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ዉጩ፡ ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ (So long Wuchu)

 ዉጩ፡ ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ (So long Wuchu) ንስድራ (ኣባላት) ጅግና ህዝባዊ ሰራዊትን ንመላእ ኤርትራን ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም። ሰብ ሕጽረታት ከይተፈልዮ ካብዛ ዓለም ኣይፍለን እዩ። ውሑዳት እዮም ንሕጽረታቶም በዲሆም ልዕሊ እቶም ኩሉ ዝተዓደሉ ብጾቶም ጎሊሖም ዝረኣዩ። ከምዚኦም ዝኣመሰሉ ፍትወትን ኣኽብሮትን

 ዉጩ፡ ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ (So long Wuchu)

ንስድራ (ኣባላት) ጅግና ህዝባዊ ሰራዊትን ንመላእ ኤርትራን ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም።

ሰብ ሕጽረታት ከይተፈልዮ ካብዛ ዓለም ኣይፍለን እዩ። ውሑዳት እዮም ንሕጽረታቶም በዲሆም ልዕሊ እቶም ኩሉ ዝተዓደሉ ብጾቶም ጎሊሖም ዝረኣዩ። ከምዚኦም ዝኣመሰሉ ፍትወትን ኣኽብሮትን ብጾቶም ዘጥረዩ ውሑዳት ዕድለኛታት ዝልለዩሉ ጠባይ እንተሎ ንሕጽረታቶምን ውሱንነት ዓቕሞምን ፈሊጦም ንመሳርሕቶም ብምስታፍ  ንድኹም ጎንታቶም መሊኦም ምሉኣትን ልዕሊ ምሉኣትን ክኸኑ ምኽኣሎም እዩ።  ተጋዳላይ ዉጩ ንሕጽረታቱ ስዒሩ ልዕሊ ምሉኣት ክኸውን በቒዑ። ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ኣብ ምስሉን ምስሊ ከምኡ ዝኣመሰሉ ምቕሉላትን ደፋራትን ኣዘዝቲ ተሃኒጹ’ዩ ዘይድፈር ዝመስል ዝነበረ ዝደፈረ። የቐንየልና ስለ’ቲ ኣገልግሎትካ ብጻይ ዉጩ ። ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ።

ምስኡ ዝወዓሉ፡ ለዋህ፡ ተጫራቓይ፡ ክፉእ ዘይኣልም፡ ገርሂ፡ ዝረኣዮ ኣብ ገጽካ ዝብለካ፡ ንሰራዊቱ ዝሓሊ፡ ናይ ስራሕ ናጽነት ዝህብ፡ ተባዕ፡ በሊሕ…ኢሎም ገሊጾሞ።

ኣብ ስድራ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ንዝነበረ ሰብ ጽልዋ ዉጩ ካብ ርሑቕ እዩ ዘራኽበሉ ነይሩ። ምስኡ ሰሪሕና ዘይንፈልጥ ከይተረፍና ብሕክያታት ዉጩ ተዘናጊዕናን ተተባቢዕናን ሓዪልናን ኢና። ሓደ ካብቶም ዝና ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ሰማይ ዝሰቀሉ ምቕሉላት ኣዘዝቲ ምንባሩ ዝካሓድ ኣይኮነን። ውሩይ ወተሃደራዊ መራሒ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ዘይንጸል ያታን ኣፈታሪኽን ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት- ማለት ባህላዊ መለለዪ ወይ cultural icon እውን ነይሩ እዩ። ዋዛታት ዉጩ ንግርህና፡ ለውሃት፡ ቆራጽነትን ጽንዓትን ተጋዳላይ ኤርትራ ዝገልጹ ነይሮም። መልእኽቲ ናይተን ውሑዳት ጥረ ቃላቱ ነቲ ሸፊንወን ዝፍኖ ዝነበረ ገጠራዊ  ጠባያት ማለት ኣገላልጽኡን ኣካላዊ ገጸባህርያቱን ገሊህካ ኢኻ ትርድኦ። ዘይጸዓድ ጽንዓት ኤርትራዊ ተጋዳላይ ምስ ኣንጸባረቐ እዩ። እዚ መዳይ እዚ ንዕኡ ከም ሰብ ንምትሓቱን ምንኣሱን ዘይኮነስ ንምሕያሉን ምጉባዙን ተጠቒሙሉ። ንኩሎም እቶም ከም ምክትላቱ ኮይኖም ዝምህርዎን ዝተሓጋገዝዎን ዝነበሩ ብጾት ዕድል ስራሕ ይህብ ስለዝነበረ፡ ናቱ ጥረ(raw) ወተሃደራዊ ክእለት ምስ ናይ ሓንጎሎም ዓቕሚ ተወሃሂዱ እቲ ንፈልጦ ዉጩ ፈጢሩ። እዚ ከኣ እዩ ምስጢር ዓወት ናይ ዉጩ- ሕጽረታቱ ፈሊጡ ነቲ ኣብ ከባቢኡ ዝነበረ ጸጋታት ሰብ ብግቡእ ምጥቃም። ዝምድና ወዲ ልብሱን ዉጩን ከምኡ እውን ዝምድና ካልኦት ምስ ዉጩ ዝሰርሑ ናይ ቀለም ዕድል ረኺቦም ዝተሰለፉ ብጾት ከም ወዲ ብላታ፡ ኣብረሃለይን ብጻይ ቢተወደድ ኣብራሃን ነዚ ይምስክር።

