ወዲ ቫካሮ!
ወዲ ቫካሮ! ኣንታ ዘይትሕለል ተወልደ ቫካሮ ሽግር ናይዚ ህዝቢ ዕምሩ ከተሕጽሮ ንውልቀ መላኺ ፈቲንካ ክትመኽሮ ኣይመስለንን ግና ዕቡይ ዝስቆሮ ንህዝብኻ ደኣ ኣብ ሓደ ጥመሮ ድሕነት ህዝብን ሃገርን ኣብ ልቡ ክሓድሮ! እቲ ኣብ ኩሉ ዘሎ ስውር ዘይርአ ህዝቢ ከይጸንት ከንቱ እናጠፍአ ካብ ማእከል’ዚ ህዝቢ ሕሩይ

ወዲ ቫካሮ!
ኣንታ ዘይትሕለል ተወልደ ቫካሮ
ሽግር ናይዚ ህዝቢ ዕምሩ ከተሕጽሮ
ንውልቀ መላኺ ፈቲንካ ክትመኽሮ
ኣይመስለንን ግና ዕቡይ ዝስቆሮ
ንህዝብኻ ደኣ ኣብ ሓደ ጥመሮ
ድሕነት ህዝብን ሃገርን ኣብ ልቡ ክሓድሮ!
እቲ ኣብ ኩሉ ዘሎ ስውር ዘይርአ
ህዝቢ ከይጸንት ከንቱ እናጠፍአ
ካብ ማእከል’ዚ ህዝቢ ሕሩይ ካብ ቀብአ
ሃዋርያ ሓርነት ሓቅነትካ ይርአ!
ሽግርን መከራን ኣዕሚቚካ ንምቕባር
ሓድነት ዓጢቕካ ነቕ ዘይብል ኣጽዋር
ፋሕ ዝበለ ህዝቢ ኣብ ሓደ ንምስማር
ጉዕዞኻ ጀሚርካ ኣንታ ውፉይ *በሃር! *ኣርሓ ሓርማዝ
ልበይ ዝምነዮ ኩሉ እናወነንኩ
ምስቶም ሚኒስተራት ዊስኪ እናጨለጥኩ
ምስቶም ጀነራላት እምባሕ እናበልኩ
እንታይ ክምልእ’የ ኣነ እተቓወምኩ!?
ኣይበልካን ተወልደ ውፉይ ወዲ ህዝቢ
ካብ ውልቃዊ ሃብቲ ድሕነት ህዝቢ ይዓቢ
ምስ’ዞም ሰተይቲ ደም ኣይወፍርን እምቢ
ንስድራ ስውኣት ክኸፍል’የ ዓስቢ
ኢልካ ተበጊስካ ኣንታ ጻዕራም ንህቢ!
ትማሊውን እኮ ምስ ህግደፍ ከለኻ
ሃገርካ ክትሃንጽ ንዕብየት ህዝብኻ
ብዘይተጉላባነት ዘውፈርካ ሃብትኻ
ውፉይ ወዲ ህዝቢ ቀደምካ ኣቦ ድኻ!
ወነንቲ ሆቴላት ንብረትና ከይበልኩም
ንጉጅለ ህግደፍ ዓገብ እናበልኩም፡
ገለ ግን ኣለና መረባዕ ክንሕሉ
ነዚ ኣጽናቲ ስርዓት ጌና ንሰግደሉ!
ኣንታ ንብረት ደኣ ናበይ ከይከደና
ዘይንሰምር ግዳ ንድሕነት ሃገርና
መላኺ ኣሊና ፍትሒ ምስ ኣንገስና
ጸሓይ ምስ በረቐት ክንውንኖ እንዲና!
