የማናይ ኢድ ሓላፊ ቁጠባዊ ጉዳያት ህግደፍ (ሓጎስ ክሻ) ዝነበረ ኣቶ መሓሪ ወልደስላሰ ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ራሕሪሑዎ።
መደበሩ ኣብ ዱባይ ኮይኑ ከም ሓላፊ ዕድጊ ክሰርሕ ዝጸንሐ የማናይ ኢድ ሓላፊ ቁጠባዊ ጉዳያት ህግደፍ (ሓጎስ ክሻ) ኣቶ መሓሪ ወልደስላሰ ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ራሕሪሑ ናብ ኣመሪካ ከምዝኸደ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም። ኣቶ መሓሪ ካብ ኤርትራ ዝተዓደነ ወርቂ ዝርከቦም
መደበሩ ኣብ ዱባይ ኮይኑ ከም ሓላፊ ዕድጊ ክሰርሕ ዝጸንሐ የማናይ ኢድ ሓላፊ ቁጠባዊ ጉዳያት ህግደፍ (ሓጎስ ክሻ) ኣቶ መሓሪ ወልደስላሰ ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ራሕሪሑ ናብ ኣመሪካ ከምዝኸደ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።
ኣቶ መሓሪ ካብ ኤርትራ ዝተዓደነ ወርቂ ዝርከቦም ጸጋታት ንወጻኢ ዝሸይጥ፣ ናብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ክኣቱ ዝድለ ንብረት ካብ ወጻኢ ዝሽምት ቀንዲ ወኪል ዕድግን መሸጣን ናይቲ ስርዓት እዩ ነይሩ።
ኣቶ መሓሪ ካብ ኣመሪካ ናብቲ ህግደፍ ብምጽንባር ንነዊሕ ዘገልገለ ናይ ቀርባ ዓርክን መሳርሕትን ሓጎስ ክሻ እዩ።
ኣቐዲሙ፣ ኣብ ቁጠባዊ ጉዳያት ህግደፍ መሳርሕቱ ንሓጎስ ክሻ ዝነበረ ላዕለዋይ ሓላፊ ቁጠባዊ ጉዳያት ህግደፍ፣ ኣቶ ነጋሽ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ነቲ ስርዓት ብተመሳሳሊ መንገዲ ራሕሪሑ ኣብ ነርወይ ዑቕባ ሓቲቱ እዩ።
Berazio August 17, 2014
I would say more like he retired with millions in the bank rather than abandoned the regime. I will believe he abandoned the regime if he stands and talk against the regime. for now he is a happy retiree.
amanuel August 17, 2014
Dear Berazio do you have evidence that he stolen money? we have to be careful,otherwise i agree that he hasn’t abandoned the regime yet until he speaks out against it.
ኣርዓዶም August 17, 2014
እዞም ሕጂ ራሕሪሖሞ ዝኸዱ ዘለዉ፡ ዝ ኣከቡ ኣኪቦም ዘካላበቱ ኣካላቢቶም እንተገደፍዎ፡ ካብ ገበኖም ናጻ ኢዮም ማለት ግን ኣይኮነን። መጀመርታ ንሕና ኣብ ጥራይ ኢድና ኣይንፍክርን ግን ተግባራቶም ንፈልጦን ንዓመታት ገበነኛታት ምኻኖምን ንርዳእን ተነይርና፡ ነቲ ስርዓት ስለዝገደፍዎ ንሕና ንገበኖም ክሳብ ባዕሎም ዘይተናስሑን ናብ ህዝቢ ቐሪቦም ብደሎም ዘየጽረዩ፡ ስለዝገደፍዎ ንጹሃት ክንብሎም ኣይግባእን። ብዝኾነ ይኹን፡ንሕና ናትና ህላወን ስሙር ቕልጽምን ሓይልን ኣጥሪና ክሳብ ነዚ ሓሳድ ስርዓት ብተግባር ዘይገጠምናዮ፡ ንሓደ ኣይንፈርድ ንሓደ ኣይነጸልም። ህዝቢ በብዝገበሮ ገበን ዝፍረድ እኵ እንተኮነ፡ ንሕና ከም ተቓወምቲ ከም ደለይቲ ፍትሕን ሕግን መጠን ግን፡ ነቶም ነቲ ስርዓት ገዲፎሞ ዝኸዱ ረኺብና ከነዛራርብን ናብ ልቦም ተመሊሶም ምዅኖም ከነረጋግጽን እምበር ክንፈርድ ክሳብ ዝሓዝናዮን ነማሓድሮ ሃገርን መሬትን ዘይብልና፡ ክንፈርድ`ውን ኣይንኽእልን ኢና። ስለዚ ናህና ስራሕ ብተግባርን ስሙር ሓይልን ዝተጠርነፈ ሰራዊት ሓርነት ሃልዩ ነዚ ሓሳድ ሰራዊት ደምሒት ጸራሪጉ ካብ መሬት ኤርትራ ምስዝጉሕፎ፡ ንገበነናታትን ወይጦታትን ድማ ከም ተግባሮም ክንህቦም ንኽእል። ስለዚ ሎሚ ዘድልየና፡ ሓይልና ጠርኒፍና ክንብገስን ተግባራዊ ስጉምቲ ክንወስድን ህዝብን ሃገርን ይጠልብ ኣሎ።
angosom August 17, 2014
Zelo hebereta kitseduley entay kigebr aleni hebertatn
Abisho August 17, 2014
First of all i agree with berazio and Ariadom Idea, both you talk Important point especially Ariadom idea was interesting. The only thing first we have to work hard disappear for Isease regime, and Demhit brothers of Isease. Second safe our peoples life, then after that we will be bring to judge for those people who play over innocent people Eritrean all of them the dictators and his followers,and the stolen our resources, and what ever corruptions BIG OR Small criminals, they did In Eritrea no one Escape from that decision when we got our Democracy , but again we have to be work hard now, the first things we will be safe our people and our Country. Finally every thing it will be fine thank you, peace and prosperity for Eritrean people, and Eritrean Nation ///////////////// VICTORY//////////// ERITREA///////////////.
selam August 17, 2014
Hji grm, HGDEF akila ya mealta, a little more time to be collapsed !
Peter August 17, 2014
HGDEF is falling by bits and pieces
Simon G. August 17, 2014
