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ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብ 24 ግንቦት ብምኽንያት ጽምብል ናጽነት መበል 23 ዓመት ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣብ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ፣ ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ።

ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብ 24 ግንቦት ብምኽንያት ጽምብል ናጽነት መበል 23 ዓመት ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣብ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ፣ ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምንዳፉ ሰለስተ ተኸታታሊ ዓመት ዝወሰደሉ፣ ብ1997 ዝጸደቐ ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ‘ኳ እንተለዎ፣

ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብ 24 ግንቦት ብምኽንያት ጽምብል ናጽነት መበል 23 ዓመት ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣብ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ፣ ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ።

ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምንዳፉ ሰለስተ ተኸታታሊ ዓመት ዝወሰደሉ፣ ብ1997 ዝጸደቐ ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ‘ኳ እንተለዎ፣ ውልቀመላኺ ኢስይያስ ብዛዕባ ትግባረ ናይቲ ኮነ ኢሉ ዘባኸኖ ድሉው ቅዋም ኣብ ክንዲ ዝዛረብ፣ ‘ሓዱሽ ቅዋም’ ክንደፍ ምዃኑ ምግላጹ ንዝህብና ብባዶ መብጽዓ ንምትላል ዝኣለሞ፣ ነቲ ሕዱር ቅዋምን ሕግን ናይ ምጽባእ ሕማሙ ዘንጸባርቕ ፍሹል ፈተነ እዩ።

እዚ ኸኣ ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቅን ስርዓቱን ብስነሓሳብ ከምዝተሳዕሩን፣ ስዕረቶም ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝቢ ከምዝተኣመኑሉን የንጸባርቕ። ኢሳይያስ ነቲ ኣብ ውሽጥን ወጻእን ዘሎ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብቐጻሊ ዘልዕሎ ዘሎ ሕቶ ቅዋማዊ መንግስቲ ከም ቀደም ብብድዐ ዕሽሽ ኢልካ ምሕላፍ ዘይከኣል ምዃኑ ተገንዚቡ ክዛረበሉ ምግዳዱ እቲ ስርዓት ብፖለቲካዊ መዳይ ተሳዒሩ፣ ለሽ ኢሉ ደኺሙ ምህላዉ ብዘየወላውል ዘረጋግጽ እዩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ በዚ መደናገሪ ስልቲ ኢሳይያስ ከይተደናገረ፣ ነቲ ዘይተርፍ ውድቀቱ ኣቀላጢፉ፣ ነቲ ኣቐዲሙ ዝጸደቕ ቅዋሙ ምርኩስ ብምግባር ህዝባዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ መንግስቲ ንምትካል ጽዓቱ ካብ ቀደም ብዝያዳ ከሐይል ይግባእ።

Review overview
  • Zeray May 28, 2014

    Mr President

    We already have a constitution drafted by the people and ratified in May 1997. We don’t need your permission for constitution. What will happen though- you and your juntas will give account for all the atrocities committed in the last 23 years and for all that you are prepared to commit in the future.

    Constitution is not a handout.

    • bana May 28, 2014

      Well said Zeray.

