ዓሊ ዓብዱ ካብ መን’ዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ???
ዓሊ ዓብዱ ካብ መን’ዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ??? ወኪል ሚኒስትሪ ዜና ኮይኑ ዝሰርሕ ዝነበረ ዓሊ ዓብዱ በቲ ንሱ ዝጥቀመሉ ዝነበረ ኣጸዋዉዓ ካብ “ዝኸድዕ”, በቲ ሚዛናዎ ኣጠማምታ ዘለዎ ሰብ ክኣ ኢዱ ካብ ደም ካብ ዝስሕብ, ኣዋርሕ ቆጺሩሉ ኣብ

ዓሊ ዓብዱ ካብ መን’ዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ???
ወኪል ሚኒስትሪ ዜና ኮይኑ ዝሰርሕ ዝነበረ ዓሊ ዓብዱ በቲ ንሱ ዝጥቀመሉ ዝነበረ ኣጸዋዉዓ ካብ “ዝኸድዕ”, በቲ ሚዛናዎ ኣጠማምታ ዘለዎ ሰብ ክኣ ኢዱ ካብ ደም ካብ ዝስሕብ, ኣዋርሕ ቆጺሩሉ ኣብ ዘሎ ግዜ ኣብ ምሕባእን ካብ መራኸቢ ቡዙሃን ኣብ ምኽዋልን መሪጹሉ ኣብ ዘሎ ግዜ በቲ ሓደ ካብ መንዩ ዝኽወል ዘሎ ብዘይርዳኣካ በቲ ሓደ ክኣ ስለምንታይ ብዝብል ኣዋጣሪ ዝኾነ ሕቶ ነብስኻ ክትሓትት ትቕሰብ.
ኣቶ ዓሊ ኣብ ካናዳ ኣሎ እናተባህለ ሕጂ ካኣ ኣብ ኣዉስትራልያ ከም ዘሎ ይንገር ኣሎ እዚ ጥራይ ዉን ከይኣክል እቶም ትማሊ ዓሊ ስለ ሰቡ ስለ ኣቡኡ ዘይሓሊ ጉሒላ እናበሉ ዝጥቅንዎ ዝነበሩ ብሽም ተቓወምቲ ዕንክሊል ክብሉ ዝጸንሑ ኣዝማድ ዓሊ እንሆ ሕጂ ዓሊ ንኢሰያስ ገዲፍዎ ተባሂሉ ከበሮ ክህረም ንሰምዕ ኣለና.
ኣቱም ሰባት ንኢሰያስ ዝገደፍዎ እኮ ኣይወሓዱን እቲ ሕቶ ዝኸዉን ዘሎ ምስ ገደፍዎ እንታይ ጌሮም እዩ.
ኣቶ ዓሊ ግን ካብ መን እዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ፡ ካብ ስርዓት ኢሰያስ ዶ ይኸዉን ?
ስርዓት ኢሰያስ ከም መንግስቲ ዘይኮነስ ከም ዉልቀ ሰብ ምሕሳብ ካብ ዝጅምር ነዊሕ ኮይኑ ኣሎ እዚ ማለተይ ካኣ ስጋብ ኣብ ዉልቀ ሰብ ብምውራድ ን ኢሰያስን ገስረጥ ተግባራቱን ነቲ ናቱ ጨምላቕ ምሕደራ ዝነቅፍ ወይ ውን ብሕማቕ ዘልዕል ሰብ, ድምር ናይ ኩሉ ድማ ዝቃወም ዘበለ ሰብ ኣብ ምክትታል ካቡኡ ሓሊፉ ዉን ነቲ ከሙኡ ዝገበረ ሰብ ብተዛዋዋሪ ኣብ ምጥቃዕ ካብ ዝጽመድ ነዊሕ ኮይኑ ኣሎ, ቀንዲ ስራሕ እዞም ኣምባሳደራት ኤርትራ ተባሂሎም ኣብ ፈቐዱኡ ሃገራት ዘለው ዉን እዝን ነዚ ዝመስልን እዩ ስርሖም, ኣቶ ዓሊ ዉን ኣጸቢቑ ነዚ ጉዳይ ይፈልጦ እዩ ስለዚ ስርዓት ኢሰያስ ኣቶ ዓሊ ኣበይ ከም ዘሎ ምስ መን ይራኸብ መን ይሕግዞ ኣሎ ዘይፍለጥ ኣይመስለንን.
