ዓሊ ዓብዱ ካብ መን’ዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ???
ዓሊ ዓብዱ ካብ መን’ዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ??? ወኪል ሚኒስትሪ ዜና ኮይኑ ዝሰርሕ ዝነበረ ዓሊ ዓብዱ በቲ ንሱ ዝጥቀመሉ ዝነበረ ኣጸዋዉዓ ካብ “ዝኸድዕ”, በቲ ሚዛናዎ ኣጠማምታ ዘለዎ ሰብ ክኣ ኢዱ ካብ ደም ካብ ዝስሕብ, ኣዋርሕ ቆጺሩሉ ኣብ
ዓሊ ዓብዱ ካብ መን’ዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ???
ወኪል ሚኒስትሪ ዜና ኮይኑ ዝሰርሕ ዝነበረ ዓሊ ዓብዱ በቲ ንሱ ዝጥቀመሉ ዝነበረ ኣጸዋዉዓ ካብ “ዝኸድዕ”, በቲ ሚዛናዎ ኣጠማምታ ዘለዎ ሰብ ክኣ ኢዱ ካብ ደም ካብ ዝስሕብ, ኣዋርሕ ቆጺሩሉ ኣብ ዘሎ ግዜ ኣብ ምሕባእን ካብ መራኸቢ ቡዙሃን ኣብ ምኽዋልን መሪጹሉ ኣብ ዘሎ ግዜ በቲ ሓደ ካብ መንዩ ዝኽወል ዘሎ ብዘይርዳኣካ በቲ ሓደ ክኣ ስለምንታይ ብዝብል ኣዋጣሪ ዝኾነ ሕቶ ነብስኻ ክትሓትት ትቕሰብ.
ኣቶ ዓሊ ኣብ ካናዳ ኣሎ እናተባህለ ሕጂ ካኣ ኣብ ኣዉስትራልያ ከም ዘሎ ይንገር ኣሎ እዚ ጥራይ ዉን ከይኣክል እቶም ትማሊ ዓሊ ስለ ሰቡ ስለ ኣቡኡ ዘይሓሊ ጉሒላ እናበሉ ዝጥቅንዎ ዝነበሩ ብሽም ተቓወምቲ ዕንክሊል ክብሉ ዝጸንሑ ኣዝማድ ዓሊ እንሆ ሕጂ ዓሊ ንኢሰያስ ገዲፍዎ ተባሂሉ ከበሮ ክህረም ንሰምዕ ኣለና.
ኣቱም ሰባት ንኢሰያስ ዝገደፍዎ እኮ ኣይወሓዱን እቲ ሕቶ ዝኸዉን ዘሎ ምስ ገደፍዎ እንታይ ጌሮም እዩ.
ኣቶ ዓሊ ግን ካብ መን እዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ፡ ካብ ስርዓት ኢሰያስ ዶ ይኸዉን ?
ስርዓት ኢሰያስ ከም መንግስቲ ዘይኮነስ ከም ዉልቀ ሰብ ምሕሳብ ካብ ዝጅምር ነዊሕ ኮይኑ ኣሎ እዚ ማለተይ ካኣ ስጋብ ኣብ ዉልቀ ሰብ ብምውራድ ን ኢሰያስን ገስረጥ ተግባራቱን ነቲ ናቱ ጨምላቕ ምሕደራ ዝነቅፍ ወይ ውን ብሕማቕ ዘልዕል ሰብ, ድምር ናይ ኩሉ ድማ ዝቃወም ዘበለ ሰብ ኣብ ምክትታል ካቡኡ ሓሊፉ ዉን ነቲ ከሙኡ ዝገበረ ሰብ ብተዛዋዋሪ ኣብ ምጥቃዕ ካብ ዝጽመድ ነዊሕ ኮይኑ ኣሎ, ቀንዲ ስራሕ እዞም ኣምባሳደራት ኤርትራ ተባሂሎም ኣብ ፈቐዱኡ ሃገራት ዘለው ዉን እዝን ነዚ ዝመስልን እዩ ስርሖም, ኣቶ ዓሊ ዉን ኣጸቢቑ ነዚ ጉዳይ ይፈልጦ እዩ ስለዚ ስርዓት ኢሰያስ ኣቶ ዓሊ ኣበይ ከም ዘሎ ምስ መን ይራኸብ መን ይሕግዞ ኣሎ ዘይፍለጥ ኣይመስለንን.