I thought Negash was the 2nd guy after Kisha? We forgot about him. That guy has been quiet, after he defected. Why isn’t anyone talk about him? We keep making noise for few days and forget it after that. We will do the same on this guy as well. Why should he talk. He knows that the opposition can’t do a squaut. Keep talking, because we are good at that – just bluffing.
Yonas Haile August 17, 2014
Brother Simon G, you made good and valid points. Eritrean issue/illness/madness couldn’t be cured even by Obama’s Care Plan. Probably things have to go bad enough with the PFDJ regime before sustainable peace and democratic government is restored.
Mike August 17, 2014
Bad News for Eritrean Government but these people leaving and abandoning Eritrea at this point are jut thieves. Every blood drop of young Eritrea is on their hand.
Why are these calluses, low and retarded Eritrean government representatives abandoning the ship now? Are they fleeing Eritrea to get medicated abroad because they are just simply too old and wasted with alcohol and cholesterol? Or their kids have reached military age and trying to avoid conscription? Why now and for what purpose? None of these people spoke up a word when thousands are feeling the country and getting caught in cross fire? All they did was embezzled the stupid 2% from each of us. Even those of us, who knew nothing about their mess and the only thing we wanted o do and excel is helping the country.
Looking back in to the history of the Eritrean struggle, vivid memories, – A reminder that when Ethiopian army came with force and pushed the movement to the brink ( due to the lack of united front on the Eritrean side) – many Eritreans abandoned the cause of the struggle and sold themselves out to the enemy. It is the same thing now – when the heat is up – and the government is about to collapse – these very people who are and were part of the Eritrean government that made Eritrea come down this lowest point are hiding their skin and fleeing. Well, I think Issayas knows – I think after working with these losers – and he “in many ways” have some facts and justification to do what he does. These I never thought I would say about this crazy man either. But, it is what it is. We pride in empty house rather than standing for Peace and freedom.
These countries that these “to be former Eritrean representatives” are fleeing to for sanctuary need to kick them out.
Peace to Eritrean
semere 2 August 17, 2014
It is too late now to abandon the regime of Isayas. The true Justice seekers are rotting in prisons of Erairo or they fled the country long ago. People like Mehari and Ali Abdu calculated carefully the life span of the regime and escaped just in time. For me these are selfish and opportunists who don’t care about the suffering of the people. They oppressed and killed innocent people for decades, now when they realize that their end is approaching they quit and disappear. They too are accountable and should be charged with crime against humanity as their leader Isayas.
Otherwise let them SPEAK AND CONVINCE US of their innocence. If they committed crimes we are ready to forgive them. But let them CONFESS AND TELL THE TRUTH. We were deceived for decades and we are no more naïve as we used to be.