ወገን ፍሥሐየ መብራህቱ ሃገርና ኤርትራ ንዀርዓላ ዓዲ ብስጉሚ ትስገር ንእሽቶ ከም ዓውዲ ብዙሕ ዝኣስማትና ደቂ ሓንቲ ከብዲ ሓቢርና ንስሰ ካብ ሓደ መኣዲ ውቁብ ዝባህልና ንጋሻ ኣንጋዲ ባህረትና መግለጺ ዘጥረናዮ ልምዲ ብሓባር ጸሪግና ናይ ሰላም መንገዲ ብደም ሰማዕታትና ኣጠጥዕና ጕንዲ ናይ ዓመታት ሕልሙ ፍልልይ ኪወዲ ሓዊ ኪጠብሰና

ፍሥሐየ መብራህቱ
ሃገርና ኤርትራ ንዀርዓላ ዓዲ
ብስጉሚ ትስገር ንእሽቶ ከም ዓውዲ
ብዙሕ ዝኣስማትና ደቂ ሓንቲ ከብዲ
ሓቢርና ንስሰ ካብ ሓደ መኣዲ
ውቁብ ዝባህልና ንጋሻ ኣንጋዲ
ባህረትና መግለጺ ዘጥረናዮ ልምዲ
ብሓባር ጸሪግና ናይ ሰላም መንገዲ
ብደም ሰማዕታትና ኣጠጥዕና ጕንዲ
ናይ ዓመታት ሕልሙ ፍልልይ ኪወዲ
ሓዊ ኪጠብሰና ደፊኑ ብሞግዲ
ነዚ ሽፍታ መሮር ሓራዲ ጎማዲ
ንዑ ነጠፍሾ ብኣና ነጋዲ።
ሃገረ-ቃልሲ’ወ ንእሽቶ ኤርትራ
ዴሳ ዝመሬታ ዕዮኣ ወፈራ
ውላዳ ብዙሓት ዓዶም ደጋ ቆላ
ኣእላፋት ጥሪታ ብሰብ ዘይቍጸራ
ዘሕለፈቶ ጸግም ናይ ቀደም ከይኣኽላ
መን’ዩ ዝህቅን ከእትወላ ቃላ
ዕንወታ ዚምነ ብወገን ቀቢላ
ብሽፋን ሃይማኖት ኪቖርሳ ኪመቕላ
መናፍሕ ፍልልይ ኣሎ የንፍሰላ
ብረቂቕ ውዲቱ ጌሩ ኪሕንኵላ
ርትዒ ዘይፈልጥ እንበለ ሽበራ
ይኣክል ንበሎ ሎሚስ ብሓበራ።
ሕማም ወገን የልቦን ኣሎ ግን ዚውገን
ደጊም ይኣኽለና ብልቢ ንጨክን
ንእለዮ ነርሕቆ ካባና ይወገን
ፀሓይ ይብረቐልና ድቕድቕ ጸላም ይህደም
ሕማም እምነት የልቦን ኣሎ ግን ዘይእመን
ብጸብኢ ዚቃጸ መርዛም “ቀይሕ ተመን”
ብሰንኩ ዝኃልቁ ማእለያ ነይቢሎም
ክሳዕ መኣስ ኢና ዕድልና ንረግም
መድኃኒት ኣሎና ውጽኢቱ ፍቱን
ሰሱሩ ምሒኻ ብጨርቂ ዝጥምጠም
ንኣና ቅሳነት ንደቅና ሳላም
ብስኒት ክንነብር ክርስትያን ምሰ’ስላም።
manfree January 12, 2015
you christain Eritrea until you recognize the right of all Eritrean difference and let the Eritrean decide to whom ethinicities are belong rather than you believe the decision of your master ISYAS rather your god ISYAS WEDI MEDHEN BERAD, Until you come to the truth reconciliation Eritrea will not be a peaceful country. Read your black history from king Hale Selas and try to correct it. we muslim do not have any trust on you because of your hide agenda you have with your HGDF
FM January 12, 2015
Dear Manfree, you might have missed the message of this poem. Eritrean Muslims and Christians did not come together during Haile-Selassie. Eritrean Christians cannot be blamed for Haile-Selassie crimes as Eritrean Muslims cannot be bladed for some of the ELF missteps. However, the Isaias has no religious allegiance as he does not have any humanity except maintaining his power at all cost; using religion and ethnic as a divide and conquer scheme. Finally, history should be a lesson to learn from not a mistake to repeat.