እሞ እዚ እንዳኾነ እቲ ሓቂ ዓሊ ዳኣ ካብ መን ዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ ? ካብ ህዝቢ ዶ ይኸውን
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ካብ ኣቶ ዓሊ ዝጽበዮ ነገር እንተሎ ከም ማንም ኤርትራዊ ኣብቲ ስለ ሓርነትን ስለ ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን ተተኺሉ ዝንቀሳቐስ ዘሎ ማዕበል ኤርትራውያን ከም ሰቡ ክሳተፍ ጥራይ እዩ፡ እቲ ዝፈልጦ ዘበለ ነዚ ምንቅስቓስ ዝሕግዝ ካኣ ምሕባር እዩ
ካብዚ ሓሊፉ ተሪፉ ግን ሕጂ ኣቶ ዓሊ ስለ ዝሃደመ ተባሂሉ ዘይንሱ ንምምሳል ዝግበር ዘሎ ላዕልን ታሕትን ኣገዳሲ ኣይኮነን ምኽንያቱ መን ሙኾኑ ንፈልጥ ስለ ዝኾና. እንተ ዳኣ እቲ ቅድሚ ዓመት ውን ዘይመልእ ዝተዘርበ ዘረባ ተረሲዑ ኮይኑ ግን ከም መዘኻኸሪ ክጽሕፎ ዘጸግም ኣይኮነን
ከምቲ ኩሉ ግዜ ኣብ ኣኼባታት ዝዝረብ ግን ከ ዘይትግበር ካብ ዓሌትነትን ዝንባሌ ናይ ሃይማኖትን ወጺእና ከይሓሰብና ነቲ ንደልዮ ዘለና ሸቶ ክንሃርም ኣይካኣልን እዩ ነዚ ዘጉልሕ ኣብ መልበርን ኣውስትራልያ ዝተገብረ ምርጫ ንናይ ኣዋሳ ( ኢትዮጵያ) ኣኼባ ዝነበረ ጉስሩጥ ኣካይዳ ህያው ኣብነት ክኾነና ይኽእል እዩ
ስለዚ ኣቶ ዓሊ ብሃይማኖት ምስልምና ስለ ዝኾነ ወይ ውን ብዓሌት ጀበርቲ ስለ ዝኾነ ዘይኮነ ከገድሰና ዘለዎስ, እንተስ ተረዴእዎ እንተስ ኣብ ነብሱ ከይትመጾ ፈሪሑ ነቲ ረሳሕ ስርዓት ራሕሪሕዎ ኣሎ, ነዚ ከም መሰረታዊ ነገር ሪኢና ካኣ ቃልስና ክንቅጽል ይግባእ ኣቶ ዓሊ ገበነኛ እንተኾይኑ ግን ኣብ ኣውስትራልያ ይምጻእ ካናዳ ይኺድ እታ ክሲ ኣይክተርፍን እያ ድሮ እኾ ገበናት ናይ ኣቶ ዓሊ ይትንተን ኣሎ.
ስለዚ ኣቱም ን ኣቶ ዓሊ ናብ ሻሽ ክትቅይርዎ እትጽዕሩ ዘለኹም በጃኹም ነቲ ትማሊ ትብልዎ ዝነበርኩም ዘክሩ እንተዘይኮይኑ ግን ሌባን ተቐባሊ ሌባን ከይከውን ነገሩ
ሕቒ !!!
ካብ መልበርን ኣውስትራልያ
hara April 5, 2013
if ali hide from the people of eritrea ,he is right.how can he stand in the front of the people.he know himself well.he should be hide forever, because of him we lost ………….
dekibat April 5, 2013
Some people asking others why they are hiding behind nickname and to reveal their identity. You have a secret ballot box in democracy to express your view freely and fairly. Imagine there is enough abuse at people already from fanatics of both sides. Kokob selam let me tell you the only place i comment is on this website assenna and i love to read a diverse opinion. I have commented on awate website twice before which they declined to show my comment. My comment was critical about awate and ali abdu. First comment when awate showed Palestinians as victims while forgetting that Eritreans are the victim of Palestinians which Hamas is benefiting from the money to buy more weapons and using Eritreans as human shield on vehicles carrying weapons in case of an Israeli attack. There were several instances of Arial attack on vehicles carrying weapons in sudan border by Israeli air force before and who knows how many kidnapped Eritreans died on those vehicles. More than that we will never forget when Yaser Arafat said “I DO not know Eritrea I know it is Ethiopian territory” on his visit to Addis Ababa. So awate should concentrate on Eritrean issue Like Ali Abdu, Sinai , Eritrean suffering and not raise issue alien to our Eritrean life. Second the difference between awate and assenna is awate like to issue FATWA on freedom of speech just like ali abdu as minister of information did to journalists. When the Kunama people object awate as a symbol of resistance due to factual evidence , the opposition camp declared Jihad on everybody who oppose awate and awate .com allowed their commentators to issue Fatwa on everybody who air his opinion. Help me here who is better Alkhumainee of Iran , Binladen or Awate.com. Speaking of Ali Abdu he is the last person to defect of high rank and Isias’ confidante. What’s ironic is until recently he defended isias to death and wants to punch everybody , Incarcerated many journalist , jailed civilians , women children even denied people medical care only to seek himself five star medical care in western countries. His wife in Canada, his brother in America, his relatives in Australia. Why did he chose Australia? Not to bring Ali Abdu to Justice is to deny his victims Justice. Justice delayed is justice denied. When he confronts the court that will deter people from joining isias. But if we let go murderers then everyone will join isias in the hope we will forgive them. Deterrence is the best tool. If Young HEGDEF in London deported to Eritrea no one will be in the monkey hotel meeting, so when we have the upper hand we have to ply the card. Otherwise 50 years on the general sons will still be there.
