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እዋናዊ ጽሑፍ: ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ገምገም ቀይሕ መስመር!

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  • Truly Truly i say to you October 20, 2014

    Dear Aranchi,
    Heir is the mission, which Isayas Afeworki received from the lords of this world. Specially from his lord Haile selasse of the Ethiopia. But first, don´t tell me when Isayas selected by his identical name with Prophet Isaiah was by accident. In dead as God sent Prophet Isyah to be his messenger, Isayas Afeworki also sent by his lord Haileselasie to apply the following devilish mission that is written in book of Isaiah, (Chapter 6, 8- 13)
    …Then i heard the Lord said, “Whom shall i send? Who will be our messenger?” I answered,
    ” I will go!send me! So he told me to go and give people to give this message: ” No matter how much
    you listen,you will not understand. No matter how much yo look,you will not know what is happening”
    I asked, “How long will it be like this, Lord?” He answered,”UNTIL THE CITIES ARE RUINED AND EMPTY
    PEOPLE FAR AWAY AND MAKE THE WHOLE LAND DESOLATE. Even if one person of ten remains in the land,
    he too will be destroyed; he will be like the stump of an oak tree that has been cut down.”

    So Dear Aranchi the self appoint wicked dictator on earth Isyas Afeworki that exactly is what applying in Eritrea!
    So my people let`s pray and fast, so that Almighty God Gives us mercy, like he gave mercy to the biggest city of Nineveh (ነነዌ). As you may know the story specially the bible readers, God was through his prophet Jonah ordered him to prophecy “The city of Nineveh with in 40 days as it will be destroyed!” But the people of Nineveh believed God´s massage that comes through prophet Jonah. So they decided to fast from the greatest to least, put on sackcloth to show that they had repented. When God that shows the real repentance because pities to the people we know as gave them mercy. Read book of Johnah specially (Jonah, Chapter 3; 1-10) So, Almighty God to prevent us from possible disaster and to give us mercy Let all Eritreans like people of Nineveh fast and repent.

    • Harnet October 20, 2014

      Dear Aranchi,

      Thank you for sharing what you have witnessed. What is happening to our brothers, sisters and our children is beyond Sad…it is devastating.
      Yes, we Eritreans are close to the “Red line”. As I see it and the commentator “Truly Truly” said, prayers and fasting is the only solution. God wants us to come back to him. Let’s go back to the Trinity, the God of our fathers and pray and beg for forgiveness. Our children and grandchildren are paying for the sins we have committed. We have failed them. Our parents/grandparents had always prayed for the following generation. But the last generation had stopped praying, stopped believing in God. This is what happens to a generation no one prayed for. A generation lost to hopelessness. A generation whose only wish is to leave his home and country, even if it means one might face death in the process.
      The normal process of life was a man would protect his family, his village and his country. But in Eritrea, the man is the first one to leave as he is forced out of his home, family and his village for indefinite service. Then, the family is left with no one to fend for them. Then, the children left with no father to care for them are left to fend for themselves.
      In my opinion, the diasporas’ is the worst. Our clothes are white and clean, our bellies filled and our hearts are the darkest of all. We constantly lie so that we don’t have to tell the inconvenient Truth. We have stopped being humans. Just because our children are in our bosom, we think we are unaffected. But it will and it has. We only concern ourselves with money, possession and position. We are going to laugh all the way to our demise.

      The Isaias generation has spilled the bloods of many innocent people and the land is filled with their bloods. It continues to imprison, torture and kill innocent people. Their spirits are crying to God and asking him when He is going to avenge their spilled blood. That day is near. The land of the first believers of God has become the land of killers and evils. Let us all ask for penance. Mighty God help us!!!


      • ahmed saleh October 21, 2014

        Truly and Harnet
        Our people must recognize the wrongs and confront it wisely
        before it is too late . The direction of the country heading is
        scary enough to drive you nervous .
        Let’s pray for forgiveness to the sins they put in the country .

