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ዝምድና ህዝቢ ትግራይን ኤርትራን ንናይ ሓባር ረብሓ፡ ዳግም ክሕደስ ኣለዎ – ብ ሓው ቴድሮስ መንግስቱ ኣብ ሰያትል ኣብ ዝተኻየደ ፈስቲቫል ትግራይ ዝቐረበ መልእኽቲ ስምረት ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ንለውጢ ሰሜን ኣሜሪካ (EYSC-NA)

[gview file="ብምኽንያት-ፈስቲባል-ትግራይ-ኣብ-ስያትል-ብ-ስኤመለ-ሰሜን-ኣሜሪካ-ዝተዳለወ-ጽሑፍ.pdf"]

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  • tamrat August 7, 2015

    ከምቲ ገነት ሓፍትና ዝብልክዮ እወ ትግራይ ኣካል ኢትዮጵያ ኢና ግና እቲ ብኤርትራ ወገን ዝነድድ ዘሎ ሓዊ ንስሕኖ ዘለና ንሕና ተጋሩ ኢና ፡፡ ኹሉ ተሪፉ ኣብ ዓዲግራት (ሆስፒታል ) ኣብቲ ቀረባ ዘዳቡዉ ዘለዉ መሬታት ኤርትራ ጣቢያታት ትሕቲ ዕድመ ቖልዑት ዘሕክም ዘሎ ጎረቤት ስለዝኾነ እምበር ከም ኢትዮጵያ እንተሓሲብና ከምዚ ዓይነት ነገር አይፈቅድን ፡፡ ዓዲግራት ሆስፒታል ካብ ሰንዓፈን ከባቢኣን ዝርከባ አደታት ምሕካሙ ናይ ዓጋመን ኤርትራን ጉዳይ ዘይኮነ ናይ ጎረባብትና ኣሕዋትና ኤርትራውያንን ተጋሩ (ኢትዮጵያውያን ) ስለዝኾነ እዩ ፡፡ እዚ እቲ ውሑድ እዩ ፡፡ከም ምንግስቲ ዘይኮነ ከም ህዝብ ተተቐራሪቡ እዩ ዝርባሕ ፡፡ ኣብቲ ዝዳበው ዘሎ ገባር ቀሲኑ እንተነቢሩ ናይ መንግስቲ ዕርቂ ፖለቲካ እዩ ፡፡ክብረት ይሃበለይ አሰና ፡፡

    • Said August 8, 2015

      ኣነ ኣብ ትግራይ ምስ ደምበ ተቃውሞ ዓመትን ሸዉዓተ ወርሕን ተቀሚተ ኢየ እዚ ትብሎ ዘላ ካብ ሓቂ ዝረሓቀ ብሮቦጋንዳ ኢዩ። ንምንታይ ብሓቂ ህዝቢ ከነቀራርብ ዘይንፍትን።

  • Truly Truly i say to you August 7, 2015

    Finally as you think Isayas is not enemy or has deep hater towards Tigrians , but towards Eritreans in deed. This is why he from the beginning was against the independence, and to reverse that and so that to be Eritreans exterminated he ignited the war equally with understanding his cousins Seye Abreha and Gebru Asrat alike. Indeed may his soul rest in peace that time the honorable PM Meles Zenawi and Aboy Sebhat had different stand and were voted against the parliament. DearTedros, you think Isayas is Ethiopia´s enemy and you beg Woyanes to support you in toppling process ? I wish like you said, if they do that. The one you said he Is Ethiopia´s enemy, don´t you heard during interview when despised the 8000 MW the Ethiopian Grand Renascence Dam construction , what he meant was it is little to Mama Ethiopia (his mother land), while he mocking at Eritreans I may will constact for you a 30- 40 MW in four-to six years time. In other word what he saying was, “don´t ask me where going about the money from Bish Gold mine income, I keep it to buy electric when The Ethiopian Dam built finished. So as you think Isayas is woyanes enemy, it is also their understanding and they will come to help you to topple him? I wish as you thought they thought and help us.

  • Dr.Mesghina Medhin August 7, 2015

    I have done a lot of seminars regarding this subject in Ethiopia and recently in The UK.I am so glad our young people are focusing in this important subject.Dr.Mesghina

  • Eritreawit August 7, 2015

    EYSC North America, aren’t you the group been accused of representing very few young men and refusing to coaporete with the rest of the Eritreans youth oppostions, if i’m not wrong your slogan was “Eritrean problem by Eritreans” and you were against any oppostion trying to get help from Ethiopia? So now you are for Tigray Tigreng? CORRECT ME IF YOU ARE NOT THAT? AND IF YOU CONSIDER YOURSELVES FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM START GRASS ROOT MOBLIZATION. If you are real.

