ወዲ ተምነዎ!
ወዲ ተምነዎ! ትማሊ ነዚ ንፋህማት (ንመስተውዓልቲ) ዘስደመመ ቃለ ምልልስ ደማሒ (መላኺ) ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ ምስ ሰማዕኩ፡ ሰዓብቱ ብኸመይ ከም ዝተረድእዎ ንኽፍትሽ ኢለ፡ ኣብ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ህግደፋውያን ሃሰስ ኣብ ዝብለሉ ዝነበርኩ ግዜ’ዩ፡ ኣብታ ኣብ ሃገረ ሽወደን ዝመደበራ መርበብ

ወዲ ተምነዎ!
ትማሊ ነዚ ንፋህማት (ንመስተውዓልቲ) ዘስደመመ ቃለ ምልልስ ደማሒ (መላኺ) ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ ምስ ሰማዕኩ፡ ሰዓብቱ ብኸመይ ከም ዝተረድእዎ ንኽፍትሽ ኢለ፡ ኣብ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ህግደፋውያን ሃሰስ ኣብ ዝብለሉ ዝነበርኩ ግዜ’ዩ፡ ኣብታ ኣብ ሃገረ ሽወደን ዝመደበራ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ህግደፍ፡ ኣለናልካ (ኣለናልኪ) ንጎብለል ፍትሕን ሓርነትን ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ዘጥቅዕ፡ ብሓደ መንነቱ ዘይገለጸ ካድር ህግደፍ ዝተጻሕፈ ጽሑፍ ቀዳማይ ክፋሉ ኣንቢበ። መወዳእታኡ ንኸንብብ ከኣ ነዊሕ ተጸቢየ። እንተኾነ ጸሓፊ፡ ህግደፋዊ ብምዃኑ፡ ስርሓት ህግደፍ ድማ ጅማረ’ምበር ፍጻመ ስለ ዘይብሉ፡ ከሳሲውን ከም ካድር ህግደፍ መጠን፡ ክሱ ጀሚሩ፡ ጓዛ (ተጀሚሩ ዘይተዛዘመ) ጌሩ’ዩ ኣቋሪጹዎ። ስለዚ ድማ ሕጂ ኣነ ነዚ ሻቡ ከም ግብረ መልሲ ዘዳለኹዎ ጽሑፍ፡ ትጽቢት ስለ ዝነውሐ፡ ናብ ኣንበብቲ ከብሎ መሪጸ ኣለኹ።
እቶም ወትሩ ‘ንዚኾነ ዚነብሕ ሰብ መልሲ ምሃብ ኣይባህልናን’ዩ!’ ብምባል፡ ናይ መኸተ ድኽመቶም ንምሽፋን፡ ወትሩ ክዋራዘዩ ዝፍትኑ ህግደፋውያን ግን ኣብቲ ክልተ ክፋል ጽሑፋቶም፡ እንታይነት ወዲ ተምነዎ ማለት፡ ዓዱ፡ ሃይማኖቱ፡ ኣተዓባብዩኡን ኣስሉን (ትውልዱን) ወዘተ. ብዝርዝር ክጽሕፉ ምዃኖም’ዮም መብጸዓ ብምእታው ተፈሊዮሙና ኔሮም። ክሶም ትርጉምን መሰረትን ስለ ዘይብሉ ግን ኣይቀጸሉዎን። ብዓብይኡ ግን “ድሙስ ቀርኒ ከም ዘሎዋ ፉፍ ትብል!” ስለ ዝኾነም ጥራይ እዮም ከቋሩጹዎ ተቐሲቦም።
