ዓመተ ሰላምን ራህዋን ቅሳነትን ይግበረልና-!! – ካህን ተክለ-ማርያም ምርካጽዮን ሃገረ-ስብከት ኤውሮጳ
ብሩክ ዘይመጽእ በስመ-እግዚኣብሔር ዘመነ ማርቆስ-ወንጌላዊ 2010 ዓ/ም ዓመተ ሰላምን ራህዋን ቅሳነትን ይግበረልና-!! ዓውደ-ዓመት ተባሂሎም ካብ ዝኸብሩ ብዙሓት በዓላትና ሓደ፥ እቲ “-ቅዱስ-ዮሓንስ-” ብምባል ዝፍለጥ ናይ ዓመት መጀመርታ-ዕለት ምዃኑ፥ ነዚ ክፈልጥ ዘይክእል ዘሎ ኣይመስለናን። ስለ-ዝኾነ ድማ ሕዝብና ኣብዚ በዓል‘ዚ
ብሩክ ዘይመጽእ በስመ-እግዚኣብሔር
ዘመነ ማርቆስ-ወንጌላዊ 2010 ዓ/ም
ዓመተ ሰላምን ራህዋን ቅሳነትን ይግበረልና-!!
ዓውደ-ዓመት ተባሂሎም ካብ ዝኸብሩ ብዙሓት በዓላትና ሓደ፥ እቲ “-ቅዱስ-ዮሓንስ-” ብምባል ዝፍለጥ ናይ ዓመት መጀመርታ-ዕለት ምዃኑ፥ ነዚ ክፈልጥ ዘይክእል ዘሎ ኣይመስለናን። ስለ-ዝኾነ ድማ ሕዝብና ኣብዚ በዓል‘ዚ “-እንቋዕ እግዚኣብሔር ብደሓነ ሰላም ናብዚ ሓዲሽ-ዓመት‘ዚ ኣብጽሓና!!-” ብምባል ሓጎሱን ሠናይ ትምኒቱን ክገልጽ ዝስመዓሉ እዋን እዩ። ብዝተረፈ ቅነ ቅዱስ-ዮሓንስ መሬት ብኣዝርእቲ ተሰሊማ እትረኣየሉ፥ ናይ ራሕስን ልምላሜን እዋን ‘ውን ስለዝኾነ፥ ኣብ ኅብረተ-ሰብና ፍሉይ ክብሪ ዘለዎ ኣውደ-ዓመት ኮይኑ ዝርከብ ዘሎ’ውን ስለዚ’ዩ።
ከም ዝፍለጥ በዓል ሓዲሽ-ዓመት፥ መሠረቱ ልደት ጎይታና ኢየሱስ-ክርስቶስ እዩ። ግዳስ ምዕራባውያን ዘብዕሉዎ ወርሒ-ታሕሣሥ ኮይኑ ከብቅዕ፥ ኦርቶዶክሳዊት ቤተ-ክርስቲያንና ግና፥ ኣብ ወርሒ መስከረም‘ያ ከተብዕሎ ትርከብ ዘላ። ከመይሲ መጽሓፈ-ስንክሳር “-ወኣመ ኣሚሩ ለመስከረም፥ በዛቲ ዕለት እንተ ይእቲ ዓውደ-ዓመት ዘግብፅ, ወብሔረ-ኣግዓዚት, ወዘኖባ-” ብምባል ኣቐሚጡዎ ኣሎ። ግዳስ ስለምንታይ መስከረም በዓል ሓዲሽ-ዓመት ክኽውን ከም-ዝተመርጸ፥ መጽሓፈ-ስንክሳር ዝጠቐሶ ነገር የልቦን።
መጽሓፍ-ቅዱስ እንተኾነ‘ውን፥ ጎይታናን መድኃኒናን ኣብ ቤተ-ልሔም ምውላዱ እንተዘይኮይኑ፥ ንዕለትን ዓመትን ኣመልኪቱ ዝበሎ ነገር ምህላዉ ኣይፍለጥን። ኣብ ዘመነ- መንግሥት ኣውግስጦስ-ቄሣር ከምዝተወልደ ስለ–ዘመልክት ግና፥ በዚ ኣቢልካ እቲ መዓስ-? ዝብል ናይ ግዜ ሕቶ መልሲ ክርከቦ ከምዝኸኣለ ምርድኡ ኣየጸግምን። ይኹን እምበር እቲ ናይ ክርስቲያን-ዓለም፥ ንኣቈጻጽራ-ዘመን ብዝምልከት ኣብ ሓደ ተጠርኒፉ ክጐዓዝ ብዘይ ምኽኣሉ፥ እተን ናይ ምዕራባዊ-ዓለም ኣብያተ-ክርስቲያናት፥ ኣብ ወርሒ-ታሕሣስ በዓል ሓዲሽ-ዓመት ከብዕላ ከለዋ፥ እተን ምብራቓውያን ድማ፥ ኣብ ወርሒ-መስከረም ዓውደ-ዓመተን ገይረን ይጐዓዛ ምህላወ‘ዩ ዝፍለጥ።
