ዓገብ ነዚ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ዝመጠጡ ሸነኻት
ዘገርም አዩ ኣላጋጭ ነቲ መሰረታዊ ፍታሕ ንህግደፍ ካብ ስሩ ምሒኻ ናብ ናይ ታሪኽ ጉሓፍ ደርቢኻ ንህዝብናን ሃገርናን ንምድሓን ተባሂሉ ንምሉእ ዓመት ክስረሖ ዝጸንሐ መስርሕ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ንምዕዋት ብኹሉ ኩርኑዓት ዓለም ጽዑቅ ምንቅስቓስን ናህሪ ተሳትፎ መንእሰያትን

ዘገርም አዩ ኣላጋጭ ነቲ መሰረታዊ ፍታሕ ንህግደፍ ካብ ስሩ ምሒኻ ናብ ናይ ታሪኽ ጉሓፍ ደርቢኻ ንህዝብናን ሃገርናን ንምድሓን ተባሂሉ ንምሉእ ዓመት ክስረሖ ዝጸንሐ መስርሕ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ንምዕዋት ብኹሉ ኩርኑዓት ዓለም ጽዑቅ ምንቅስቓስን ናህሪ ተሳትፎ መንእሰያትን ናህሪ ምሁራትን ደቂ-ኣንስትዮን ኣብ ደምበ ተቓዉሞ ተራእዩ ዘይፈልጥ ተሳታፍነት ብሩህ ተስፋ ተራእዩ እንከሎ፤ በዞም ንሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ንኽምጠጥ ዝገበሩ ሸነኽ ብፍላጥ ይኹን ብዘይ ፍላጥ ብዘይ የገድስ፤ዋላውን ምኽንያት ኣለና እንተበሉ እቲ ዘቕርቡዎ ምኽንያት ዘመኽነዩ እንተ ኣመኽነዩ ብመንጽር እቲ ኣብ ህዝብናን ሃገርናን ዝወርድ ዘሎ ህልቀት ኣናጻጺርካ ክትሪኦ ኸለካ ብዝኾነ መለክዒ ነቲ ንሓደ ዓመት ሙሉእ ክስረሖ ዝጸንሐ ንምፍሻል ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ዝዓለመ ከም ምኻኑ ከተንብህ ግዴታ ስለ ዝኾነ ሕልናይ ደሪኹኒ ምስ መሪር ጓሂ ነዚ ዘይሓላፍነታዊ ንሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ንምፍሻል ንሓደ ወርሒ ዝመጠጥዎ እቲ ሕመረት ኣብ ነብስኻ ዘይምትእምማን እዩ፡ እዚ ድማ ህዝባዊ ተሳትፎ 60 ካብ 100 ናብ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ስለዝሳተፍ ተዓብለልና፣ተዘመትና ዝዓይነቱ ውዮ ስልጣን ንህዝቢ እናበለ ክንድዚ ስክፍታ ናብ ስልጣን ምምጽእ፤ ንመጽእ ዶኾን ዝብል ሻቅሎትን ስክፍታን ተዋሒጥካ ንመስርሕ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ክትመጥጥ ነዚ ዝስዕብ ዝዓለመ አዩ። ከም ዝፈለጥናዮም ድማ ክፈልጡ ምእንቲ ዝርዝር ንትዓዘብ።
እቶም ነቲ መሰረታዊ ፍታሕ ሽግር ህዝብና መስርሕ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ክምጠጥ ዝደለይዎ
1. ካብ ምሉእ ዓለም ዘሎ ተወካሊ ኮይኑ ንሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ዝሳተፍ ካብ ስሩሑ መደብ መዲቡ ንሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ክሳተፍ ካብ ስርሑ ፍቓድ ወሲዱ ናይ ኣየር ትኬት ተዋዲዱ ክነሱ ባዕሎም ዝተሳማምዑሉ ክነሶም ተመሊሶም ንዝተሳማምዕሉ ምፍራሶም እቲ ከርሲ ድሕረ ባይታ ናይዚ ነቲ ካብ ስርሑ ፍቓድ ዝሓተተ ካልኣይ ግዜ ፍቓድ ክዋሃብ ስለ ዘይክእል ናብ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ናይ ምስታፍ ዕድል ስለ ዘየሎ ጉባኤ ብህዝቢ ከይ ዕብለል ብኸምዚ ንዓንቅፎ ዝብል ዘይሓላፍነታዊ ውሳኔ ኢዩ።