    • ተወልደመድኅን May 28, 2014

      እንታይ ኮንካ’ታ ዘር ኣይ።ኢሳያስ ኣፈውርቂ’ኮ ከምቶም ካልእ ፕረስደንታት ኣይኮነን።ፍሉይ ካብ ሰማይ ማይ ከውርድ፡ናብ መንግስተሰማይ ናይ ምእታው ዕድል ከይተረፈ ዝውስን’ዩ።ንሱ’ኮ ወዲ ማህጸን ወርቂ’ዩ።እቲ ትብሎ ዘሎኻ ኩሎም ናይተን እናወደቓ ዝከዳ ዘለዋ ሃገራት ዝተከተሉዎ ኣገባብ’ዩ።ንሕና ግን ሳላ ፍቱው መራሒና፡ፍሉይ ኣሰራርሃ ኢዩ ዘሎና።ንሕና ሳላ’ቲ ብሱል ኣመራርሃ ፍቱው ብጻይ ወዲ ኣፈወርቂ ፍሉይን ጽፉፍን ኣሰራርሃ ንኽተል ፍሉያት ቀያህቲ።ዘይንፈርህ፡ዘንሃፍር ርእስና ክር ኣቢልና ንከይድ ህዝቢ ኢና።ዕድመ ንኢሱ።ስለዚ ንሳቶም እቶም መመሊሶም ዝጥፍሹ ዘለው ናቶም ኣመራርሃ ኣለዎም ንሕና ከኣ ናትና’ምበር ናይ ዝፈሸሉ ኣይንስዕብን ኢና።ዕድመ ንወዲ ማህጸን ወርቂ።ስለዚ ኣቲ ቅዋም፡ፈለማ ቀዳማዊ ፕረዝደንት ናይ ፕረዝደንት ፕረዝደንት ሃገረ ኤርትራ ክቡር ኢሳያስ ኣፈውርቂ ከምዘፍቀዱዎ መሰረት ስለዝጎደሎ፡ኣነ እየ ናትካ ኣምላኽ ብዘይካይ ካልእ ኣምላኽ የሎን ዝብል ጎዲሉዎ ስለዘሎ፡ስለቲ ፍቱው መራሒና።ስለቲ ንለይቲ ዓሰርተ ግዜ መዳቕሶ እናቀያየረ ህይወቱ ካብ ምሁራት ተበለጽቲ ኣድሒኑ ኣብዚ ዘብጸሃና ፍቱው መራሂና ተባሂሉ ክስፈር ኣለዎ።ዝኾነ ኤርትራዊ ክምሕል ከኣ ስጋ ኢሳያስ ኢሉ ዝምሕለሉ ህጊ ክውሰኾ፡እቲ ስልታን ከኣ ስልታን ኢሳያስ ኣፈውርቂ ዘእምነገደ ተምቤን ተባሂሉ ክምዝገብ፡ድሕሪኡ ድሕሪ 150 ዕድመ ስልጣኑ ከኣ፡ወራሲ ምስማይ ሃላፍነቱ ምዃኑ ዝገልጽ ጎዲሉዎ ሰለዘሎ ሓቁ’ዩ ሓዲሽ ቅዋም ክንደፍ ኣለዎ ክብል።………………………150 ኦኣመት ትነብር ይግበርካ።ፍቱው መራሂ።ምስካ ኦድመ ይሃቦም፡ኩሎም መኦኣል ወዲ ገራህቱ።ያረድ፡ዘምደ፡ሃድገንበስ፡ማህታ፡ሰላሕታ።…………..

    • Isayas Afwerqi Abraha May 29, 2014

      Dear Zeray
      That old and unimplemented constitution does not fit me I.e. it is not of my size. Due for the new constitution, I will take care and I will give instructions for the new tailors to cut it according to my size and as long as I am the only one who assigns the tailors, the outcome of the new constitution will fit me.
      You know Zeray, I am sensitive towards constitution, rule of law, democracy, equality and etc. thus I will do my best to go through the current situation and I think I am very smart on creating excuses.

    • Asmeret May 31, 2014

      Tell him it is over!

  • Teclay May 28, 2014

    We have two choices
    1, To fight in saving our brothers and sisters from the unbelievable shame that have being happened in Sinai and Libya by reaching to our Tigrayian brothers.I believe they are in good shape to help us if they want ,they are better than us in many fields ex :
    -7 mill almost one ppl
    -their religious institutions mainly the Tewahdo church is intact
    -now they are better educated and they are masters in Ethiopia and E Africa

    2, Talking about constitution ,secular government ,Federalism, the status of the Arabic language ,whether Awate was Shifta or revolutionary, etc As if we have a normal country that can accommodate all this questions .
    I understand ,we all of us have invested too much to this country so it is natural to expect a fruit of our investment that is the survival and well being of this country,in fact it was not an investment it was a a Casino gambling and we lost .Be realistic Eritrea can not be a normal country and will not have a functional Gov.
    WHY? Let us see only one example : let us say we have a perfect constitution.The democratic constitution allows self determination of ppl,So the Afars will ask you, they want to secede , the Kunama who have never been infected by the Eritrianism virus will want to join Ethiopia. What will the Kebessa Zombies do then? to take ak 47 and to fight in Afar deserts ? by the way by then even if the Kebessa Zombies want to,how many Kebessas will be in Eritrea may be none
    please Brothers please let us face reality,the sooner the better

    • bana May 28, 2014

      Teclay what is wrong with?

      • bana May 28, 2014

        Teclay what is wrong with you?

        • Biniam Abraham May 28, 2014

          bana reisi banana, it a case of what is wrong with your banana head!

      • ahmed omer May 28, 2014

        hi Teclay effected by Ajawjaw disease like Weddi Khommarit’s one do not blame him please .