ክብርን መጐስን ነቶም ቃንዛ ህዝቢ ሰሚዖም፡ ውልቃዊ በቊዔቶም (ረብሓኦም) ይኹን ብጻዕሮም ዝመጸ ጸጋታቶም ወፊዮም፡ ኣብ ጎድኒ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ ብምስላፍ፡ ንድሕነት ህዝብን ሃገርን ክቃለሱ ዝወሰኑ ዜጋታት’ዛ ሃገር ይኹን! ኣሕዋት ኤርትራውያን፡ ካብዚ ቀጺለ፡ ካብዛ “ሓድነትና” ዘርእስታ፡ ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን ዝወጸት ሓዳስ ደርፊ ናይቲ ብግብሪ ስሙ ዝለበሰ፡ ማለት ስነ ጥበበኛ ዝኾነ ወዲ ህዝቢ፡ ድምጻዊ ዮውሃንስ ትኳቦ፡ ነተን ኣዝየን ዝመሰጣኒ ናዕታታቱ ብምድጋም ክሰናበተኩም፥ እዚ ንውሉድ ወለዶ ብጽቡቕ ኪዝከር ዝነብር ህያው፡ ዘሐብንን ትምህርቲ ዝህብን ታሪኽ’ዩ። ዚኾነ ይኹን ስነ ጥበበኛ ኸኣ ኩሉ ግዜ ኣብ ጎድኒ ህዝቢ’ዩ ኪኸውን ዘለዎ። እዛ ሓሳብ’ዚኣ ኩሉ ግዜ ዘስምረላ ጉዳይ እያ። ፍጹም ክትዝንጋዕ ዘይብላ ግቡእ’ያ። ቃንዛ ህዝቡ ዘይስምዖ ስነ ጥበበኛ፡ ስነ ጥበበኛ ክትብሎ ኣጸጋሚ’ዩ።
“ኤረይ ንሓድነትና፡ ሸጥ መዓንጣና
ንሕና ንሓረትና’የ፡ ሸጥ መዓንጣና!
ገይሻ ኣላ’ምበር ተተህሉ ገድሊ
እንታይ ደኣ’ሞ ተሓቢኣ ኣብ ከውሊ፡
ገይሻ ኣላ’ምበር ገድሊ እንተ ትህሉ
ምረአና መሰልና ክትሕሉ!
“ኤረይ ንሓድነትናየ፡ ሸጥ መዓንጣና
ንሕና ንሓረትና፡ ሸጥ መዓንጣና!
ደቂ ባሕሪ፡ ሰብ ከበሳን ቆላን
ኣይንበላዕ ብቖሊባን ሽላን
መገድና ዘጋጊ የብላን
መንዶ ይምቅር ካብ ዕረን ወለላን?
ደሃይ ሰላም ጥዑም መለኸተ
ናይ ፈጣሪ’ኳ ኣሎ በረኸተ
ከነቕስኖም ወለዲ ሓየተ
ኢልና እንዲና ስጋ ስውኣተ
ኣይትበደል ምድሪ ስውኣተ!
ብኾኾብ ድምጻዊ የውሃንስ ትኳቦ
ስቓይና ንኺድምደም፡ ውድቀት ንጉጅለ ሕሰም!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 24-11-2013
waEro November 24, 2013
Great poem. Keep up the good work.
