እንታይ ኢልካ… ቅዋም ዘይትግበር ?
ነቲ ኣብ ኣሜሪካ ዑደት ክገብር ዝቐነየ: ልኡኽ ምልኪ: ኣብ ሲያትል ዝተሓታ ሕቶ: ኣትላንታ ተደጊማትሉስ: ኣብ ዲሲ ተሰሊሳ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ: ኣብ ራድዮ ዲሲ ተፈንያ:: ማዕረ ማዕረኡ ኣብ ኣውሮጳ ድማ: ቀዋሚ ልኡኽ ምልኪ ኣብ ብሪጣንያ ተመሳሳሊት ሕቶ: ብተመሳሳሊ ኣገባብ
ነቲ ኣብ ኣሜሪካ ዑደት ክገብር ዝቐነየ: ልኡኽ ምልኪ: ኣብ ሲያትል ዝተሓታ ሕቶ: ኣትላንታ ተደጊማትሉስ: ኣብ ዲሲ ተሰሊሳ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ: ኣብ ራድዮ ዲሲ ተፈንያ:: ማዕረ ማዕረኡ ኣብ ኣውሮጳ ድማ: ቀዋሚ ልኡኽ ምልኪ ኣብ ብሪጣንያ ተመሳሳሊት ሕቶ: ብተመሳሳሊ ኣገባብ ክምልስ ተሰሚዑ :: እዚ ከም ናይ ኦሎምፒክ እተሳነየ ሓንባሲት (ሲንክሮናይዝድ ስዊሚን) ዝመስል ፓለቲካዊ ስብራ: ኣብ ካልእ ዓውዲ እንተዝኸውን ወሰን ሒዝና መጣቓዕናሉ:: ነቶም ‘ በቲ ዝገበሩዎ ልምምድን: ተዋስኦን”ይበል” ኣቀራርባ ኢልና ምሸለምናዮም:: ኣብዚ ዓውዲ ፓለቲካ ግን ላሕ ዘበለና ተዋስኦ ካብ ንዕዘብ: ስለዘይወሓደን: ገና ኣብ መቕሎ እንክሎ ስለዝኸሻሕናዮን: ቅጭ ዘምጽእ ጥራይ ኮይኑ ተሪፉ ሎ::
Dawit Meconen June 7, 2013
The way forward is Unity. This is the only way we can quickly decimate the rule of the impostors. Factionalism, sectarianism, religious fanaticism etc. benefited the culprits, Isaias Afewerqi and Woyane.
The fait of woyane and Isaias Afewerqi are glued together; one cannot live without the other; the downfall of either of them is the downfall of other other. Their means of sustenance is keeping Eritreans at a perpetual loggerheads. Our Unity is their mortal blow.
Some naive Eritreans say that we must not be concerned with woyane. They are wrong. Unless we understand the web of conspiracy woyane is weaving and enacting against the survival of our country, we are brainless irrational baboon heads.
Woyane is the author of all factionalism, sectariansim, religious fanaticism that we are now being haunted, the very causes we have been unable to overthrow the woyane within.
The following is very crucial point, misunderstanding of which will plung us into a bottom pit, from which survival is literary bleak. It is this: Through sowing and fanning factionalism, sectarianisim, religious fanaticism amongst us, woyane is building structural impediments that will ensure to throw our people into cannibalism in the aftermath of the downfall of the impostor.
This crucial point reminds us that struggling against the impostor is not enough; we have to take as number one priority the destruction of the structural impediments woyane has been building amongst us over the two decades. We must take forging Unity as the burning issue of the day, more burning than the overthrow of the Impostor.
How do we do it?
1. Cut your woyane umbilical cords ….. it is a source of poison
2. ELF/EPLF controversy must end…… leave it to future historrians. These organizations should never be the subject/object of discussion, muchless ridicule. Remember, revolutions are not bed of roses,as some say. Tegdalai fights with double edged sword, one against external enemy and the other, against internal saboteurs. It is always bloody.