2. ኣብ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ እቲ ህዝቢ ካብ ሙሉእ ዓለም ዝመጽእ ዘሎ 60 ካብ 100 ተሳትፎ ከይረጋገጽ ዕንቅፋት ፈጢርና እቲ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ብውድባት ዝተዓብለለ ኮይኑ ስልጣና ዝራጋገጸሉ ባይታ ነጣጥሕ ካብ ዝብል ሓሳብ ዝዓለመ ይመስል።
3. ተወሪርና ብህዝቢ ዝብል ስግኣት ኣታሓሳስባ እናሃለወ ስልጣን ድኣ ከመይ ጌርካ አዩ ናብ ህዝቢ ክማሓላለፍ።
4. ኣብ ናይ ስልታን ምትህልላኽን ድማ ሓዲሽ ተሞኩሮ ኣይኮነን። ንዲክታይተራዊ ህግደፍ ዕድመ ምንዋሕ ታራ ተጻዊቱ እዩ ብመንጽር ናይዚ ድማ ንህዝቢ ኣብ ጎኒ ተቓውሞ ደንበ ከይስለፍ በካያይዳ ኣፍደጊኦም ትሪኮላታ ህልኽ ገይሮም ዓጽዮም አዮም።
5. ንሓደ ወርሒ ምምጣጡ ንሃገራዊ ጉባኤ እንታዮም ከሳልጡ፤ እንትርፎ ነቲ ተሳተፋይ ካብ ስሩሑ ዝወሰዶ ፍቓድ ንሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ከይሳተፍ ዕንቅፋት ካብ ምዃን ሓሊፍካ ካልእ ዝቐርብ ምኽንያት ምኽኑይ ኣይኮነን።
6. እታ ወርሒ እውን ክትውዳእ እኮ እያ ተመጢጣስ ኣላ መዓልታ በሊዓ ደበኽ ክትብል እያ ኣብ ጉባኤኸ ብህዝቢ ተማእዚዞምን ተማእኪሎምን ንህዝቢ ዝወሰኖ ውሳኔ ክቅበሉ ድዮም? ህዝቢ እሞ ዝከኣል ሰሪሑ ወከልቱ መሪጹ ህዝቢ ዝደልዮ ወሲኑ ውሳኔታቱ ብወከልቱ ገይሩ ናብ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ክበጽሓሉ ዝኽእል ዝመስል ኣስኒቁ አዩ። ነቲ ስንቂ ናይ ህዝቢ ክቕበልዎ ድዮም ?
7. ካብቲ ዘገርም ድማ እዚ ኹሉ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ንወርሒ 10/2011 ክግበር ባዕሎም ተሳማሚዕም ባዕሎም ምፍራሶም ምስ ምንታይ ይቑጸር?
ኪዳን ዝብሃል ብሓደ ክሰርሕ ከምዘይክእል ኣብ ኩሉ መዐቀኒ ተመኩር ተራእዩ እዩ። ብስምምዕ ክወጽእ ዘይክእል ኪዳን ብመስርሕ ድሞክራሲያዊ ጥርናፌ ዘይምእከል ኪዳን ብሓንሳብ ሰሪሑ ነዚ ዲክተተራዊ ህግደፍ ክቅይር ከምዘይክእል ይሪእን ይግንዘብን ኣለኹ። ምስ ኩሉ ድኽመታቱ ኪዳን ክዓብን ክሰርሕን ክንጽዕር ጸኒሕናን ሕጂ ግን ኪዳን ከም ኪዳን ብሓንሳብ ሰሪሑ ንህግደፍ ክቅይር ማለት ማይ ሓቊንካ ልኻይ ኣይርከብን በዚ ንረዳኣዮ ።
እንታይ ድኣ ይገበር መተካእታ ኪዳን ሓደ ሓያል ሓደ ሃገራዊ ሓይሊ ሃገራዊ መልክዕ ዘለዎ ሓደ ሃገራዊ ሰራዊት ክሳብ ዘይሃነጽና ህግደፍ ክሳብ ዘሎ ከም ሃገርን ህዝብን ህላውነትና ኣብ ጽላለት ሓደጋ ከም ዘለና ፈሊጥና ከም ሃገርን ህዝብን ክንህሉ ቲፎዞ ጉጉያት ምዃን ገዲፍና ንህዝብና ዘዋጽኦ ክንሓስበሉ ይግባእ።
ካብ ገብሪሂወት ኣቡዓሸራ
Haqi tezareb October 8, 2011
The way to see if an article is worthy and credible by the assenna readers is to see the number of thumbs-up that one gets. Given this accurate measurement or range, these two artcles score the lowest:
— Thank you TPLF, EPRDF, Ethiopia: ‘Enamesegenalen’ – By Dr. Mohamed Kheir;
— ዓገብ ነዚ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ዝመጠጡ ሸነኻት by ENCDC, by the Commission
This shows the Kidan-Commission has no support out side of Addis Ababa. It has almost zero support in diaspora.
