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ዉጩ፡ ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ (So long Wuchu)

 ዉጩ፡ ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ (So long Wuchu) ንስድራ (ኣባላት) ጅግና ህዝባዊ ሰራዊትን ንመላእ ኤርትራን ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም። ሰብ ሕጽረታት ከይተፈልዮ ካብዛ ዓለም ኣይፍለን እዩ። ውሑዳት እዮም ንሕጽረታቶም በዲሆም ልዕሊ እቶም ኩሉ ዝተዓደሉ ብጾቶም ጎሊሖም ዝረኣዩ። ከምዚኦም ዝኣመሰሉ ፍትወትን ኣኽብሮትን

 ዉጩ፡ ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ (So long Wuchu)

ንስድራ (ኣባላት) ጅግና ህዝባዊ ሰራዊትን ንመላእ ኤርትራን ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም።

ሰብ ሕጽረታት ከይተፈልዮ ካብዛ ዓለም ኣይፍለን እዩ። ውሑዳት እዮም ንሕጽረታቶም በዲሆም ልዕሊ እቶም ኩሉ ዝተዓደሉ ብጾቶም ጎሊሖም ዝረኣዩ። ከምዚኦም ዝኣመሰሉ ፍትወትን ኣኽብሮትን ብጾቶም ዘጥረዩ ውሑዳት ዕድለኛታት ዝልለዩሉ ጠባይ እንተሎ ንሕጽረታቶምን ውሱንነት ዓቕሞምን ፈሊጦም ንመሳርሕቶም ብምስታፍ  ንድኹም ጎንታቶም መሊኦም ምሉኣትን ልዕሊ ምሉኣትን ክኸኑ ምኽኣሎም እዩ።  ተጋዳላይ ዉጩ ንሕጽረታቱ ስዒሩ ልዕሊ ምሉኣት ክኸውን በቒዑ። ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ኣብ ምስሉን ምስሊ ከምኡ ዝኣመሰሉ ምቕሉላትን ደፋራትን ኣዘዝቲ ተሃኒጹ’ዩ ዘይድፈር ዝመስል ዝነበረ ዝደፈረ። የቐንየልና ስለ’ቲ ኣገልግሎትካ ብጻይ ዉጩ ። ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ።

ምስኡ ዝወዓሉ፡ ለዋህ፡ ተጫራቓይ፡ ክፉእ ዘይኣልም፡ ገርሂ፡ ዝረኣዮ ኣብ ገጽካ ዝብለካ፡ ንሰራዊቱ ዝሓሊ፡ ናይ ስራሕ ናጽነት ዝህብ፡ ተባዕ፡ በሊሕ…ኢሎም ገሊጾሞ።

ኣብ ስድራ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ንዝነበረ ሰብ ጽልዋ ዉጩ ካብ ርሑቕ እዩ ዘራኽበሉ ነይሩ። ምስኡ ሰሪሕና ዘይንፈልጥ ከይተረፍና ብሕክያታት ዉጩ ተዘናጊዕናን ተተባቢዕናን ሓዪልናን ኢና። ሓደ ካብቶም ዝና ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ሰማይ ዝሰቀሉ ምቕሉላት ኣዘዝቲ ምንባሩ ዝካሓድ ኣይኮነን። ውሩይ ወተሃደራዊ መራሒ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ዘይንጸል ያታን ኣፈታሪኽን ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት- ማለት ባህላዊ መለለዪ ወይ cultural icon እውን ነይሩ እዩ። ዋዛታት ዉጩ ንግርህና፡ ለውሃት፡ ቆራጽነትን ጽንዓትን ተጋዳላይ ኤርትራ ዝገልጹ ነይሮም። መልእኽቲ ናይተን ውሑዳት ጥረ ቃላቱ ነቲ ሸፊንወን ዝፍኖ ዝነበረ ገጠራዊ  ጠባያት ማለት ኣገላልጽኡን ኣካላዊ ገጸባህርያቱን ገሊህካ ኢኻ ትርድኦ። ዘይጸዓድ ጽንዓት ኤርትራዊ ተጋዳላይ ምስ ኣንጸባረቐ እዩ። እዚ መዳይ እዚ ንዕኡ ከም ሰብ ንምትሓቱን ምንኣሱን ዘይኮነስ ንምሕያሉን ምጉባዙን ተጠቒሙሉ። ንኩሎም እቶም ከም ምክትላቱ ኮይኖም ዝምህርዎን ዝተሓጋገዝዎን ዝነበሩ ብጾት ዕድል ስራሕ ይህብ ስለዝነበረ፡ ናቱ ጥረ(raw) ወተሃደራዊ ክእለት ምስ ናይ ሓንጎሎም ዓቕሚ ተወሃሂዱ እቲ ንፈልጦ ዉጩ ፈጢሩ። እዚ ከኣ እዩ ምስጢር ዓወት ናይ ዉጩ- ሕጽረታቱ ፈሊጡ ነቲ ኣብ ከባቢኡ ዝነበረ ጸጋታት ሰብ ብግቡእ ምጥቃም። ዝምድና ወዲ ልብሱን ዉጩን ከምኡ እውን ዝምድና ካልኦት ምስ ዉጩ ዝሰርሑ ናይ ቀለም ዕድል ረኺቦም ዝተሰለፉ ብጾት ከም ወዲ ብላታ፡ ኣብረሃለይን ብጻይ ቢተወደድ ኣብራሃን ነዚ ይምስክር።