        • Biniam Abraham May 28, 2014

          ahmed omer & Hagherawi riffraffs & korakur of savage Arabs, you two are a tyipical “Seb XewAley tebelkus beAl beles” and in your cases it is “sebat xewEuley tebelkus beAl belesat” indeed. Go back to your madrassas/schools of more kidnapping, rapings and killing of innocent people.

      • Teclay May 28, 2014

        Sister or brother ,,Nothing but i feel the pain and shame of Eritrean ppl more than the stones and artificial borders of Eritrea .Believe me

        • Genet-orginal May 30, 2014

          Teclay and all others like him.
          You know nothing about Eritrea. You need to refrain from giving ideas and recommendations to Eritreans. It is clear you are not concerned about Eritreans, but scare to death about your future. Tigrayans are doing very well using the 100% of Ethiopian resources. I am happy for them. Yes, as bad thing eventually comes to end, good thing also comes to end. Your concern is not about Eritreans. Therefore, you need to find a solution for the pending Tigrayans problems. I admire your action to prevent pending problems. However, it makes no sense, to drag Eritrea and Eritreans to your problems. We have enough problems of our own. If you are feeling proud and happy as Tigrayan/Ethiopian, why come to Assenna to talk to Eritreans? Why waste your time? Go on, build Tigray with the rest of Ethiopian resources. Tigrayans, we love you, but you need to stay in your own country and territory. And that way, we both will try to be good neighbors. Good luck!

          • Asmeret May 31, 2014

            Genet my beloved sister you know you are my hero! Good point and great respond keep going. Thanks

        • Asmeret June 1, 2014

          teclay you are dismissed you don’t count. If you have really feeling at this moment tell us what is going on in the hear of ethiopia?

        • Asmeret June 1, 2014

          teclay can you say death to isayas!

    • Hagherawi May 28, 2014

      You better stay in your Agameland.

      • Geja May 28, 2014

        al hagherawi the ሳሕሳሕ ከዳሚ ዓረብ writes, “stay in your Agame land”

        The Agameland is doing better than Arab Abeed Land.
        Who is licking the stinking Arab ass to smell like his Arab master.

        One Eritrean wrote, correctly:
        ” ጀለብያኽን እምበይ፣ ስረ ዓጋመ ኣይተፈትሔይ። ”
        To remind you 1982 when you outrun your stubborn camel
        as the illiterate Agame peasants chased you all the way to Sudan.

        • Suleiman Salim May 30, 2014

          Tigrayan men and women are being raped in Yemen.

      • m May 29, 2014

        the so called hagherawi the mentlity such as yours is destrying our Eritrean you a such idiot you have to respect each other dont wested time to hate each other becusae our Eritrean pepole they escaping to tigray and they take care of them we have to thanks our neighboures no mater what we must respect each other we no need hate

    • Biniam Abraham May 28, 2014

      Kubur Haw Teclay Anbessa,
      Indeed, Very well said brother. However, unfortunetely it is “abzeysemAka derby aytemahalel” case for a little longer. BUT sooner than later it would be a reality as “fetiKin do negus timiriKa” case, it is going to be by begging our Tegaru/Ethiopian brothers not the other way round. It seems the only saving grace left for Kebssa Zombies is the few honest Eritreans such as yourself and the great writer YG through whom the society might just be spared from total decimation since there is no sign of where their madness is leading them….! Thanks again kubur haw for the bitter pill of truth.

      • Teclay May 29, 2014

        Thanks brother for the positive feed back
        You know, the Kebessa Zombies like denial and not to talk openly. I have full respect to the the opposition leader who said in Addis ” the kebessa is nothing to fear now,even their kidneys are already in open market” this man even though it seems ignorant he talked openly what the others have been talking in small circles . The Zombies continue to tell us DON´T TALK . Let me say from our Tigrigna saying, if i can translate correctly
        conversation between 2 friends who were sleeping in forest at night:
        -1p heard pain of his friend and asked” what is going on my friend ? ”
        .2p “Quite,quite hyena is eating my foot “

        • Genet-orginal May 30, 2014

          Tigray is Ethiopian territory. Eritrea is independent nation. You and I can’t change that. Why are you wasting your time talking about Eritrea? You seems to be proud Tigrayan/Ethiopian. Why are you spending time to convince Eritrean they need Tigrayan? Don’t worry, Eritreans will figure it out what to do for our people. You can just wait until you are asked.