Kokhob selam April 6, 2013
Brother dekibat,
keep loving Assena my friend. their are people who still love pfdj. once upon a time the assena administration was loving EPLF the mother of pfdj. that is how it works. i use to love assena although i know they have some narrow intentions thinking they will come to their sense. you and me have freedom to accept any one we want my friend.
Ali Abdu was the minister of PFDJ.now he abandoned the party.there were a lot of people who serve PFDJ and abandoned still there are a lot on the way. some will join the opposition some will not. the way to attract them is to be real opposition. work for unity of people and see people equal. but now this weak opposition is steel working but not as it should. the biggest problem is that the narrow minded people are around still. this is the biggest enemy of Eritrea people (adey adey,biherey bherey, haymanotey).this site is not willing to work for unity of people although it moves and do in humanitarian works.
I don’t have i Issyas for being from regional or tribe. I equally fight against him and Alamin and others. Assena hate Ali Abdu for not working under them. “if you don’t work with me you are against me” is their stand. otherwise
he was with PFDJ like all others who are talking day and night with Assena.
the movement of assena and temporary gain will not change those principled people because they were not attracted by EPLF’s temporary gain. truth my take some time but truth is truth. assena still have chance to be corrected by changing their way.
Kokhob selam April 6, 2013
i hope assena will not delete my poem bellow. and this is for them and others who are still a bit back and should coup with new developments. i will appreciate them if they allow you to read. and it will give me hope to work with them.
………ጽበትን ስፍሓትን…….
ጽብብ ሓዲሩ ጽብብ እንተወዓለ:-
ብድሑር ዝንባሌታቱ እንተተብከለ;-
ይከ ኣል እዩ ክምከር ክእለ:-
ከፊ ኡና ዘሎ ናይ’ቲ ተጸለለ:-
ናይ’ቲ ጸረ ሰላም ዓጢቁ ተላዕለ:-
ናይ’ቲ ምዕባሌን ራህዋን ዝኸልከለ::
ጸቢብ ድኣ ኣካል ገፊሕ እንድ ኣሉ:-
ጸቢቡ ጸቢቡ ናበይ ከብል ኢሉ:-
ዕድል ምስተዋህቦ ክሳብ ዝበርሃሉ:-
ኣብ’ ቲ ገፊሕ ባይታ ኣይተርፎን ምጽላሉ::
‘ቲ ስፍሓት ዓቐን ብጸቢብ ነይውነን:-
‘ቲ ጸቢብ ‘ውን ግዳ ብሰፊሕ ነይኩነን:-
ሰፍሕ ‘ውን እኮ ብዘይጸቢብ የለን:-
ልቦና የድሊ ንመሰልን ክብርን:-
ኩሉ ብበቦትኡ ኣድላይ ብምኾኑ:-
ክተሓዝ ይግባእ ግርም ተመዚኑ:-
ግርም ተኣልዩ ከይሓልፍ ዓቐኑ:-
ከይጋጮ ምእንታን ምውናን ሓሊኑ::
ምግፍሕ ‘ውን እኮ ሓድጋ ‘ዩ መጠን እንተሓሊፉ:-
ውሕጅ እኳ ዝደክም መንገዲ እንተግዚፉ:-
መጠን ሓሊኻ እዩ ዘድሊ ምሕቋፉ:-
ግዳ ተጠንቂቅካ ገሊኦም ከይተርፉ:-
ምስ ጸረ ሓድነት ከይዶም ከይስለፉ:-
ስሚ መዓር ኢሎም ሰትዮም ከይቅዘፉ::
ዓቐንን መጠንን ብግቡእ ንምምዛን :-
ዓይነት ከድሊ እዩ ተምክሮን ምህሮን:-
ሓዲሽ መድረኽ ንፍጠር ነዚ ንምትንታን:-
ዲሞክራሲያዊት ሃገር ክንፈጥር መእንታን::
ብኮኾብ ሰላም
ahmed saleh April 6, 2013
Thank you for your honest response Mr , ( DEKIBAT < PARADISO < KOMBUSHTATO ….)
