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ካብ ኣስመራ ተበጊሶም ናብ ኢትዮጵያ ክሰግሩ ዝፈተኑ ክልተ ኣሕዋት ቆልዑን ሓንቲ መንእሰይ ኣምኦምን ወላኹ ኣብ ዝተባህለ ቦታ ሬሳኦም ከምዝተረኽበ ተፈሊጡ።

ካብ ኣስመራ ተበጊሶም ብሞልቍ ሓሊፎም ናብ ኢትዮጵያ ክሰግሩ ዝፈተኑ፣ ወዲ 8 ዓመት ምኪኤል ክብሮም ሓብቱ ጓል 12 ዓመት ዮርዳኖስ ክብሮም ከምኡ ‘ውን ኣኽበረት ፍረዝጊ ዝተባህለት ጓል 25 ዓመት ኣሞኦም፣ ወላኹ ኣብ ዝተባህለ ቦታ ሬሳኦም ብኣራዊት

ካብ ኣስመራ ተበጊሶም ብሞልቍ ሓሊፎም ናብ ኢትዮጵያ ክሰግሩ ዝፈተኑ፣ ወዲ 8 ዓመት ምኪኤል ክብሮም ሓብቱ ጓል 12 ዓመት ዮርዳኖስ ክብሮም ከምኡ ‘ውን ኣኽበረት ፍረዝጊ ዝተባህለት ጓል 25 ዓመት ኣሞኦም፣ ወላኹ ኣብ ዝተባህለ ቦታ ሬሳኦም ብኣራዊት ተበሊዑ ከምዝተረኽበ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።

መንነት ናይዞም ንኽልተ ኣዋርሕ ደሃይ ኣጥፊኦም ዝጸንሑ ብኣዝዩ ዘሕዝን መንገዲ ዝጠፍኡ ኣባላት ሓንቲ ስድራ፣ ብናይ ትምህርቲ ታሴራ ናይታ ጓል 12 ዓመት ቆልዓን ወረቐት መንነት ኣምኦምን ክፍለጥ ከምዝተኻኣለ እቲ ሓበሬታ የረድእ።

ድምጺ ኣሰና መኻፍልቲ ናይዚ ከቢድ ሓዘን ምዃና እናጠቐሰት፣ ነቶም ግዳያት መንግስተ ሰማያት ክቕበሎም ስድራቤት ናይዞም ግዳያት ጽንዓት ክረኽቡ ሰናይ ትምኒታ ትገልጽ።  እቲ ናብ ኣመሪካ ካብ ዝኣቱ ሓጺር እዋን ዝገበረ ኣቦኦም ኣብ ዝነብረሉ ከተማ ፊላደልፊያን ከብቢኣን እትርከቡ ኤርትራውያን፣ ከምቲ ብባህልና ዝተለምደ ከጸናንዑዎን ክድብሱዎን ከምዝርከቡ፣ እቶም ዛጊት ሓበሬታ ከይበጽሖም ዝጸንሑ ‘ውን ተመሳሳሊ ምትሕብባር ክገብሩ ምዃኖም ከኣ ንተኣማመን።

ብዙሕ ግዜ ናብ ዜናዊ ጸብጻባት ኳ እንተዘይበጽሑ፣ ሓያለ ኤርትራውያን ቆልዑን ደቂ ኣንስትዮን ግዳይ ናይ ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ጥፍኣት ይኾኑ ምህላዎም ይፍለጥ። ህዝቢ ካብ ምረትን ጭንቀትን ተበጊሱ ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ስጉምታት ይወስድ ኳ እንተሎ፣ እዚ ካብ ሞት ክትሃድም ናብ ዝገደደ ሞት ናይ ምውዳቕ ዓቕሊ ጽበታዊ ስጉምቲ ደው ክብል ይግባእ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብሓፈሻ ብፍላይ ከኣ እቶም ናይ ምግባር ዓቕሚ ዘለዎም ኣካላት፣ ካብ ሕልናዊ ዕርበቶም ተበራቢሮም፣ ነዚ ንነፍሲ ወከፍ ኤርትራዊት ስድራ ዝገጥማ ዘሎ ፈተነ ዘዕርፍ ተባዕ ስጉምቲ ወሲዶም ነብሶም ከቕስኑ ሃገሮም ከድሕኑ እዋናዊ መልሲ ዘድልዮ ከቢድ ብድሆ ምዃኑ ክግንዘቡዎ ይግባእ።