    • Sorobeti May 29, 2014


      You don’t need to change your name frequently as long as you are commenting on one issue which is an identity issue because the readers will think that you are not a noble teacher but confusion maker.

      • ahmed saleh May 30, 2014

        Bigotry , hatred and racism is mental illness , period !
        Avoiding is better than approaching them because they can contaminate healthy minds .

    • Suleiman Salim May 30, 2014

      “-their religious institutions mainly the Tewahdo church is intact.”

      You have forgotten that you are talking about MALELIT and TIGRAYAN ALBANIAN COMMUNISTS who do not respect religion ( both Islam and Christianity).

      ” Little knowledge is very dangerous. ” applies more to the Woyane leadership than any other nation in the world.

      Religious institutions intact? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!

  • Yonas Ghebregziabiher May 28, 2014

    What did the LIAR say?
    We’re going to DRAFT the Constitution!
    What a joke!

    እቲ ሓሳዊ እንታይ በለ?
    ቅዋም ክንነድፍ ኢና!
    ወይ ምሽክዕላል!

  • semere May 28, 2014

    Isayas knows that nobody is going to trust his promises. Some of his followers may believe, or at least pretend to believe to save their faces. No dictator believes in constitution. What Isayas wants is to indulge us in a useless war of words. I think he is laughing when he reads what we are saying in this forum. He does not want to concentrate on how to plan his removal.
    I suggest that we stop arguing about his empty promises and concentrate on how to uproot him. He is just buying time to prolong his regime.

    • Asmeret June 1, 2014

      Semer I agree and as the same time we need to remind him that he is dirty liar!

  • Haqi tezareb May 28, 2014

    እልልል ! እልልልልል …. !

    እዋይ ንፈለማ ግዜ ጥዑም ዜና ሰሚዕና።

    እዛ ኤርትራናስ ግምጃ ለቢሻ፤ ምስ ዓለማት ዓረብ ተር ክትብል እያ።

    ኣብሽር ! ኣብሽር ! ኣብሽር !

    ማሕበርና፣ ኣልራቢጣ ዓረብ ወይ ኣራብ ሊግ፤
    ቋንቋና፣ ዓረብኛ
    ብሄርና፣ ዓብድ ኣል ዓረብ
    ፖለቲካዊ ካምቦና፣ ዓረባውነት
    ስነሓሳብና ወይ ኣይድዮሎጂ፣ ዓብዳውነት ወይ ዓብዲዝም ወይ ዓረባዊ ጊላነት
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    ኣብሽር ! ኣብሽር ! ኣብሽር !

  • abdu May 28, 2014

    O First of all ; as if you own the constitution declaring in a independent day; constitution is Eritrean people fought hard for it for it for 50 years and the people own it. So; our demand is leave the hot spot ; like what Wedi Vaccaro said leave and the people will decide what kind of constitution suited for. So please leave you and take your puppets with you please.

    • Asmeret June 1, 2014

      Abdu well said thankyou

  • yonas May 28, 2014

    teclay,your dream of Eritrean destruction is not going to work.hasas tigraway,ezi natka shitara ab atse yohannes bête mengisti mekele tray eyu zserh.LEAVE ERITREA ALONE,ERITREANS CAN FIX THEIR CURRENT PROBLEMS ONCE THE DICTATOR IS GONE.

    • Teclay May 29, 2014


      Our brother Yonas said “teclay,your dream of Eritrean destruction is not going to work.hasas tigraway,ezi natka shitara ab atse yohannes bête mengisti mekele tray eyu zserh.LEAVE ERITREA ALONE,ERITREANS CAN FIX THEIR CURRENT

      Brother i told you already i am Bahrenegasian so i am Tgraway ,but i am not Hizbi Tigrigna Ok. Brother Yonas you are telling me except for this Dictator Eritrea will be a paradise, like the old song of Shaebia “Eritrea will be Singapore ” Now i ask you these questions if you answer them properly i will give up today and follow you. Ok!
      1,How are going to solve the Afar question ?
      2,How are going to solve the Kunama Question ?
      3, How are going to solve the status of the Arabic language ?
      Please i don`t want you to start bay HADNETNA and finish by HADNETNA. I need plausible explanation .

      • selamawit2 May 29, 2014


        you could ask the same/similar question in context of other african countries – e.g. relating to ethnical tensions.