ገርህን ገጠራውን ጠባዩ ሓሓሊፉ ዘይድለ መልእኽትታት ዘመሓላልፍ ኣበሃህላታት ከም ዝስንዱ ገይሩዎ ይኸውን። እዚ ሓደ ካብ ሕጽረታቱ ክኸውን ይኽእል። “ እዚኣ እንተበልኩስ እንታይ ተሰምዕ ትኸውን” ዝብልን ዝራቀቕን ሰብ ኣይነበረን። እቲ ኣብ እዋን መዘናግዒታት ተባሂሉ ዝበሃል ዘረባታት ንዋዛታት ተጋዳላይ ዘይፈልጥ ሰብ ካልእ ትርጉም ከስምዕ ይኽእል። ሰብ እንድዩ፡ ሕጽረት ክነብሮ ግድን እዩ።  ሰብ ግን ብምሉእነቱ ምስ ዝረአ እዩ ፍትሓዊ ስእሊ ዝወሃብ። ብሂወቱ እንከሎ ኣስሚዕናዮ እንተንኸውን እውን ኣይመኽፈአን።

ኣብቲ ዓምዲ ርኢቶ ተለጢፉ ዘሎ ጸርፍታት ዘሕዝን እዩ። ክንድዚ ኣጸያፍን ከፋፋልን ዘለፋታት ኣይመድለየን። ብመሰረቱ እውን ቃል ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ክኸውን ኣይክእልን። ምኽንያቱ፡ ፍትሒ ፍትሒ እያ። ኣብ ዝደለኻያ ግዜ ተውጸኣን ኣብ ዘይደለኻያ ግዜ ትቐብራን ኣይኮነትን። ፍትሒ ንጸላኢኻ እውን ኣይትበቃን፡ ኣይኮነን ንስዉእ ዉጩ። ፍትሓውያን ምኻንና ብግብሪ ክነርኢ ኣለና። ፍትሒ ንርእስና ንጠልባ እንተኮይንና ንሬሳ ስዉእ ዉጩ ክንነፍጋ የብልናን። ብሰላም ክነፋንዎ ኣለና።