እሞ እዚ እንዳኾነ እቲ ሓቂ ዓሊ ዳኣ ካብ መን ዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ? ካብ ህዝቢ ዶ ይኸውን
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ካብ ኣቶ ዓሊ ዝጽበዮ ነገር እንተሎ ከም ማንም ኤርትራዊ ኣብቲ ስለ ሓርነትን ስለ ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን ተተኺሉ ዝንቀሳቐስ ዘሎ ማዕበል ኤርትራውያን ከም ሰቡ ክሳተፍ ጥራይ እዩ፡ እቲ ዝፈልጦ ዘበለ ነዚ ምንቅስቓስ ዝሕግዝ ካኣ ምሕባር እዩ
ካብዚ ሓሊፉ ተሪፉ ግን ሕጂ ኣቶ ዓሊ ስለ ዝሃደመ ተባሂሉ ዘይንሱ ንምምሳል ዝግበር ዘሎ ላዕልን ታሕትን ኣገዳሲ ኣይኮነን ምኽንያቱ መን ሙኾኑ ንፈልጥ ስለ ዝኾና. እንተ ዳኣ እቲ ቅድሚ ዓመት ውን ዘይመልእ ዝተዘርበ ዘረባ ተረሲዑ ኮይኑ ግን ከም መዘኻኸሪ ክጽሕፎ ዘጸግም ኣይኮነን
ከምቲ ኩሉ ግዜ ኣብ ኣኼባታት ዝዝረብ ግን ከ ዘይትግበር ካብ ዓሌትነትን ዝንባሌ ናይ ሃይማኖትን ወጺእና ከይሓሰብና ነቲ ንደልዮ ዘለና ሸቶ ክንሃርም ኣይካኣልን እዩ ነዚ ዘጉልሕ ኣብ መልበርን ኣውስትራልያ ዝተገብረ ምርጫ ንናይ ኣዋሳ ( ኢትዮጵያ) ኣኼባ ዝነበረ ጉስሩጥ ኣካይዳ ህያው ኣብነት ክኾነና ይኽእል እዩ
ስለዚ ኣቶ ዓሊ ብሃይማኖት ምስልምና ስለ ዝኾነ ወይ ውን ብዓሌት ጀበርቲ ስለ ዝኾነ ዘይኮነ ከገድሰና ዘለዎስ, እንተስ ተረዴእዎ እንተስ ኣብ ነብሱ ከይትመጾ ፈሪሑ ነቲ ረሳሕ ስርዓት ራሕሪሕዎ ኣሎ, ነዚ ከም መሰረታዊ ነገር ሪኢና ካኣ ቃልስና ክንቅጽል ይግባእ ኣቶ ዓሊ ገበነኛ እንተኾይኑ ግን ኣብ ኣውስትራልያ ይምጻእ ካናዳ ይኺድ እታ ክሲ ኣይክተርፍን እያ ድሮ እኾ ገበናት ናይ ኣቶ ዓሊ ይትንተን ኣሎ.
ስለዚ ኣቱም ን ኣቶ ዓሊ ናብ ሻሽ ክትቅይርዎ እትጽዕሩ ዘለኹም በጃኹም ነቲ ትማሊ ትብልዎ ዝነበርኩም ዘክሩ እንተዘይኮይኑ ግን ሌባን ተቐባሊ ሌባን ከይከውን ነገሩ
ሕቒ !!!
ካብ መልበርን ኣውስትራልያ
Yassin April 3, 2013
He is just a puppy !! Can’t blame him to begin with he was a child soldier. Never mature in politics immitataed Isayas in everthing. The guy didn’t even know he was Jebertti victims of persection.
Isayas4ever April 3, 2013
Isayas is the best man in this planet.. no one can be equali with president isayas. he brings for us peace,development, democracy and everything. eritrea is the fastest growing on earth, if u dont believe, u can check it in press-tv.
kidun April 3, 2013
seb xwei intebelkwosi bailu mexiu hahhaaaaaaaa
kidun April 3, 2013
the fastest growing towardes down…………
Asli April 3, 2013
Isayas4 ever
Where the hell you live. Don’t you have family who are suffering? Forget democracy, you don’t have the constitution. Don’t you share the pain and suffering of your people. How do you measure development while mass arrest and mass leaving the country even to the risk of bedwein. where is the peace while people fear for free press and freedom of speech prevailed the country. Didn’t you forget our country’s second name is north Koria of Africa. Shame to have a people like you.
ali April 3, 2013
Isayas 4 ever, nska semimka slezeleka kdim hkmna kidmo tehakem. Cncerning ali, Shengeb and others who left the country. They will shut up and will hide because of their history their bloody life . They have tortured many eritreans how come they can leave peacefully
shaweley April 3, 2013
ata iseyas4ever elka zitesemeyka wenchar riesi kelbi ayenay eyu eti democracy tiblo zeleka enbear democracy ala eya ab eritrea,, nmukanu democracy tifelit aytmeslin eka gahlal duhul tanika manika zeytifeltiwo neger toblaee lae tiblu kid meakoru lehaso niseyas goyataka….