        1,How are going to solve the Afar question ?
        2,How are going to solve the Kunama Question ?
        3, How are going to solve problems of the 10thaousand of ethiopians who are abused in Arabic countries?

        Ethiopia is in the prcosess of solving the probelms and we will also get in teh process of solving this problem, when we have a base for it: at least basic human rights and justice in our country.
        With HADNETNA, HADNETNA, HADNETNA, HADNETNA, HADNETNA, HADNETNA we made impossible things possible in the past and we will do that now in the time of hardship and for ever!

        Ethiopia will do the same: With HADINETOM our most important neighbours and brothers and sisters will solve every single of their problems. ‘Cause our mentalities hav ethe same roots.

        And the Ethiopian people and the Eritrean people will chase away every filthy rat who wants to destroy the unity of our people – nomatter what ethnos or religion we belong to.

        P.S. Teclay, everytime i give you “plausible explanations” you vanish – what’s wrong with you?
        Did the run-away grandpa with the pubertal nasty language infect you????

        • Genet-orginal May 30, 2014

          Good job! Love you sister! Teclay and other are going to meet their match.
          There are so many Tigryan/Ethiopian on Assnenna lately. Very destructive.
          Let us bet them with their own game.

          • Suleiman Salim May 30, 2014

            “There are so many Tigryan/Ethiopian on Assenna lately. Very destructive.”


            We love you. Seba astiKna, Seba steyi!

          • selamawit2 June 1, 2014

            Genet the Original my dear Sister,
            thank you!
            Yes “There are so many…”. But i don’t think they are tigryan/ethiopians. Because all the things they are trying to spread and to cause are supportive only to dia/hgdf.
            i think there are only two possibilities:
            2. THEY ARE DEMHITs!!!

          • selamawit2 June 1, 2014

            P.S. As i said, Teclay vanished again – what a wet blanket. (-:

      • Tamrat Tamrat May 29, 2014


        These questions were much easier 20 years ago than now. Those golden years between 1991-1993 would never come again. The questions you listed and many could have been approched in much delicate and better way but some scrued it for the sake of emotional outbrust and for the sake the Power monger isayas. What i dont forget from that period was that a Group of educated exiles most of them from Eritrea and a good deal from ethiopia too came to home and they wanted to participate by suggesting what must be done in priority. I am not a good funn of tplf but tplf had shown in the educated diaspora returnees better interest than eplf specially isayas. He told them just simply where were you when we were bla bla. That i never forget. tplf problem was the phopia of amhara People, wheahter educated or not.

        Thier solutions were not to focus how the two countries separated but focus on the economy and the already stabilshed social relation and how to utilize the Resources both had optimum. Their thought was that when People engage on the economy and the social thing then it doesnt matter for a kunama whether he is from Eritrea or ethiopia side of the border. His or her daily life could better or not be affected at least in a negative way. Not atleast 200,000 soldiers separate him from his unckles like now. The same goes for Afar. The borders will be there for always but their negative significance could have been reduced to the best possible minmum. Just like driving from Wello to Gondar. Wello and Gonder are not same People, but they live in Peace. If any one wants to make war, they have load of stories to fight for.

        The arab Language thing must be left for referendum because now after 20 years those Awate Groupe and their likes complicated Things. The referndum must be taken inside Eritrea, not in the middel east, not in Sudan. Only in Eritrea. Just because we have millions eritrean diaspora, we can not froce eritreans at home must adapt English as their offical Language. If an afar prefers arabic instead of his own Language then we have to respect his or her right. But i hate this Awateninas who said to unite the none tigrinya speakers we the muslims must speak arabic kind of thing. This rubbish and anti eritrea. And i would love to add amharic also should adopted as a buisness Language due to its historical closeness to tigrinya and eritrean People, and it is the official Language of Ethiopia.

        • ahmed saleh May 29, 2014

          Wisely well said brother Taamrat .

        • Suleiman Salim May 30, 2014

          You are Ethiopian. Mind your own business.

          • selamawit2 June 1, 2014

            Suleiman Salim, Tamrat is Ethiopian and he minds already “his own” business and “our” business – he cares for us.
            Not only with thought but with action (ask him simply!).
            That’s why he is our/my brother. DIA and his supporters care only for their ego and give a damn to our people – that’s why they are NOT our brothers and sisters.
            And even if you was chinese or inuit – as long as he is human in all conscience he has our DEEP RESPECT.
            So, if you insult him (only for the case of his “blood”), you also insult us (his eritrean brothers and sisters).