ዉጩ ወተሃደር እዩ ነይሩ። በታ ስራሕ’ቲኣ ከኣ ሂወቱ ብዘሕብን ዝኽርታት ዝመልአት እያ። ፖለቲካ ንፖለቲካኛታት እዩ። ንዉጩ በታ ስርሑ ደኣ ክንርእዮ ኣለና እምበር ሕጂ ምስ ዓረፈ ብረቂቕ ኣምራት ፖለቲካ ክንመዝኖ ፍትሒ ኣይኮነን። በቲ ኣብ ከባቢ ኣስመራ ዝግበር ዝነበረ ግፋ እውን ታሪኹ ክንብልል የብልናን። ሰራዊት ንስራሕ ፖሊስ ኣይምልመልን እዩ። ሰራዊት ንውግእ እዩ ዝሰሓል። ሰራዊትና ስራሕ ፖሊስ ክሰርሕ ይእዘዝ ከምዝነበረን ኣብቲ መስርሕ ብዙሕ ጉድለታት ከምዝነበሮን ኣብኡ ዝነበሩ ይዝክርዎ። ብፍሉይነት ንዉጩ ዘንቅፍ እንተነይሩ ከኣ ብሂወቱ ከሎ እዩ ክኸውን ዝግበኦ ነይሩ።  ስለ’ዚ ኣሕዋት፡ መረረ ክህሉ ይኽእል ግን ብዝተኻእለ መጠን እዚ ሰብ’ዚ ብምሉእነቱ እንተራናዮን ብሰላምን ሓበንን እንተፋነናዮ ይሓይሽ። ውሱንነት ዓቕሙ ዘፍቀዶ ኩሉ ንሃገሩ ጌሩ እዩ። ንሓደ ኣውቶመካኒክ፡ ኣዕጽምቲ ሰብ ከገጣጥመልካ ኣይትጽበዮን። ዉጩ ነቲ ኣብ ወተሃደራዊ ሂወቱ የጓንፎ ዝነበረ ግድላት ብግቡእ ገጢሙ ዝሓለፈ ብጻይ ‘ዩ። ልዕሊ ኩሉ ከኣ ንሰብ ሰብ ዘብል ጠባያት ዝተዓደለ ብጻይ ምንባሩ መጋድልቱ ይገልጽዎ ኣለዉ። ስለ’ዚ ብጻይ ዉጩ ግቡእካ ፈጺምካ ኢኻ ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ ምባሉ ግቡእ እዩ። So long wuchu, rest in peace.

ንእሽቶ ምኽሪ ነቶም ፖለቲካ እትጻወቱ ዘለኹም ኣሕዋት፡ ፈተውቱ ጥራይ ዘይኮኑስ ጸላእቱ እውን ናይ ኣኽብሮት ሱቕታ ወይ ዕርፍቲ ሂቦሞ ከምዘለዉ ፍሉጥ እዩ። ብመሰረቱ እውን ባህላውን ሞራላውን ክብርታት ህዝብና ንዝዓረፈ ሰብ ክንድዚ ጸርፍታትን ዘለፋን ክወርዶ ኣየፍቅድን። ንጽሕፎን ንብሎን ሓላፍነታዊ እንተኾነ ይሓይሽ። ወላ ብዓይኒ ስልቲ ክረአ ከሎ፡ ነዚ ድንገት እዚ ንፖለቲካዊ ዓላማ ምጥቃም ኣየረብሕን እዩ። ብቁጽሪ እውን ኣየዋጸኣኩምን’ዩ- ብፍላይ ኣብዚ እዋን ሓዘን፡ ፈተውቱን ኣኽበርቱን ካብ ጸላእቱን ንዓቕቱን ብዕጽፍታት ስለዝበዝሑ። ደሓር ከኣ ኣብ ዝዓረፈ ሰብ ከራሩኹም እንተዘየጕደምኩም ይሓይሽ።

ነባሪ ዝኽሪ ንስዉኣትና

ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ

***መንቀሊ ናይዛ ንእሽቶ ርኢቶይ እቲ ብገለገለ ሰባት ክልጠፍ ዝጸንሐ ኣዝዩ ዘሕዝን ርኢቶታት እዩ።

Review overview
  • Dala ksha March 10, 2014

    Mahmoud Saleh
    Thankyou you said it all I can’t say it better than thing I know Wichu is a victim of the system.

  • MightyEmbasoyra March 10, 2014

    What I have an issue with this article’s analysis is:
    1) You call him a hero but you also stated he doesn’t know what he was doing (when you translate it). Unless, you are trying to call him that he was an accidental hero but that can only work for one time, possibly twice.
    2) You call him that he was a nice guy but many people know he had a long time career of professional killing Eritrean people (and the majority of them were either educated or youth or both)
    3) You call him that he was funny but he was insulting and degrading many fine Eritreans – that doesn’t seem to include you
    4) You try to make him that he was an ordinary Joe while this guy’s only job was to obey isayas rather than to work for his country.
    This would go on and on and on…these are some of the reasons many people on this forum (possibly millions who leave in Eritrea and other part of the world) got mad about him.
    In your case, when you praising him, unequivocally neglected or ignored the majority of Eritrean people feeling.