ብመሠረቱ ክርአ ክሎ ግና፥ ኣብ መንጎ ክልቲኡ ምንም እንተኾነ ዝፈላሊ ምኽንያት ክህሉ ኣይምተገብአን። ከመይሲ ናይ ኩላትና መሠረትን ጉንድን ክርስቶስ እዩ። ግዳስ እቶም “-ወነኣምን በኣሓቲ ቅድስት ቤተ-ክርስቲያን፥ እንተ ላዕለ ኩሉ ጉባኤ–ዘሓዋርያት-” ብምባል ኣብ 381 ዓ/ም፥ ኣብ ጉባኤ-ቁስጥንጥያ፥ ሐድነት ቤተ-ክርስቲያን ከረጋግጹ ዝኸኣሉ ኣቦታት፥ ንኣቈጻጽራ ዘመን ብዝምልከት ግና፥ ማንታ መንገዲ ሒዞም ከምዝኸዱ ኢና ክንርኢንኽእል።
እዚ ግና ብኸምኡ ተፈላሊኻ ክኽየድ ቅቡል’ዩ ዝበሃል ኣይኮነን። ከመይሲ ክርስቶስ ናይ ፍቕርን ሓድነትን እምበር፥ ናይ ጽልእን ምፍልላይን ኣምላኽ ኣይኮነን። ስለዚ እቲ ክርስቶስ ዝመሠረቱ ክርስቲያናዊ-ዓለም፥ ክልተ ዝተፈላለየ ናይ ኣቈጻጽራ-ዘመን ሒዙ፥ ብማንታ-መንገዲ ክጐዓዝ ምርካቡ፥ ብጠቕላላ ሕዝበ-ክርስቲያን ተሓጕሱ ተቐቢሉዎ’ዩ ክንብል ኣይንኽእልን።
ብዝተረፈ እተን ናይ ምብራቕ ኦርቶዶክስ ኣብያተ-ክርስቲያናት፥ እቲ ናይ ግብፂ ቤተ-ክርስቲያን ሊቀ-ጳጳሳት ዝነበረ ዲሜጥሮስ፥ ኣብ መወዳእታ ካልኣይ-ሚእቲ ክፍለ-ዘመን ዘዳለዎ ባሕረ-ሓሳብ ዝኽተላ ኮይነን ክርከባ ከለዋ። እተን ናይ ምዕራብ ኣብያተ-ክርስቲያናት ድማ፥ ኣብ መወዳእታ 16-ሚእቲ ክፍለ-ዘመን፥ ናይ ሮማ ቤተ-ክርስቲያን ሊቀ-ጳጳሳት ዝነበረ ጎርጎሬዎስ ዘዳለዎ እየን ዝኽተላ ዘለዋ። እዚ ክልተ ዝተፈላለየ ባሕረ-ሓሳብ‘ዚ ከኣ‘ዩ፥ ነቲ ክርስቲያናዊ-ዓለም ማንታ-መንገዲ ሒዙ ከምዝኸይድ ገይሩዎ ዝርከብ ዘሎ።
ብዝኾነ እዚ ሕጂ ሒዝናዮ ንጐዓዝ ዘሎና ማንታ-መንገዲ፥ ንኹላትና ከርብሓና ዝኽእል ስለዘይኮነ፥ በዓል ሓዲሽ-ዓመት ኩሎም ክርስቲያን ብኃባር ዘኽብሩሉ ምልዛብ ክግበር፥ ናይ ኩሎም ክርስቲያን ተስፋን ትጽቢትን እዩ ዝብል እምነት’ዩ ዘሎና። ስለዚ‘ውን እቲ ናይ ሰላምን ፍቕርን ኣምላኽ ናይ ምቅርራብን ምልዛብን መንፈስ ምእንቲ ክዕድለና፥ “-ሃበነ ንኅበር በዘዚኣከ መንፈስ-ቅዱስ-” እናበልና ክንጽሊ ከም-ዝግብኣና፥ ነቶም ቅኑዕ መንፈስ ዘለዎም ኩሎም፥ ምርድኡ ዝኸብዶም ኣይመስለናን።
