ዙርያ ተኸዲና ኣብ መበል 90 ጽምብል ሽልማት ኦስካር ዝተሳተፈት ኤርትራዊ መበቆል ዘለዋ ኣመሪካዊት ቲፈኒ ሓድሽ ኮኾብ ናይቲ ምሸት ኮይና ከምዘምሰየት ዝተፈላለያ ዓበይቲ ማዕከናት ዜና ሓቢረን።
ግርማ ዝዓሰሎ ባህላዊ ክዳን ዙርያን ካባን ለቢሳ ፈለማ ኣብቲ ካሜራታት ዓበይቲ ማዕከናት ዜና ዓለም ዘተኩርሉ ቀይሕ ምንጻፍ ሽልማት ኦስካር ዝተራእየት፡ ቀጺላ ኣብቲ ናብ ሎሚ ዘውግሐ ለይቲ ኣብ ሎሳንጀለስ ዝተኻየደ መበል 90 ጽምብል ሽልማት ኦስካር ንተሸለምቲ

ግርማ ዝዓሰሎ ባህላዊ ክዳን ዙርያን ካባን ለቢሳ ፈለማ ኣብቲ ካሜራታት ዓበይቲ ማዕከናት ዜና ዓለም ዘተኩርሉ ቀይሕ ምንጻፍ ሽልማት ኦስካር ዝተራእየት፡ ቀጺላ ኣብቲ ናብ ሎሚ ዘውግሐ ለይቲ ኣብ ሎሳንጀለስ ዝተኻየደ መበል 90 ጽምብል ሽልማት ኦስካር ንተሸለምቲ ሓጺር ፊልምታት ዘላለየት ኤርትራዊ መበቆል ዘለዋ ኣመሪካዊት ቲፈኒ ሓድሽ፡ ብምቕሉልን መሳጥን ኣቀራርባኣ ኮኾብ ናይቲ ምሸት ኮይና ከምዘምሰየት ዝተፈላለያ ዓበይቲ ማዕከናት ዜና ዓለም ኣቃሊሐን።
ንሳ ኣብቲ ቀይሕ ምንጻፍ ዙርያ ተኸዲና ኣብ ዝቐረበትሉ ኣጋጣሚ ን መደበር ቴለቭዥን abc ኣብ ዝሃበቶ ቃል፡ ንኽብሪ ኤርትራውያን ክትለብሶ ከምዝወሰነት ተዛሪባ። እቲ ቲፍኒ ሓድሽ ኣብ ቅድሚ ዓለም ብዝግባእ ዘንጸባረቐቶ ናይ ኣዴታትና ያታዊ ልብሲ ዙርያን ካባን ከኣ፡ ብህቡባት ጋዜጠኛታትን ሰብ ሞያን ፋሽንን ተናኢዱ።
ንሳ፡ `ኣቦይ ሓደ መዓልቲ ኣብ ኦስካር ክትሳተፊ ኢኺ፡ ኢሉኒ ነይሩ፡ እንሀኹ ድማ ከም ቃሉ ሰሚሩለይ ተሳተፊት ኮይነ` ብምባል፡ ንሓጎሳ ብዕልልታን ሰቐጥቀትን ገሊጻቶ።
ቀጺላ ኣብቲ ጽምብል ምስ ካልአይታ ማያ ራዶልፍ ንተሳተፍቲ ከተዘናግዕ ኣብ ዝተዋህባ ዕድል፡ ከም መብጽዓኣ፡ ኣብ ዓበይቲ ኣጋጣሚታት ብተደጋጋሚ ንዝለበሰቶ ሓደ ጻዕዳ ልብሲ ደጊማ ለቢሳ ምምጽኣ `ውን፡ ስጉምታ ገንዘብን ልብስን ከም ናይ ዘይምብኻን ኣብነታዊ ኣስተምህሮ ብዝተፈላለዩ ማዕከናት ተናኢዱ።
በቲ ነቶም ኣብቲ ጽምብል ዝተረኽቡ ከዋኽብቲ ተዋሳእቲ ብሰሓቕ ዘፍለሐ ኣቀራርባኣ ድማ፡ ንዝመጽእ ዓመት ኣብ ዝካየድ ጽምብል መበል 91 ሽልማት ኦስካር ኣውራ ኣቕራቢት ንኽትከውን ኣብ ማሕበራዊ መራኸቢታትን ያታውያን ማዕከናት ዜናን ድሮ ጎስጓስ ይወዓዋዕ ኣሎ።
ኤርትራዊ መበቆል ዘለዋ ጓል 38 ዓመት ህብብቲ ተዋሳኢት ቲፈኒ ሓድሽ፡ ብሕልፊ Girls Trip ኣብ እትብሃል ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ዓመት ኣብ ኣመሪካ ኣብ ቴለቭዥን ዝተፈነወት ተኻታታሊት ኮሜዲ ህዝባዊ ተፈላጥነታ ክዓርግ ከሎ፡ ኣብዚ እዋን`ዚ ሓንቲ ካብተን ብዝህቢ ዝፍተዋን ዝድነቓን ኣመሪካውያን ተዋሳእቲ ክትከውን በቒዓ ኣላ። ማዕሪኡ ኣብነታዊት ዝገብራ ድማ፡ ነቲ ኣብ ዓለም እትረኽቦ ዘላ ህዝቡብነትን ተፈታውነትን መበቆል ሃገራ ኤርትራን ባህላን ኣብ ዓለም ንምልላይ እትገብሮ ዘላ ህርኩት ስራሕ እዩ።

HOLLYWOOD, CA – MARCH 04: Tiffany Haddish attends the 90th Annual Academy Awards at Hollywood & Highland Center on March 4, 2018 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic)
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k.tewolde March 5, 2018
God bless America,the country which gave her the opportunity to carve her own niche like it did for me and many others,I wonder where she would have been today if she was born and raised in Eritrea? Well,I hope she uses this new found fame and fortune and the powerful podium she stands upon to voice and show the world what her poor people are going through in the 300+ prisons and dungeons,in the deserts and high seas,in the multitude of refugee camps,in the slave like holding cells……..wearing a traditional garb and strutting on the red carpet doesn’t portray much of the nation she originates from.It is simply a facade,a show and the Oscars is a big show.