3. Demand that the UNSC enforce the EEBC decision…… once this is implemented, the citadels of the impostors, woyane and Isaias, are demolished and they have nowhere to hide.
4. Attend all meetings, celebrations, festivals of the pro-government. Show them respect, follow guideliness, ask questions, air your views respectively. Avoid childish behavior. Confront Woyane/Isaias hooligans. Beware, woyane/Isaias interest lies in our disunity.
5.All of our movements must be geard towards building our unity, our consensus. As social movements are always fraught with frustrations, we must be resilient and pragmatic.
mohammed negash June 7, 2013
dawit ,
what you say about abyssinians is true.followers of islam in both countries are trampled upon.we are to the 1940s era of mahber andinet de ja voux.iseyas has been working for christian tigray on both sides. that is true.
mohammed negash June 7, 2013
fellow muslims,
if you can not express your religion the way you want it what is the use of having eritrea when you are second class citzen.our brothers are still landless since the 60s.massacred by haile selasi torsorawit & then after the so called indipendence still your land being grabbed by kwaja tigrawot and you rotting in sudan.any moslem that supports this goverment is haram. do not blame the christian they are opposing among eachother. where do you stand ?torserawit with komandis is replaced by shaibiya land grabbers.
stand up for your right .stop blaming tigrignya.they have their agenda. the ones that sacrifice are wedi ali ,wedi osman.the ones that gain are wedi mikael wedi letemariam. muslim stand up for your rights.
Tesfu mender June 7, 2013
Mohammed Negash We Eritreans Chiristian and moslems don’t Have problem our problem is Higdef Mendef people like you who have identity crisis get this we are one blood we fought and died buried together eritrea is for eritreans the evil will die from his own medicine but we will reconcile and live together. and please stop fool of yourself no one is going to buy your divisive halew lew
mohammed negash June 9, 2013
I have no identity crises, i know myself my religion Islam,qabila/ethnicity Jeberti ,my country eritrea.i am not on this website as a guest.men might say women & men have no problem, but women beg to differ. becaze women have their rights repressed for thousands of years, including eritrea ,encouraged for prostitute like behaviour being raped in and outside country,even by some dirty bedeuin claiming to be muslims, haram. let a muslims tell you if they feel equal, of course, muslims have to fight against societis prejudice & their culture being adulterated by too much secular practices.i am urguing fellow muslims as they respect their eritreanism .to also stand up for allah to also see the prejudices and societal oppressions .let us muslims clean our house marriage & morality,so that we could be proud moral citzens of eritrea and inshAllah we go to jenet /paradise when we go to Rebbi.is that not good for eritrea as a whole ?
marsa June 7, 2013
Mohamed negash
Are sending this comment from wukro tigray the real home
Of ahmed anegashi live Eritrean case for Eritreans it is not
Going to work for you keep ur poison for you.
mohammed negash June 8, 2013
if you want to put wuqro or temben as your temporary enemies it is your right.your relatives. but if you think my message is poisonous which part is poisonous. why is it every time muslims try to stand up for their rights it is scary for others .i am not saudi muslim.i am eritirean and i am urging muslims to take responsibility and fight for their own right. afars are being run down of their land replaced by tigray people from kabessa.should you not standup for that too _
A.Salim June 9, 2013
Mohammed Negash ( We know that you are Tigrayan Christian)
“afars are being run down of their land replaced by tigray people”
That is happening in Ethiopia. Tigrayans are demanding for their own kilil within Afar land in Ethiopia.
Weldu June 10, 2013
realy? i didnt know he was from tigray. but how do you( plular) know , if you represent more than two people? zereba Asha nigdef bejakum assennawiyan
Sahle Yosieph June 8, 2013
Mohamed negash
What are you saying Muslims have to start war against Christian? Muslim or Christian problem it is Eritrean problem or are you looking for a Muslim state with in Eritrea? IF YOU ARE Eritrean, you should think how to solve Eritrean problems weather a Muslim or Christian. Division and hate it is not the solution never been.
ahmed saleh June 8, 2013
What more does it take to open our eyes from this miseries . TO keep staying with arrogance attitude to blame on
each other for no reasonable and acceptable reason may would jeopardize the unity needed at this time . Do not
all realize our stupidity is the main fault of our failures .