Read More for the Related Announcement by Eritreans in Philadelphia 

Please join in the memorial Service of Kibrom’ two young children and sister who has been killed to cross Eritrean border to Ethiopia. 


   Saturday, April,26,2014

       10:00 A.M to 6 :00 PM eastern time

    Location: international Baptist Church          2210 S. 65th Street

Philadelphia, PA  19142
     Your prayers, and support will be much     appreciated.

 Kibrom’s children and his sister were hoping to join him after many years.

ሓደራ ኩልና ሎሚ ኣብ ጎድኒ ሓውና ክብሮም ደው ክንብልን፣ ከነጸናንዖን።

Kibrom is an Eritrean refugee who came  and resettle in the city of Philadelphia, his two kids Michael, Yordanos and his sister Akberet, age 7, 12 and 25 respectively, were all killed recently while attempting to cross the border from Eritrea to Ethiopia. Their bodies were reportedly scavenged by wild animals. They were the children of Kibrom Frezghi Haile who came to the United States a couple of years ago as a refugee, and is left now in deep sorrow and sadness.

 Your encouragement and financial support are desperately needed. We needed to support and help each other in this critical moment to the families.

 Kibrom settled in the Philadelphia area. He had left his children behind in Eritrea and was hopeful one day to see his family again, but life doesn’t always go as we would wish, and instead this morning, April 21, 2014, he learned that the worst tragedy possible had happened to his family. Kibrom is a hard working person, his daily dream was that one day his family would join him and his kids would have a better future.

 Please let’s take a moment and pray for the sake of our brothers and sisters who are dealing with so many tragedies.

 I understand that our time is so precious but at the same time the suffering of our brothers and sisters seems endless.. Please take a moment to remember those who are suffering and saddened for various reasons right now.

Poor should never be treated poorly but with dignity and respect.
If you need any more information please call the number below.

If you are willing to contribute or help to the family.


please Make send to: Kibrom Haile

in memory of the children

2104 South 65th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19142


or contact

Daniel: 215 397 116

Msghna: 267 602 4125

George: 302 521 9047


Thank you.

Review overview
  • hmm April 26, 2014

    Silencing Gedion and Sofia is not very difficult, attend a meeting when they come to your community and record their venomous speech on your iPhone. If you feel they violated a hate speech and incitement laws report it to your local FBI or similar office. If you feel local agents of PFDJ conspired leading to the arrest or detention of US or European citizens when they travel to Eritrea, they should be reported to local government since it is a big crime to conspire with foreign government to commit crimes. We citizens of Eritrea living in the free world shouldn’t allow ourselves to be intimidated by PFDJ and their agents. It should be the other way around.

    • Sraj saleh April 27, 2014


      Do you really understand what you are talking about. We Eritreans even though we have different political view but we still know that we don’t need to attack each other no matter what because it’s not going to be on our interest so my friend I don’t want give you a name but I don’t think you are Eritrea .we hate Issaias very much but we know hgdef are our brothers and sister so we will wait til the hgdef know who issais is and what he is doing to our country but we will never attack out brothers and sisters.

