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[gview file="ብምኽንያት-ፈስቲባል-ትግራይ-ኣብ-ስያትል-ብ-ስኤመለ-ሰሜን-ኣሜሪካ-ዝተዳለወ-ጽሑፍ.pdf"]

Review overview
  • ertra n ertrawyan August 6, 2015

    Waw simret menseyat btami abi zla nkidmit eyu nhizbi Ertra wekilkum nay diplomacy bkatkum zemeskerkumlu eyu. Ajokum kemzi abeyti nay diplomasyawi srahat ketsilwo

  • Amanuel August 6, 2015

    Funny, try to address Eritrean crows first.

  • Kombishtato August 6, 2015

    Well said to your matured current message. This becomes even better, having come from the younger generation of young Eritrean leaders and activists.
    The historical and traditional relations between the people of Eritrea and Tigray or that of Ethiopia is much deeper than many of us can imagine. Only in Eritrea and Ethiopia can you find a mosaic of cultures, blood relations and languages well woven along their frontiers be it the Kunama, Saho, Bilen – Agaw, Afar, Tigrinya … and many others to such extensive extent.
    Do not be surprised if some of the disgruntled and bankrupted elite Eritrean political dinosaurs of the yesteryear try to discount your message, like their discounted and faked identity.

    • Genet-orginal August 6, 2015

      Same people, But they will never be the same country again. Nobody should be upset about that. Right?

    • our voice ukbe August 6, 2015


      Should this matter not be handled by our educated organization ,OUR VOICE, are we not tired of being ruled by hill billies morons ?

      • aden hailu August 7, 2015

        No person from tigray seeks to be united with eritrea leaving ethiopia.eritreans are still thinking foolishly!

  • Kidane Canada August 6, 2015

    There should come a time when some Eritreans understand that we are a small nation of 4 – 5 million, and it is only logical that we should act as such. Antagonizing and fighting the elephant next door is futile, and against our national interest that is if we could only understand it.
    Some of our deep rooted hatred has completely blinded us from the fact that we are systematically getting wiped and pushed out of our own country. The change we plan needs to be for the better of the larger population and also it should be a firmer foundation for other even bigger-better changes in the future.

  • Fitiwi August 6, 2015

    Haw Tedros, better late than never. But the Ethiopians have been saying that
    “No need to deal with a collapsing nation and regime; and also an identity-less people”!
    How do you deal with people or government that don’t see you or treat you on equal terms and respect?

  • petros August 6, 2015

    Eritreans and Tigryans are one people despite the fact that we are geographically separated by a border line. We got rid of the Chauvinist who were our common enemies by working together. We should get united not only because we still have common enemies to deal with (poverty, HIv and other natural problems) but also because we are brothers. I think the last 20+ years were a loss to the two brotherly people. Iseyas from our side and the handful narrow minded leaders from their side (e.g., Siye, Gebru) were responsible for the war. We should forget the past, bring to international court these war criminals and mend the bridge. Nothing good comes from hate. If we unite and work hand in hand, we bring dignity and pride not only to our people but also to our continent. Both Eritreans and Tigrayans are hard working people. Let us work together to bring peace between the two people.

    • Abel August 6, 2015

      Brother Petros, how could you accuse Siye & Gebru Asrat as the same war criminals as that monster dictator and war criminal Esayas Afewerki? You are very wrong and you should correct your comments as unlike DIA these two men only followed their party’s line and they only exercised their free views and rights. Where is your evidence of these two men being war criminals? The real war criminals are in the PFDJ’s camp.

      • petros August 7, 2015

        Brother Abel: We know these two Tigryans were the main players. Even high ranking officials from their party openly admitted said that had it not been for the two gangsters, the war would have been averted.