ብዝተረፈ ንሕና ከም ሕዝብን ከም ሃገርን መጠን፥ ኣብ ትሕቲ ከቢድ ጸበባ እንርከብ ዘሎና ሕዝቢ፥ ከም ምዃንና መጠን፥ እቲ ሕጂ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ህልው ኩነታት፥ ከደቅሰና ይኽእል’ዩ ዝበሃል ኣይኮነን። ከመይሲ ህልውና ሰላምን ሕግን ፍትሕን ምህላዉ ከይተረጋገጸ፥ ድቃስ ክወስደና ይኽእል’ዩ ዝበሃል ኣይኮነን። በዚ ምኽንያት’ዚ ድማ፥ ኩነታትና ከም ክትሓርስ ዝደለየት‘ሞ፥ ኣብ ብርቱዕ ጻዕሪ እትርከብ ጥንስቲ መሲሉ’ዩ ዝርከብ ዘሎ እንተ-ተባህለ፥ ጌጋ ኣበሃህላ ኣይኮነን።
ስለዚ ቅድሚ ዝኾነ ይኹን ካልእ፥ ንዓና ከም ሕዝቢ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ዘድልየና ዘሎ፥ ሰላምን ፍትሕን’ዩ። እዚ ኩሉ’ዚ ግና ብትምኒት ጥራይ ክመጽእ ይኽእል’ዩ ዝበሃል ኣይኮነን። ከመይሲ ተመጺውትካ ዝርከብ መሰል የልቦን። ንሕና ግና ከም ደቂ-ሃገርን፥ ከም ደቂ’ታ ዓባይ ኦርቶዶክሳዊት ተዋሕዶ ቤተ-ክርስቲያንን መጠን፥ እዚ ኩሉ ናይ ሕጊ ግህሰት እናተፈጸመ ከሎ፥ ተሰማሚዑና ኣሎ ብዘስምዕ ዓይነት፥ ከነጣቕዕ ደኣ ኢና ዝጸናሕና እምበር፥ ዓገብ-!! ክንብል ዘኽእለና ትብዓት ኣርኢና ኢና ክንብል ኣይንኽእልን።
ስለዚ’ውን እቲ ክሳብ ሕጂ ምሳና ዝጸንሐ ፍርህን ሕመቕን፥ ቀንጢጥና ብምድርባይ “-ይኣክል-!! ክንብል እንተደኣ ዘይኪኢልና፥ ብምኽንያት’ዚ ሓዲሽ-ዓመት “-ዮሓንሰየ ኣቶ ኣብሪሁዋ ንባይቶ-” ስለ-ዝበልና ጥራይ፥ እቲ ተጻዒኑና ዘሎ ኣርዑት ካብ ዝባንና ክወርድ ይኽእል’ዩ ዝብል ሰንኮፍ ኣተሕሳስባ ክህልወና ኣይግባእን።ብዝተረፈ በዓል ቅዱስ-ዮሓንስ፥ ከም ናይ ሓዲሽ-ዓመት መጀመርታ-ዕለት መጠን፥ ጽቡቕ ምምናይና ኣይተርፍን እዩ። ሠናይ ዘመን ይኹነልና ኢልካ ምምናይ’ውን ጌጋ ኣይኮነን። ይኹን እምበር ብጥዑስ-ልቢ ብንስሓ ኣቢልና፥ ናብ ኣምላኽ ክንምለስ ከይከኣልና፥ ብትምኒት ጥራይ ክርከብ ዝኽእል ሰማያዊ ረድኤት የልቦን። ስለዚ’ውን እቲ ንሕና ከም ሕዝቢ፥ ምስ ከበሮን ጓይላን ክንገብሮ ንርአ ዘለና ዕብዳን፥ መወዳእታ ክንገብረሉ እንተደኣ ዘይኪኢልና፥ እቲ መከራን ጸበባን ክውዳእ ከም-ዘይክእል ምርድኡ ከድልየና እዩ።
ብዝተረፈ እቲ ምሳና ዘሎ ጸበባን መከራን፥ ድሕሪ ደጊም ተጻዊርናዮ ክንከይድ፥ ዘኽእለና ኃይሊ’ውን ጽንቅቕ ኢሉ ተወዲኡና ስለ-ዝኾነ። ብዘይ ረድኤት ኣምላኽ ባዕላትና መኪትና ክንዓግቶ እንኽእል መዓት’ዩ ክንብል ስለ-ዘይንኽእል “-ኅድግ ለነ ኣበሳነ፥ ወኢትነጽር ምግባረ ኃጢኣተነ፥ ወተወከፍ ንስሓነ-” እናበልና ኣበርቲዕና ክንጽሊ ኣብ ዝግበኣና ግዜ፥ ንርከብ ምህላውና ክንዝንግዕ ኣይግባእን።
