ካብ ኤርትራ ብዝረኸብናዮ ሓበሬታ መሰረት ኣብዚ ቐረባ እዋናት ኢሳይያስ ዝገበሮ ምቅይያር ኣዘዝቲ ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ነዚ ዝስዕብ ይመስል።
ብሪጋደር ጀነራል ገብሪሂወት (ወዲ ሊቀ) – ስርሒት ዞባ 1 ( ተሰነይ) ከምኡ ‘ውን ‘ኣዛዚ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት’ ሜጀር ጀነራል ተኽለ ማንጁስ - ኣዛዚ ስርሒት ዞባ 2 (ባረንቱ) ሜጀር ጀነራል ሃይለ ሳሙኤል (ቻይና) ስርሒት ዞባ 3 (ደቀምሓረ) ሜጀር ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ

- ብሪጋደር ጀነራል ገብሪሂወት (ወዲ ሊቀ) – ስርሒት ዞባ 1 ( ተሰነይ) ከምኡ ‘ውን ‘ኣዛዚ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት’
- ሜጀር ጀነራል ተኽለ ማንጁስ – ኣዛዚ ስርሒት ዞባ 2 (ባረንቱ)
- ሜጀር ጀነራል ሃይለ ሳሙኤል (ቻይና) ስርሒት ዞባ 3 (ደቀምሓረ)
- ሜጀር ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ወልደዮውሃንስ – ኣዛዚ ስርሒት ዞባ 4 (ዓሰብ) ከምዘይከደ ይንገር፣
- ሜጀር ጀነራል ተኽላይ ሃብተስላሰ – ኣዛዚ ስርሒት ዞባ 5 (ኣስመራ) (ምሉእ ብምሉእ ዘይተረጋገጸ)
– ብሕማም ተጠቒዑ ከምዘሎ ዝንገረሉ ሜጀር ጀነራል ገረዝጊሄር ዓንደማርያም (ውጩ) ሓላቓ ስታፍ ሓይሊ ምድሪ ኮይኖም ኣለዉ።
Mahta February 26, 2014
Bunch of bastards! your time is up!
ተወልደመድህን February 27, 2014
ሕንቛሕ ብደሓን መጻእካ ማሕታ።ተስፋ ይገብር ብልቢ ክትቀርበና።ንነዊሕ ግዜ ጥውይውይ እናበልካ ሰብ ጦቕ ኣቢልካ ኔርካ ኢኻ’ሞ፡ሎምስ ዝተወደልካ ይመስል።ንኩሉ ገግዜኡ ኣለዎ ክበሃል ሓቂ’ዩ።
Mahta February 27, 2014
Teweldemedhen…you make me laugh!!Ane abta nay qedemey iye zeleku…heji wen kulu gezey keynesemamaE nekeEl ina. hade Elama kemezelena gen yeamen…keltina antsar ezom terEyom zeleka seb tsurura ina…how to fight them is another matter!
soyra February 26, 2014
ኣየ ኤርትራ ሃገረይ 5 ካብ ሓማሴን 1 ካብ ሰራየ ዝገሪም ኢዩ ካሊእ ኣውራጃ ኣይተካለሱን ዚገሪም አዩ። ዳሃን ኒኩሉ ግዜ ኣሎዎ፡
soyra February 26, 2014
ዳሃን ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ይዕዘብ ኣሎ፡
ahmed saleh February 26, 2014
Eritrea is still under control of influences from Sahel politics was supposed to expire once they form legitimate government in 1991 . Without people’s participation a government can not success on social and economical progress .
Military rule is oppressive and destructive to the country future . Do not forget Ethiopians brutal experience under Derg military rule and those
forgotten peasants children who died and suffer
from hunger. Issayas do not trust nobody to secure his selfish ego and he will always surround himself with selected yes men to stay in power . In this case Eritreans must get rid not
only Issayas but also his entire cohorts.