ገርህን ገጠራውን ጠባዩ ሓሓሊፉ ዘይድለ መልእኽትታት ዘመሓላልፍ ኣበሃህላታት ከም ዝስንዱ ገይሩዎ ይኸውን። እዚ ሓደ ካብ ሕጽረታቱ ክኸውን ይኽእል። “ እዚኣ እንተበልኩስ እንታይ ተሰምዕ ትኸውን” ዝብልን ዝራቀቕን ሰብ ኣይነበረን። እቲ ኣብ እዋን መዘናግዒታት ተባሂሉ ዝበሃል ዘረባታት ንዋዛታት ተጋዳላይ ዘይፈልጥ ሰብ ካልእ ትርጉም ከስምዕ ይኽእል። ሰብ እንድዩ፡ ሕጽረት ክነብሮ ግድን እዩ።  ሰብ ግን ብምሉእነቱ ምስ ዝረአ እዩ ፍትሓዊ ስእሊ ዝወሃብ። ብሂወቱ እንከሎ ኣስሚዕናዮ እንተንኸውን እውን ኣይመኽፈአን።

ኣብቲ ዓምዲ ርኢቶ ተለጢፉ ዘሎ ጸርፍታት ዘሕዝን እዩ። ክንድዚ ኣጸያፍን ከፋፋልን ዘለፋታት ኣይመድለየን። ብመሰረቱ እውን ቃል ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ክኸውን ኣይክእልን። ምኽንያቱ፡ ፍትሒ ፍትሒ እያ። ኣብ ዝደለኻያ ግዜ ተውጸኣን ኣብ ዘይደለኻያ ግዜ ትቐብራን ኣይኮነትን። ፍትሒ ንጸላኢኻ እውን ኣይትበቃን፡ ኣይኮነን ንስዉእ ዉጩ። ፍትሓውያን ምኻንና ብግብሪ ክነርኢ ኣለና። ፍትሒ ንርእስና ንጠልባ እንተኮይንና ንሬሳ ስዉእ ዉጩ ክንነፍጋ የብልናን። ብሰላም ክነፋንዎ ኣለና።

ዉጩ ወተሃደር እዩ ነይሩ። በታ ስራሕ’ቲኣ ከኣ ሂወቱ ብዘሕብን ዝኽርታት ዝመልአት እያ። ፖለቲካ ንፖለቲካኛታት እዩ። ንዉጩ በታ ስርሑ ደኣ ክንርእዮ ኣለና እምበር ሕጂ ምስ ዓረፈ ብረቂቕ ኣምራት ፖለቲካ ክንመዝኖ ፍትሒ ኣይኮነን። በቲ ኣብ ከባቢ ኣስመራ ዝግበር ዝነበረ ግፋ እውን ታሪኹ ክንብልል የብልናን። ሰራዊት ንስራሕ ፖሊስ ኣይምልመልን እዩ። ሰራዊት ንውግእ እዩ ዝሰሓል። ሰራዊትና ስራሕ ፖሊስ ክሰርሕ ይእዘዝ ከምዝነበረን ኣብቲ መስርሕ ብዙሕ ጉድለታት ከምዝነበሮን ኣብኡ ዝነበሩ ይዝክርዎ። ብፍሉይነት ንዉጩ ዘንቅፍ እንተነይሩ ከኣ ብሂወቱ ከሎ እዩ ክኸውን ዝግበኦ ነይሩ።  ስለ’ዚ ኣሕዋት፡ መረረ ክህሉ ይኽእል ግን ብዝተኻእለ መጠን እዚ ሰብ’ዚ ብምሉእነቱ እንተራናዮን ብሰላምን ሓበንን እንተፋነናዮ ይሓይሽ። ውሱንነት ዓቕሙ ዘፍቀዶ ኩሉ ንሃገሩ ጌሩ እዩ። ንሓደ ኣውቶመካኒክ፡ ኣዕጽምቲ ሰብ ከገጣጥመልካ ኣይትጽበዮን። ዉጩ ነቲ ኣብ ወተሃደራዊ ሂወቱ የጓንፎ ዝነበረ ግድላት ብግቡእ ገጢሙ ዝሓለፈ ብጻይ ‘ዩ። ልዕሊ ኩሉ ከኣ ንሰብ ሰብ ዘብል ጠባያት ዝተዓደለ ብጻይ ምንባሩ መጋድልቱ ይገልጽዎ ኣለዉ። ስለ’ዚ ብጻይ ዉጩ ግቡእካ ፈጺምካ ኢኻ ብሰላም ኣዕርፍ ምባሉ ግቡእ እዩ። So long wuchu, rest in peace.