ASSENA forum clown , the advocate of Eritreans cause , poor ASSENNA for her humble approach .
Taddesse T Gebremussie April 5, 2013
ኣቶ ዓሊ ናበይ ኢኻ ተውጠይጢ ዳሕድሓዮ እቲ ሓቂ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ መሓሪ እዩ።ጸውዓዮም ንተኽለ ማንጁስ ኢሳያስን ኤርትራ ን ኤርትራውያን ኣረክቡ ብሰላም ክትነብሩ ከም ቃዛፊ ከይተጋሕፉ።ምኸሮም ጎይተትካ።
Kokhob selam April 6, 2013
01.is Ali Abdu who abandoned PFDJ? Why is assena caring more than others like Mesfin Hagos and others?
02.is asena or any person on earth able to judge any one with out having even legal system?
03. Even DIA, is he supper man to do all those crimes? weren’t people around including the owner of this site working for him? yes, i think few were for truth and had been killed not by hand of DIA but his followers with narrow tendency thinking DIA represents them.
so if all people who followed DIA are criminal people you better buy your bullet and put it in your head and go to hell.haaaaaaa
the solution is to accept our mistakes and come up with new ideas.even if you remove DIA today if you have still that backwardness you will create another dictator. don’t force people to follow you before cleaning your old garbage. we need to be honest to ourselves men.
Zebib April 6, 2013
Mr. Kokhob selam
You say “…we need to be honest to ourselves…” at the same time you try to convince us that the owner of this site worked for DIA in the same level as Ali Abdou who was at a ministerial level and a right hand man of DIA. I just wonder what being honest means to you. It certainly does not have the same meaning it has for me. One comes to realise that you are a person with an agenda, already decided who is to be condemned and who is to be absolved notwithstanding whether the person is fighting DIA in the fiercest manner or is in hiding, unwilling to repent and make peace with his people. Where is your honesty? Where is your fairness? Where is your fear of God? You are telling us that Amanuel Eyasu is a stronger DIA collaborator than Ali Abdou? Not even a child can believe the nonsense you display with much disrespect to everyone. You underestimate our intelligence and offend. It is very hard to fathom why you are over protective of the criminal Ali Abdou, unless you are a relation (in which case you should be honest and admit it).
Kokhob selam April 6, 2013
deares Zebib,
I don’t and didn’t protect Ali Abdu. I am against the principle of Ali Abdu for being in EPLF before Amanuel do. in principle we who were against both in first place didn’t complain of all. i don’t judge any single person including the once still in power leave alone Amanuel who just is Amanuel or Ali Abdu for that mater. what i am saying is not even who is more criminal. that will be the job of people. but as for me i hate discrimination. the problem of Eritrea is not PFDJ nor is DIA or Issayas Afwerki. they all are the results of our thinking. if Ali is not there still their could have been another person as far as we are not solving the problem. the problem is in our head. to know the secrete just ask your self why you are against someone and if you honestly see deeply and judge yourself you will find where your mistake is. this is what i mean by being honest with our selves. we created the mess and we want to clean the leaf while there is the root inside us. stop blaming and start to clean your corrupted minds is my massage. assena simply want to do things from the wrong angle. they must be clean and clear. this massage is tough but we will not have choice except to accept it. every one who is alive today should know we are paying what we should.to stop the cycle start with self.
Kokhob selam April 6, 2013
by the way let me say thank to Assena for allowing me to write as they have bee closing my massages for sometime.
Ghenet April 6, 2013
Kokeb and Ahmed,
You both seem to have an ulterior motive. What is it with Ali Abdu and you? If you think you stand for democracy then practice it. People have the right to express their ideas. If you have an issue with Amanuel, settle it with him in a matured way. Not by creating havoc among the forum participant. BUt then you may not be real you are ghosts from another website.
Please be matured and do not open the wounds Ali inflicted on eritrean and let us all wait till the judgement day comes for the vultures who have snatched the lives off our youth, who have caused the nonstop tears of our mothers to flow. So enough should be enough Kokeb Selam and Ahmed. People’s hearts are aching. There is no need to call each other names, being rude to each other and create unnecessary friction among us if you are one of us, actually two. What would it take to get you people to focuson the real issue?