    • mahmud saleh March 11, 2014

      Mightyembasoira: brother Teweldemedhn, you and some other readers have always challenged in a civilized way and I respect that. It would be easier for me to go with the mob’s feeling. But I have to tell you considering the mess that followed after independence officials and most Eritreans have to receive the heat of yours and other curious people’s analysis, just go to those days don’t you think most of us failed to stop Issayas from going to the war,for instance,or imprisoning all those who dared to voice their dissention? Where was, or where is the street uprising or even individual/ group resistance? The majority of our people at least gave a silent nod to Issaya’s encroachment on institutions and human rights. So, the problem is one of political and institutional nature, way bigger than Wuchu’s cultural(both society and organizational),intelectual, and administrative restraints. I applaud wedi Ali not because he tried to topple the government but because he called for democratic change ( a government by the people for the people). I alluded to the restraints which could have made wuchu how he ended his career. Some of your points are pure allegations,for instance # 2, I believe you know what I mean. On the qualities we can go for ever and we may not be able to agree, some of it is pure subjective (on my side and yours), hero for one may be zero for another. But I agree with you that we wish he ended his career dead speaking up for justice. I did not expect that knwing the above restraints or deficiencies on him individually and the people around him collectively.

      • MightyEmbasoyra March 11, 2014

        As you can see my view is 180 degree shifted from yours, but I stay to stand on logic.
        If you call Wedi Ali a hero, there is no way you can use the same description to Wuchu.
        If you do not agree Wuchu many people, I think you do know he killed many, but you can keep your view to yourself, because this useless idiot person had killed a person that I know. As you may guess, that guy was very intelligent. Many family are affected by this nonsense, unqualified, ruthless killer. If you didn’t directly affected by his killing machine, it doesn’t mean that others didn’t.
        One thing it really surprises me though is that you seem to be an educated person, and you also seem to be you were with him during the liberation era, and the question to you is; how did you escape from his killing squad? That makes me wonder…

        • mahmud saleh March 11, 2014

          Mr.Mightyembasoira: I did not know he had a killing machine….or a guillotine..or a killing squad. Seriously Mr.Emba, bring the evidence, let’s have it for god sake, that’s why I said some of your assertions were pure allegation. Why I call both wedi Ali and Wuchu heroes?
          A: Both were heroes on their duties as soldiers. B. wedi Ali became even more hero when he called for the release of prisoners and constitutional government. c. Wish wuchu acted like wedi Ali, but because of A he still remains to be a hero. This is of course subject to personal interpretation. Now, if he sounds zero to you, that’s OK, but say it in a culturally sensitive way(I’m refering to some of the ugly postings which triggered my article).

          • selamawit2 March 11, 2014

            Mister Mahmud Saleh,

            “bring the evidence” that’s a phrase we also know very well know from mass murderer iseyas afeworki.
            Is there a need to tell you, that in case of eritrea the evidence are those who escaped the regime and the family members and friends of the victims!


          • MightyEmbasoyra March 11, 2014

            At Mahmud,
            You are asking me for evidence? Really? Were you guys given any certificate to murdered fighters – if that is what you are asking for? I am telling you my relative got murdered by this guy and you are asking me to give you an evidence. You seem to care about this guy’s name more than my relative’s life. That is really insensitive of you.
            I think you are making it worse by trying to fix your earlier mistakes on your article (from my point of view). Oh, BTW, Wedi Ali is hero and Wuchu was NOT. Compare Wuchu with Filipos or the other criminals, not with Wedi Ali.

          • MightyEmbasoyra March 11, 2014

            Sister Selamawit2,
            This sounds like when isayas was keep repeating where is the evidence? Did you enjoy the festival today..none sense sounds…. to the Aljezeera journalist, few yrs ago.

      • Genet-orginal March 11, 2014

        mahmud saleh
        You said, “Where was or is the street uprising or even individual/group resistance?” are you blaming the the vivtims the Eritrean people? Don’t you think, Wuchu was supposed to lead the resistance? In reality, Wuchu and his comrades have been holding the Eritrean people under water.

