እዛ ሃገር ተስፋ አለዋ!
እቲ ወትሩተጻብኦንመከራንዘይመሐደጎ፣ሳላረቡን/አምላኹን ግን ንኹሉ ተጻብኦታትን ፈተነን እንዳጠሐሰ ሐድነቱ ሐልዩ ንወለዶታት ዝተሰጋገረ ተቓላሳይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሎሚ’ውን ካብ ዝተፈላለየ ውሽጣውን ደጋውን ፈተነታት አይደሐነን። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሐቂ ብሐቁ ተወጺዑ ኢዩ። እቲ ነጻነቱን ሐርነቱን ንምውሐስ፣ ን30 ዓመታት ዘካየዶ ብሰፍ

እቲ ወትሩተጻብኦንመከራንዘይመሐደጎ፣ሳላረቡን/አምላኹን ግን ንኹሉ ተጻብኦታትን ፈተነን እንዳጠሐሰ ሐድነቱ ሐልዩ ንወለዶታት ዝተሰጋገረ ተቓላሳይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሎሚ’ውን ካብ ዝተፈላለየ ውሽጣውን ደጋውን ፈተነታት አይደሐነን። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሐቂ ብሐቁ ተወጺዑ ኢዩ። እቲ ነጻነቱን ሐርነቱን ንምውሐስ፣ ን30 ዓመታት ዘካየዶ ብሰፍ ዘይብል ቁጽሪ መስዋእቲን ስንክልናን ዝተሰነየ፣ መሪርን ነዊሕን ተጋድሎኡ ከአ ከቶ ጻማ አይረኸበሉን። ኩሉ ብአንጻር ባህግታቱን ሕልሙን ኮይኑ ተስፋ አቝሪጽዎ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነስ አብ ሕድሕዱ ፍርህን ምጥርጣር’ውን አእትይዎ። ጸላእቲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ነጻነቱን ዝኾኑ ውሽጣውያንን ናይ ደገ ተጻባእቲ ሐይልታት ከአ፣ ንፍርህን ሕድሕድ ምጥርጣርን ኡፍ እንዳበሉ ብሐደ ደሪግና ከአ መታን ከይንሐስብ፣ ወግሔ ጸብሔ ከሳውርዎ ይርከቡ።
Bokre May 3, 2014
Let me tell a blunt truth:
One can not have a worthy nation when one one is ashamed and unsure of itself.
One can not have a viable nation when one insults his own proud ancestors and their long history.
One can not be a worthy citizen when his elites see themselves as Arab Abeed slaves.
One can not be a true sovereign nation when its leaders burn their own languages of Tigre Tigrinya to promote the alien language of Arabic to Arabize a land.
People who volunteered to be Arab Abeeds and who don’t want to be or know who they truly, are, deserve nothing except eternal slavery.
If your mind is not free, then you will never be free.
Mehari T May 3, 2014
Bravo Bokre,
You explained it beautifully, by way of examples and the truth may hurt but at the end of the day it is what it is that’s the truth. Colonial mentality forced Eritrean “nationalists” to set off ghedli. The real colonization of the Eritrean mind took place after the Italians left – all in reaction to modernity, belatedly inspired by the legacy of Italian colonialism. The Eritrean revolution has never been about seeking equality of rights, but about seeking difference in identity, this can be summed up as : “We are different than the rest of Afriac”. In other word, we are more like the Italians and the savage Arabs. Shame indeed.
Hagherawi May 4, 2014
Simon Kaleab, by the way, insulting people on the net (your favorite activity), is like doing it on the road, there is little difference. There is no anonymity on the net. While many Eritreans hate the regime that is bleeding them and their country. Your are one of the few who hate so much his own country.
Can you tell us why you hate Eritrea ??
Mehari T May 4, 2014
They say history repeats itself. Eritreans are adequately aware and sufficiently informed of how the regime is bleeding and destroying the country. However, not so sure about tell “us” thing!!! Is the ‘us’ for royal family of the Arabs or is it just for the lowlanders of Eritrea? The lowlanders never espoused a nationalist agenda beneficial to the Eritrean people at large but rather a narrow agenda based on past grievance. Fear and hate is what is driving them so wild. They embark on the road of eroding the age old identity of the land and people and creating of a new identity for Eritrea & Eritreans; a new Eritrea that fits their narrow interest; an Arabic speaking and Muslim Eritrea closely aligned with the Arab world by language and religion. Just like their forefathers had to present themselves as ultra nationalists exhibiting excessive patriotism by advocating for independence. They wanted to create an independent Eritrea in order to protect the rights of their own religious group, and influenced by Egypt & Yemen, motivated by hate and fear towards Christian Ethiopia they rallied Muslims under the banner of Islam, making religious identity an essential component of nationalist aspirations. The sooner you guys practice your ‘independence’ the better it is for everyone. People are just tired of your parasitic nature.