    • Eritreawit August 7, 2015

      OK, EYSC IS DIFFRENT FROM EYSC NA ? OH MY LORD SO it shows that EYSC HAS the slogan ‘Eritrean sloution for Eritrean probles” then who is EYSC NA, lol. ad if you are in North America , which states?, again if you are REPRESENTING ERITREAN YOUTH WHERE IS YOU GRAS ROOT MOBLIZATION?

      • ኣርዓዶም August 7, 2015

        ቕኑዕ ኣለኺ፡ እዞም ሓለይቲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ መሲሎም፡ ንኹሉ ተቃዋሚ ብ ኢትዮፕያ ዝብገስ ኣየድልየናን ኢዩ እንዳበሉ ኣንጻር ተቕእውሞ ካብ ህግደፍ ፈሊኻ ዘይራ ኣዩ ክነሶም፡ ሕጂ ግምጥል ኢሎም ብስም ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዶ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ክብሉና፡ ብጣዕሚ ኢዩ ገሪሙኒ። ኣይስሓትካዮምን እዞም ኢዮም፡ ኣብ ኢሮፕ ውን ገለ ውሑዳት ኣለዉ፡ መዳኸርቲ፡ ናህና ፕሪንስብል ኣለና፡ ብእትዮጵያ ዝመጽእ ጸላኢ ህዝቢ ኢዩ ከምዘይበሉ፡ ሎሚ ድማ ትግራይ ኤርትራ ክብሉ ጀሚሮም EYSC ፈገረግር፡ መድሓርሓርቲ፡

    • Tutu August 13, 2016

      Tsibuk geberu

  • efrem August 7, 2015

    my dear u are i think u have problem of i.d or power hunger , please remember the 80000 deported and almost in bad condition. so the exaggerated # of refuges not 130000 in reality it will not exceed 50 000 . don’t mix up things. probably u don’t know eritra and u didn’t visit ethiopia

  • Adonay B. August 7, 2015

    Some of us are still stuck in the 60s and 70s mentality of blaming the CIA (America), Weyane (Ethiopia), and the (Italian & British colony) for all our misfortunes and miseries but as it is all man made and we should first blame ourselves for being too trusting and naive in politics sense for far too long.

    The bottom line is when you have a dying patient begging you to help him save his life, as a doctor, would you try to save his life first, or lecture him about his disease and let him waiting for cure, and then blame the disease?? That’s exactly the relationship between Eritrean people and the opposition groups, who we should be blaming with the regime the most to blame for all the horrors in Eritrea.

  • Fact-is-Fact August 7, 2015

    ብወገን ኤርትራ ከምዚ ከማኻ ነቲ ዝርአ ዝርእዩ : ነቲ ዘይርአ ዝርእዩ : ነቲ ዝዕሞኽ ዘይክሕዱ : ውርደትን ቃንዛ ህዞቦም ብሓቂ ዘቐንዝዎም ኔሩ እንተዝኸዉን ውልቃዊ ኣነነት-ስሚዕታቶም ኣልዮም ብሓባር : ውርደትን ቃንዛ ናይ ህዞቦም ምዃኑ ተረዲእዎምሲ ንህዝቦምን ሃገሮምን ንምድሓን ምተጓዩ :: ንህዝቢ ትግራይውን ከም ሓደ “ሕብረት ብዝሒ ሓይሊዩሞ ” ንምብዛሕ ንከባበር ብሓባር ንውፈር ንመላላእ ምበለ ግን እቲ ዘሕዝን ኣብ ወጻኢ ዘሎ ኤርትራዊ ብህዝቡ ስቓይ ብቓላት ክወራዞ ህዝቡ ምህላቑዩ ! I am inviting you to the wonderful & meaningful deep songs of Yemane Barya. I am an Addis born but the pasin I feel for my Eritrean People is the pain that I felt as a little kid for my Tigray & Wollo people during that famine era of 1974. And as a teen again in 1984. My Eritrean people had, once upon a time, grace & dignity! what a wurdet!!!
    Unity is power and you said it perfectly right. If only Eritreans grasp, all walks of life, the sacrificed made & HONORING it. you can talk endless but to HONOR it you must give up your own ego and work for a common goal to HONOR it. And Eritreans, as individuals, are so chained down by their individual egos & oblivion of what that unity means to HONOR the sacrifices made. Without Unity & neighborliness, you ain’t go nowhere but demising of yourself.

  • Calgary August 7, 2015

    May the peace loving people of Eritrea and Ethiopia long live to establish a just society free from the extremists and hate mongers and intolerant inferiority laced elites in the region.
    May our past bridge be rebuilt for future political and economic integration, as the the European Union and the North Americans have managed to do. May we be the people proud of our true African identity and history.

  • Teclay August 7, 2015

    This statement should have been declared by our older brothers 50 years ago,but being let is better than not coming at all.

