‘ዛ’ደስ ብጴጥሮስ ተኽሉ(ሓላዪ) 19/04/2013 ቀዳመይቲ ሓላዪት ካብ ወለዲ ክዳነይ ክትከድን ጫማይ ክትወዲ ተብልዓኒ ጠጥዕሙ ኣራጒዳ ጠፋጢፋ ገጸይ ትለኽየኒ ዋላ ብጥፍጣፋ፡ ስራሕ ውዒላ ናብ ዕዮገዛ ጻዕቒ ስርሓ ኣይበዝሐንዶ እንብዛ እንጀርኣ ሮጒድ ከም ሃንዛ ብቕብጥሮት ተአንግድ ዘረብኣ ለዛ፡ ንሓዳራ ንናብርኣ ቆልዑት ምስ ሰብኣያ ኩሉጊዜ ዘብዘብ ኩሉጊዜ ጉያ ብርሃን ገጻ

ብጴጥሮስ ተኽሉ(ሓላዪ) 19/04/2013
ቀዳመይቲ ሓላዪት ካብ ወለዲ
ክዳነይ ክትከድን ጫማይ ክትወዲ
ተብልዓኒ ጠጥዕሙ ኣራጒዳ ጠፋጢፋ
ገጸይ ትለኽየኒ ዋላ ብጥፍጣፋ፡
ስራሕ ውዒላ ናብ ዕዮገዛ
ጻዕቒ ስርሓ ኣይበዝሐንዶ እንብዛ
እንጀርኣ ሮጒድ ከም ሃንዛ
ብቕብጥሮት ተአንግድ ዘረብኣ ለዛ፡
ንሓዳራ ንናብርኣ ቆልዑት ምስ ሰብኣያ
ኩሉጊዜ ዘብዘብ ኩሉጊዜ ጉያ
ብርሃን ገጻ ሓዘንዘይተርኢ ዋላ ጉህያ
ኣዋሊዳ ዘዋፈረት ብዝርካባ መሃያ፡
ክትክሽን ክትሓጽብ ድኻም ዘይትጽብጽብ
ለይቲን መዓልቲን ለፊዓ ዘትርብርብ
በጃ ስድራ ትለፍዕ ትደክም
ስለፈቃር ልቦናኣ’በር ነይተጥረት ክትደክም፡
ደቃ ኣዋፊራ ደው ኢላ ተማዕዱ
ይህልዉዶ ከም ኣደ ብደው ዝተዓንዱ፧
ሓዚላ ሓቚፋ ዘዕበየት ሕንጢት ዕንዱ
በቲ ጸብሒ ተሰኽቲቱ በቲ ሞጎጎ ተኣጒዱ፡
‘ዛ’ደስ ሮቦት ዲያ ሰብ
ኣንታ ሰብ ቁሩብባ ሕሰብ
ጎንኻ ትለፍዕ ‘ታዩ ‘ቲመኽሰብ፧
ሰብኮ’ያ ዝይትኸብር ንምንታይ ትቕሰብ፧
ድልድል ብማዕረ ሰብ ከይከበረ
ጊላነት ኮሚርካ ጉዕዞስ ነይምዓረ
ናብራ’ውን ጸልማትያ፣ መራርያ ከም ዕረ
ኣብ ማዕርነት ንእመን ንሰርሖ ክዕረ፡
እዛ ኣደስ!
ኩሉጊዜ ደስደስ
ትመረቕ ትወደስ
መንፈሳ ክሕደስ፡
ሓጎስ እንዲያ ፍስሓ
ጽሓይ እንዲያ ኣብ ምውጋሓ
ለዋህ እንዲያ ብኡነት
ከም መላእኽቲ ሰማይ፣ ኣንቃዕሪርካ ትጥመት
ልግዐ-ጸባ ፈልፊላ እንዳጥበወት።
ዝወለደት ማህጸንዶ ትብደል፧
ኩልና ብሓባር ዓገብ! ንበል፡
ሓዘን ኣብ ልዕሊ ሓዘን በዚሕዋ ኣበሳ
ኣጆኺ! ኣለናልኪ! ኢልና ንደብሳ።
“ኣደን ሃገርን ዘይርስዓ ህያብ ኢየን።”ጴ.ተ.(ሓላዪ)
PAPER TIGER April 19, 2013
I agree with the poet..yet, we are responsible for the suffering mothers nightmare. We were fans of the war ,any war…but when this mother is being sexually raped ,at times her husband too being raped by kidnappers the only thing we give her is Paper tiger bravado against the kidnappers or change the channel.
How sad.
mona April 21, 2013
mothers always want the best for their children. that is also the case with Eritrean mothers. but there are a few who support whatever eseyas does and they are doing that either because they are the mothers of the ypfdj group or they have things back home they need to have access to. others are supporting the dump dictator because he is pointing the gun at them. thanks brother Petros for the lovely poem. keep the great work up!