ወዲ-ቫካሮ ኣብ ላስቬጋስ ዕዉት ሰሚናር ኣኻይዱ
ወዲ-ቫካሮ ኣብ ከተማ ላስቬጋስ ብዕለት 13/11/13 ብዝሒ ህዝቢ ዝተሳተፎ ዕዉት ሰሚናር ኣኻይዱ።እቲ ብዝኽሪ ሰማእታትን ሃገራዊ መዝሙሩን ዝተጀመረ መደብ ቐጺሉ ብሌላ ዶክተር ተወልደ ወድ-ቫካሮን ብፕሮጆክት ዝተዳለወ ስእሊ ሓርበኛታት ኣቦታትና ወልዳኣብ ወልደማርያም፡ ኢብራሂም ሱልጣን ፥ሳበን እዩ ተጀሚሩ። [gview

ወዲ-ቫካሮ ኣብ ከተማ ላስቬጋስ ብዕለት 13/11/13 ብዝሒ ህዝቢ ዝተሳተፎ ዕዉት ሰሚናር ኣኻይዱ።እቲ ብዝኽሪ ሰማእታትን ሃገራዊ መዝሙሩን ዝተጀመረ መደብ ቐጺሉ ብሌላ ዶክተር ተወልደ ወድ-ቫካሮን ብፕሮጆክት ዝተዳለወ ስእሊ ሓርበኛታት ኣቦታትና ወልዳኣብ ወልደማርያም፡ ኢብራሂም ሱልጣን ፥ሳበን እዩ ተጀሚሩ።
Jaber November 17, 2013
Belay Nega, it’s all about looking solution to Eritrea by those who love The nation. i feel you are neither Eritrean of course nor have the love. I advise to use your time on things you like and belong, and once you’re there, I am sure you won’t mess like what you do in the Eritrean websites. Then I hope you won’t be irrelevant, it’s because that is your place. Finally the Amharic SONG of Yirga Dubale may help -YESEW YELEW MOGNE, KAGERU KEBOTAW SIGNE……….. hONESTLY THIS IS KIND ADVICE FROM ME TO YOU
belay nega November 17, 2013
“I am sure you won’t mess like what you do in the Eritrean websites.”
ጾመ ልጓም ዝፈትሑልካ ኢትዮጵያውያን አይትኽሓድ
Amil November 17, 2013
Wedi vakaro,
be 4 you put the pictures of Sebe in the meeting place,please u and ur freinds u shoud reabilited sabe.
bcs so many things was said agains this gentil man. Atherwise i don’t see any diference He was concidered
as arab pupet and islamist by ur front,and at the same time u glorifai him for only propaganda purpose.
amanuel November 18, 2013
Belay Nega
the reasons for freedom of expression is express your views freely, However in your case you most of the comments that you write is negative opinion. You also try to divert the main issue. I strongly advise you to focus on the subject not divert the subject.