ከምቲ፥ “ሰብ ንሰብ ይሓምዮ፡ ናይ ባዕሉ ስለ ዘይርእዮ!” ዝብሃል ከኣ ዕሱባት መላኺውን ‘ወዲ ተምነዎ ብረት ስውእ ሒዙ ካብ ገድሊ ብምህዳም፡ እንደገና ነቲ ብረት ሸይጡ ንርእሱ ስለ ዝተጠቕመ፡ ዓቢ ገበን ፈጺሙ’ዩ!’ ክብሉ ኣብ ጽሑፋቶም ኣንቢቦሙና። ብመግለጺኦም ድማ ኣዝየ ተገሪመ። ምኽንያቱ፡ እቲ ገበነኛ ዝብሃልስ እቲ ሕድሪ ስውእ ጠሊሙ፡ ብብረት ስውእ፡ ወለዲ፣ ደቂ፣ ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትን ስውኣት ብኣልማማ ዝገፈዐን ሰብኣዊ መሰሎም ገፊፉ ዘሰደደን ሽፍታድዩ ወይስ እቲ ካብ ጸላኢ ዝማረኾ ብረት ሸይጡ፡ ነብሱ ዘድሓነ ሓርበኛ? እዚ፡ ንፍርዲ ሓቀኛ ልቢ እገድፎ። ናይ ህግደፋውያን ነገር ግን ከምቲ፡ “ጉደን ክወጽእ እንተ በለስ ጉድ እንዳማተን ይናዘዛ!” ዝብሃል’ዩ ነገሩ።
ብተወሳኺ፡ ኣብዚ ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ኣለናልካ ኮነ ኣብ ካልኦት ንኣኡ ዚመሳሰላ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ዝወጸ ክሲ እንተ ርኢናዮ፡ ሓደ፥ ንቃለ መሕተት ተባዕ ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ምስ ታሪኽ፡ ህዝብን ሰውራን ኤርትራ ብምትሕዉዋስ፡ ነቲ ንጹርን ህያው ምስክርን ዘሎዎ መግለጺ ሓርበኛ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ፡ ‘ዝንቡዕ ወይ ድማ (disinformation)’ እናበሉ ንገዛእ ርእሶም ዝንቡዕ ሓበሬታ፡ ትንታነን መግለጽን ክህቡ ሰሚዐን ኣንቢበን ኣለኹ። ገሊኦም ነቲ ወዲ ተምነዎ ዝገለጾ ታሪኽ፡ ግዜን ቦታን ብምልካዕ ‘ኣብ ከምዚ እዋን ክልተ ካልኢት ተጋግዩ፡ ምኽንያቱ፡ እቲ ፍጻመ ቅድሚ ክልተ ካልኢት’ዩ ተፈጺሙ፣ ኣይ! ኣይፋሉን እታ ኣብ ዓዲ እከለ ዝገለጻ ቦታ፡ ኣብኣ ኣይኮነትን ኔራ፡ ካብኣ ሓደ ኪሎ ሜተር ርሒቓ’ያ ተፈጺማ። ወዘተ.’ ክብሉ ክስምዑ እንከለዉ፤
ገሊኦም ድማ ‘ታሪኽ ክትትንትን ከለኻ፡ ብውልቂ ዘይኮነስ ተኣኪብካ፡ ብጉባኤ ወይ ድማ ብሰሚናር’ዩ ኪኸውን ዘለዎ፡ ወዘተ.’ ብምባል፡ ያኢ ታሪኽሲ ህዝቢ ዝምረሓሉ ስድቢ ወይ ድማ ቅዋም ተረኺቡስ፡ ሰባት ኣኪብካ ብኸምዚ ጽሒፍና ነጽድቆ ብምባል፡ ተመያይጥካ ኪጸሓፍ ኣለዎ ኢሎም ዝመጎቱውን ሰሚዕና። ኣብዚ ነቶም ናይ ግዜን ቦታን ናይ ካልኢታትን ናይ ሜትሮታትን ፍልልይ ስለ ዘሎዎ፡ ትረኻ ተጋዳላይ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ‘ዝንቡዕ’ዩ (disinformation)’ ዝበሉ ገዲፈ፡ ነቲ ‘ታሪኽ ተኣኪብና ክንጽሕፎ ኣለና’ ዝበለ መሓዛን መጋብርቲ ኩሉ እከይ ተግባራትን መላኺ ዚኾነ ሰብ ግን ሓንቲ ኣብነት ክጠቕሰሉ ባህ እብለኒ።