Alula March 5, 2018
You dame pathetic! Who cares about Tiffany’s dress.
Lula March 5, 2018
Way to go Tiffany Hadish !
Give credit to this young African-American whose ancestors decades ago ones lived in Eritrea and Ethiopia. She is very proud to honour, respect and show pride in her mothers and grandmothers respected traditional and Agazian identity that she knows from a distance.
The few Eritreans with cocnut-heads who are ashamed of their own history, heritage, languages, mebeqol-Adi, ancestors and traditions …. need to learn one or two lessons from this proud African-American young woman. …
Tiffany, you are teaching the idiots and retards who have disowned their own heritage, languages and identity a big slapping lesson. My hope is they wake up from their slumber of denying their own..
Don’t worry if some of them start to bark below, as they often do
ስለፍትሒ March 6, 2018
Dear Assenna moderator!
How do you tolerate disrespectful (ብሕብረተስብና ኣጸየፍትን ፈላለይትን ተባሂሎም ዝፍንፈኑ) and ugly comments like the above which are written by the so called “kokhob”. ? Please try to follow up seriously and intertain different IDEAS only. Thank you.
assenna March 6, 2018
Thank you very much ስለፍትሒ for alerting us.
assenna March 6, 2018
Thank you very much ስለፍትሒ for alerting us to this irresponsible behavior.
Lula March 6, 2018
This one touched my heart. Taken from ET’s website:
…. “It touched my entire soul,” Haddish told ET’s Kevin Frazier. “Look, OK, I want to hit her up and ask her what should I wear to the Oscars. Like, I want her to give me advice on everything in life.”
Haddish then hilariously proceeded to ask Oprah on camera about a potential dress she’s considering for the Oscars. Haddish is presenting at this Sunday’s ceremony.
“Oprah, should I wear this Eritrean African dress to the Oscars on the red carpet because my daddy from Eritrea, and he passed away,” she said, looking directly into the camera. “And I want to pay respect. I want to show the world. What you think? You think she’s going to call me?”” .