    • hagos abraha August 7, 2015

      please petros try to handle your case for your self.You eritreans think foolishly.when you think the situation is attractive you prefer to be indepedent .When you get a problem you say unity.You consider others as if they are your followers.Why the tigray people now unite with eritrea which decaying and dying!
      why we should leave our motherland ethiopia! why we should leave our ethiopian sisters and brothers !why we should leave a country which much developing and expected to be africas bigest economy after 10-12 years.why we should come to you and partner your problems:poverity,immigration,terriorism,fundamentalism,underdevelopment,civil war,uncivilizedness…etc

      • Genet-orginal August 7, 2015

        Hagos a
        I agree this two people should never come togther. It is not good for both of them. Tigran are doing massive intermarriage with the rest of Ethiopia. Tigray people are becoming milionaires before the age of 30. That is only possible by the rest of Ethiopian resource. Tigran will be just fine, as long as they stay at the helm of total power. Now that is a fact! FYI, It is not Eritrean who say “unite with Tigray” not at all. It is your people Tigray who say that. Why? it is all about the clever Trgrayan who are playing a fool as usual. We all know, power is not forever, so Tigrayan are exploring the possiblity and it is a perfect time to get it out, while the Eritrean are dying.
        As far as Eritrean are concerned, Tigray are not to be trusted. Read what I said to Petros.
        Good day

    • Genet-orginal August 7, 2015

      Dear Petros
      “We should forget the past” which ones should the Eritrean people forget? The collaboration of tigray with DIA and killing our people back in the 1970s and 80s while Tigran collaborating with Derg and Mengistu terrorizing our people. or the 70,000+ Eritrean deportation in humanly resulting in family separation, terror and deaths. OR the culture war being waged against us. Taking our culture and making it Tigrays’ and Ethiopian, so the next generation would not know anything about Eritrea and its people. taking our songs and making it Tigrays. What about thousands of Demihts in our land running wild. You can’s forget that. Trust is more important, than telling us you love us. You can’t forget betrayal. Don’t give me wrong, I don’s hate Tigray people, but I don’t trust them for good reasons.
      Peace to all.

  • gerimuna August 6, 2015

    To: Tedros Menghestu:
    The tigrians are not only the closest neighbours but also kin of half part of our nation’s population.
    I wish it could be done better how to deal the reckless dictator. Something similar as Tedros described above.
    I believe we are lucky that they are able to give us refuge as brothers and sisters. Assume that the border with Tigrai was the same as with Sudan. Our people would have been suffocated and died.

    They deserve serious appreciation and respect. We wish them success and prosperity.We would be able solve the border issue with a new Eritrea amicably that it will satisfy both parts under the grave of the dictator.

  • Saba Berhane August 6, 2015

    For me there should be “enkan haban” always from both sides for lasating peace to work, and also for lasting cooperation and trust to return to the two brotherly people of black Africa. God bless the beautiful and kind people of the two nations.

  • Berhe Tensea August 6, 2015

    Eritrean people have no problem with the brotherly Tigray people. The mafia regime time and again was engaged in demonizing the Tigray people. It is very hard to believe that Iseyas and his yes men are of Tigray origin but they are the ones sawing the seeds of hate.
    Iseyas and his yes being from Tigray, they want us to believe that they are more Eitrean by dispensing their hate.
    Every one is familiar with their endless vedeos that demonize the Tigray people.
    No matter what the relationship will be restored when the drakula is gone.

  • Genet-orginal August 6, 2015

    I agree DIA and PFDJ’s operatives are the one beating the hate drums. But let us not forget, Tigray people are Ethiopaian people. As we speak, they are having massive intermarriage with the rest of Ethiopian people. At end of the day, Tigray people are not going to have more lovey-dovey to the Eritrean people than Ethiopian. It is not right to see the Tigray people apart from the rest of Ethiopians, because they are proud Ethiopian. Let us say, let have a normal relationshop with all of our neighbors. End of story.
    Peace to all of us.

    • Asmeret August 8, 2015

      ገነት ሐቂ ብሐቂ ኤሬትራዊት እነጀራ እዝጊ ብልዒ ጐይታ ይባርኪ አሜን!

      • Genet-orginal August 8, 2015

        Thank you. May God bless us all!

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