asmara February 26, 2014
ኢሰያስን ጉጅልኡን ካብ ንነብሶም ሓሊፎም ዝውክልዎ ኣውራጃ፡ ብሄር ይኹን ሃይማኖት የለን፡፡ ኣውራጃዊ መልክዕ ምልባሱ እንትርፎ ንምንዋሕ ስልጣኖም ንኻልእ ዝዓብስ ኣይኮነን። ብሙለኦም ክርስትያንን ካብ ሓደ ብሄርን ምኻኖም’ከ ኣስተብሂልናሉዶ? ስውር ዕላማ ኢሰያስን ጉጅልኡን ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምንቓት ስለዝኾነ፡ ደለይቲ ለውጥ ክንነቅሕ ይግባእ። እዚ ሓላፋይ እዩ፡ ሓድነትና እንተሓሊና ጥራይ ኢና ነዚ እዋናዊ ጸገም’ዚ ብብቕዓት ክንሰግሮ እንኽእል።
Mahtem_Mariam February 26, 2014
IA has been able to run the show thus far because of many innocents like you. Wake up, Sir, think beyond those narrow lines of regionalism and religinalism- that is when we will be ready to liberate our people.
semere February 26, 2014
If four are from the same region it is not a cause for pride. All are criminals. I am from Hamasien but we don’t identify with them and they don’t represent us. Starting from Isayas they are self imposed and have no legality. The reshuffle is meaningless. He thinks it will give him more time. But his demise is irreversible and already in sight.
I understand the concern of others, but the move of Isayas is a sign of restlessness and excessive fear. Let us just concentrate on how to remove him.
ተወልደመድህን February 27, 2014
ንዑኡ ምእላይ ውጺኢት ዘለዎ ኣይኮነን።ንዑኡ ምእላይ ማለት፡ነቲ ሽግር ዘይመሃሮ ስልጣን ዘየመነወ ኦድል ምሃብ’ሞ ተመሊስካ ናብ ጭቓ’ዩ።እቲ ክከውን ዘለዎ፡ኩሎም ከመይ ገይሮም ይእለዩ።ዕላማና ዝጸንሀ ኣገባብ ስርዓትን ኣተሃሳስባን ናብዚ ዘሎናዮ ዘወደቐ ዘይቅኑዕ’ዩ።ነዚ ሰራሕቱ ከኣ ኩሎም ኣብ ስልጣን ናይ ዘለው ድምር ኣተሃስስባ’ዩ።ነዚ ኣአተሃሳባዚ ብካልእ ቅያር ክንትከኦ’ምበር ናይ ሰባት ምቅይይራ ገይርና ከምቲ ናብ ጸገም ዚወሰደና ኣተሃስስባ ክንምለስ ጽቡቕ ኣይኮነን።መሰረታዊ ለውጢ ንምምጻእ፡ሕጊ ምቕያር ወይ ሰብ ምቕያር ጥራሕ ኣይኮነን ዘድሊ፡ቅድም ሰባት’ዮም ክቅየሩ ዘድሊ።ሰባት ቀይርካ ሕጊ ይቕየር።
ሳሚ February 27, 2014
ንስኻ ኢኻ ገርሂ ልቡ ኣብዚ ኮ ዝኾነ ሰብ ዝኾነ ዓይነት ሓሳብ ክዛረብን ንደስ ዝበሎ ከጸልም ይኽእል ዩ። ስለዚ ንሱ (soyra) ባዓል ዕላማ ዩ ባዓል እከይ ዕላማ ንዓይን ንዓኻን ንምድንጋ ስለዚ ነስተውዕል።
ሶይራ ዘይወዲሶይራ ድማ ደቂ ሶይራ ግደፍ ነዚ ስንኩፍ ናትካ ናይ መን ንበሎ ናይ ካልእ ዕላማ ዝፈልጡ ጀጋኑ እዮም።
Simret Eritreawian February 27, 2014
This shows that the dictator trusts Gen. Haile Samuel and Gen. Tekclai more than the others right now. He kept them so close to him inside Asmara and Decamhare. DIA is very calculative that these two old dogs (one foot in the grave type) will not take any action against him till end time. DIA sent Gen. Philipos to Assab just to put him at the furthermost possible distance from the capital, Asmara. Nightmare of Jan. 21, 2013 is still in hovering in DIA inside-self (spirit). Poor!
Hassen February 27, 2014
Some people think that if these criminal were from Akeleguzay, we will be fine hahahah..ayeyeye