I live in a city of 4000 Eritreans and when the Kidan-Commission called for a meeting to discuss the upcoming October Conference, only ten people showed up, most grey-haired old ex-jebhas.
The Commission has to stop prpoganda lies and look itself in the mirror. The only way the kidan-Commission might able to see the outskirts of Asmara, i.e. if it is able to, is on the back of the Ethiopian army. Otherwise, it is an empty barrel or bado gerewegna!
Tsahaye October 8, 2011
Hagi tezareb,
entai emo knwsukelu kulu ilkayo. You have said it all beautifully. I hope people will finally open their eyes and be able to learn from this. It has been said many times by sensible and well-rounded Eritreans that the biggest challenge to our struggle against the PFDJ regime has always been the senile warlords and their supporters. Why people continue to support these failed organizations is also still a mystery to many of Eritreans. And so long the warlords have some supporters, they will continue to be the source of division and gridlock to our collective fight against the ruthless regime.
Haqi tezareb October 8, 2011
The old ex Jebha affilated groups are very useless and outdated. Young Eritreans are sick and fed up to hear them or about them. For the sake of real democratic change in the region, the Ethiopian government should give more chances to the young and independent Eritreans more role in the leadership. Ethiopia should start then from the within the opposition.
The way to see if an article is worthy and credible by the assenna readers is to see the number of thumbs-up that one gets. Given this accurate measurement or range of public sentiment, these two artcles score the lowest:
— Thank you TPLF, EPRDF, Ethiopia: ‘Enamesegenalen’ – By Dr. Mohamed Kheir;
— ዓገብ ነዚ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ዝመጠጡ ሸነኻት by ENCDC, by the Commission
This shows the Kidan-Commission has no support out side of Addis Ababa. It has almost zero support in diaspora.
I live in a city of 4000 Eritreans and when the Kidan-Commission called for a meeting to discuss the upcoming October Conference, only ten people showed up, most grey-haired old ex-jebhas.
The Commission has to stop prpoganda lies and look itself in the mirror. The only way the kidan-Commission might able to see the outskirts of Asmara, i.e. if it is able to, is on the back of the Ethiopian army. Otherwise, it is an empty barrel or bado gerewegna!
Haqi tezareb October 8, 2011
ካብ ጀብሃን መራሕታ ነበርን ድኣ እንታይ ክፈሪ :: መብዛሕቶም ካብ መራሕታ ናይ ርእሰ ምትእምማን ዘይብሎም : ናይ መንነት ቅልውላው ዘለዎም : ብቋንቋታቶም ዝሓፍሩን : ብቅርሕንቲ ዝተላዕጠጡን : እንትርፎ ዕንወት ዘምጽእዎ ለውጢ የልቦን ::
መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ካብዚኦም ዝረኽቦ ረብሓ ወይ ጥቕሚ ዝህሉ ኣምስለንን : እንትርፎ ክሳራ :: እዞም ናይ ሎሚ ናይ ኪዳን /ኮሚሽን ኮይኖም : ከም ዝብሂ ሃንጀም ሃንጀም ዝብሉ ዘለዉ : ትማሊ ትማሊ : ወያነ ንሱዳን ዝጎሐፎም : ገላዩ ናይ ዝንቡዕ እምሮኦም እዮም :: ካብዚኦም ዝርከም ተስፋ ወይ ፍረ ከንቱ እዩ :: እዚኦም ናይ ሕልና ስቓይ እዮም ::
እንተደኣ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ : ሰናይ ትምኒት ናይ ነዚ ዞባ ኣለዎ : ነዞም ሰብ ኣረጊት ሕልና ጉሒፉ : ብኻለኦት መን እሰያት ይተካኣዮም :: ሹዑ ገለ ደሓን ተስፋ እንተተረኽበ : እምበር ካብ ብመንነቶም ባህሎም ውረሻታቶም ዝሓፍሩ ሰባት : ዝመጽእ ተባሃጊ ለውጢ የለን ::
Taddesse T Gebremussie October 8, 2011
Eritreans we are free country UN member .We need poletical change we dont need ELF or EPLF . We need Lawyers & poleticians who make law for transitial governament .people to form 2 parties Democrat & Repoblic , which give the people by the people to rul themself by them self. Eritreans are ready to change We know both front fighters ,Eritreans don’t need you at this moment.Thankyou for your past service, now Eritreans need EDUCATED GENERATION .Iam 65 years old our time is past let us give to the new Edicate generation. As elders we need to see Eritrean equality & fraternity.