      • Genet-orginal April 27, 2014

        Sraj saleh
        You are so wrong in your statement, it is not even funny. Supporting PFDJ’s network and Isayas is not a political view. It is a TREASON. The stupidity in your statement is so deep, a sharp knife can’t even put a dent on it. Those HGDEF zombies, some of them are Eritreans. For the most part they don’t even know why they support HGDEF and Isayas. Yes, some of them have a house/business in Asmara. Their justification to support Isayas and the HGDEF network is to protect their interest. Your stupid statement of “we will wait til hgdef know who issais is and what he is doing to our country but we will never attack our brothers and sisters” Oh My GOD! Sraj saleh, bother/sister, do you know HGDEF is Isayas’s baby; it is a network created by Isayas for Isayas. HGDEF is an extension of Isayas’s secret party from way back in 1960s. It is not set up for the betterment of Eritrea or Eritreans. Don’t take my word for it. Look around you, Under the filthy network of HGDEF, Where is Eritrea and Eritreans now? Open your eyes and free your brain from the filthy propaganda of HGDEF. Read the current topic kids been killed senselessly. The second generation of Eritreans are as we know are being killed.

        Any Eritreans or pretending to be Eritreans who are supporting Isayas and his network of filthy HGDEF is the enemy of the Eritrean people and Eritrea. HGDEF and Isayas supporter are guilty of TREASON. Eritrean people have no time or patient for stupid people who don’t know or care about right and wrong. We have reached at the point of life and death. There is no time to wait for ZOMBIES to wake up! It is time for tough love. justice seeker Eritreans have to do any means necessary under the law to teach the HGDEF’S zombies the consequence of their actions. enough is enough! END OF STORY!

  • Mehari T April 26, 2014

    RIP and my condolences to the grieving family & friends.

  • Selamawi April 26, 2014

    My heartfelt condolences to the family and friends, and to all Eritreans. We died to bring more of death.

    Supporters of pfdj, when are you going to understand the impact of your negative roles in the Eritrean people? All decent Eritreans should dissociate themselves from the beastly organization as matter or urgency. Your support is prolonging the days of pfdj in power, which means more death, more incarceration, more exodus, more Sinai/Sahara/Sea…

    May God accept all victims in his eternal glory. And may Eritreans realize the urgency of our predicament and organize themselves under one National Umbrella to bring about lasting peace.

  • Rahayta April 26, 2014

    Poor Eritrean children, they have been victims of Jebha and Shaebia for the last fifty years, so is the whole Eritrea: no power, no running water, no kerosine, no rights, no food, no freedom … no nothing, except lies of Ghedli propaganda.

    Here is an old song of the late 1970s when Asmara and most Eritrea start to lose their normal electric power lights at home and in the streets during the day and evenings;

    ኣስመራ ከተማ ኣስመራ ከተማ
    ብርሃን ዚነበረት ብጀብሃ ጸሊማ።

    Has any thing changed for better since Ghedli showed up in the Hamassien highlands in the 1970s?
    Nothing for good, except death and destruction.

    The notorious Ghedli makes the tyrant Mengistu look “decent and progressive”, and the feudal Emperor like an “angel” mel’aK.

  • Hagherawi April 27, 2014

    “Poor Eritrean children, they have been victims of Jebha and Shaebia for the last fifty years, so is the whole Eritrea: no power, no running water, no kerosine, no rights, no food, no freedom … no nothing, except lies of Ghedli propaganda.”

    Rahayta aka Bokre, Paradiso ..etc (an enemy of Eritrea hiding behind 15 nick names)

    Even a tragedy like this one is a good opportunity for you to insult Ghedli and Eritrea. You re-direct the anger to serve your sinister purpose, away from the regime of the rootless (people like you) who are causing the endless pain.
    Shame on you.

  • hmm April 27, 2014


    Good observation. I was wondering what was the relevance of Rahilto’s comment to the discussion. Ofcourse now that you laid it down, it make sense. He/she is an Ethiopian imposter possibly of a Tigray origin trying to tell us our stuggle for independense was wrong. Beware of wolves in sheep closing like this one.

    Rahilto or whatever your name, to tell you bluntly Meles and Weyane are equally respionsible for our continued suffering by illegally holding our territories there by giving Isayas an excuse to keep our people hostage. So the main enemy of Eritrea are Isayas and Weyane regime. It is about time we Eritreans should organize ourselves to get rid of Isayas. The Ethiopians should do the same to get rid of Komal Weyane so we can leave peacefully side by side.