Ali-lol June 8, 2013
Ahmed, let me give you piece of advice, ” look like a flower but be a serpent under it..” everyone has got hidden agenda. not a single kebesawi want to see a leader from tebaE wedi metaHit. this is open secret. imagine had wedi Ali toppled issayas and claim to be a president who wants everyone to be free from prison and implements constitution… and even sets a date for general election…do you think the hizbi kebesa would accept his visions? No! because in the coming eritrea, every eritrean will have EQUAL RIGHTS and this threatens hizbi kebesa and would definitely seek help from their cousins in tigray to dominate eritrean people ….just saying coz histroy is going to be repeated again.
MightyEmbasoyra June 8, 2013
I would be happy to see that. I wish it had happened. I am Tewahdo (not a good one though) but I don’t care who is the leader, as long as he/she works for the people of eritrea.
mohammed negash June 8, 2013
Ali -lol on,
that is the point i am making. eplf gained trust because it used peoples{ weak position & preached moslems as enemies ,murderers ,fanatics & not to be trusted. weyane to their credit did not say that, although they are not listenning to the muslims in ethiopia.
wedi ali would be like a cover for kebessa people to hide their prejudice. do not get me wrong it is human nature to push & dominate others as much as one can. i am not putting the blame on christian tigray on both sides.If women has the same rights as men can only be answered by women, the same applies to muslim issues. but moslems need to limit blaming christian dominance in tigray kabessa people. if we muslims are happy to be 2nd class citzens and quietly suffer afraid to stand up for our rights, so not to mbe called by our oppressors is our weakness. i want eritrean moslems mostly in the diaspora to quit this baseless we are one and say we are two that resspect eachothers religion and rights.
al hamd illlilah
A.Salim June 9, 2013
al hamd illlilah??? illlllllllllllllllilah??? kkkkkkkkkkk. Don’t play with Islam by pretending to be a muslim.
Ghenet June 9, 2013
Eritrean doesnot belong to Christians and Moslems. The owners of Eritrea are the nine ethnic groups with their cultures and languages. Christianity and Islam are just religions. A Christian can convert into a Islam any time. But that will not make him/her belong to the other part of Eritreans. His/her origin will remain the same but his/her religions has changed. Whre are you going to put the pagans, etc. Our identity is such that we are all Eritreans, then we are bilin, kunama, Afra etc….. down to our family. This is how we ‘belong’ to a human society. Our religion is our individual and personal preference
Yes, we have to strive for an Eritrea where everyone has the right to belong to any faith without any repercussions. However, the idea of bringing religion as a basic criteria of identity is only creating a never-ending havoc and division into a society. Eritrea society’s agenda a this moment is not issues of religion but issues of democracy and rights.
Weldu June 10, 2013
@ A.Salim
do not be surprised, almost all commentators with moslim names are highlanders as mehammed negash pointed in his previos coment: “wedi ali would be like a cover for kebessa people to hide their prejudice.” every lowlander and moslim knows this open secret and no one is buying it.
Zaul June 9, 2013
I don’t care if the next 10 presidents all come from the same neighborhood in aghordet, as long as they don’t rule the nation acoording to Sharia law. You underestimate the Kebessa people’s wisdom. If we feel close to our Tigrean brothers,it’s natural because we are the same ethnic group just like the Kunama and Afar feel a closeness to those in Ethiopia, it doesn’t make us less Nationalist. Just like you feel an affinity to Eastern Sudan and Muslims worldwide.
mohammed negash June 8, 2013
i don’t know where you got i want muslims to fight christians ? i am telling muslims to stand up for the right of eritrean muslims.no tigray kabessa has lost his land..the opposite is true. muslim land is being grabbed by kwaja tigray kabessa.is it division to tell muslims they can be eritreans but to fight for their Allah given land and the right to worship shaa or sunni.i am telling muslims not to blame tigray for their weakness. please point out to me where i propose violence against any religion ,please
A.Salim June 9, 2013
Mohammed Negash is a Tigrayan Christian. Don’t waste your time discussing with him about muslims and christians.