ንእሽቶ ምኽሪ ነቶም ፖለቲካ እትጻወቱ ዘለኹም ኣሕዋት፡ ፈተውቱ ጥራይ ዘይኮኑስ ጸላእቱ እውን ናይ ኣኽብሮት ሱቕታ ወይ ዕርፍቲ ሂቦሞ ከምዘለዉ ፍሉጥ እዩ። ብመሰረቱ እውን ባህላውን ሞራላውን ክብርታት ህዝብና ንዝዓረፈ ሰብ ክንድዚ ጸርፍታትን ዘለፋን ክወርዶ ኣየፍቅድን። ንጽሕፎን ንብሎን ሓላፍነታዊ እንተኾነ ይሓይሽ። ወላ ብዓይኒ ስልቲ ክረአ ከሎ፡ ነዚ ድንገት እዚ ንፖለቲካዊ ዓላማ ምጥቃም ኣየረብሕን እዩ። ብቁጽሪ እውን ኣየዋጸኣኩምን’ዩ- ብፍላይ ኣብዚ እዋን ሓዘን፡ ፈተውቱን ኣኽበርቱን ካብ ጸላእቱን ንዓቕቱን ብዕጽፍታት ስለዝበዝሑ። ደሓር ከኣ ኣብ ዝዓረፈ ሰብ ከራሩኹም እንተዘየጕደምኩም ይሓይሽ።

ነባሪ ዝኽሪ ንስዉኣትና

ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ

***መንቀሊ ናይዛ ንእሽቶ ርኢቶይ እቲ ብገለገለ ሰባት ክልጠፍ ዝጸንሐ ኣዝዩ ዘሕዝን ርኢቶታት እዩ።

Review overview
  • tesfaldetabraha March 9, 2014

    mahamed salih you say right but this idiots like MIGHTY EMBASOYRA&SEMHAR have abrain damege they cant help it so dont mind them brother

    • Genet-orginal March 10, 2014

      Tesfaldetabrahm-DEMHIT. Isayas’s darling woyane. Did you say brain damage? It is you. If you are an Eritrean. No body with the right mind would be ok with foreign forces dominating his/her country. Only foreign ocupiers or brain damaged will be ok with that.

  • msgna March 9, 2014

    kndey seb eyom ahkikom kndey nutsuhat sebat ksab muhur seb nab ahadue entetemedibu nab sleya wesidkum kemzchnek gberwo zbl tiezaz zhb znebere aremene wuchu dea kab meas eu lewah fetawti serawit koinu ni Bitew men diu hasiu yesiruwo bial wuchu eza g 15 msteaseru ab universty keydu entay elu eu zgubaebe znebere seb kab mot zterf yelen gin moitu elna knkohahlo aynfetn wuchun eta aselet gujileun nhzbi eritrea ketetsnt ember natsnet hzbi eritrea teraeywa ayfeltn.

  • kiflemariam March 9, 2014

    እቲ ኣብ ግዜ ገድሊ ናጽነት ኤርትራ ምእንቲ ህዝቡ ሃገሩን ብጅግንነት ዝተዋግአን ዘዋግአን ውጩ፣ ከም መብዛሕትኦም ጀነራላት ኤርትራ፣ እቲ ሓራ ዘውጽኦ ህዝቡ ብውልቀምልካዊ መራሒ ህግደፍ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ እናተጨፍጨፈን እናጠፍአን ከሎ ግን፣ ናይ ቀደም ጅግንነቱ ክደግም ኣይከኣለን፣ በንጻሩ ክሳብ ዕለተ ሞቱ መጋበርያ ምልኪ ኮይኑ እዩ ጸኒሑ። he can’t rest in peace bcs wuchu (general jagdif) killed a lot of young Eritreans our bro & sis during the war 1998 – 2000 at the same time he fired the 1st bullet to invade Ethiopian (badme)so he was criminal & servant of isayas even he called him Ayay.