  • ebola virus October 20, 2014

    ኣነ ብዙሕ ዝፈልጦ የብለይን ከምቲ ሓማሴን ሓሪዶምና ሰራየ ዘርዮምና ዓይነት ንሓደ ኣውራጃ ጥራይ እዩ ምዕዝምዛም ዝፍቀደሉ ማለት ድዩ።ካብዞም ኩሎም ዘርዚሮም ክገልጹ ሕጽረት ቋንቋ ይኹን ፍልጠት ዘይጎደሉም ሓደ እኳ ነቲ ሰሚዔዮ ኢለ ዝጽሓፍኩዎ፣ ሓሲኻ ዝብል ኣይተረኸብኩን።ሳይሞን ጂ ንሓቂ በብነጥባ ዘጋልጻ ሰብ እዩ።ሓማሴን ክጽረፉ ከለዉ ፍዅስ ዝበለ ነቐፌታ ዘቕርብ ወይ ሸለል ኢልዎ ዝሓልፍ ሰብ እዩ።ግን ዓሚቝ ፍልጠትን ኣጻሓሕፋን ዘለዎ እዩ።ካብዘን ብዛዕባ ደቂ ኣከለጉዛይ ሰሚዔየን ዝበልኩወን ንሓንትኤን ውን ኣይበድሄንን ።እቶም ደቂ ሓማሴንን ሰራየን እውን ብዛዕባ ኣውራጅኦም ይስምዖም እኮ እዩ።ኢሳያስ ኣከለጉዘታይ እንተዝኸውን ኔሩ ኣንኳይዶ ሓማሴናይ ወይ ሰረወታይ ከም ናይ ድሩዕ ቦታ ክረክብ ይትረፍሲ፣ኣብ ቤተ መንግስቲሓጻብ ሽቓቕ እውን ስራሕ ኣይምረኸበን ዝብሉ ሰባት እውን ኣለዉ።ወይሲ ንኻርነሽምን ሕርጊጎን ጥራይ እዩ ምጽላም ዝፍቀድ።ምስ ሓደ ኣከለጉዘታይ እንተተባ ኢስካ እውን ምስ ምሉእ ኣውራጃ ከም ዝተብ ኣስካ እዩ ኩሎም ከም ተዃሉ ዝወርዱኻ ወይ ወዲ ካልእ ኣውራጃ ሰብኣይ ንሓንቲ ግ ዋላውራጅ ኦም እንተተመርዒኻ ምሉእ ኣውራጃ ከም ዝተመራኻ እዩ።ተኻታቲሎም ጌጋ ረኺቦም እዮም ዘፋትሑኻ ዝብሃልከ ሓቂ ድዩ።ሳይሞን ጂ ሔማታቱ ሰራየ ስለ ዝኾኑ ኣየፋትሕዎን እዮም ።ሰራየን ሓማሴን ብጽልኢ ኣይተመልኡን ዝብሃልከ ሓቂ ድዩ።ጭጕራፍሲ ወቒዓ ተእዊ።ናይ ኣባጊዕ ቀኛዝማታት ኢና እሞ ዓስ ኣይትበለና እያ ትመስል እዛ ንሰራየን ሓማሴንን ሕርጊጎምንከም ድላይና ክንጸርፎም ኢና።ኣከለና ግን ኣይትተንክፉልና ኣነስ ሕቶ እየ ዘቕረብኩ፣።ታደሰኸ ኣብ ሓማሴን ጽልኢ ኣለዎ ማለት ድዩ?

  • Harnet October 20, 2014


    Stop worrying about awraja, as your beloved Isayas is emptying the county from all humankinds with no discrimination. WHY DON’T YOU READ ARANCHI’S ARTICLE. DO YOU HAVE A HEART? DID YOU SEE THE CHILDREN IN THE MEASKER? THE CHILDREN WHICH DON’T KNOW OR EVEN CARE TO KNOW YOUR STUPID AWRAJA STORIES. STOPPPPPP!!!

    • bitew yihdego October 20, 2014


      By nature I am not pessimist ,however what ebola virus said is very rude and divisive but because he foolishly said is in the heart of many akeleguzay bashers.and Eritrea being sanctioned not for the inhuman treatment of it’s people but because supposedely supported terrorism in somalia. Our people are purposely pushed to Ethiopia ,so that hey can grow up with tigray orientation ,instead of hizbe tigrignas’ orientation. It aoppears there is tigrawayzing the hizbe tigrigna biher so that the eplf weyane agenda of 1981 togray tigrigni could be executed.I do not know what I am saying frustrated and no hope ,can anybody give me tangible hope and not the generic god knows empty hope ?

      depressed citizen

  • Harnet October 21, 2014

    Dear Bitew,
    Don’t put your hope in another human beings or human history, because they will always fail you. The END of PFDJ is near, not by the power of man, but by the power of God.

    In 1991, when the war ended, we didn’t thank God for allowing us to achieve our independence despite all the obstacles. We attributed our hard won freedom to Tegadelti and Isayas. Every since then God has lifted his arms from our country, because we denied him the praise that he deserved. At the time, there were over 100K Ethiopian soldiers near and around Asmara, keren etc. If every single one of them had decided to shoot one person, 100K of our citizens would have perished, but GOD protected us and instead most of them were defeated before Tegadelti got there and were trying to get to Sudan. Some of them were captured, some of them died of thirst etc. This was what our GOD has done for us, but we forgot him immediately after the war ended. Instead of thanking and praising GOD for what he has done for us, we went dancing for days and weeks. Actually, some of us are still dancing. The opposition is rendered incapable not because people in them are incapable, but because GOD wants to show us his miracles, so that we could never attribute them to some other entity as we have done before.

    My brother, please join me in prayers for GOD to put his arms back on Eritrea, so that our people and us can leave peacefully.

    Be blessed,

  • wedi rijo October 21, 2014

    dear ebola you are one of the messengers of higdef, the who has identity crises like your bosses. ypu should to know one thing we are all eritreans

  • Dala Ksha October 21, 2014

    Aranchi kem shimu,thank you for giving us all the right information about is going on in our country you are doing a great job.mean while can you please give training to Tadese how to write informative and valuable articles like yours.please tell Tadese first we have to hav a country in order to talk about regions.

  • bitew yihdego October 22, 2014

    wedi rijo
    ebola virus destroys human organs turnning them to blood ,higdef exactly.

  • luna October 28, 2014

    Aranchi: Thanks for the timely information. As usual,you gave us a timely reminder of the dangers Eritreans are already in. The eye witness account given is a very sad story to listen to. Never in our history has such a level of migration been seen. But, it is the reality on the ground. The exodus of Eritreans leaving their homeland behind has become a point of discussion. Instead of choosing to resist, young and old equally chose to flee. Why do people leave in such big numbers? Is it a sign of giving up on the homeland? There is little guarantee to arrive at their chosen destinations. Instead, thousands had perished in the sands of Sinai and Mediterranean Sea in search of a better home. How strong is our will to survive where by nothing stops us but only death? The call is out there. Can we lend our ears to people like Aranchi to make wise decisions at the last call which is ringing.

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