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ዝምድና ህዝቢ ትግራይን ኤርትራን ንናይ ሓባር ረብሓ፡ ዳግም ክሕደስ ኣለዎ – ብ ሓው ቴድሮስ መንግስቱ ኣብ ሰያትል ኣብ ዝተኻየደ ፈስቲቫል ትግራይ ዝቐረበ መልእኽቲ ስምረት ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ንለውጢ ሰሜን ኣሜሪካ (EYSC-NA)

[gview file="ብምኽንያት-ፈስቲባል-ትግራይ-ኣብ-ስያትል-ብ-ስኤመለ-ሰሜን-ኣሜሪካ-ዝተዳለወ-ጽሑፍ.pdf"]

Review overview
  • Aida August 6, 2015

    We Eritrean people we love peace alwayess and we have no proplem with tigray but the Evil dictator Isias he want destroy our relationship with our neighbores

  • k.tewolde August 6, 2015

    Let’s take care of this clear and present danger in front of us. The rest will fall into place.

  • Genet-orginal August 6, 2015

    Why is EYSC-NA
    addresing the Tigray/Ehtiopian people, before the Eritrean people. It is just odd.

  • our voice ukbe August 6, 2015

    ክቡር ቴድሮስ መንግስቱ

    ወያነ,ንክልላዊ መንግስቲ ትግራይ ይውክሉ እምበር ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ወጻኢ ፖሊሲ ኣይውክሉን።መለስ ኣብ ስልጣን ከሎ ነታ ነጻነት ፈሪሞማ።መገዲ ጨርቂ ይግበረልኩም ኢሎም ኣፋንዮምና።ሕጂ እውን ከምቲ ዝጠቐስካዮ የዕቁቡናን ካብኡ ንላዕሊ ይገብሩልናን ኣለዉ።ንተቓወምቲ ኣኪቦም ከተሓባብሩ ግን ሓላፍነቶም ኣይኮነን።ሃገር,ብወትሃደር ነጻ ትወጽእ ግን ብምሁር እያ ትግዛእ።ሕጂ ድማ ድምጽና ብዝመርሖ ናይ ሙሁራት ውድብ ክንጥርነፍ ይግብ ኣና።ካብተን 30 ዝኾና ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘለዋ ውድባት እውን ሃገራውነት ኣለወን እምበር ትምህርቲ ስለ ዝጎድለን ባዕልና ምስ ሙሁራት ኣሕዋትና ድምጽና (OUR VOICE) ተጣራኒፍና ወሳኒ መፍትሒ ክንረክብ ይግባእ።
    ምስ መሪሕነት ፕሮፌሰር ኣርኣያ ደበሳይ ንቕድሚት ንበል

  • AHMED SALEH August 6, 2015

    Some Eritreans are still in deny to accept reality on the ground that influential
    leaders within WEYANE party satisfied their wish to alienate Eritrea from
    Ethiopians . Remember in 1997 when they said openly ;
    “We will choke their neck , we will prolong this war and so on ” .
    Myself I don’t have issues to have good relationship with neigbors but to stress
    on certain region looks impractical approach not to learn from our past
    experience . At the same time , we should consider not to offend Ethiopians
    who showed solidarity with Eritrean people .
    Issayas used to preach misleading information to convince our people otherwise ,
    but we witnessed the truth in Badme war .
    At this moment to surrender sounds the sign of giving up , which the majority resist
    to compromise . Relationship between people works when mutual understanding
    and respect exists among eachother . The rest is temporary based on material
    interest .

  • g/mariam teklu August 7, 2015

    we the tigray people what eriteans call us AGAMES are ethiopians not eritreans.Eritreans prefer to be indepedent from ethiopia .now you suffred very much then to be out of your current problem you are joking tigrians are our brothers.this is a big foolish jok against the ethiopian people!

  • Sofia August 7, 2015

    We need some bridge builders between the two people of Ethiopia and Eritrea urgently. So far we’ve been blinded and manipulated with unnecessary lies and hatred of each other. What we really lacked in the past was the direct communications and link between the people of the nations. But in future, time to move on for better relations, cooperation and working together for development of our two countries.

  • AMANUEL August 7, 2015

    Shame on you Tedros.
    I am not supporter of Shabia. But one way or the other Weyane has played & playing to this day its role to destabilize our people and country.When the war in 1998 escalated, they were the ones who stole, destroy and confiscated their wealth and deported them with inhuman condition to Eritreans and Ethiopian of Eritrean origin.
    Again they are still worsening the issue of demarcation by not accepting the Algiers agreement with out any precondition. if possible Shabia will continue with the same trick ” border Issue” its barbaric and horrific and aggressiveness to ward us. They are cooperating to destabilize the Country and people of Eritrea. But Thanks to the people of Tigray and honest peace loving Ethiopians.

  • Eritrean August 7, 2015

    Weyane as a core group of the ruling coalition they are doing everything possible to remain in power, because if they lose control, things will change dramatically in Ethiopia.
    Hence I don’t think they will agree to demarcate the border, for instance, because they want show they are tough when it comes to Ethiopian national interest. They cannot afford to lose a single election because that would be the end of the Federal system. At the same time, as the Amhara based parties feel the Federal government is in the hands of Tigreyans, there is a huge time bomb in the making.
    It’s our interest to make peace with all our neighbors, in particular Ethiopia. Although Tigreyans are our brothers and sisters, in the same way as other neighborly people, some of them think we should go back to the old days Ethiopia and that is not going to happen. Building bridges of peace is what we should be doing, and that is the most important thing now for all of us.

  • Truly Truly i say to you August 7, 2015

    Teodros Mengistu, about your good wish because it is also most peace loving Eritrean wish, I don´t want to add more. For the individual fever you and others have got from Ethiopia, if you tank also is understandable and necessary. But for us; while seeing our territory occupied and with no peace and no war policy as you mentioned while 130, 000 of our citizens seeing systematic inforcing t imigrate to Ethiopia, double as that of number to Sudan, hundreds of thousend elsewhere in the world, and other side in the name of the Ethiopian oppositions group almost equal number of as that of in Ethiopia immigrated Eritreans, seeing the Demahit, Arbenoch, Ginbot 7, Oromo liberation front army, more than the Eritrean defense army while we seeing as trust worthy for Isyas all their rights respected, injoying living in city Asmara and marriage with the Eritrean girls, while our army languishing in desert trench so that not marriage , sorry Tedros if you put to this and countless trick, adversity and abuse, if not reveal to you the hidden mission behind, (ኮነ ኢልካ ናይ ኤርትራዊ ዘር ኢ ናይ ምጥፋእ ፖሊሲ) for why reason as is, I am sorry for your political reading. But your diplomatic and positive approach is appreciable.