Asli April 3, 2013
To Mr. Author
To Writer of the Article
Habal beliya keytikidimeki
You pretend to be fair but definitely extremist. Three statements in one brief article show your identity. Why you are caring more about Ali Abdu. Aren’t there PHDG (senior officials’) who asked asylum after him? You and many other individuals like you burning our sensitive issue to endless quarreling .He as many other asylum seekers his chapter should be finished. As far as he appears to court and found to be guilty, he remains to be innocent. As to me, He won’t speak or inform what he has as far as his family members are in Detention.
simon April 3, 2013
antum sebat qidmy mifradkum kunetat aemiqkum tentinu mikniyatu qidmy hijy wun eko buzuhat halefty neber nety siraat qedifnayo hadimna elom ab dege entay yiserhu kemzelewu niezebo alena e.g mesfin hagos , wedi blata . haile menqeryos …. buzuhat eyom kabzom nizarebelom zelena nety siraat ab muquwamin miqilasin zelewom aberkito alo do ? zewsiewo mistirat ke alo do ? bi ansaru gin telieko nayty siraat ab mitigbar gin aby ejam yisawetu alewu silezy ali abdu hadimu diyu telaeku gize kihibirena eyu .
Ghenet April 3, 2013
well said, Good observation. Patience is a virtue that we luck in the pro justice camp. He is still our enemy just like Mesfin Hagos. His next move will tell us what he wants to be.
belay nega April 6, 2013
” He is still our enemy just like Mesfin Hagos.”
Zeray April 3, 2013
Who cares about Ali? If you put him in any movement he may end up to be a sell-out. Ali is only after himself. He learned it from his x-boss Issayas.
weygud? April 4, 2013
Ali abdu dekone kizareb elina kinexhebe yebelinan mikiniyatu RAZA NAY ABUEU HAZA debehal mesela alo esu kea eta nay abueu Iseyas eyu hizu bedheri hji keaa kemeu eyu deleweto neger yealon selazi bezaa tehabeyewa deloo enteterefe yehayesh
ሰላምይንገስ(ወዲደባስ) April 4, 2013
ከምቲ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ሸፊቱዎ ዘሎ ኩልና ተሓቢእና ኢና ዘሎና ጉልባብና ንክፈት ሓቀኛ መንነትካ ግለጽ ብፍላይ ጸሓፋይ እዛ ኣርቲክል ንስካ ከ ካብ መን ተሓቢእካ ኣሎካ ካብ ህዝቢ ዋላ ካብ ሸፋቱ(ህግደፍ)፧ ወደሓንካ
ahmed saleh April 4, 2013
Thank you,
That is why I do not participate in the author articles . If you are afraid from HGDF not to
announce your name better keep silent .
Kokhob selam April 5, 2013
to talk about Ali Abdu some one has to be better than him. and may be he is ignoring and not joining people like the writer of the article because they don’t deserve to be with.
Ghenet April 5, 2013
So Kokeb,
Now you think Ali is now a better person that the writer? And people who us name other than their should not talk about? I can understand why you are saying it but I do not think there is any eritrean that does not deserve to be with Ali. But he does not deserve their company. He does not have the moral high ground to ignore any eritrean. He can be in denial though.
You are very rude and insensitive! We do not even know Kokeb is your true name. So you need to respect people who use other names. You have to focus on what they say not on what their names are.
Unfortunately for you, no matter how much you try to protect Ali, you can not protect him from himself. He will always be who he is– a criminal. Any people will keep talking till the judgment day- Not about him but about his victims!
selam berhe April 5, 2013
kokob selam,
as long as you are not ali abdu it is better if you stop jumping to conclusions. ali abdu as a person is not important. what makes him important is the role he played as the right hand man of the Eritrean dictator. so we Eritreans have the right to talk about the former acting minister all we want. it would have been good if he joined the struggle for democratic change. however the march for freedom will go on whether he joins it or not. i think the sooner he joins the better because that will help him make amends for past mistakes.
Kokhob selam April 5, 2013
dear friends,
i am the one who wrote against Abdu before he leave the country and when he run away. check back if Assena didn’t delete him. even i had a poem in both awate and assena regarding Ali Abdu. but then assena’s way was not correct and still is not correct in calling Ali Abdu. the intention of this site is not good and i jump till they abandon my writings come out. nothing can be wrong or right except the intention behind it. assena has a lot to learn and be wide to everybody. if they are for peace they should see people equal. don’t disappointed till you understand what i am after. we need to be united and face things fairly. otherwise what makes us different from PFJD?