እቲ ብ66 ክፋላት ዝቖመ ቃል ኣምላኽ መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ እውን እንተኾነ፡ ነብያት ተኣኪቦም ከምዘይጸሓፉዎ ከዘኻኽሮ እደሊ። ዝተፈላለዩ ቅዱሳን (ነብያት) ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ግዜን ቦታን ኮይኖም እዮም ጽሒፈሞ። ሓቂ ስለ ዝኾነ ኸኣ ንሓድሕዱ ዝመላላእ እምበር ዝጋጮ ወይ ዝቃረን ዋላ ሓንቲ ቃልውን የብሉን። ስለዚ፡ ሓቀኛ ታሪኽ ኩሉ ዘዝፈልጦ ምስ ጸሓፈን ምስ ኣዘንተወን ሽዑ ኢኻ ናይ ኩሉ ኣኪብካ፡ ዘድሊ እርማት ብምግባር፡ ብምንጽጻርን ብምምልላእን ሓደ ምሉእ ታሪኽ ኪጸሓፍ ዚከኣል። ብተወሳኺ ኣብዘን ክሳዕ ሕጂ ብገዲም ተጋዳላይ ሓርበኛ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ተኻይደን ዘለዋ 38 ክፋል ቃለ መሕትታት፡ እንትርፎ ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ፡ ስልጣኑ ንምሕላው ዝተጠቀመሉ ክፋእን ተንኮልን ምግላጽ፡ ካልእ ዝተንከፎ ወይ ዝገለጾ ታሪኽ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ይኹን ሰውራ ኤርትራ የለን። ኣብዚ እቶም መኻፍልቲ ኣበሳ ደማሒ (መላኺ) ዝኾኑ ሰባት፡ ብውልቆም ኣብ ገበናት መላኺ ስለ ዝተኻፈሉ ተተንኪፎም ክኾኑ ስለ ዝኽእሉ ከቐንዝዎም ይኽእል’ዩ። እንተዘይኮይኑ ግን ከምቲ ምስላ ኣቦታትና ዝብሎ፥ “ብዘይነገርካ ኣይትበኣስ፡ ደሓር ከይትጣዓስ!” ስለ ዚኾነ ጽባሕ ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝቢ ምቕራብ ከየሕፍሮም ክጥንቀቑ’የ ዝመክር።
ውልቃዊ ገበኖም ከይቅላዕ ክብሉ፡ ፈርጊ (ጋቢ) ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ ተጎልቢቦም፡ ታሪኽ ሰውራ ኤርትራ ንኸይስነድ ምኽልካሎም ግን ቅቡል ኣይኮነን። ስለዚ፡ ነቲ ኣነዋሪ ታሪኽ ዉልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ፡ ምስቲ መዘና ኣልቦ ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብምትእስሳር ክደባልቑዎ ኣይፈትኑ። ብተወሳኺ ነቲ ወዲ ተምነዎ፡ ቦታ፡ ዕለትን ስም ውልቀ ሰባትን እናጠቐሰ ዝተንተኖ ፍጻመ፡ ንሳቶምውን ብኸምኡ ደረጃ፡ ነቲ ዝህብሉ ዘለዉ ኣሉታ ምላሽ፡ ጭብጢ ብጭብጢ እናሰነዩ ደኣ ዘይሓቅነቱ ከረድኡ ምፈተኑ’ምበር፡ ኣልዕል ኣቢልካ፡ ብዘይዝኾነ ኣእማኒ ምጉት፡ ንወዲ ተምነዎ ብምዝላፍ ኣይኮነን ዝብዳህ! ከምቲ “እንዳባ ከይሲ እንተ ነፍዑ ብነፍጢ፡ እንተ ሓመቑ ብሸፍጢ!” ዝብሉዎ ግን ተማጻደቕቲ፡ ብሽፍኑ ስም ስውኣት፡ ህዝብን ሃገርን እናልዓሉ ምፍርራህ፡ ሞዳኡ፡ ማለት ፋሽኑ ዝወደቐ ኣረጊትን ድሑርን ሜላ ምዃኑ ክግንዘቡ ይግባእ። ሎሚ በዚ ዝደናገር የዋህ ዜጋ ከምዘየለ ንህግደፋውያን ክበርሃሎም ኣለዎ። “ዓሻ ከም ነጋሪኡ፡ መጥሓን ከም ወቓሪኡ!” ስለ ዝኾነ ግን ከም ኣመሎም ንገለ የዋሃት ንግዜኡ ከየደናግሩ፡ ንሓሶታቶም ናይ ምቅላዕ ስራሕና ኪዓዝዝ ኣለዎ በሃላይ እየ።
በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ንገዲም ተጋዳላይ ሓርበኛ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ክብሎ ዝደሊ ነገር እንተሎ፥ ከምቲ ምስላ ኣቦታትና፥ “ዓይኒ ዘይንብዓል ዕዳኣን ጸላኢኣን ንምርኣዩ ትጸልኦ የብላን!” ዝበሎ፡ ህግደፋውያንውን ከም ንሓቀኛ ታሪኽ ሰውራ ኤርትራ ዝትንትን ሰብ ጌሮም ንምስምዑን ንምርኣዩን ዝጸልእዎ የብሎምን! ስለዚ፡ ህግደፋውያን ዓቕሊ ኣጽቢቦም ጠራዕራዕ እንተ በሉ፡ ተባዕ ተጋዳላይ፡ ከፋት በሪ ታሪኽ፡ ሓርበኛ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ድምብርጽ ከምዘይብለካ ርግጸኛ’የ። ቅድሚ ኹሉ ዝስራዕ ግን ኩነታት ጥዕናኻ እዩ’ሞ እቲ ልዑል ፈጣሪ ምሉእ ምሕረት ክህበካ እናተመነኹን ኣብታ ትንፋስ ዝረኸብካላ ህሞት ድማ ብዛዕባ’ዚ ብዘይዕረፍቲ ብጉጅለ ሓንዘር (ቅንፍዝ) ዝሳቐ ዘሎ ውጹዕ ህዝብኻ ከይተሓለልካ ክትሰርሕን ተንኮላት ደማሒ ብምኽሻሕ ሓቂ ንምብሳሩ፡ ነቲ ዕውት ወፍርኻ ክትቅጽሎን እላወበካ።
ንነባሕትን ተሓባበርቲ ገበነኛታትንውን እዝኒ ኣይተሃቦም። ንኽንደይ ሰባት ካብ ድቃስን ካብ ሕልምን ኣባራቢርካ፡ ኣጽዋር ሓቂን ንቕሓትን ኣዕጢቕካ ኢኻ’ሞ ሃገርና ኤርትራ ንፈለማ ግዜ ናታ ህዝባዊ መንግስቲ ንኽትተክል ጉዕዞኣ ዳርዩ (ቀሪቡ) እዩ። ሃየ ኣብዛ ቮላታ ብስም’ቶም ንሰላምን ራህዋን ህዝቦም ክቡር ህይወት ዝበጀዉ ሰማእታትና ሓቦ ተዓጢቕካ ቀጽል። እንተ ናይ ህግደፍ ነገር ግን፡ “ደርሁየ ብኣኻትክን ሓፊርና፡ ማይ ሰቲኽን ስለ ዘይትሸና!” እዩ ኮይኑና። በል እስከ ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ሓርበኛ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ፡ በዛ እትስዕብ ናዕታ ኣቢለ ንስለ ክብርኻ ማሰ ክብል ፍቐደለይ?
ወዲ ተምነዎ!