Taddesse T Gebremussie October 8, 2011
Thankyou to the Ethiopian governament PM MELES ZENAWI &M BEREKET SMON if we have peaceful governament in Eritrea we work to gether for both sister countries benefit Eritreans we need peace love brother hood with our TGRAY BROTHERS &SISTERS WE DIE TOGHETHR at 6 werar .If Isayas forget Eritreans never forget your GOLDEN BLOOD, for Eritrea. Help us to form peaceful Eritrea with out blood shed all EGAD member countries OAU &UN. Our people are opresed so much. Eritreans are hard warking people few peaple wanted to ovr ride the majority &our scholars who came from all over the world to help thier Eritrean brothers to make them dis apont they changed the time by dilaying poor tactics. Eritrean scholrs don’t give up, pleas?.
Haq tarik October 8, 2011
This is what I read in one of the Ethipian web sites:
Isaias Afwerk on Ethio-Eritrea integration said : “… the sky is the limit”.
There is nothing wrong with this comment. The Eritrean leader Isaias Afewerk had said this many times before his war with the Woyannies. Isaias had told Elias Kifle in the interview he did in Eritrea. Isaias said recently “the sky is the limit” about the future integration of Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Yes, there are no more similar people the way the Eritreans and Ethiopins are. There are Tigre speakers in Ethiopia and Eritrea. There are Afars and Kunamas in both sides. We are the only people who use the same Tigre and Amharic writing system.
I have many very close Eritrean friends but almost none from Sudan, Kenya, Somalia. I would trust an Eritrean more than any other people.
The Eritrean leader, Isias Afewerk, is himself of a Tigraian origin and so many of his advisors. My own PM Meles Zenawi has an Eritrean mother, so are his advisors such as Bereket Simon, Yemane Jamaica, Fasil Nahom, Samora Younus … many.
Isaias is right: the sky is the limit, so is Dr. Bereket H. Selassie.
We were all foolish and stupid to kill each other. The Arabs had used us all as their condoms. We will not be their fools anymore.
Where are the Eritrean opposition based? in Addis Ababa!
Where are the Ethiopian opposition based? in Asmara?
Stupidity has no limits, Very funny
AHMADO October 9, 2011
Thank you Assenna for opening this window to express our view, as you expect it to be it should be used in a polite and civilised maners and I would like to remind to everey one to use it with civility…
First I would like to pass my bitter disapointment towards the Eritrean disporas in the USA, how low and ignorant can some one be to go and prize the most brutal dictator in the modern time while themself and their family live and enjoy in their host country, this is a digrace to Eritrean people and a digrace to Tigrigna Biher, the five thousand individuals gothered to cheer the backward PFDJ leader are as brutal as their master…
And secondly it is outragious to hear the congress is deferred for one month I dont know what reason that can be this people they have no sence of urgency, do they understand that one day life under PFDJ is a nightmare, the only reson I can think is the so colled KIDAN or COMMISSION have been infiltrated by PFDJ agentes so be it know or after one month it is not going to be succesful.
Poor Eritrea Hagrey it is so infested by the venem of PFDJ, EPDP and greedy individuals that works for PIA.
Sorry it is not know we have to waite for some time to see the light of FREEDOM. ” BOTTA YEBBLUN TEKMY AB KIDMY MESWATY” the great YEMANE BARIA
Maazza October 9, 2011
Dear Ahmado,
Just to put on record that I completely agree with you regarding your first paragraph. I have expressed myself amply in these fora regarding the subject. It really is a disgrace!
I also agree with you regarding your second paragraph because I think that a momentum may have been lost by postponing. If there is an insurmountable problem, why not state it clearly through the many oppostion sites that abound and let the public know? As things stand, one can easily suspect of infiltration.
AHMADOO October 9, 2011
Thank you Maaza kibirty haftey, it is all about anger and frastretion whene innocent people specialy the yuang are perishing everey day no one seems to do nothing including myself to salvage the country and I really don’t know how we are going to libarate from the mess we are in becouse we havent start confronting PFDJ yet. Meeting after meeting writing countless articles on the web and conducting demos everywhere this is not going to do any effect to the lawless bounch of PFDJ.