            P.S. Please, don’t mistake him with the hooligans here in this forum calling us arab/italian slaves and trying to demoralize us – they are surely undercover hgdf.

      • Genet-orginal May 30, 2014

        You are Tigraway who is assigned to the task you are doing.
        “1, How are going (you need to add how are you, not “how are going”
        ” to solve the Afar question” Leave that to Eritreans!
        “2, How are going to solve the Kunama Question?” leave that to Eritreans!
        “3, How are going to solve the Arabic language?” leave that to Eritreans!
        You have so many Tigraway problem yourself. No body ask you for help, so mind your business.
        Good luck

        • Teclay May 30, 2014


          Ghenet Shikorina ! Thanks for your comment.
          1, Your are right,you is missed i saw it later,any way my English is unfortunately broken English, Just as you misspelled your name ie Genet should be written Ghenet . TIIRIM HAFTI INTELATIKA DIMA XEGHEM YELEN
          2, About my origin Ghenu, i am Bahrenegasian where Zeray Deres ,Bahta Segheneyt etc belong,so you can call me in the bigger set Tigraway in which i feel proud, but i am not Hizbi Tigrigna and the Rashada Arabs or kidney seller are not my brothers.
          Do you know the Tigrigna saying “AYTIBKE INDIYU ZEBKIYENI ZELO”
          your name is nice, i like that .
          see you sister

          • Genet-orginal May 30, 2014

            Dear Teclay
            Since English is not your primary language, you shouldn’t worry about it. FYI, Genet is actually not a misspelled name of “Ghenet” it is a variation. Regarding origin, you seems to be preoccupied with the distance past lives of East Africans. You need to come to the 21 century which is a complete different time from the 15oo or 16oo. I think you need to be dragged to the 21st century kicking and screaming. You can’t be stack in the “Bahrenegasian” era, because it is just a history. Human live is full of social evolution for many reasons- be it because of war or for peaceful purposes. Unless you are a “Bahrenegasian” ghost, you need to be proud of who you are today and who you were in the past. In order to feel good, don’t try to drag us all back to the “Bahrenegasian” era. We can not go back. It is just a waste of time. You are Tigraway in a bigger set or small set. You are Tigraway past and present. You need to accept social evolution. It is a fact of life. I think, you should concentrate on Tigrayan/Ethiopian issue at the present time. believe me, there is plenty! Good Luck!

          • selamawit2 June 1, 2014

            Spot on, Genetina the Original!!!
            Teclay must set his house in order before giving useless and snotty advice to other house owners…

        • Asmeret June 1, 2014

          Thank you Genet well said.

  • solomon May 28, 2014

    As the brothers said trah melaki yetfaalu hzbna.

  • maeruf elias May 29, 2014

    “If u try to straighten a sweet potato, it breaks. “

  • Yerhiwo May 29, 2014

    Dictator Isaias (Wedi Medhin Berad), please don’t fool your blind supporters and naïve Eritrean people! Just few months ago, you said the only political party in Eritrea is HGDEF and those people who think of multi-party system in Eritrea must be living in Mars.

    In 2011 VOA interview with Tewolde (Kurkur Higdef), when he asked you that you have been in power for 20 years and when are you stepping down…flatly you replied that “no body gave me a contract, African countries are polarized and “western” election is not good for them….I am not paid, I know Eritrea more than anyone, bla, bla.

    In 2013, Yemane Monkey “Devil’s messenger from hell” said to the blind supports, we have a constitution except the presidential election and that presidential election we can’t do because it is costly.

    Now the Dictator Isaias Afwerk lies again to the Eritrean people and to the world on record…..constitution will be drafted that will guide us in our administration and in the formation of political parties, etc.

    This contradicts what he said before and what his messenger from hell said to the blind supports in 2013. What happen to the drafted constitution of 1997 that is ready to be implemented? I smell weakness and possible ICC charges against Dictator Isaias Afwerki!!!

    Eritrea under DIA (Wedi Berad) is a failed state and the leaders DIA, Yemane Monkey, Hagos Kisah and others are criminals that are in a process of going to Hague for crimes against humanity!!!!

    • Suleiman Salim May 30, 2014

      Mr Ugum, mind your own business. We know that you are Tigrayan. Yerhwo ( Mr No Hope Eritrea ….) kkkkkkkkkkkkk!

    • Asmeret June 1, 2014

      Yerhiwo this evil DIA is lossing his mind let drive him crazy.

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