ማሰ ማሰ ማሰ…….ሰዶ ሰዶ ሰዶ
ኣቱም ሰብ መረባዕ ሰብ *መርጡል ሰብ ኣጉዶ *ቪላ፡ ኣዳራሽ
ኣቱም ሰብ ጭማራ ሰብ ሕላስ ሰብ *ጉዶ *ጉራደ፡ ሽቶል
ታሪኽ ርብዒ ዘመን ተስፋይ ዝሰነዶ
ክፍኣት’ዞም ጉጅለ ገበን ሰሚዕኩምዶ?
እዞም ገበርቲ እከይ ውሑዳት ዘይረብሑ
ክፍኣቶም ከይቅላዕ ስለ *ዝገብሑ *ዝረዓዱ
ጉድለቶም ኣሪሞም ክንዲ ዝናስሑ
ታሪኽ ንዘልዓለ ከም ከልቢ ክነብሑ
ጻህያይ ካብ ዘራእቲ ነጺልና ክንምሑ
ሓየት ከፋት በሪ ኣፍ ልጉማት ፈቲሑ!
ሕሉፍ ገበናቶም’ወ ናብ ህዝቢ ከይቕላዕ
መላኽን ሰዓብቱን ኢሉዎም ጸላዕላዕ
ዘይጽወር ኮይኑዎም ትም ኢልካ ዘይስማዕ
ታሪኽ ንኽቀብሩ ጀሚሮም ጠራዕራዕ!
ታሪኽ ናይቲ እኩይ ተመቃሊ ሞባእ
ዝኣለሞ ተንኰል ጀጋኑ ንምጥፋእ
ካብቲ ባሕሪ ገበኑ ገሊልካ ዘይውዳእ
ብጭልፋ ቀዲሕካ ዝበልካና ጆባእ
ሓየት ሰባር ስቕታ ድምጽኻ ኣይጥፋእ
ኣዕልለና ደኣ ዝተሓብአ ይውጻእ!
እዚ ምስሉይ መላኺ ኣብ ስልጣን ኪነብር
እከይ ተግባራቱ ካብ ህዝቢ ኪስውር
ናባኻ ኪነብሕ ሓቂ ከይትምስክር
ስምካ ዘጸልሙ ዕሱባት ከዋፍር
ላዕልን ታሕትን ኢሉ ጀሚሩ ከዕገርግር!
ክንደይሻዕ ህዝብና ኪነብር ኣብ ከውታ
ጸሓይና በሪቓ ኪኸውን ወጋሕታ
ኣንታ ማህደር ታሪኽ ዘይብልካ መሰታ
ግለጾ’ቲ ምስጢር ተዛረብ ብዓውታ
*ደማሒ ብህይወት ከይቕጽል ጸወታ *መላኺ
ነዛ ሃገር ምስ ህዝባ መክት ንድሕነታ!
ዕሱባት መላኺ ክሰልቡ *ኣብሪምና *ልብና
ቁስልና ክጎድኡ ኣብታ ተሕመና
ንኣኻ ንተስፋይ ናይ ጀጋኑ ጅግና
‘ብረት ስውእ ሸይጡ ሃዲሙ’ ኢሎሙና!
ቁንጣሮ ጉጅለ *ሕፍንቲ ዘይኣኽሉ *ዕማኾ
ገበኖም ንምስታር ዝተመሓሓሉ
ንስውእ ጠሊሞም ቃል ዝኣተውሉ
ብረቱ ኣልዒሎም ደቁ ዝቐተሉ
ንወዲ ተምነዎ ከዲዑ እንተ በሉ
እስከ ሰብ ሕልና ፍርድኹም ሃቡሉ
መኖም’ዩ ንስውእ ዝያዳ በዲሉ?
እንተ ንመላኺ እንተ ነዛ ነብሶም
ብሕሉፍ ገበኖም ህዝቢ ከይኸሶም
ይቕሬታ ከይሓቱ በደሉ ክሒሶም
ስቕታ ዝመረጹ ኣፎም ተዓቢሶም
ሓቂ ዘይገለጹ ማሕለኻ በንጢሶም
ክንደይ ከይቐስኑ ከይሓድሩ ደቂሶም!