Truly Truly i say to you November 24, 2013
ኽቡር ሃውና ኣማንኤል እያሱ ኣዳሊዎ ኣብዝነበረ ናይ ፓናል ምይይጥ ቐሪቦም ዝነበሩ ኩሎም ተሳተፍቲ ብወዲ ቫካሮ ጭውነትን ትሕትናን ተስደሚሞም ክምስክሩ ምስተኣዘብኩ፤ ቁሩብ ስለዝገረመኒ፤ ብቐደሙስ ጭዋ ወዲ ጭዋ፣ ኩሉ ግዜ ጭዋ ምዃኑ፣ ክቡር ወድ ኽቡር ክኣ ንነፍሱ ከቢሩ ንካልኦት ከምዘኽብር ዘንጊዕኩም ዲኹም ?ምበልኩ። ከም ኢሳያስ ድኣምሰለ ህሱር፣ ውርደተኛ፣ ብስጋ ኮነ ብኣዕምሮ ድኻ፣ ሕይወትን ፍቅርን አንታይ ምዃኑ ከየስተማቀረ ብተንኮልን ብግፍእን ዝኣበዬ፥ ሃሳድ ´ከኣ ንርእሱ ተናኢቁ ንካልኦት ከምዝንእቕ፣ ንርእሱ ተዋሪዱ ንካልኦት ከምዝዋርድስ ከመይ ጌሩ ክዝንግኣኩም? ኣይ ነዚ ምስተኣዘበ እንድዩ ሃውና ስምር (simerr2012)ከምዚ ኢሉ ርኢቶኡ ዝሃበ።
“I think it is better to have like wedi Vacaro someone who raised with love and who had everything in child hood than having Wedi Medhin Berad who raised indasewa with all negative sides of life , without love and respect. Someone who had cake in childhood will not deny you at list bread , someone who had a bicycle in child hood will not envy you for having nice shoe like Isayas is doing. No water, no bread no electricity, love , respect etc.”
Truly Truly i say to you November 24, 2013
Here we go what the bible says in contrast Wedi Vacaro vs Wedi Medhin Brad.
” A stupid person is evil and does evil things; he plots to ruin the poor with lies and to keep them from getting their rights. But an honorable person (like Wedi-Vacaro) acts honestly and stands firm for what is right. (Isaiah; 32, 7-8)
In addition, to wodi Medhin Berad like stupid person the bible says,” Evil men go wrong all their lives; they tell lies from the day they are born. (Psalm 58; 3) Understand?
If you like more approval
When Lord Jesus was on earth self says this;-
” Be on your guard against false leaders teachers,prophets etc…;they come to you looking like sheep on the outside, but on the inside they are really like wild wolves. You will know them by what they do. Thorn bushes do not bear grapes, and briers do not bear figs( as Wedi- a serpent wolf with sheep skin Isayas Afe- Cherki.) A healthy tree ( like honorable Wedi- Vacaro bears good fruit(we heard and seen when help the poor for love his nation), but a poor tree bears bad fruit (like Isayas) we know it by what Isayas do and we bearing the fruit.
But caution! Any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in fire. ( Matthew; 7; 15- 19( Meant Isayas will be cut down before end this year. may be 31, December; 25 or earlier. Hallelujah!”
araya_11 November 24, 2013
Mesinas nay behaki gise wegihus men mukanka kinfelteka dlyetey eyu, nezi Hade Hade gisei kenenbbo eka gise zhatsrena, Nska gna keyselkeyeka bluts zkone tshuf bkesali ketekrib mikalka kemesgneka yfetu, amlak hasab libka yesmrelka!!!
ERITRAWIT November 25, 2013
Neseb geberelu wey ngerelu eu zbahal correct me if I said it wrong well done our brother!!!!!!
haile November 25, 2013
I believ wedi vacoro and some one like him will send eritrea to the right direction with the eritrean people’s help. So let’s be to gether and fight against ygdef and lead ouer country by ouer self thank.
ኣይበልናን'ዶ November 25, 2013
እዋይ ድኽነት ትማሊ ሃደ ኢሳያስ ሎሚ ከኣ ወዲ ቫካሮ
mogos November 25, 2013
wonderful, I am so greatful to have such a fellow citezen from my country like you.
the content and the art of your writing amazes me. Keep the good wrok. I just want to encourage you.
God bless you.
God bless Eritrea !
Peace and jusutice to Eritrea.
Abraham Tewelde November 25, 2013
All you people, if you truly believe in Weddi Vaccaro’s actions, then you deserve Issaias ; why not? Is better a former slave or his master? Weddi Vaccaro, fatti il giro delle parrochie ad aspettarti troverai il solito gregge,magari gli porterai qualche autobus da qualche discarica!