        • mahmud saleh March 11, 2014

          I wish he lead his people as you said to freedom(please see my reply to Mighty; the man may have been a brilliant commander and many personal attributes that made him standout, but lacked the qualities that would push him to break the ice; you know, think of matters of rights…democracy…constitution…The man was not sophisticated enough to raise to that occasion. That’s why I said “Let’s judge him knowing circumstances and restraints that had surrounded him” meaning ghedli history, the fact that we Eritreans have no clue what a democratic society looks like(history and culture)….and the fact that he grew up under the grooming of Issayas(remember he was illiterate when he joined EPLF)…………etc

          • ahmed omer March 11, 2014

            Mr Mahmoud I a question for you a bout WOCHU .
            How WOCHU had know that Gedli against Ethiopian occupation was right and left his job in Commandos .السيد محمود
            للأسف أ اراك تجادل عن أين الأدلة عن الجرائم التي ارتكبها (وجو)وتقارن بينه وبين ودي علي وحتى هذه اللحظة أم نسمع ان ودي كان مسؤول عن منطقة معينة وله مسؤولية تجعله يحتك عبرها بعامة الناس .الا تعلم ان البشر هم شهداء في في هذه الدنيا وكثير من المعلقين يسردون أحداث تورط فيها وجو واسوأها كانت مجزرة جرحى حرب التحرير وله مسلسل من الجرائم وخاصة مشاركته اسياس في عمليات التصفية من منكع الى حين اقعده المرض وغيبه الموت على كل عليك ان تعلم قتل الابرياء لا تعفيها حجة انه ناضل من تجل الشعب اتعلم ان هتلر كان يبرر قتله للابراء من أجل الجنس اﻷري وحق الحياة في أي قانون أو معتقد للجميع دون تمييز.

          • selamawit 2 March 11, 2014

            “let’s agree on fixing the bigger problem” WHAT IS is the “bigger problem” – the regime in eritrea and its crimes???
            WHO IS THE REGIME? iseyas and his generals – got it?
            and one of them is now dead as a dodo!

          • Genet-orginal March 12, 2014

            mahmud saleh
            You are talking from your own personal experience. It seems you are internalizing the action or inaction of General Wuchu. People who have been exposed to the “ghdli’s” era culture have problem to see issues objectively. That is why, you keep going back to the ghdli era to rationalize your argument. I don’t know, how you can explain the past 23 years of unbelievable destruction of our country. Why is it is so hard for you to see, the past 23 years of Eritrean experience objectively? The past 23 years has been the PFDJ era, a time of injustice, militarization of our civil society, mass exodus of indigenous Eritrean population, most importantly and the mass exodus of Eritrea’s human capital, the youth. Who should be held accountable for this abomination? Your attempt to make exuses for General Wuchu’s action or inaction is weak. I agree with your point that General Wuchu wasn’t a sophisticated man. Sophistication is one thing, but his lack of common sence has been deadly and costly to Eritrean future. On your previous post, you said, “I have been away from Eritrea since the mid-nineties” I don’t know what you mean by that? But regardless where you have been, you can’t be under a rock that you can’t hear the Eritrean people scraming bloody murderer. I ask you to come to your sence and see things as exaclty how they appear to be. General Wuchu was probably an accidental hero during the ghdil era. That is fine. Sometimes people become hero accidentaly and that is an extraordinary. However, General Wuchu has been part of the PFDJ’s elites. As a General he did nothing, while the EDF being dominated and emasculated by foreign forces. The unsophisticated military man, he coudn’t even do his job. So Mahmoud, you need to review your ghdil’s era view. You can’t cont. to explain everythings with ghdil’s era view.

      • selamawit2 March 11, 2014


        You can take every single mass murderer in this word and you will find also something “good”. It is for example well known that many of the creulst fascists were “good” family men. And all of them also had a “life” before they turned blood thirsty beasts.

        Do you think because of that a healthy minded person would praise the same mass murderers IN FRONT OF THE VICTIMS, THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS AND THE ONES WHO GRIEVE FOR THEM????
        And do you want blame the audience for reacting HORRIFIED – telling them they should behave/speak “in a civilized way” ?????

        Then you better go to all the propaganda websites of hgdf and “bless” the supporters of the regime with your praising. WE war are in mourning here DUE TO THE VICTIMS OF MASS MURDERER WUCHU AND ETC!