ብዝተረፈ ሰብ ዘይዘርኦ ከም-ዘይዓጽድ ሓዋርያ ቅዱስ-ጳውሎስ ተዛሪቡ ኣሎ። ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ እውን ማኅበራዊ-ሕይወት ሕዝብና፥ ኣብ ደኃን ኩነታት ይርከብ ኣሎ ኢልካ ክዝረብ ከም-ዘይከኣል፥ ካብ ቅድሚ እግዚኣብሔር ሓቢእና ክንሓብኦ እንኽእል ምስጢር ኣይኮነን። ከመይሲ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ብኹሉ መንገድናን ኣከያይዳናን፥ ካብቲ እግዚኣብሔር ክንከውን ዝደልየና፥ ኣዚና ርሒቕና ንርከብ ምህላውና፥ ካብቲ ዘሎ ህልው ኩነታትና ንላዕሊ ክዛረብ ዝኽእል የልቦን። ብሓጺሩ ኣብ ቅድሚ እግዚኣብሔር ክቐርብ ዝኽእል ገጽ ዘሎና መሲልና ኣይንርአን ዘሎና
ይኹን እምበር እቲ ቅዱስ-ጽሑፍ “-ግብሪ ጸልማት ደርቢና ኣጽዋር-ጽድቂ ንልበስ። ብጓይላን, ስኽራንን, ምንዝርናን, ዕብዳንን ግና ኣይኮነን-” ከም-ዝብሎ፥ ሕጂ’ውን ኣብዚ ሓዲሽ-ዓመት ክንሰግር ከሎና፥ ምስ እግዚኣብሔር ዝተዓርቀ ሕይወት ሒዝና ደኣምበር፥ ከምቲ ዝጸናሕናዮ ኮንና ምንም ለውጢ ከይገበርና፥ “-ርሑስ ዓውደ-ዓመት ይግበረልና-” ብዝብል ጽቡቕ ትምኒት ጥራይ፥ ክመጽእ ዝኽእል፥ ሰማያዊ ረድኤት የልቦን። ብዘይ ጣዕሳን ንስሓን ድማ፥ ምስ እግዚኣብሔር ኣብ ዕርቂ ከብጽሓና ዝኽእል፥ ካልእ መንገዲ ኣሎ ክንብል ኣይንኽእልን። ስለ’ዚ እቲ ሕያው-ኣምላኽ ኃጢኣትና ክንእመን ዘኽእል፥ ጸጋን ትብዓትን ይሃበና።
እወ ! ንሕና ከም ሕዝቢ መጠን ሓሲሙናን መሪሩናን ንርከብ ዘሎና ሕዝቢ ምዃንና፥ ዓለም ብዓለሙ ዝፈልጦ ናይ ኣደባባይ ምሥጢር እዩ። ካብኡ ንኻብኡ ድማ ንሕና ከም ኦርቶዶክሳውያን መጠን፥ እቲ ኣብ ልዕሊ ቤተ-ክርስቲያንና ዝወርድ ዘሎ ኣደራዕ ክንዝክር ከሎና፥ ካብ ዝኾነ እዋን ብዝበለጸ ሰማያዊ-ረድኤት ኣብ ንደልየሉ ህሞት ንርከብ ምህላውና ክንዝንግዕ ኣይንኽእልን። ከመይሲ እቲ መንበረ-ፓትርያርክ ወይ ሲኖዶስ፥ ብሳምቡእ-ፖለቲካ ዘተንፍስስ ኮይኑ ይርከብ እናሃለወ፥ ደሓን ኣሎና ክንብል ምስቲ ሕጂ ኣብ ባይታ እናተፈጸመ ዝርከብ ዘሎ ግህሰተ-ሕጊ ክሳነየልና ዝኽእል ኣይኮነን። ትርጉም ዘይብሉ ህልውና ሒዝካ እነብር ኣለኹ ምባል ከኣ፥ ኣብ ዝኾነ ከብጽሓና ይኽእል’ዩ ክንብል ኣይንኽእልን።
