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ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብ 24 ግንቦት ብምኽንያት ጽምብል ናጽነት መበል 23 ዓመት ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣብ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ፣ ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ።

ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብ 24 ግንቦት ብምኽንያት ጽምብል ናጽነት መበል 23 ዓመት ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣብ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ፣ ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምንዳፉ ሰለስተ ተኸታታሊ ዓመት ዝወሰደሉ፣ ብ1997 ዝጸደቐ ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ‘ኳ እንተለዎ፣

ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብ 24 ግንቦት ብምኽንያት ጽምብል ናጽነት መበል 23 ዓመት ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣብ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ፣ ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ።

ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምንዳፉ ሰለስተ ተኸታታሊ ዓመት ዝወሰደሉ፣ ብ1997 ዝጸደቐ ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ‘ኳ እንተለዎ፣ ውልቀመላኺ ኢስይያስ ብዛዕባ ትግባረ ናይቲ ኮነ ኢሉ ዘባኸኖ ድሉው ቅዋም ኣብ ክንዲ ዝዛረብ፣ ‘ሓዱሽ ቅዋም’ ክንደፍ ምዃኑ ምግላጹ ንዝህብና ብባዶ መብጽዓ ንምትላል ዝኣለሞ፣ ነቲ ሕዱር ቅዋምን ሕግን ናይ ምጽባእ ሕማሙ ዘንጸባርቕ ፍሹል ፈተነ እዩ።

እዚ ኸኣ ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቅን ስርዓቱን ብስነሓሳብ ከምዝተሳዕሩን፣ ስዕረቶም ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝቢ ከምዝተኣመኑሉን የንጸባርቕ። ኢሳይያስ ነቲ ኣብ ውሽጥን ወጻእን ዘሎ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብቐጻሊ ዘልዕሎ ዘሎ ሕቶ ቅዋማዊ መንግስቲ ከም ቀደም ብብድዐ ዕሽሽ ኢልካ ምሕላፍ ዘይከኣል ምዃኑ ተገንዚቡ ክዛረበሉ ምግዳዱ እቲ ስርዓት ብፖለቲካዊ መዳይ ተሳዒሩ፣ ለሽ ኢሉ ደኺሙ ምህላዉ ብዘየወላውል ዘረጋግጽ እዩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ በዚ መደናገሪ ስልቲ ኢሳይያስ ከይተደናገረ፣ ነቲ ዘይተርፍ ውድቀቱ ኣቀላጢፉ፣ ነቲ ኣቐዲሙ ዝጸደቕ ቅዋሙ ምርኩስ ብምግባር ህዝባዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ መንግስቲ ንምትካል ጽዓቱ ካብ ቀደም ብዝያዳ ከሐይል ይግባእ።

Review overview
  • Truly Truly i say to you May 30, 2014

    To be honest From Isyas´s sin, iniquity, devious,jealousy, wickedness,negativity from that have towards Eritrea; that of Yosef Gebrehiot`s and his applauder like Paradiso or what hell you call your names, the SYE aka Yogoslavo´s with many aka´s nick name and others, all to name you one by one i do not have time, but you know yourselves and we very well know you too; i tell if yours one sin is not worse, by no means could be better. In a short your stupid negative character it makes and looks Isyas more human and angel than you. I do not know to what you are opposing. If your intention is to see a divided Eritrea with a constitution self determination up to secession, or in the name of religion right to see a constitution which support that, i assure you be it by Isyas constitution or by any other real Eritrean justice seekers when hold power you will never ever see that happen. People like you because you all time disturbing and coming with dividing agenda is up to now the opposition not succeeding.I tell you in the matter of nation unity constitution regardings, believe or not we more trust PFDJ than yours because of that we well come PFDJ`S constitution than yours. But that doesn´t mean we will allow Isyas to abuse power like before, but we strongly demand and fighting to be ratified the rest 1997 constitution. That is It!
    Finally you have to know this fact the bible as says this,”When the wicked man ( like Isayas) turns away from his wickidness… and does that which is lawful and right… he shall surly live, he shall not die.(Ezekiel 18: 27-28) That means Isyas still have chance to renew his name, but the question is does his evil nature late him to do right and to think good for Eritrea? I don´t think so!

    • Tamrat Tamrat May 30, 2014

      The crime of isaias is not only what he has done to eritreans at home but the ones he turned them to People like ‘Truly..’. Truly is now like two persons, one when he is not taking his tablet and another one a complet different person when he takes his medicine.