    ሳሕል፣ ሓማሴን = ሰራየ፣ኣከለ = ዓደዋ፣ጎንደር =ሽዋ ፣ወለጋ፣…………ሓበሻ = ሓበሻ

    ነዚ፣ ኣብ፣ ላዕሊ፣ ዘሎ፣ ሓቂ ፣ንምቕያር፣ ብዙሕ፣ ደም ፣ፈሲሱ ፣እዩ።ብዓል ፣ሓሶት ፣እውን፣ ነዚ ፣ንምድማቕ ፣ወጋሕ፣ ትበል፣ ለይቲ ፣እናበላ፣ ከበሮ፣ ደሲቐንኦ፣ እየን።ሓቂኸ፣ እሞ ፣እዛ፣ ቐጣን ፣ሓቂ፣፣

    My comment is only to the wise people of HABESHA.

    • Medhin.G August 7, 2015

      Mr Teclay – Abi Seb (the great) of Assenna.
      Bravo my beautiful and ever honest brother, you’ve said it in short but straight to the point comment.
      Your last line of “my comment is only to the wise people of HABESH” is just beautiful and brilliant sense of humor.
      Please my highly respected brother DON’T disaapear “ayitiTifae” for too long. I was wondering as to what happened to you!
      Great to read as usual your level headed and brilliant comments. God bless you my beautiful brother.

      Indeed, yes we should be very grateful and appreciative to the people of Ethiopia and our brothers and sisters of Tigray people in particular. We used to insult them too much in the past but they never hold ant grudges against the people of Eritrea in general and for that they are strong and gold heart. In short and indeed, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Thank you to all Ethiopians and thanks to u brother Teclay.

      • Genet-orginal August 7, 2015

        Medhin. G, Of curse Teclay

        Medhin.G You said “We used to insult them too much in the past but they never hold grudegsa against the people of Eritrea” First of all, NO Eritrean speaks like you just did. You are dishonest. You shouldn’t be lying about who you are. DO you know what Tigrayan did in the Mengistu Haile Mariam or Derg era? You need to ask Eritrean about that before you go and make a fool of yourself. What about the not long aog mass deportation of Eritrean from Ethiopia which reslulted in family separation, terror and death. See Mr, You have to be Eritrean to feel the pain. Not imposteor. You don’t speak for us.
        Good day.

        • Eritrean August 7, 2015

          “You shouldn’t be lying about who you are.”

          Genetina !!, the guy with nickname Medhin. G, is our friend Cow-Face, as usual posing as one of us.

          • Medhin.G August 7, 2015

            So called Eritrean don’t simply be “tsemam hade derfu” or more like
            “B’zeben Wube ztsememes Wube endabele mote”. Cut your expert and guessing acts.
            In short, I am not Cow-Face or other pretty/fancy names but Medhin.G of Australia.

        • AHMED SALEH !!! August 7, 2015

          Who hold grudges lies on both sides Tigrigna speaking
          people . Therefore leave the rest population out of
          this accusations . Even after all joint sucrifices
          made , mistrust among each other was part of their
          true reflection . The way they treat people from Eritrean and Tigrean origins after took power proved
          their sinister tendency .
          Eritrean civilians to cross the border seeking refugee
          from harm had been part of life for generations
          since 1960’s and Sudan take higher regard of
          appraciation in this case but it is more
          humanitarian than its political aspects .
          The same goes with Eritrea if it welcome
          to assist refugees who need help .
          Like facts put it , I remember the time we
          demonstrate with hunger strike in school by
          skipping lunch to show our concern against
          famine in Wello and Tigrean province .
          Unfortunately , the few bad apples dominate
          the attention everywhere you go .
          That is why we the people choose to serve EVIL
          in this complicated form of life .

    • Asmeret August 8, 2015

      teclay were do you live medhin. g live in Australia. ድቃስ ስኢንኩም: በአና በ: መንደፍ

  • Saba August 7, 2015

    ተድሮስ ሓወይ፣ ስጋዕ ኣነ ዝፈልጦ ምስ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ኮነ ምስ ህዝቢ ኢትዮጽያ ሽግር ሃሊዩ ኣይፈልጥን እዩ በጀካ ሓደ፣ ሓደ ብናይቲ ገባቲ ሰርዓት ዝተታለለ። እዚ ዛዕባ እዚ ድዩ እቲ እዋናዊ ኢልካ ትሓስብ ውይሲ ዘይርድኣኒ ነገራት ኣሎ እዩ። ንዓይ እቲ እዋናዊ ዛዕባ ህዝቢ ዝሰምረሉ መገዲ ምንዳይ እዩ ዝመስለኒ።

    • Eritreawit August 9, 2015

      Saba, dear sister, ITi ZEYTEREDAKI ZELO, NEZI ZETEFIE ZELO HIOZBI Eritrean, Tidakhem zela Hagerin Ziqales kemzeyle u, wey bi hgdf zetemwelu nay hasot wudebat yom wey kea Esubat nerebkha kali dew zibelu.

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