Kokhob selam April 7, 2013
if you think my massage is not from someone who is not part of you just go on with your way end up talking and blaming individuals which will take you anywhere. only practical people will change the situation. you see we Ali the man who the era by paying his life was not from people who are talking and not even from opposition but from PFDJ/EPLF. those are the innocent people who still thought PFDJ will take us to higher level and came to know one by one and do something.No revenge and hatred simply, no tribal problem or pending historical crimes, no hanky pinky histories just do what things for common good.
when we have the common government, rule of law and systems to follow the people will call individuals for justice. now be brave and fight the one was guns leading by force in Asmara.
Kokhob selam April 7, 2013
correction please,
if you think my massage is not from someone who is part of you just go on with your way and end up talking and blaming individuals which will take you nowhere.you see wediAli the man who change the era by paying his life was not from people who are talking and not even from opposition but from PFDJ/EPLF.
Ghenet April 7, 2013
Who talked about wedi Ali? I did not because the event raises more questions than it answers.
My comment was on how you spin issues and make them personal talking about assenna etc. if you do not like Assenna, then Assenna has the right not to like Ali Abdu.
You say people who talk about Ali Abdu should be better than him and he is not talking because we are not worthy enough to hear him. Do you hear yourself!Don’t you think this is an insult to the living and the dead? Then you go on and comment on Assenna. Well are you better than them to comment or talk about Assenna.and now you bring up Wedi Ali. You seem to try to tell us that only PFDJ/EPLF can bring the solution. We will see won’t we.
I am not blaming individuals. For what it is worth, Ali abdu as a person is nobody but his victims were trusting eritreans. If we all are smart we should not mention his name again, till the day comes.
Kokeb, let us stop discussing people and focus on how we can contribute to get our people from the hell they are in.And it starts with positive attitude towards each other and start being democratic if we are fight for democracy.
ahmed saleh April 7, 2013
Are you Okay . Why are you trying to drag me in to un-accustomed dialogue ?
The writer of this article have nothing to do with AMANUEL IYASSU and to express my objection
for the writer choice to conceal his name is my right . But for ALI ABDU case , I have no
time to argue about a coward who even can not protect his own father . You should take time to analyze things to avoid misunderstanding before you reach on conclusion.
Kokhob selam April 7, 2013
“focus on how we can contribute to get our people from the hell they are in.And it starts with positive attitude towards each other and start being democratic if we are fight for democracy.” OK. that is what we should do and to do this we need to know how to fight. how to fight our own selves. that is the first home work forgotten in our political struggle since ever. Who created this mess? we have to answer ..’I,we for not saying the truth. don’t cover mistakes and face it.
Haile Michael April 7, 2013
ዓሊ ዓብዱ ካብ ከምዚ ከማኻ ለፍላፍን ሃዳምን እዩ ዝሕባእ ዘሎ። ጀበርቲ ይኹን መንደፍ ንሱ ሰብኣይ እዩ። ተዓጻጺፉ ንጉሒላ ሐደ ስጉሚ ቀዲሙ ተዓዊቱ፡ ነብሱ ኣድሒኑ። እንተዘይጎርሕ ድማ ሕጂ ዝገደደ ነበረያ ነበረ ምኾነ። ክልተ ጊዜ ክረአይ ስለዘይደለየ ትም መሪጹ ኣሎ። ኣብ ቦትኡ ንነብስኻ እሞ የእትዋ፡ ሽዑ እንታይ ክትገብር ከምእትኽል ተመራመር። ቀደም ንኤርትራ ረጥሪጥካ ሃዲምካ፡ ሕጂ ወሓለ ክትከውን ኣይትፈትን። ኩሎም ሕርበኛታት ተጋደልቲ ድማ ልክዕ ከም ኢሰያስ ዝሓስቡ ከይመስለካ፡ ኩላ ጨኒቑዋ፡ ገሊኣ ደቃ ከትዕቢ፡ ገሊኣ ብዝሓለፈ ገበና ጅሆ ተታሒዛ፡ ሎም ዶ ጽባሕ እያ ትብል ዘላ። ለውጢ ምስ መጸ ድማ ንስኻ ገለ ክትጽሕፍ እኻ። ለፍላፊ!
wedi ertraa oslo April 10, 2013
we can not forget the blood of innocent eritreans.any one who commeted crimes justice is approching.this is the distarbeing issue
wedi ertraa oslo April 10, 2013
We need to be one people all the way Ali Abdu and others they have to wait the good things are we all know them the people who have blood on their hands