    • Wedi Zere April 28, 2014

      hmm (hammam)
      Remember what our parents say “haseka denbes ab zilemlemelu” when they see people like you blame others for their utter failure.
      What does Meles and the Woyanes have to do with the immeasurable and unimaginable suffering,agonies and miseries our poor people are going through?Please answer.

      • Gideon April 28, 2014

        Wedi Zere,
        I totally agree with you brother. This hmm (hmum nefahito) will
        never answer your decent question. He is just an opportunist ass hole
        who turns with every blowing wind. Weak & cowards keep blaming others.

        • Genet-orginal April 29, 2014

          What the hell! weren’t you agreeing with hmm’s comment? Just asking.

  • Freweini April 27, 2014

    This is heartbreaking beyond measure. My heart goes out to the family and especially the father. May God help him to bear this painful life changing tragedy. There is a feeling of heaviness on the chest when looking at this picture, like something bottled up inside; I felt out of breath. How can someone so innocent, so young be eaten by wild animals, because he is denied the freedom to travel freely. An 8 years old boy was trying to escape without being caught by the regime in Eritrea, and so were his 12 years old sister Yordanos, and his 25 years old aunt Akberet! My deepest condolences go to the family. Being led by EPLF and PFDJ leaders has never been free of pain for the Eritrean people. However the extent, with time, has become unfathomable. What is happening to us, I ask!

    Freweini Ghebresadick

    • Com´on! April 28, 2014

      እታ ዝፈልጣ Freweini Ghebresadick TeKlu (ትእኽሉ) (I am looking to my niece since fairly long time!) ክእትኾኒ? ከይገርሜኒ?

      ግዳስ ኣበዚ ፈጠራ ታሪክ ትእምኒ ድኪ?

  • Genet-orginal April 27, 2014

    what a sad story.
    Eritrean children dying senselessly. Still, we have people supporting Isayas and the PFDJ’s networks. When is going to end this sad story after sad story.
    My heart goes out to the family. Those kids are Eritrean kids; they are our kids.
    condolence to family and our people.
    It is beyond sad!

  • denden April 27, 2014

    Rest in peace and Lest we forget.
    stop blaming isias and his generals for the wrong decision people are making.You want us to bark always at the wrong tree with no solution at end. Take responsibility of your own actions.Stop thinking the grass is always greener somewhere else except Eritrea.
    Let me tell you facts, in 1970-1980 people lived in refugee camps in sudan(Shegrab, wedi-sherifey,Girba,hawata, Embrush,Emsegta,Gela-elnahal,suki and so on …)the doors of western countries(america,canada,germany,sweden norway, denmark ….) were open for them to migrate, refugees who lived in barbaric savage situation said we love our country eritrea.we do not want to migrate to west. What a proud dignified people and back then there was no single human trafficking or kidnaping. But todays eritreans are making hell on earth to everybody.Inside eritrea their excuse is every one left including their friends so they followed them, once they reach refugees camp in ethiopia they blame boredom or nothing to do all day boring so they are on a move.Who started the kidnaping and killing? Eritreans.When the first eritreans and ethiopians reached europe or israel safely, they came up with a business of human trafficking to get reach very quick.It was profitable.but then after a while no one wants to go. So eritrean traffickers started tricking young girls and boys and tell them what they wanted to hear that is they will be reach and they are going to help them for free.once they are in sinai, libya the girls are used as prostitute , all the arabs, Budwins, Libyans line up for the sex rape and they pay money to the traffickers until the girls are pregnant 9 months still have sex with them. now how on earth are you blaming Isias and his generals? Thats why the problem still exist. No one wants to fix it but wants to play politics at the cost of our young girls. First of all stop those people who are thinking to leave eritrea.second stop those people living in the west from funding the crime by encouraging their family to leave eritrea. Third blame eritrean traffickers and eritrean army and foot soldiers who are trigger happy to kill.Yes isias and his generals instructed shoot to kill policy.However foot soldiers are more happy to execute the policy. remember they can drop their gun and join the refugees across the border instead they chose to be vampires.
    Please assenna if you could find the the following song it will be appropriate for these tragedies:
    እቲ ንጹህ ዸሞም ዕሸላት ኣሕዋትና
    ኣጠልቂዋ ዘሎ ዕንበባ ሃገርና
    ውሒዙ ክፈሰስ ምስ ተወሰኾ ዸምና
    ሕዝዎ ክኸይድ እዩ ሕሱም ጸላኢና