ስለዚ’ውን ህልውና ቤተ-ክርስቲያና ንከቢድ ሓደጋ ተጋሊጹ ኣሎ ኣብ ዝበሃለሉ ሰዓት፥ ኣብ ክንዲ “–ስምዓነ ኣምላክነ ወመድኃኒነ-” ብምባል ማዕጾ ቤት-ኣምላኽ ንዅሕኵሕ፥ ሕዝብና ከበሮ ኣልዒሉ መወዳእታ ኣብ ዘይብሉ ጓይላ ኣትዩ፥ ክዘልልን ክዕንድርን ይውዕልን ይሓድርን ኣሎ ክበሃልሲ ንበረኸት ድዩ ንመርገም ክኾነልና ዝኽእል-?! እስኪ ርግእ ኢልና ምስ ገዛእ ሕልናና ክንዛረብ ንፈትን።
ብዝተረፈ እቲ ምሳና ዝጸንሐ ሕመቕ ተሰኪምና፥ ናብዚ ሓዲሽ-ዓመት ንኣትወሉ ምኽንያት ክህልወና ስለ-ዘይግባእ፥ ካብ ዝኾነ ግዜ ብዝበለጸ
“-ያድኅነነ እመዓቱ፥
ይሰውረነ በምሕረቱ፥
በንተ-ማርያም ወላዲቱ-”
እናበልና፥ ማዕጾ ቤት-ኣምላኽ እንዅሕኩሓሉ እዋን ክኸውን ከም-ዝግባእ፥ ካብ ገዛእ ሕልናና ንላዕሊ ነቲ ዘሎ ሕሰምን መከራን፥ ክርድኦ ዝኽእል ክህሉ ኣይምተገብአን። ንሕና ግና ዓለም ብዛዕባና ምርዳእ ክሳብ ዝሰኣና፥ እናሞትና ንስሕቕ ሕዝቢ ኮንና ኢና ንርከብ ዘሎና። ስለዚ ድማ ኢና ኣብቲ መራኸቢ ብዙኃን ብገለ ጸሓፍቲ “-እዚኣቶምሲ ሞይቶም ከለዉ፥ ከይሞቱ ይፈርሁ-” ዝብል መግለጺ ክወሃበና ዝርከብ ዘሎ።
ይኹን እምበር እቲ ኣብ ዝባንና ተጻዒኑ ዝርከብ ዘሎ ጾር፥ ምስካሙ ስኢንና ከቢዱና እናሃለወ ከሎ ግና፥ ደሓን ዘሎና ክንመስል ምስ ከበሮን ጓይላን ክንውዕልን ክንሓድርን ንገብሮ ዘሎና ዕንደራ፥ ንዓለም እነገርም ሕዝቢ ኮንና ንርከብ ምህላውና፥ ሓቢእና ክንሓብኦ እንኽእል ኣይኮነን። ስለዚ እቲ ምሳና ዝጸንሐ ፍርህን ሕመቕን ቅንጥጥ ኣቢልና፥ ምስቲ ዝውዳእ ዘሎ ዓመት ከነፋንዎ፥ እቲ ሕያው-ኣምላኽ ጸጋን ትብዓትን ክህበና ቅዱስ ፍቓዱ ይኹነልና። ኣሜን።
ብዝተረፈ እዚ ንቕበሎ ዘሎና ዘመነ-ማርቆስ-ወንጌላዊ። መከራ ጸበባ ሕዝብና ዝውድኣሉን፥ ዓመተ ፍትሕን, ሰላምን, ራህዋን, ቅሳነትን ዝኾነሉ ዘመን ክኸውን። እቲ ዝበጽሕ ዘሎ ጸሎትን ዝቐርብ ዘሎ መሥዋዕትን፥ ከም ምዑዝ መሥዋዕቲ-ዕጣን፥ ኣብ ሰማየ ሰማያት ቀሪቡ፥ ኃጢኣት ሕዝብና ዝድምስስን፥ ናይ ሰማይ በረኸትን ጸጋን ምሕረትን ዘፍስስን ክኸውን ናይቲ ኩሉ ዝኽእል እግዚኣብሔር ቅዱስ ፍቓድ ይኹነልና። ዝተባረኸን ዝተቐደሰን በዓል ሓዲሽ-ዓመት ድማ ይግበረልና ኣሜን-!!!
ስብሓት ለእግዚኣብሔር ልዑል
ወለወላዲቱ ድንግል
ወለመስቀሉ ክቡር
ካህን ተክለ-ማርያም ምርካጽዮን
ሃገረ-ስብከት ኤውሮጳ
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kokhob September 9, 2017
Amen, amen kibur dear father Teclemariam. God bless you too.
Dawit September 9, 2017
Thank you kahin T/mariam, truly beautiful and timely sibket.
However, I am a bit lost here! I thought we were Singaporean European Eritreans
Why are we using or celebrating the “backward” Ethiopian calendar of Ge’ez new year of 2010!!!!!!
As life long Arab/Italian slaves and alien ghedli mendef lovers we should just remain with our Europeans masters!!
But for our peace loving God fearing genuine people brothers/sisters of Ethiopia, “A very happy new year to you all”.
May your new year of 2010 be full of happiness, prosperity and peace and reconciliation with your Eritrean brethren.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 9, 2017
Why don’t read or listen and say AMEN
instead you jump for irrelevant issues .
Evil reigned to observe people serve
politicians interest in defiance of their church doctrine teachings .
Isn’t it true Dawit ( huluf Christian ) ?
It is not an insult but the truth of our time.
Now as usual as expected , are you going to start calling names ?
Dawit September 9, 2017
When a diablos evil moslem jihadi/taliban starts saying AMEN then there is serious trouble or bloodshed brewing!!
