ ተምነዎ
Please listen in the YouTube to the
1) Interview with Tesfay Temnewo Part 1 to Part 37.
2) Interview With Veteran Fighter Yemane T/Gergish Part 1 to part 11.
After you read the book you will be able to tell know who are our friends and who is who.
The mad dog Isayas because of his hideous crime he will be beaten to death. He will die like a mad dog just like his buddy Gaddafi?
As long as Isayas, his son and HIGDEF rule Eritrea this misery will continue.
The only solution is to get reed of Isayas, his son just like the Libyans did to Gadafi and his sons.
Eritreans should unite and get reed the tyrant Isayas, his son and his blind followers HIGDEF.
tesfaldet January 15, 2014
Semhar January 16, 2014
I really cannot understand how you can even remotely advocate for DIA and his son. The mad dog Isayas, from the day he join our revolution he has been murdering the Eritrean people in what ever move he makes.
You are completely off-track. Isayas is a mad dog. He is a murderer and he gives orders to his son and his blind followers to do his ruthless crime.
Please read new book
ንኣርብዓ ዓመታት
ዝተቐብረ ጉድ!
ብተስፋይ ተምነዎ
Please listen in the YouTube to the
1) Interview with Tesfay Temnewo Part 1 to Part 37.
2) Interview With Veteran Fighter Yemane T/Gergish Part 1 to part 11.
After you read the book you will be able to tell know who are our friends and who is who.
The mad dog Isayas because of his hideous crime he will be beaten to death. He will die like a mad dog just like his buddy Gaddafi?
As long as Isayas, his son and HIGDEF rule Eritrea this misery will continue.
The only solution is to get reed of Isayas, his son just like the Libyans did to Gadafi and his sons.
Eritreans should unite and get reed the tyrant Isayas, his son and his blind followers HIGDEF.
Genet January 16, 2014
I know you are going to be mad now, because I am calling you Tesf-DEMHIT.
Semhar is not supporting a killer and a dictator. You are. You don’t give any rasional why you support the dictator. You just do. You are not even a strong supporter. You are weak. You are a victim of the dictator paralyzed with fear. What does he has on you? Did you kill Eritreans? Is he holding that against you? You can’t be this stupid. Forgive me, I am trying to understand your mindset. No Eritrean would support DEMHIT on our streets not matter what. That is why, from now on, your name is Tesf-DEMHIT. FYI, Watch your mouth, you little filthy mouth devil’s baby.
ogbemail address ai January 15, 2014
We have a bigger isuue to deal with at this moment. I don’t understand argueing about who is to be killed or not. This time the mass of ERitrean people are calling for the removal of the dictator, but it doesn’t seem any of his ears to listen. The Eritrean people are so paient and our choice is to do it in peaceful way. Then Otherwise, if he is forced by other means of like on gun point. It is not going to be good for any one of his families and close tied friends. We don’t have to go far on this that we can learn from the near past of some dictators like Gadafi and Sadam Hussen, and what happenned to their families and freinds is clear. Then why it could be deffernt when it comes to our country. I wish if there is other means, but I don’t think so. Therefore, that is whats awaiting them. Of course the Eritrean people are so wise and paient and we waited for so long. Eventhough, we want to do it in peaceful way. That is Wedi Vacaros and many others calling the self appointed dictaor to leave the country with out putting himself and his family and others in peaceful way. Then This the the time to the son and other close members of the the dictator to decide their future now. They should be wise enough to take the right step not tomorrow, but today before it is to late. If you don’t mind please don’t mixed things to confuse some people to defend the dictator by insulting the innocent concern Eritreans. They are seeking for the Rule of Law of our people. We don’t want to lose even one life that we lost many lifes already. But when nothing other options left. we don’t have others means to acheive our freedom to take whatever necessary messures. WE left Abraham and many others to decide for them selves. I wish if they could listen. Victory for our people is must. Those whom who choose not to listen to the call of the mass, may be they have a little time left on their hands. Have fun for now. Thank and God bless our Eritrea!
Genet January 16, 2014
Ogbemail address ai
What can I say.
You said it all and well!
We, the Eritrean people can’t be responsible for their saftey. They never care for our safty. To get out of our country they have the means and the time. (the dictator and his son have our gold money in their pockets) As far as our concerne, if they don’t remove themselves, we will remove them with any means necessary.