  • ተወልደመድኅን May 30, 2014

    ልክዕ ብዙህ’ዩ ጎዲሉዎ ዘሎ እቲ ናይ 1997 ዘየድሊ ሰፊሩሉ ኣሎ።….እቲ ዘየድሊ፡ፕረዝደንት ኤርትራ ክኸውን ዝሕረ ብውሑዱ ኣቦኡን ኣዲኡን ኣብ ኣኤርትራ ዝተወልዱ ክከውን ኣለዎ ይብል።…..እዚ ኮነ ኢሎም ን ኢሱ ትንፋስ ንምኽላእ ዝገበሩዎ’ዩ።ኢሱ ልዕሊ ዝኮነ ይኹን’ዩ።……ቀጺሉ እንተወሃደ ንክልተ ኣርባዕተ ክምረጽ ካብ ኡ ንላዕሊ ግን ክምረጽ ከምዘይብሉ ሃደ ርእሰ ሃገር ተጻሒፉ…..እቶም ኣብ ቅዋም ዝተሳተፉ ናይ ህግ ካድረታት ንምሉእ መዋኣሎም ጥራሕ ጽቡቕ የመሃድር ይኹን’ምበር እንታይ ኣለዎ ንምሉእ ሕይወቱ ብዘይምርጫ ንሱ እንተመርሀ’ዮም ሚሆሮም፡1997 ደኣ እንታይ ሰሚዖም ከም ኡ ዝብሉ፡ኣኤሜሪካ ወይ ኣስራኣኤል ከም’ዩ ኢሎም ኣረዲኦኦሞም ኣለው።ወይ ምናልባት ምቅይያር ኣንተመጽዩስ ናይ ርእሰ ሃገር ቦታ ክበጽሕ ይኽእል’ሞ ቀልጢፈ ይህብትም ወይ ነቶም ቀደም ከብቲ ክጓሲ ከለኹ ዘሕምቁኒ ዚነበሩ ሕነይ ይፈዲ ( ምኽንያቱ ኩሎም ካድራት ህግደፍ ጓሶት ኣብ ሰማንያ ተገፊፎም ዝኸዱ’ዮም።ገሊኦም ከኣ ብሃገራዊ ኦስክርና ዝመጹ’ዮም )ብምባል ነቲ ዚመሃሩዎን ዚተማህሩዎን ረሲኦኦም በጃኦም ይኹን ኣሜሪካ እንዶ’ላ ጸላኢትና።……..እቲ ክውሰኽ ዚነብሮ ኣብ ቅዋም ዘይሰፈረ፡ርእሰ ሃገር ንሰብ ንሞት ክፈርድ መሰል ከምዘለዎ’ዩ።እቲ ንምሉእ ህይወቱ ሃንቲ ለይቲ ሰለም ከየበለ ን ኣኤርትራ ዝሰርሃላ ክቡር መራሒና ከኣ፡ኣንጻር ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝተላዕለ ግጉይ ሰብ’ዩ ንዝበሎ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃሙሽታ ደቓይቕ ብይን ከሕልፍ ከምዝኽእል ኣብቲ ቅዋም ዘይምስፋሩ ካብቲ ዝጎደለ’ዩ።ስለዚ እቲ ሕጂ ዝንደፍ ቅዋም ካድራትን ኣብ ኣኤሜሪካ ዚነብሩ ምሁራት ተበለጽቲ ዝማኣከሉዎ ዘይኮነ፡ባዕሉ ኢሱ ናይ ሊቐ መንበር ቦታ ተረኪቡ ነቲ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ የርብሕ ዝበሎ ክገብሮ’ዩ።ምኽንያቱ ንሱ ህዝቢ ኣኤርትራ እንታይ ይደሊ ኣጸቢቑ ይፈልጦን፡ኣጽኒዑዎን ስለዝኾነ።…..ከምቲ ናይ ፍሉይ ቤትፍርዲ ፕረዝደንት ኮይኑ ንበላዕተናን ሰረቕትን ኮኪዱ ዝሃዞም፡ከምቲ ናይ ዩንቨርስቲ ሃላፊ ኮይኑ ተማሂርና ኢሎም ዝጽይቑ ኣፎም ዘትሃዞም፡ከምቲ ናይ ምክልኻል ላዕላዋይ ኣሃላፊ ኮይኑ ሃዳሚ ኣልጊሱ ንግዱስ፡ሃዳሩ ገዲፉ ሃገረይ ዝብል ሃዲሽ ወለዶን ሰራዊትን ዝመልመለ ብቑዕ መራሒ፡ህጂ ከኣ ብቑዕ ቅዋም ባዕሉ ክነድፍ ክግደፍ ኣለዎም።………………150 ኦኣመት ንበረልና ምእንቲ ጥሜትን ድኽነትን ተቐንጢጡ ጽጋብ ከንግስ፡ምእንቲ ንሕና ኣኤርትራውያን ግቡእ ክብሪ ክንረክብ።…..ኣሜን ንበረልና 150 ዓመት ኢሱ።