        (I brace myself NOT because you deserve it but solely due to the respect for my brothers and sisters – the justice seekers.)

    • Genet-orginal March 11, 2014

      I agree!

      • MightyEmbasoyra March 11, 2014

        Likewise, Sister Genet!

        • mahmud saleh March 11, 2014

          Hello salamawit2, genet, and mighty(again) I honestly believe you guys know exactly what I’m talking about. When you label some one a criminal,it’s fair that you will be required to present the evidence, what’s wrong with that. Mighty, sensationalizing my challenge to you is not going to work. Bring it on, where is the evidence? By the way, I did not like it when Issayas asked for it, and you may have your evidence, mighty, there was a lot of mess. We could see it from here,let’s agree on fixing the bigger problem. But if you are sticking to individual crimes, you will be asked to prove it, don’tblame me for asking you to present the evidence.

  • wedi boston March 11, 2014

    ክብረት ይሃብካ ! ልቦና ዝመልኦ ጥቅው ጽሑፍ ኣንቢብና። እንተኾነ ግና ኣብዘይሰምዐካ ደብሪ ኣይትማህለል እዩ ነገሩ።
    We are who we are —>PROUD ERITREANS —>because of the heroes wuchu alikes. And we have a lot more who learned ትብዓትን ጅግንነትን from him and that is what a strong solider is all about, for those of you with identity crises.

  • hariray March 11, 2014

    ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ ጽሑፍካ ፍረ ኣልቦ ከምዝኾነ ንኽትፈልጥ ኣብ መወዳእታ ኣስፊርካዮ ዘለኻ ያኢ ንስኻ ለቢምካ ብዝተለጠፉ ጽሑፋት ሓዚንካ!! ወርዚኻን ወርጺጽካን ምዃንካ እዩ ! ምዑታት ጎራዙ ህጻናት ዕድመ ቑርባን ዘርከቦም ወለዲ ከይተረፉ ክፍሊ ኣካላቶም ኣቑሑ ንግዲ በደዊን ክኸውንን በማኢት ዝቑጸሩ ኣሕዋት ከም ኣማውታ ጻጸ ጕላ ብሓደ ክድፈኑን ሓመድ ዓዶም እኳ ንድበኦም ክበቆም ዘየሕዘነካሲ ዝተለጠፈ ቃላት የሕዚኑካ ( እንድዒ እምበር ሓንጎልካ ከም ቃንጫ ሽኮር ተመጽዩ ዝተተፍኤ ክትከውን ኣለካ )ኣማን እዩ ተጋግዩ ጽሑፍ መሲልዎ ገፈል ለጢፉልና

    • Lilay March 11, 2014


      Yoou write good. I like it. Thank you.

    • kidane March 11, 2014

      Hariray gawna asha.bika shinti konka kedka weslati .men mis zekereka hager albo isub.

  • ahmed saleh March 11, 2014

    We only praise a decorated servant of his country who contributed with dedication and discipline to defend the country
    within its people . Every government official who do the dirty work either to please his master or not is responsible
    of his deeds . To bring the name of Issayas as an excuse to clear their name can not satisfy the case because they are
    well experienced grown up men who witnessed the hardship first hand , But later they betrayed the principle of our
    revolution , their comrades and our-people . Infact they prefer loyalty to politics over people willingly to become the
    backbone of the system which eradicate our hope of future Eritrea and the reaction of majority commentators showed the
    result of its counter expression .
    Finally , since you know well this forum reputation dominated with justice seekers , you should exercise precaution
    before you post articles which offended many people , The subject is serious beyond politics to so many of us whose life
    effected directly or indirectly by selected high rank individuals . And for the harsh responses it is only emotional expression
    of anguish and frustration but for personal attack with unnecessary language I agree it is not civil .