Maazza October 9, 2011
Ahmadoo hawey,
Kibret yehabka kibret zhabkani. May be as you say writing countless articles will not have the desired effect of intimidating this lawless gang. But I think that it throws some light into an otherwise very bleak and sad reality. To me a brother like you and to share the same thing for our country is no small thing. When I read your post, I was able to identify with you and was happy to not that we are in the same boat. This would not be possible without the countless articles. I also take note that those who are supports of the system are an insistent few whose rudeness and vulgarity is the main feature. I think all this helps to give a picture of our social fabric in the diaspora and it can not be underestimated.
Regarding the demos, as you know, they are quite contagious and swell and grow and can overthrow let alone hgdef but the Ghadaffis, Mubaraks, Ben Alis, Saleh Abdalla Ali (who said he is not going down for may be the 10th time) and we will soon see the same fate for Basher Al Assad. The demos are the only lifeline we have. It will happen in Eritrea, I believe, sooner than later.
AHMADO October 9, 2011
Finally I fill I am taking to a person, your strenght and hope is suggesting there are many more qulity in this poor but beautiful Eritrea and you are surelly one of them Maaza, God willing we will rise from the ashes…. Thank you again for brief but minnigful discussion on line. ONE DAY WE WILL CLAME BACK OUR DIGNITY AND FREEDOM AND THE PEOPLE OF ERITREA WILL COEXIST IN PEACE AND HARMONY.
Tsahayw October 9, 2011
Let me start with the time tested Tigrigna proverb, “hab’e quslus haba’e fewsu.” You started with some sentences that make sense, and then you ended up with something that makes you look a plane “stupid”. You are taken by irrationality and insinuation. You blamed the the leaders of the opposition for postponing their war-lordly meeting, but then you blamed the PFDJ and EPDP for the reason (infiltration). If this is not insane, it must be pure and plane stupidity. It sounds like appointing a CEO to run a company, and when the CEO fails to deliver results, not the CEO but the competitors have to be blamed.
Hiding from the glaring truth will not take you anywhere, but to more frustrations. Think the PFDJ and the EPDP as competing ideologies and blame only the warlords you seem to support if they don’t deliver on the promises they have made. To blame others for your own failure is clearly insane.
gasha October 9, 2011
Excuses excuses it doesnt matter weather the meeting is postponed or not none of the oppostion groups will bring any good to eritrea and eritreans. Eritrea needs someone who is dedicated who works hard in bad worst and ugly times who stays there what so ever Shaebia is the only who have been working and who is working now and who is going to work for the future. Shaebia forever!!!
isreal October 9, 2011
ane abzi kenbibu zisenaku bitami zihizin eyu kemey malet gele kisarefu gele kimagotu gin kulukom deleyti democrasi eritrea endikom emo zihabere yewit eyu emo hiberu biti ymisae biti kea nihizibi habiwo kimeris dehan nita ziamenela slfi kimeris eyu jebiha tikon harinet tikun wela shabiya tikom kalie win eritrea wit selfi nihizibi ente aegiba to hizibi ymiresa
gin ke men meraet misbelekin ekin tikahala zibil eyu zimesie
hakeydo anasu teakiben wala gebera dehan dimu awariduna alo tebehahala emo kasil niserelu tebehahala tesemama win gin dehan men yserelu kone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hiyi win baba eseyas kelos men merat misbelekin ekin balikin tikohal mejemeriya men yserelu zibil hito kitmilusu alekum wedehankom
Tsahayw October 9, 2011
Let me start with the time tested Tigrigna proverb, “haba’e quslus haba’e fewsu.” You started with some sentences that make sense, and then you ended up with something that makes you look a plane “stupid”. You are taken by irrationality and insinuation. You blamed the the leaders of the opposition for postponing their war-lordly meeting, but then you blamed the PFDJ and EPDP for the reason (infiltration). If this is not insane, it must be pure and plane stupidity. It sounds like appointing a CEO to run a company, and when the CEO fails to deliver results, not the CEO but the competitors have to be blamed.
Hiding from the glaring truth will not take you anywhere, but to more frustrations. Think the PFDJ and the EPDP as competing ideologies and blame only the warlords you seem to support if they don’t deliver on the promises they have made. To blame others for your own failure is clearly insane.