    • bhaki May 30, 2014

      ተወልደ መድህን
      ካብ ማዓስ ኢኻ ግግጉይ ሓበሬታ ትጽሕፍ፣ ትብሎ ዘለኻ መብዛሕትና ንርድኣካ ኢና። እቶም ሓደስቲ ናብ ኣሰና ዝነቡን ብዙህ ናይ ትግሪና ብቕዓት ዘይብሎምን ግን ትዛረቦ ዝበለ ከም ሓቂ ኢዮም ዝወስድዎ። እዚ ትብሎ ዘለኻ ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ልቢ ኣድጊ ስለዝኮነ ልቦም፡ ከም ሓቅን ሓገዝን ገሮም እዮም ዝእይዎ። ስለዚ ኣብዚ ንነብረሉ ዘለና እዋን ዋዛ ብጽሑፍ የለን፣ እሞ ትዛረቦ ዝበለ ቑሩብ እንተትሓስበሉ ጽቡቕ ነይሩ።

  • Merhawit May 30, 2014

    Get lost, Pol Pot, ur time is over! U’ve already turned our country at least 100 years back, mutilated it beyond recognition, emptied our cities, towns and villages of their young and brilliant citizens, subjected the rest to a state of fear and daily material want, and condemned the brave men and women among us, who only demanded constitutionalism and the rule of law, to the worst gulags ever seen and unheard of in human history.

    And now, u, a constitution??!!! No, thank u. What we only need is nothing short of ur head, Mr. Pol Pot of Africa!!

    • Alem kidane May 30, 2014

      My brothers and sisters we were asleep for the past twenty four years when this tyrant Isayas Afeworki (Pol-Pot of Africa) and his criminal enterprise massacring our innocent people and ruining our beloved Eritrea, it is time we say ENOUGH ENOUGH ENOUGH and rise up like we did before and send this criminals to their graves.

      “They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them” Gandhi.
      “No one can hurt you without your consent” Eleanor Roosevelt.

  • yonax May 30, 2014

    I grew up as Ethiopian. then the so called ‘SHAEBIA’ came from no where that don’t know rule of law and make a disaster on my home land. i miss my Identity ‘ ETHIOPIAN’. That is all i want to see. that is all i pray for and it will happen. its my wish and i hope to see strong, prosperous, and united Ethiopia, than fragmentary, law less Shaebia land. death for Isayas.

    • Asmeret May 31, 2014

      yonax is your mom or dad ethiopian it is ok, but you can’t speak for Eritrean. Eritrean paid a heavy price ( their life)to get back their country.yonax there is nothing wrong to be ethiopian and we will bee a good neighbors. God bless Eritrea and eritrean.

    • Eritreawit June 6, 2014

      Mengedun cherq yarglih, but don’t drug us with you. You fool didn’t they send you back by saying we don’t like your eye color?

  • Tes May 30, 2014

    Dear compatriots,

    I am sure by now I believe most of us knew that Issayas is clinically mad. He can say anything come to his mouth. Constitution today and tomorrow he will say what constitution. He is compulsive lair and he has no shame what so ever. Taking his words and put it to discussion like wasting your time. When did the last time he deliver on his promise? How many promises had been plagued and broken as never mentioned before. Few months ago he was promising to the warsay to reward them with at least houses and said to the people no chance of democracy in Eritrea. Anyone who want democracy must find it in the moon not in the land of Isseyas. As usual now he flip to the other and promise to the people constitution, all that promise to the Warsay no even a mention. Because promise is nothing for him. That is life line. He lives by promising to different section of society at different period. So lets not waste time debating some thing doesn’t need debating. We have constitution and concentrate on how to implement and that is only on the burial of Isseyas.