  • Yerhiwo March 9, 2014

    You sound HGDEF supporter to me! Why are you protecting a criminal who have caused tremendous mysery, death, rape, slavery, torture, etc. to his own people? He maybe a hero during liberation that can’t say a word to dictator when he arrested the G15 hero, or when he kill the disabled veterans in Mai Habar, etc.
    Whether a person is dead or alive, he is not free of criticism. There is even worse thing that can happen to people that are already dead, if they inflict horrible crime to their people. I remember the aftermath Dej. Kinfu’s death in Asmara. There was this rumor that Kinfu was so evil that his body can’t rest peacefully in its burial cite. People were going to see this event shortly after the burial. It is only in Eritrea people say “Mwut Aytiksese”, but this is wrong!!!

    Don’t go far, you can hear testimony from his “operators” that he called “duhulat” to people from Akelguzay. You can also read also testimony from University Students in 2001 (posted in Awate today” that he equates the students to G15 virus.

    Let me tell HGDEF criminals…if you did evil things to your people….you may face Kinfu’s fate!!!
    I know what will happen to brutal Dictator Isaias Afwerki when he dies…he has no place of burial in Eritrea!!!! He will either rest in Fagntura, in ocean like Bin-Laden or go to Tembien, but not in “Mekebar Harbegentat!!!

    • kidane March 10, 2014

      Yerhiwo .
      fewsi zeyrikebo nay awraja himam hizuka alo imo lekamika yigbero dihur mendeat hager.

  • Gojam March 9, 2014

    Mahumud, Salh, anybody sleep with your mother not your father. And you sound now him good so can you tell us what and how many people rape and he killed. For you information you should right about the real hero’s still now under grounds. DON’T COME HERE AND WE ST OUR TIME GO TO and tell that to the zambis.

    • Bloko March 9, 2014

      How about you get lost to your freaking Gojam and you leave Eritrean issues to us Eritreans. Go back to Gojam and help your starving family with their farm.

      • Gojam March 10, 2014

        You ASHOL Wedi, Konanit, I wish I was from Gojam,at this moment. Did you see or hear anyone form GJAM, taken his kidney by your master you now how Rape you ass RASHAIDA,.and don’t forget ALULA, brought you’re grand father from GONDER, go find out or ask your KONANIT,Mother.

  • waEro March 9, 2014

    How many tegadelti did you kill?
    You seem to like his actions.

  • Gojam March 9, 2014

    The poor Asmera, city Ho was in final services they were just to get sum foods after the HAMED, DEBE. At this time everybody is looking after them self. They should out for the Lampadusa victim’s but for this ASHOL, AGLGALI, NBER, DEVIL, all that show. And every times anything major things happen in that country way the number one devil is out off the country. I hope he’s aircraft sank at sea.

  • Bloko March 9, 2014

    Mahmud Saleh,
    Please ignore these idiots who don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.

    • Gojam March 10, 2014

      BLOKO, FROM NOW I WILL CALL YOU BORKO, Faget, and Sub human.

      • ahmed saleh March 10, 2014

        Bloko with blocked mind set nothing good expected from your alike .

        • Gojam March 10, 2014

          BORKO, MEANS ( KEDADE! ) AND YOUR TESTATA, IS ARMATA, means your hade fill with Concrete. Sub human ASHOL.

  • Ahmed March 9, 2014

    For those of you who have something negative to say about wuchu, I call him hero who gave 42 years atof his life to his beloved country but you can call him anything you want but you can’t change nothing at all . Wuchu was doing things not talking or writing so by talking you can’t can’t change the fact that he is a hero. I forgot one important thing , I don’t believe any eritrean have anything negative to say about wuchu even from the opposition so that mean whoever said something negative about our hero must be from agamino or tewelge. You know somebody who want to see Eritreans fight each other kind people. So let’s not worry about what is said here on the web. We saw the funeral and action talks louder

    • Gojam March 10, 2014

      Maybe he was state father. What are you going to say those Ho never make it home see three family’s?. This Devil have been living like king for the last 23 year’s. You must been the worse blind person.

    • Genet-orginal March 10, 2014

      “wuchu was doing things not talking or writting” May because, he can’t write? May be you were his little helper and now you lost your job.

      • Gojam March 10, 2014

        Yes Genet, you are right even he cannot read simple map we loose lots of yang solders war with Woyane, poor guy no history he will be forgotten with Higdef books. And I hope the others zambis they learn from this.

  • kk March 9, 2014

    When someone died depending on your believe he may be rewarded or punished, we don’t have any control on that. What we have control on is to tell how this person lived his life, and how it impacted to Eritrea and Eritreans.
    When we talked about the life of wuchu, without getting into details he avtively served this barbaric regime until his death. He didn’t have a courage to tell his boss this is wrong. Muhamed Salih forgot thst our people are living in hell that has been crated by those people.what made Wedi Ali Hero exactly that he said no to the regime and he supported people’s demand.

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