    • Genet-orginal April 27, 2014

      Oh my GOD! what a moron! So, do you want Assenna to find the song, after reading your post or before?
      God have mercy on your soul.

  • hmm April 27, 2014

    Genet: You have to think of this logically to figure it out. The reason some folks support PFDJ isn’t much different from why South sudanese support Kirr or the other fellow. Both leaders of south Sudan brain washed thier followers to fight for them to death. So don’t blame those who support PFDJ, you just have to figure out how to stop it. The answer can be found with what I said earlier, identify those who are brainwashing our community and wage your war against them. For PFDJ the brain washers are those paid cadres sent to our communities to brainwash. To be fair the opposition leaders are not much different, they are brainwashing thier followers the same way PFDJ is doing. That is why we ended up with a divided communities. The recent get together of the Lowelanders add another angle to the mix, religion. The solution is Eritreans should reject career policticians and unite to establish thier own constitutional government.

    • Genet-orginal April 28, 2014

      Dear hmm
      I understand your point. But there is something, about PFDJ’s and Isayas’s supporters’ mental status that logically no one can explain. They are almost like hypnotized cult members. There are many educated and uneducated people supporting him. I understand, the uneducated ones are the victim of those educated one who are working for the dictator. Keep in mind, being uneducated doesn’t free any one from taking responsibility for his/her action. Recently, I had a conversation with a woman who is know Isayas and PFDJ’s fanatic. She honestly believes, educated Eritreans are the problem, not Isayas or PFDJ’s networks for the dire situation we are in. She lost her brother to the fight for independent. In her mind, she is keeping her brother’s legacy by supporting Isayas and the PFDJ’s networks. She has no idea, Isayas never cared about her brother or any body else. Then, you have to ask, how do we bring this kind of people (innocent but stupid) to the side of their own people, away from one evil man?

      I don’t know about opposition leaders brainwashing any one. My issue with the many, many, many… oppositions is the fact they are many. Brother Fetsum brought the issue of many fragmented oppositions. Some of them are dormant. Some are without any activity except they have names. It seems that they crated names before they have any idea what their goal will be. It is a backward way of doing things. Isayas and his network of PFDJ have outsmarted, the many oppositions out there with reaching out to their supporters. Isayas and his network of PFDJ have done an impressive
      work, to sale a product that is defected, rotten and venom to diaspora Eritreans. It is hard to say which opposition is better than other. They are all sleeping at the wheel. Any opposition group has a right to utilize any resource out there, as long as they are in charge of their own destiny. The past few years, our people have been dying every where. Many of our people have waken up. However, oppositions are not reaching out to capitalize the perfect timing. They lack public relation (PR) skills. With wedi Vacaro’s initiative, things seems to be better now. We all need to get involved. There are PFDJ’s infiltrators everywhere. Also people who are sick with personal issue, who want to be in control of what ever is going on. Not to serve the Eritrean people, but for personal gain. Those people need to be confronted. People without any talent can’t keep holding our people down for ever. It is up to us to work hard, not for recognition, but for the greatest good. It is time, for us to say to those people who are occupying positions without any actions, to step aside. Thus, hardworking and capable Eritreans can take over the hard task and solve the puzzle.
      What we need is strong public relation to explain what is going on to our people and what we need to do. Thanks.

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