H.K. May 4, 2014
Dear Bokre,
I cannot see the relationship between your comments and the article.
Kindly explain to be how you correlate this article with your comments.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Best regards,
denden May 4, 2014
Did the 1950 parliament of eritrea regarded rashaida as eritreans.You might fantasize the culture or dress of rashaida,you might like their colourfull dress but do not try to imbed them in our history or culture. The inclusion of rashaida as eritrean was decided by five people in EPLF so it means nothing to the 3 million people.You claim to be fighting for democracy and the will of people and without any shame you posted the picture of rashaida that was decided by ten people.You are a continuation of Iseias and his generals ideology. tell me why should we fight Iseias if you are dictating on eritreans what isias dictated on eritreans. Rashiada’s origianal tribe name was ZIBEIDI and Lahawin but you and and the 5 people who included rashaida in eritrea have renamed them as Rashaida.I can see you are trying to defend your horrible legacy and your participation in destruction and dictatorship.Where is the ELit tribe just because isias said they disappeared you are happy to follow the dictator.Many people have a copy of the original nine ethic group with Elit one of the nine, specially those who were in in ELF are silent because they are happy with the rashaida. Bring it on, get the archive of history. I have seen a documentary of 1970 ELF which was produced by French, Italian and English journalists, Elit ethinic group was there but rashada was not even mentioned. Of course ELF will rush to do any thing in their power to search and burn those documentaries they themselves created but believe me some of them are are in safe hands.Finally we love the dress of the Tibetan (chinese)dress, do you want to include them as eritrean ethnic group too specially the habesha kebesa girls are fantasizing with the rashaida dress everyone wants to act, wear dress, eat, sleep and dance like rashaida.Keep continue to post rashiada pictures and i will continue to say long live Iseias and his lunatic soldiers of destruction. Becuase my open enemy is better than a hidden enemy who pretends to be a friend with his own dictatorship agenda.
Fanko May 4, 2014
Yosief Ghebrehiwet writes:
Selam Eyob Medhane,
It says a lot about the pathetic condition of the Kebessa elite when the only guy to air his concern about the plight of Kebessa Eritrea in awate.com is an Ethiopian – you, Eyob. None of them would ever dare utter on the Kebessa plight simply because they fear to jeopardize the “Eritrean identity” constructed out of that nebulous “hadnetna” – again, identity over existence! “Kebessa” for them is a dirty word that could only be uttered in the privacy of their homes.
It is true what you said about Eritreans not being able to “sell their cause” to Ethiopia. The problem starts with the kind of people that have been leading the opposition – Jebha and Shaebia type former teghadelti. And if we look at those who congregate in Addis, they are mainly from Jebha. It couldn’t have been worse. They are more interested in preserving their ghedli legacy (Jebha and Shaebia identities) than preserving Eritrea; and when it comes to the Jebha-type, there is an additional baggage: they are still fighting the war of the 80s. With that in mind, the extinction of the people is a minor concern to them. If so, the fact that these former teghadelti have become the voice of the opposition has produced nothing but disaster. But if we venture outside this ghedli circle, things are different. Neither the masses inside Eritrea nor the youth that are fleeing the nation are beholden to ghedli as they used to be before. And whatever ghedli vestiges that keep lingering would disappear with the first move from Ethiopia – let me explain.
Think about Nazism, Fascism or even Communism – it is amazing how these -isms evaporated instantly with defeat. The day Germany was defeated, Nazism as an ideology disappeared not only from the German landscape, but also from the German mind, on that very day of defeat. That means these ideologies need feeding from the top to sustain themselves; bereft of that, they crumble like a house of cards. So is it with this Eritreanism virus: the day the Isaias regime crumbles, all the bravado that we hear now will disappear into thin air within a day. So, Eyob, don’t let the cacophony of Eritreanism that you hear in the internet fool you – it is only knee-deep.
And besides, remember that if Ethiopia intervenes, by helping the Eritrean masses it will also be also helping itself, not only in creating enduring relation between the two peoples but also in preventing foreign subversion that will otherwise affect it big time. That is why I mentioned the Egyptian factor above. Egypt has been consistent in its “encirclement” policy for about 150 years; if there is any inconsistency, it is on the habesha side. And what I am saying is that if Ethiopians, put off by negative factors they see among Eritreans, miss the bigger picture, then that would count as “habesha foolishness”, since that is exactly what the Kebessa people did in their ghedli adventure. The only thing new would be that the “disowning” coming from the other side, with similar consequences.
As for what the Eritrean masses really think in regard to Ethiopia, you will have to listen to them in the privacy of their homes. It is not few that have come to believe the entire ghedli project was wrong. And many also believe that without the intervention of Ethiopia, the likelihood that change will come in Eritrea is slim.
But since we are revisiting this subject matter, I will repost the response I gave to you when you asked me a similar question before.