    • mahmud saleh March 11, 2014

      Ahmed Saleh: Now I will respond to you, since you are commenting in an appropriate language. What I wrote is my personal opinion and I stand by it. Our opinions will differ greatly due to our ages,personal experiences and the factor we call belonging. I belong to a generation that spent their prime time in a unique situation, you could be one of us, I don’t know, and I wrote that piece when I was watching the preparations for the funeral. I have been away from the country since the mid nineties, so my views were shaped by my narrow ghedli era experience. My point was primarily to be sensitive to the family and those who were affected by him, not necessarily to absolve him of all misdeeds he may have committed.To bring about change that will enable you to bring those “selected high rank officials” you will need to communicate in away that does not offend millions who disaggree with the government but see no better alternative, you will need to be moderate and well tempered and stick to the issues rather than namecalling(not necessarily you). Just look at the posts. How do these folks think they will persuade people when they don’t even control their temper and language? We have already a system that looks down and dispises any one who disaggree with it even for an inch in Asmara, so, don’t you think justice seekers need to dialogue in a completely different style and maner, one that encourages voicing differences. Some folks stated that I do this b/c I am motivated by politics. Believe me I am an average Joe, busy with life; and even if that was the case I would choose the easy way: pleasing the crowd…going with the wind direction.It was an opinion, I have not argued against any allegation, the man is dead and no one is going to prove him guilty, any way.

      • ahmed saleh March 11, 2014

        Thanks , I believe many of us who have familiarity with your posting understand that you do not mean any harm .
        As you said , it was innocent reaction to your memory of Gedli era , I respect that , At the same time try to
        take consideration on this unfortunate period of betrayal like the recent events in Boston where Eritreans dressed
        up for HGDF party invitation while the world witnessed 360 fellow Eritreans perished in the sea . My point is our
        present atmosphere has been overshadowed by mistrust and suspicions , We all experienced how want to be mouth pieces
        perform like fools to underestimate and insult our intelligence .
        Anyway at the end of the day glad you respond respectively on commentators reactions , Nobody is perfect , no hard
        feeling and lets move on and wait for the turn of sold out next in line on ANGEL DEATH notebook list .

        • mahmud saleh March 11, 2014

          Ahmed saleh: Thanks, and believe me, I respect all the commentators reaction,and there is no way of arguing against it, because they are stating things the way they experienced it. I tried 1, to say things in a respectful manner and 2, I opinionated my feeling the way I felt it. It’s not my character to overreact,I can assure you that, but I can’t control how others react.I appreciate your reply. Just in case you missed it: what started me writing is the lampedusa incident, the reaction of the government and the behavior of some Eritreans in the aftermath. You can check it out at:

  • honest March 11, 2014

    Mohamud what a mature, wise and respected guy, thank you

  • Banna March 11, 2014

    Mohamud you are clearly doesn’t know him you listening things he was credited for before independence. If I listed the suffering we had under him this page will not be enough and when you judging someone you have to judge every aspect of their action positive and negative. From you I haven’t seen that.

    • gerima March 11, 2014


      Would you mind listing down the suffering he caused on other people with tangible evidence (names, places, time, etc)?
      Thank you.

      • Genet-orginal March 14, 2014

        The entire population of Eritrea is the tangible evidence. Like Banna said, there is no enough page to listed all.
        gerima, you are a zombie or DEMHIT, who can’t feel the suffering of the Eritrean people.

  • monicasalguero March 11, 2014

    ሕጅዊን ንተመኩሮ ይኹነና ኣብ ዝመጲ ግዝየ ፡ እቶም ክውክሉና ዘሎዎም ሰባት ትም ኢሎም ዲዘዙ ከይኮኑ.
    እምቢ፡ ከምዚ ኣይኮነን እዚ ነኣናን ንሀዝቢናን ኣየዋጵኢን ፡ ነሓቂ ደይ ሽፍኑ ብትምሀርተን በመንፈሳዊነተን ብተግባራቶምን ኣብነት ድኾኑ፡
    ሓልዮት፡ ሕወት ደቂ ሰባት ዘቀድሙ፡ ሰልታን ኣክፊሎም ድሰርሁ፡ ብፈላይ ነህዝቢ ደተባባኡን ነጳን ዝድፉን፡ ከሰረህ ከመሃር …. ከመይ ንሃንቲ ሃገር መንጊስቲ ኣኮነን ደሰትጥና ሰራህ ናይ ሀዝቢ ትራይ ዩ.
    ግን ነጳ ደኽነ ሀዝቢ.