  • Mahta May 30, 2014

    As usual, this guy throws some meat in the ground and everyone is talking about it, so who is clinically mad?? us or him?? why are we drag ourselves in his own game?

    • Tamrat Tamrat May 30, 2014

      Yes, man. Ignore him and continue the struggel which brings the cluless isaias to wake him back into 1995, the drafting of the constitution.

  • Genet-orginal May 30, 2014

    Hey dictator Isayas
    You are where you are because of your ruthless manipulation skills. The Eritrean people accepted you as one of his son. Even with mounted evidences of crimes the previous 30 years, they choose to forgive you and gave you a second chance. Through out the 23 years of our live, you showed us how you have no respect for us or our country. You took us to war and killed our youth and experienced military men who you couldn’t manage to kill during the struggle. You shot at our disable veterans, because they ask for their right. You held our drafted Constitution hostage for 17 years. You put our people in prison without any do process. What makes you think you are qualified to change or draft our constitution? You had your chance and lost it. The past 17 years, you lost your credibility which there was nothing to began with. You lost the people who loved you unconditionally, because you stabbed them in the back ruthlessly. Dictator Isayas, it doesn’t even matter whether you are an Eritrean or not. What we need to know is what you have done to the Eritrean people, for the past 53 years. Your fake talk about this supposedly “constitution” is nothing but a diversion from what is going on with our people all over the world. For Example, Pilot Dejen’s issue is captivating the Eritrean peoples’ attention. With his eloquent speech, he confirmed what we thought of you all along. Pilot Dejen’s case is a testimonial of your ruthlessness and untrustworthy characteristic, at the same time it shows how resilient the Eritrean people are. The Eritrean people are kind. They are so kind, they even tolerated you.

    Dictator Isayas, what is up with you. We have a drafted constitution from the 1997, SO, we don’t need your version of constitution.
    If you think this is going to buy you time, think again. This actually will exacerbate your situation. You and constitution are not compatible. If there is Eritrean constitution, you will cease to exist or dissolve. This fake talk of “constitution” is going to confuse your zombie supporters. They even know if there is constitution, you will die. Therefore, stop this shenanigan and go back to your old, crazy, delusional, hot and cold personality, rude and unkempt speech. We are angry with what you did to our people like Dejen and other ordinary Eritreans. There is nothing you can say to make us forgive you. IT IS TOO LATE FOR YOU! Just go!!!!!!! Let us all go back to listening to Dejen’s story.

    • Asmeret May 31, 2014

      Genet great point! well said, Power to the justice seekers eritrean.

      • Genet-orginal June 3, 2014

        Thanks, Asmeret.

    • Merhawit May 31, 2014

      “There is nothing you can say to make us forgive you”. Well said my dear Genet.

    • Yerhiwo June 1, 2014

      Genet-original, I can’t say said it all. Eritrean people accepted Dictator Isaias Afwerki as they are own son, but he lost it.

      Dictator Isaias Afwerki, you killed many innocent eritreans who demand for their right, you put in jail innocent eritreans in jail, you make our Eritrea a living hell, you make Eritrea to be worst in everything, you brought DEMHIT to abuse our people, you created “hizbawi serwait” and gave guns to grandfathers and grandmothers to kill each other etc.

      Your death is going to be similar to Geddafi your idol…..and that will be very soon!

      • asmeret June 1, 2014

        Yerhiow Amen to it! indid it is going to happen to him.

      • Genet-orginal June 3, 2014

        Yerhiwo, Merhawit and Asmeret Thanks for your support. Let us keep advocating for our people. We can’t be silent any longer.
        Enough is Enough. Our people don’t deserve what they are getting. Dictator Isayas needs to be stopped now.

  • Teclay May 30, 2014


    Our sister Ghenet said that among others ” Don`t drag us back to the Bahrenegasian era,,,,,,,,you need to be proud who you are today ,,,,,”

    Ghent you said ” proud “unfortunately it is not in our dictionary today we lost it long time when we claimed we are Hizbi Tigrigna ,the Rrashaida Arabs are our brothers our language is Arabic. In other words we are not back ward African Habesha , Zeray Deres the lion of Rome, we don`t know who is he ?
    Ghent as you seem intelligent i recommend you to read “the Roots” Alex Haley . I mean if you haven`t read it so far . Then you will know how important your past and your origin is .