Sahle Yosieph June 8, 2013
American and European experience is our experience. Millions of people died for democracy and progress and we are part of it, already we are using the system like education, transportation, medicine, agriculture, clothes, technology, all human basic need and so force. So if took them few hundred years to build workably government under the rule of law, well it should take us few years. Mr. dictator saying his not ready for the rule of law. We Eritrean ready to work under the constitution. Enough bustard we are not stupid. Your time is up.
mohammed negash June 8, 2013
for a muslim following Allah’s commandments is his democracy. i am against muslim dominated countries forcing christians to follow sharia law. but in my own land should i not be ruled the way i want it.sharia has been solving muslim matrimonial and civil cases in eritrea for hundreds of years. why should i follow your version of democracy ? the punishment above is great for me and other muslims to follow god’s wishes. should we not have that right _ should a moslem not have a right that does not trample on the right of christian ? it is natural eventualy tigray people on both sides will get closer, how about muslim unity for our rights ? what is scary about ortodox ,pentconte or muslim asking for his right ?
MightyEmbasoyra June 8, 2013
I think you are wrong.
mohammed negash June 8, 2013
mighty embasoyra
if your comment was towards me please elaborate, because i am serious about my belief.should moslems in eritrea stand up for their right and stop treating themselves as tail of tigray tigrigna issue. i am not asking for moslems special treatment..or even blame others. i am just saying if moslems ,as part and parcel of the eritrean society do not ask for their right to assembly and worship the way they want it…protecting our kids from filth & immoral culture..we will not have pure moslems. that is not much too ask.it is not like asking moslem homeland.get their land back.live by red sea like they have lived for hubdreds of years. why are our christians think i am dividing people when i am asking basic human & religious rights for muslims in eritrea.
MightyEmbasoyra June 9, 2013
mohammed negash,
Why only muslims? I would say you are not helping any of us. Please start thinking as Eritrean – that would help us all.
My two cents.
mohammed negash June 9, 2013
mighty embasoyra ,
why only moslems ? because like women and other minority issues,like the pentecoste issue,like the orthodox issue,muslims have had their rights being trampled mostly due to moslems timid stand on demanding religious rights. i am asking muslims ,without quitting eritreanism as eritrean muslims to stand up for their right. you do not tell eritrean women, why women alone ?,because it is womens issue. the same applies to muslims.
MightyEmbasoyra June 9, 2013
mohammed negash,
I can see your analogy would be valid if you are either minority or oppressed religion more than others. I am sure you are aware about its negativity when you say to Muslims to stand up against who? Their own christian brothers and sisters? It doesn’t even sound right. If I had to reverse that analogy, also sound as bad as yours. That will not bring the dictator down nor help any Eritrean. I think you know that by heart. Don’t let wedi Ali down by the way.
semie belay June 8, 2013
weyane ab mekele constitution nedifemulkum mish slezi bzeaba guday kum netom zileakukum weyane tray hitetwom kedat sheyti hager
Ali-lol June 8, 2013
wedi belay awtuy lay amhara keydka tezatey ezuy lay eritrawiyan eyu
misael June 8, 2013
anta hasawi lokmegna entai aetika leman wodo geba aboka wodgeba zelalem sgab tmewt chaw
NIHATELATAT June 8, 2013
ahmed saleh June 9, 2013
I stick on my principle to ignore the poor arrogant .
NIHATELATAT June 10, 2013
ahmed saleh
kkkkk ameneni dew elka tiraH tsinah ab kidmena kititahan ekha!!!!!!!!