Seriously though Ahmedino Santo
Aren’t you mad or jealous that your peaceful Allah fearing Shire/Sheraro – Tigray moslem cousins (unlike you Eritrean evil moslem cancers) are celebrating and getting richer in Ethiopia?? They don’t demand the alien savage evil Arabic language and Arabic identity??? They don’t poison or kill their hosts, neither do they go into evil Meda for evil Islam’s jihadi missions of destruction, mayhem and savage killings.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 10, 2017
You better follow SATANISM if God
teachings do not make a sense to
your EVIL tendencies .
I just pray for you .
sami September 10, 2017
Sheikh ahmedin bin salihidin al Yemenedin, is a sad rootless nomad who needs help from us urgently. You see, he always tries unsuccessfully to be more catholic than the Pope, more angel than his evil muslim allah, more and better preacher than his evil savage Imam and sheikhs. He simply suffers from so much dementia and evil Islam’s hallucinations. MiHiret Yewiridelu!!!!!!
ermias teklemariam November 3, 2017
What is your problem your chikenbrainer,do you feel so inferior to call the european as your master,and the geez calender is our identity,but a blindfolded boy like you never read just getting feed by 3 world leader isayas.Who spread insult and arrogance ,just like you little dawit fart.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 10, 2017
Does nicknames Sami , Dawit , Ermias , Bazen ………
and others with same messages belong to
one person .
NEFAHITO that does change skin colors to
create confusion or can I say LIBI TUWUYWAY .
Isn’t it true that we are witnessing suspicious
elements inside Eritrean political affairs ?
Do HGDF supporters use such language of hatred
and division in their forum ? I guess not .
So who are these people ? I leave you to figure out .
Do I blame them ? No , I blame our weakness to give
them space on our internal national issues .
ASSENNA staff members ignore the threat this forum
faces from destructive scenario .
Asmarino.com was a good lesson but unfortunately it
looks the same fate might take place unless some
concerned supporters who have ability to block
such nonsense practice got involved before it is too late . That is my main concern .
Nowadays the hard earned reputation of this
forum fell at the hands of common enemy , period .
And I care less where they came from either be
Eritreans or outsiders .
kokhob September 10, 2017
The same old ‘Tsemam Hade derfu/mezmiru’,
nefaHito, suspicious elements, libi “aslamay snake” Tiwiyway, our internal/external national/Islamic issues, destructive scenario and other political conspiracies and so on…
Once again as rightly pointed out earlier, you say so much to mean so little, how very true
There is also so much garbage in so much garbage out from your poorly damaged backside.
Next time try to be more rational than just poor emotional wreck blaming others all the time….
Assenna staff or moderators DON’T BABY SIT or entertain ugly old twisted criminals at all
They have better things in their busy and hectic lives. Unlike you lot they are not welfare crooks, welfare dependent beggars/lementi. They also have real families to support and to
play with (to enjoy life). Get real and get real lives. Simply, you are NOT fooling us!
AHMED SALEH !!! September 10, 2017
Dear genuine Eritrean in Assenna forum
Dawit says a nice word toward EtEthiopians but when
it comes to Eritrean he spew insults .
In his comments he stated by saying ;
– Our God fearing people brothers/sisters of Ethiopia .
– Your peaceful Allah fearing Shire- Shiraro Tigray
Moslem cousins unlike Eritrean evil Moslem cancers .
Clearly that expose his true identity which I keep warning to stay alerted from outsiders agenda in
our house . Don’t get fooled and use commonsense
before we judge who is who . No need for panic their language speaks the volume to prove our suspicion .
kokhob September 10, 2017
Indeed, brother Dawit clearly and rightly pointed out that unlike your moslem cousins
in Tigray, you so called Eritreans are the real CANCERS to Eritrea and poor Eritreans.
Now, what the freaking is your problem? We didn’t invite you to our Eritrea or Assenna, Did we??
Similarly, if you are not happy at Assenna or in Eritrea {because you haven’t got your evil Sharia law and evil Arab ELF flag for your Islamic Eritrea} then just get lost to your Sudan or Afghanistan. You have not and will not contribute anything positive/constructive to Assenna or Eritrea. Simply, get lost or get real but DON’T bore us with your same old bullshits.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 12, 2017
You better move to where your belong Tigrai online which fits well to your
anti-Eritrean comments .