  • simon March 11, 2014

    ok yekenelna mehmud salh tsbah eseyas ms mote awn kemu eka ktbl brgts slezi hade seb hluf tarikn hluw tarikn kem zelewo nska memhr ktkonelna aytkeln gn nhade seb kab hluf Tariku hluw Tariku kem zgeltso manm ztefo zelo aymeslenn niay ke kem seb hluw tarik au zegedseni kem neruni aleni zbahal alo ente ati mwut ayksesn au zbelkayo gn bkemey ykses yfelale ykewn ember ykses au nabnet ab bahlna bmelkie woye woye nhade seb tsbuk godnun hmak godnun ygeltswo ayom atom kealo ako dea abta mealti kebru btewsaki nska bnatka ktgeltso men gletso eluka zbeleka ane nsa aye zfelt ktbl meselka au ente nsebat gn kemzi natey gletswo elka keteferarh men mesel habeka gn dhan tarik kferdena au abti hakena hager ms rekebna

    • mahmud saleh March 11, 2014

      ኣነ ርኢቶይ እየ ሂበ። ልክዕ ከም ዝበልካዮ ሰባት ንዝሞቱ በብመልክዑ ክገልጽዎም መሰሎም እዩ። ኣነ ዘተሓሳሰብኩ ሀ- እቲ ዝውርወር ዝነበረ ጸርፍታትን ዓገብ ንምባል ለ- ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ ድማ ርኢቶይ ወይ ኣነ ከመይ እርእዮ ገሊጸ። ሓደ ካልእ ብካልእ ዓይኒ ክርእዮ ይኽእል ግን ብኣገባብን ባህልና ብዘፍቅዶ ንቡርን ክኸውን እየ ዝብል ዘለኹ። ልዕሊ ኩሉ እቲ ጽያፍ ቋንቋ እምበር ንሓደ ሰብ ኩሉ ሰብ ብሓደ ክርእዮ ግድን ኣይኮነን። ብዓይኒ ሕጊ ከኣ ሓደ ሰብ ኣብ ቤት ፍርዲ ቀሪቡ ገበኑ ምስ ዝጸድቕ ጥራይ እዩ ገበነኛ ዝበሃል። ዉጩ ድማ የለን። እንተዝህሉ’ኮ ንዓይ ዘእትወኒ ኣይነበረን ባዕሉ ምተኸላኸለ።

      • MightyEmbasoyra March 11, 2014

        You stated ‘ሀ- እቲ ዝውርወር ዝነበረ ጸርፍታትን ዓገብ ንምባል” – well, we are trying to telling you this guy has killed many people and he was one of the main contributors to destroy Eritrea and its people. Wouldn’t you be more concerned more about that rather than Wuchu’s insult? BTW, haven’t you left your beloved country because of Wuchu and few of his high level officers? If you still have connection with isaya’s govt, please strike this down.
        ለ – ‘ብዓይኒ ሕጊ ከኣ ሓደ ሰብ ኣብ ቤት ፍርዲ ቀሪቡ ገበኑ ምስ ዝጸድቕ ጥራይ እዩ ገበነኛ ዝበሃል። ዉጩ ድማ የለን። እንተዝህሉ’ኮ ንዓይ ዘእትወኒ ኣይነበረን ባዕሉ ምተኸላኸለ።” Why are you advocating Wuchu then? Isn’t that his family’s or very close friends’ or the govt’s responsibility? If you are one of them, I can understand (I still say you are biased but at least I can understand).

  • Tes March 11, 2014

    Mohamed Salis,

    You said you were with wuchu at meda and left the country in mid-ninety. It is self evident why you left the country you spent the most productive and energetic time of your life. I presume that it became unbearable to live under the so called junta HGDEF. I am sure anyone with right mind won’t leave his country to live as refugee unless you are one of those privileged gangs sent by the regime. Either way all you contradicting justification to call Wuchu a hero doesn’t hold water. You claim it is my opinion and right to express my view. But right is not a privilege but it come with responsibility and care for the others. Coming here with ludicrous view and calling a rapist, murderer, corrupt and ignorant individual a hero is utter contempt to the majority of Eritrean people. It is an insult. From whatever angle you came and tried to justify your view about Wuchu, remember you are acknowledged the heroism of a killing machine. If you miss your PFDJ go back and stick with your legions in thick and thin. That is your right! Any thing rather than that is simply an hypocrite.

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