እዋናዊ ሓበሬታ ብዛዕባ `ቲ ማሕበር ደብረቢዘን ን ኣባ ሉቃስን መሳርሕቶም ኣባ ባስልዮስን ብምውጋዝ ብትብዓት ዝጸሓፎ ኩነኔን፡ ብሃገራዊ ድሕነት ዝውሰድ ዘሎ ስጉምትን ብስም ሲኖዶስን ዝተዋህበ ግብረ መልስን
ሓላፊ ሃገራዊ ድሕነት ብሪጋደር ጀነራል ኣብርሃ ካሳ ትማሊ ሓሙስ ንስምረት ገዳማትን ነቶም ዝርካቦም ጳጳሳትን አኪቡ ነዚ ብማሕበር ደብረ ቢዘን ተገይሩ ዘሎ ውገዛ ብቕልጡፍ መልሲ ሃብሉ ኢሉዎም። ይኹን `ምበር እቶም ኣብቲ ርከብ ዝተሳተፉ ምስ ማሕበር ቢዘን

ሓላፊ ሃገራዊ ድሕነት ብሪጋደር ጀነራል ኣብርሃ ካሳ ትማሊ ሓሙስ ንስምረት ገዳማትን ነቶም ዝርካቦም ጳጳሳትን አኪቡ ነዚ ብማሕበር ደብረ ቢዘን ተገይሩ ዘሎ ውገዛ ብቕልጡፍ መልሲ ሃብሉ ኢሉዎም። ይኹን `ምበር እቶም ኣብቲ ርከብ ዝተሳተፉ ምስ ማሕበር ቢዘን ኪንረዳዳእ ዝብል ሪኢቶ ኳ እንተሃቡ፡ ጳጳሳት ናይ ግድን ክትምልሱ ኣለኩም፡ እዚ ኮነ ኢልካ ብናይ ወጻኢ ሓይልታት ዝተመኽረ እዩ ብምባል ናይ ጸቕጢ ትእዛዝ ኣመሓላሊፉሎም።
በዚ መሰረት፡ ንሳቶም ተኣኪቦም ነቲ ብማሕበር ደብረ ቢዘን ዝወረዶም ውግዘት ዘይቅቡል እዩ ብምባል ኣብ ዌብ ሳይቶም መግለጺ ኣውጺኦም። እንተኾነ ፡ ነቲ መግለጺ ኣባ ቄርሎስን ኣባ ጴጥሮስን ጥራሕ እዮም ፈሪሞም ዘለዉ። እቶም ካልኦት ለስተ ጳጳሳት ግን ኣይፈረሙን ። ካብቶም ዘይፈረሙ ኣቡነ ዮሓንስ ፡ ኣቡነ ሰላማ ፡ ኣቡነ ኣትናቴዎስን እዮም ።
ብዘይካ `ዚ ብትእዛዝ ሃገራዊ ድሕነት ካብ ቢዘን ክልተ ፈለስቲ ትማሊ ዓርቢ ምሸት ኣሲሮም ኣለዉ። ካብቶም ዝተአሰሩ ኣባ ገብረትንሣኤ ተወልደ መድህን ዕድመ 37 ትውልዲ ዓዲ ዓዲ ሰላይት ክኾኑ ከለዉ፥ እቶም ካልአይ ኣባ ክብርአብ ተኪኤ ዕድመ 61 ትውልዲ ዓዲ ጣዕርሺ እዮም ። እዞም ኣባ ክብርኣብ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ንኣባ ሉቃስ ተቓዊምኩሞም ብዝብል ክሲ ንዓመትን ዓሰርተ ውርሕን ድሕሪ ምእሳሮም ቅድሚ ወርሒ ተፈቲሖም ዝነበሩ እዮም። ኣስማቶም ኳ ብዝርዝር እንተዘይተገልጸ፡ ካብ ዓዲ ሃሎ ብዝተመሓላለፈ ትእዛዝ ሸሞንተ ፈለስቲ ክእሰሩ ተበይኑሎም ኣሎ።
ቀንዲ ናይዚ ጉዳይ ተኸታተልቲ ኮይኖም ንሃይማኖታዊ ጉዳይን ንሃገራዊ ድሕነትን ዘተሓባበሩ ዘለዉ ኣብ መንበረ ፓትሪያሬክ ዝሰርሕ ዘሎ ዲያቆን ግርማይ ዘር ኣይን ኣብ ቴሌኮሚኒኬሽን ዝሰርሕ ዘሎ መዓርግ ዘየብሉ ሰለሞን ወልዱ ዝተባህለ መንእሰይን እዮም። እዚ ሰሎሞን ዝተባህለ መንእሰይ ክሳብ ኣብ ዝተደወለ ተሌፎናት ዝጸናጸን ዘሎ እዩ ።
k.tewolde September 25, 2017
The devil is on the prowl constantly eroding our pristine values,dividing and cleansing us one by one,our last institutions(religious) are infested with his termites,his stench and decaying culture permeates throughout our motherland.I wonder what my mother and father say if they rose from their grave and see what happened to the sacred sanctuary where they baptized me.It was in this painful moment that Jesus on the cross bloodied and shredded uttered this rare plea,’OH FATHER HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ME!’
k.tewolde September 25, 2017
Tonight I am closing my prayers ,Father have you forgotten my homeland, my downtrodden people,my childhood playground?
fenkil September 25, 2017
You must also be a devil yourself, the motherland is peaceful and safe without you old loser trouble makers. Our beautiful Eritrean country is in a safe and stable hands and people. Just stay away and keep barking like a typical losers, hopeless, gutless and spineless so-called oppositions or more kike opportunists “tebeleTsiti” korakur of Arab and other colonialist masters.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 25, 2017
There is nothing new to make us bewildered because we are used to observe all forms of injustices .The notorious criminal called Genera Abraha Kassa and
cliques inside HGDF regime has reputation to stand against well being of our people . Issayas Afewerki purposely selected these kind evil individuals to defend his authority . But as said ” what goes around comes around ” will hunt them down either way directly or indirectly . Lets hope for judgment day
to pay their price according their deeds .
Guya Guya September 25, 2017
Why you all accuse others when you were also notorious criminal murderers with your Jebha.
Danilo September 25, 2017
Is that becoming paparazzi game or gambling chaos on the table with out arbitration between religion and politics? For heaven sake should not be but who knows due to more inflation the ball will barest sooner than later.
alem September 28, 2017
If iseyas is not eliminated many many families are going to be destroyed, division and hatered will deepen with long lasting consequences.