    I wish you Happy Weekend !

    • ahmed saleh May 31, 2014

      Are we Arabs ? yeah
      Are we bla-bla ? yeah
      Now ANJALIYE say I am cool and smart and go to bed , bye !

    • Asmeret May 31, 2014

      teclay enjoy your time it will end soon and don’t worry about Eritrean.

  • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis June 1, 2014

    Bahki, this way of writing is different from all of us. He is explaing the actuall situation of eritreans.
    You said it is because we don’t have government, no the governmrnt is there but he don’t care about the eritrean people.
    Historical Arabs were kidinaping people from every part of Africa but very rare from our country men.
    it is sure what he is writing, even me I get angry when he expose eritrean reality in this way, instead to be sensible of the eritrean situation why you get ungry.
    you know actually we have lot of half casts, of unknown fathers, men and women are rupped, and humilated by bedwins considered eritreans, while the Agame people fought against this people are the most enemy of eritreans.
    we want to humilate Agame by insulting them and we failed but we are so humilated we are not even equal to them.
    This man is the only wise eritrean who present the history and the events properly, instead to learn we are always afraid when it is mentioned Ethiopia, Agame, Habesha etc. Are we not Habesha, and are not Habesha the Agame people , the habesha is from high land to low land , no dought of this it arrive until Sudan.
    the Sudsns refuse to be Habesha because they are colonized by the arab culture, and some eritreans by reliogion they will say we are arabs. If this is the case we declesre we are arabs and live the identity of respected propke of habesha.
    why Eritreans are afraid to be Habesha and the same people of Agame. If it is true you erireans demostrate us who you are and we shall accept you , if you are arabs tell us , and we shall tell you go home to the arab land. Ther is no people colled eritrea there is a regione called eritrea colonized by the italians and now for different reason it is indipendent country, but this should not create new history of the people, it is only history of georaphy.
    Alulla is colonizer, Ras Woldemicsl of Hamasien was a freedom fighter of eritrea is absolutly wrong. As usual it is history of Keboro and Mesonko.
    It is true when he is saying eritrea is formed by italians, the name is given by italians, and Alula was not colonizer but fought against Italians Arabs and all the foreigners in the land called Hamasien, Smhar, until kessela .
    This is facts why the edicuated and uneducated eritreans are afraid of this situation,
    Simply because, they are not Agame. It is amazaing how ignorant the actually eritreans . They are historical necked ,the hamasien ,the part of akeleguzai, part of seraye, not only even in the lowland of eritrea are full of Agame origin and they are very proud people. Let to do DNA of all those people we are tslking and insulting, we shall find them all agames = Dekebat
    this man wants to chang eritreans by writing and understanding not the history of EPLF history or other etitreans by koboro o Mosonko
    Ertreans, please learn and learn from your sensible brothers who has been sailent until now.After all it easy to know the eritrean DNA IF WE READ HISTORY .

    • Teclay June 1, 2014

      Asgedom And Asghedet

      Aghedet said “teclay enjoy your time it will end soon and don’t worry about Eritrean.”
      I can answer our beloved sister in short.The good book says”ZIGHEBRIWO AYFELTUN IYOM IMO AYTIHAZELOM ”

      Thanks for your support nothing to add you said all. About my identity i don not have a single doubt,i was born from respected family in the center of Bahrenegash . But had i was born in Adi Grat or Mekele it would not have any difference to me absolutely. For me Hamasien = Akele = Seraye = Agame = Adwa = Lasta Gonder etc
      By nature i like critical questions,when i was 7 in 1st class ,the female teacher was teaching us the creations of God from day one to day seven ,when she finished , i asked her who created God by it self? the price i paid for that was unforgettable and enormous for 7 year old child.
      Now what they are telling us the Kebeesa Idiots ? but when i say idiots it applies only to the so called Kebessa intellectuals . The hypocrites should have challenged Ghedli which was the most unjustifiable Revolution in the world . ex Dr Amare 1964 his Thesis of his doctorate was “Eritrea is part of Ethiopia” . What made him to change his mind ? to join the empty Ghedli

      • asghedom June 1, 2014

        Teclay on, in any case I am Asghedom Not Asghedet but the names are both of them good , they come from Misgad
        thanks for your answer.
        we respects idea and comment of any one .