ወዲ ተምነዎ ግን ንራዕዲ ስዒርካ
ስረ ናይ ጅግንነት ብትብዓት ዓጢቕካ
ንድሕነት’ዚ ህዝቢ መስዋእቲ ከፊልካ
ተንኰል ናይዚ እኩይ ስለ ዝኸሻሕካ
ሃምበል ዜጋ ኢኻ ሰማእታት ዘቕሰንካ
ብስም እዛ ሃገር ምስጋና ይብጻሕካ!
ዕድመን ጥዕናን ነቲ ከፋት በሪ ታሪኽ ዝኾነ ሓርበኛ ተጋዳላይ፡ ኣቦና ተስፋይ ተምነዎ።
ስቓይና ንኺድምደም፡ ውድቀት ንጉጅለ ሕሰም!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 27/11/2013
Daniel Amche November 27, 2013
Shabya’s problem is it believes the propoganda it created as true. In the end we have history which is too vague. For we know shabya is full of sh#t since day 1.
wedinakfa November 28, 2013
amiche, i know you hate shaebia cos they wont let you thief Eri property, you know thievery, rape and other ills in Eri society was introduced by ASHRAY BHER known as amiche siga beliche, kitfo gorshe…..lol
Teklay November 28, 2013
@wedinakfa !
human traficking – Sinai and Lampedusa greet! If you wish who do you think the shareholder is – “from the fields of Nakfa to the mountains of Sinai – a huge income source for DIA and his stil surviving regime in the name ‘self-reliance’ (=dependence). Who is then thief?
Abdu November 28, 2013
Respond to wedi gahba opp. (Sorry I mean wedi nakfa)
I’m just wondering who gives you the green light there and manipulate other Eritrean to tell AShray ; salsy or shadeshay BHRE . How about you which BHER number are you anta gwahaf ; if you weren’t gwahf you wouldn’t support gwahaf regime.
Second ; in your view any one who is been opponent to garbage regimee you going to baptize with a new BHRE. Before you criticize any one; first clean your house .
windshield November 28, 2013
bira tetiche,agerien kediche,mai ayni gebiche,tela tetiche,eritrea inor neber koriche …wesikelu wedinakfa arkey…
MightyEmbasoyra November 28, 2013
Please stop repeating words from your idiot dictator. If he was not an idiot person, he wouldn’t have said that all these rubbery/killing in Asmara is b/c of these Amiche. Can you believe that these kind of nonsense words would come from a self appointed leader? You should be ashamed of being his follower. There is one old but accurate phrase about people like you; you can’t fix stupid.
ghezai November 27, 2013
you are absouluty right I COULDN”T SAY IT BETTER
yonas November 27, 2013
Habte Kifle November 28, 2013
Thank you for the excellent comments.
There was no need to spend time to answer ” for Intentional Ignorance or opportunism!!!”
Best regards,
Desalegn Abraha November 28, 2013
I really appreciate when the first hero Tesfay Temnewo is supported, appreciated and encouraged by the econd hero Mesinas. Mesinas you have done a good job in your analysis as it helps the PFDJ blind supports to wake up and to support their own people.
wedi jani November 28, 2013
thanks dear minas
amche u have really good thoughts and visualization,u know who is thief,womanize and stupid
so tesfay temno is giving the right info. at last those peoples have identity crises that
is why their are talking about origins.let them die .
Michael November 28, 2013
Good analysis Mesinas. You hit the nail on the head. I thought all the noise that was bombarded against Tesfai was to camouflage their crimes in Meda Eritrea. Because, they think of themselves as born again Messiah. But one think they forget is that, one, this is not 1970s, second is that People have choices and have free mass media at our disposal as well as we are living in a free world. They can twist our free mind or force is “gifa” and put us in their unholy organizations.
If they have a different version of history, which they didn’t want tell us before wedi temneyo came to the seen, they could have tell us but when their crimes came about to unravell, we saw them scrambling to attack and character assassinate Tesfai.