Nahom Solomon September 10, 2017
Ahmed Saleh,
Do you really think you and your type Muslims are genuine or pure Eritreans?
If your desperate answer happen to be ‘Yes’, then please explain as to what makes you and your likes
genuine or pure Eritreans. You may all be on Assenna 24 hrs, 7 days murmuring nonsense
You are knocking at wrong door here, we are not interested whatsoever in your meaningless tit for tat old games.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 12, 2017
What do you mean your type Muslims are genuine Eritreans ?
In deed my type Muslims are genuine DEKI-ABAT who always defend the interest
of Eritrean people unlike those bastards with filthy mouth where your corrupted
mentors do the cheap talks everyday to blackmail my country . If you come to their
defense it didn’t amaze me because I know well how genuine ERITREANS think
and talk .
Danilo September 10, 2017
Dawit ,Nahom, ,are making evil deeds, exceptional evil value to drag ethiopian people in religios conflict rather than eritreans. Nevertheless, they will repent when Ahmed gragn 2nd appears once again. They should bother the under cage nation of tigray first.
kokhob September 10, 2017
Danilo Scarico Shito, make sure you DON’T hallucinate from your already badly damaged out of use backside!! Too much unnecessary and ignorant spewing is not too healthy for your already critically damaged health, you might also live to regret your cheap/childish and bojbaj threats of your so called religious conflicts. In other word, DON’T start or instigate cheap/childish/ignorant threats that you WILL NEVER finish or succeed!!
Remember, the last time you started/instigated your evil Islamic war, you were badly and easily defeated, humiliated and chased away with our camel’s tails behind your camel legs back to your stinky moslem Sudan. But this time it won’t be just chasing/kicking you out to the Sudan, it would indeed be wiping you out for once and for all so just watch it Danilo pigo.
Why are you still so bitter and resentful about your old Tigray?? The Tigreans and the whole Ethiopians with their good/clean moslems are doing great since they kicked you out of course. Get lost dumb moslem shit pig. Get a new wheel chair and a nomad tent from your mama Italy or from evil moslem papa Arab slave master.
kokhob September 10, 2017
correction: please read chased away with “your” and not our camels tails behind…..
Sol September 11, 2017
ዳዊት፣ ኮኾብ፣ ሳሚ፣ ናሆም ሰለሙን፣ዳኒሎ እዚ ኩሉ ኣስማት ናይ ተኽላይ እዩ ኣብ መጨረሳ ተስፋ ምስቆረጸ ምስ ነፍሱ ክመላለስ ወሲኑ ወይ በቶም ኣስራሕቱ ተኣዚዙ።
Lingo September 12, 2017
Abdurobo the rootless criminal Saho, we thought Islamico Danilo bello was your comrade in evil Jihad crimes, so why you including him with the rest of us ‘the deki Kebessa angels’????????
Furthermore, could you kindly translate what exactly you trying to say or state in our Christian tigrigna to your moslem shit ‘Arabic’, the language of your slave masters and your evil sponsors.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 12, 2017
Including Lingo belong to identity of ASSENNA nefahito .
The idea of Christian Tigrigna while you stub innocent people in their back
was a reputation learned at past history lessons .
Now nonsense talks is over , you understand ? Leave Eritrea alone , KURDID .
Lilo September 12, 2017
You know what they say: it is OK to talk to a wall.
The problem arises when you think the wall is talking back.
Dude, it is clear whose interest you are trying to keep here….
Not Eritrea’s or Eritreans but your life long blood related Muslim Arabs.
Your nonsense talk or act never stops! You are always a preacher of fake.
What is your Muslim history in Eritrea? People without history are just fakes.
Last, it seems you are having nightmares or fits because of kahin T/mariam’s cross! Get used to our crosses otherwise, drop dead.