      • asghedom June 1, 2014

        Teclay On thanks ,my name is Asghedom not Asghedet, and I don’t understand ,I don.t write any comment about you. In any case Asghedet is not bad name it comes from Misgad my comment was on Bahaki, about the poeam of R.I.P I think you read wrong

        • Teclay June 1, 2014


          I apologize brother i mixed all Asgedet ,Asmeret ,Asghedom ,and above all the answer to Bhaki, as the answer to Asmeret. I was in smart phone but no excuse i try my best not to do the same mistake again.

      • Genet-orginal June 3, 2014

        Dear Teclay
        It doesn’t even matter, whether you are Tigrayan/Ethiopian or an Eritrean half and half. What is puzzling is why you are spewing hatred and disrespect toward Eritreans and Eritrea. If you are a Tigrayan/Ethiopian who has no beef with Eritreans, you have two good options. One, to stay away from Eritreans’issues. Second, you can be a good and healthy human being and have empathy for the Eritrean people. From your thought process, you seems to have some type of complex. You tried to mislead Assennna readers, like you are an Eritrean. What you don’t understand is Eritrean are not bitter, but angry about what is happening to our people and country. Eritreans as people, we don’t have self- defeating characteristic. Your thought process shows, your priority is off. You talk about Arab VS habasa and it makes no sense at this time of our lives. SO, you can’t be Eritreans. I don’t wast my time responding to Tigrayan/Ethiopian people, who come to Assennna to tell us about their wishes for Eritrean to be part of Ethiopia. Because it is irrelevant issue, Eritreans don’t talk about it. You can’t be an Eritrean, not because I said so, but your thought process is way off and your lack of empathy is giving you away.

        SO, you consider yourself as “Bahrenegashan”, So what? That doesn’t give you the a right or incentive to disrespect the Eritrean people. Let me tell you a true story, there is this person who consider him/herself an Eritrean; at this time of our lives, this person is not flag waving, wedi afom, singing idiot. But this person has some kind of hatred to ward Eritreans. This person didn’t know that I know about his/her background of “half & half”. So one day, we were having conversation and the Eritrean issue came up. The person said about Isayas, “This people are the most cursed people and he needs to treat them that way” Talk about having hatred, toward the very people who pretend to be part of. This person has no other country by choice. How do you live with yourself wishing the worst possible things to the people you are pretending to be part of? How sick and damaged can you be?
        SO, Dear Teclay, this “Bahrenegash” crap is not going to fly with us. Therefore, use your talent, time and education to better the lives of people who you are part and comfortable with. Spewing hatred toward Eritreans online is not going benefit you or your people. God bless you and good luck!

        • Eritreawit June 6, 2014

          Geni, brilliant. Nowdays the so called adnetawian are evry where. is their home. Awate they dominate it, now they are coming to assenna to spoil it. But it not going to work. Look how many of them are here posing as they care but their true color showing .

    • selamawit2 June 1, 2014

      Asghedom Woldeghiorghis,

      First you wrote “US”, “OUR”, “WE want to humilate Agame”, “WE”…

      And then you wrot (again and again)
      “YOU ERITREANS”, “YOU ARABS”, “the…eritreans”…

      where are you from? did you maybe wanted to pretend you are eritrean but the truth found it way out even through your own words? could it be, while going on writing you lost concentration?

      – against the eritrean people and against the ethiopian people?!

      • Genet-orginal June 3, 2014

        Dear selamawit2
        You got it! He lost his concentration and he reveled his true self. Dictator Isays always address the Eritrean people, our dear and kind People, as “EZ hezbi” or “This People” Never my or our people. It is a subconscious true message.

    • Genet-orginal June 3, 2014

      Why is so important to you to talk about origin? To use your word, “Agame” people are doing very well. Why don’t you wait until Eritrean people ask you what you think about their origin? No body is asking you anything. You are injecting yourself in other peoples’ business and you complain about origin. Don’t you have something important to do in Tigray/Ethiopia? Are you one of those people who seat around and do nothing, while other Tigrayan/Ethiopian are working hard serving their people and country? Learn about social and geographical evolution. Very important. So, you don’t get stuck in the old era like your bro. Teclay. God bless you all

    • Eritreawit June 6, 2014

      Bla. Bla. Bla that is your posting saying asgedom wedegiorgis. Gud rekibnna kidu gidefunna…let injoy our freedom now you should think of Eritrea when you guys left it to italy to colnize it.

  • Teclay June 1, 2014

    I mean Asmeret sorry

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