I am not saying that Tesfai is all correct in his narration, but he is the first x-fighter who exposed the crimes of EPLF and its inept leader and he should be commended not attacked.
I hope Tesfai continue his narration the rest of his version of history because we know that he put EPLF,PFDJ in a magnified glass as what it is “mafia, led by a gangster killer”. He also put them beyond repair for good.
Aman November 28, 2013
I really don’t think past history will have any positive impact on the way forward. It will only take you backward and distract you from the very clear and present danger. I think almost every concerned Eritrean knows that ‘gedli’ was full of dirty events and some real nasty events, horrific murders and conspiracies. Wedi Temnwo is an excellent narrator and did a very good job describing his ‘gedli’ memory and gathering second hand information where he feels empty. Like many ”hazbawi gnbar” cadres, he used Tigrigna to its full capacity and beauty and made his narration very attractive and exciting.
My understanding is this. The secret of the success in almost all revolutions in the 60s, 70s, and 80s was to silence your oppositions and silence them forever. If one thinks that happened only in Eritrea, the answer is no. It happened in all corners of the world. The reasons being, if the KGB didn’t get you, the CIA will. If the Arabs fail to convince you to do it, you would be Mosad’s hit man. Even the Cuban leader Castro had long hands, long enough to order executions in other continents. I am not trying to justify here. Those places were like a fish living in the jungle of deep ocean where you can’t sleep just for one minute or otherwise you will end up in the gut of another fish.
As a history, it is good to hear someone with a skill, someone like Tesfay Temnwo exposing some dark secrets, however, that was the case then in all parts of the world and Eritrea was no exception. Who would want to fell asleep in a deep sea and be a meal? I am sure I will listen Tesfai’s narration to the very end when and as he continues to tell it.
It is only in a democratic system that you can bring people to justice or reconciliation for their past crimes. How do we stop the present crimes is the big question for now.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis November 29, 2013
Eritreans like to forget thier problem, and likes to speak about other peopls problem.
I never belived that we are distructive people, people without priciple.
People ” HOY MARISM Hgzeni”.
Eritreans never analys problems, and they don’t to know where they lay,instaiad they cry.
thier enemies sre Americans, and they like to stay in Ameria, thier enemis are ethiopians and they like to stsy in ethiopia and they are more than 500,000 there. They sre good Brother of Rashaida, bedwins and they are selling thier organ.
They like Isayas Afewerki, because he is putting in preson every day,
they like arabs because they abus eritrean women and even men.
please try to fix your enemy and try to kill him once for ever.
If Agame is the only your enemy then you will cry for ever and evar.
Peace be with you my brothers
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis November 29, 2013
Regurding the eritrean revolution, there are different tells, several peole has been killed and no one knows about thier death. Some times people like temano can give several details about the disaster oftegadelti, killed and disapired wihout ny notic and information.
After many years of silence some EPLF members start to open thie mouth about the brutality of thier revolution
the forced Eritran Revolution was realy a disastrer from this informotion of the old tegadelti ( called ykallo).
Eritrean people have followed this revolution with out knowing what was going in it.
myself is on of them.we have never asked , what is this revolution and masker of all these young eritreans, onece by the awragia, onecs by religion, others by haterage
No eritrean have asked why Mr. AFA IS KILLED. It was not the problem of Iksllo, to ask.
the ikalos where full of ignorants, which they never see what is behinde.
if the eritrean peopke is suffering because we have done a revolution of Mesenko.
Still we are continuing the Mosenko oposition.
During the revolution anti ethiopia, after indipendence anti ethiopia.
Is this eritrean plan to diturbe ethiopian prople or it is anability to govern properly its own people.
the Mosenko has no any value now, because eritrea and eritreans have responsability in front of thier people and international community.
All those stories of wedi Tomano we had to hear it years back not know when the things are olready happened.
To late, stop this Mosenko, and tell eritreans how to go out from this mess and cofusione.
myself I don’t wan’t to lessen this Hateftef, let to start a real change .