እንታይ ኢልካ… ቅዋም ዘይትግበር ?
ነቲ ኣብ ኣሜሪካ ዑደት ክገብር ዝቐነየ: ልኡኽ ምልኪ: ኣብ ሲያትል ዝተሓታ ሕቶ: ኣትላንታ ተደጊማትሉስ: ኣብ ዲሲ ተሰሊሳ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ: ኣብ ራድዮ ዲሲ ተፈንያ:: ማዕረ ማዕረኡ ኣብ ኣውሮጳ ድማ: ቀዋሚ ልኡኽ ምልኪ ኣብ ብሪጣንያ ተመሳሳሊት ሕቶ: ብተመሳሳሊ ኣገባብ
ነቲ ኣብ ኣሜሪካ ዑደት ክገብር ዝቐነየ: ልኡኽ ምልኪ: ኣብ ሲያትል ዝተሓታ ሕቶ: ኣትላንታ ተደጊማትሉስ: ኣብ ዲሲ ተሰሊሳ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ: ኣብ ራድዮ ዲሲ ተፈንያ:: ማዕረ ማዕረኡ ኣብ ኣውሮጳ ድማ: ቀዋሚ ልኡኽ ምልኪ ኣብ ብሪጣንያ ተመሳሳሊት ሕቶ: ብተመሳሳሊ ኣገባብ ክምልስ ተሰሚዑ :: እዚ ከም ናይ ኦሎምፒክ እተሳነየ ሓንባሲት (ሲንክሮናይዝድ ስዊሚን) ዝመስል ፓለቲካዊ ስብራ: ኣብ ካልእ ዓውዲ እንተዝኸውን ወሰን ሒዝና መጣቓዕናሉ:: ነቶም ‘ በቲ ዝገበሩዎ ልምምድን: ተዋስኦን”ይበል” ኣቀራርባ ኢልና ምሸለምናዮም:: ኣብዚ ዓውዲ ፓለቲካ ግን ላሕ ዘበለና ተዋስኦ ካብ ንዕዘብ: ስለዘይወሓደን: ገና ኣብ መቕሎ እንክሎ ስለዝኸሻሕናዮን: ቅጭ ዘምጽእ ጥራይ ኮይኑ ተሪፉ ሎ::
sidiabdu@gmail.com June 9, 2013
The king is without clothes.
A.Salim June 9, 2013
For sure King Sidiabdu!!
Sahle Yosieph June 9, 2013
Mohammed Negash
Standing for your right is a noble thing, the question is it why against a group of people base on religion or ethnicity. That is a wrong road to take, no solution will come, is a dead end road. The only result you get endless valence. The goal should be together all of us Muslim, Christian and the rest, are how to remove the dictator and build a constitution that primary respect individual right, at same time protect group and religious right. Now my equation to you is Muslim stand against whom? What we have in Eritrea is not working for 99% of the people. IF YOU ARE ERITREAN you should focus against the primary enemy of the Eritrean people HEGDF.
mohammed negash June 9, 2013
sahle ,
why does muslim rights should be regarded as against christians ? why should it take violence to demand equality. i am not asking for muslim homeland or running christians down from embaderho .why is muslims asking for rights is so scary.
kabessa tigray never get it ,we muslimjs are trying to compromise peacefully ,but on your side i do not see reconcilation but indirect threat .that is not good.
Genet June 12, 2013
You are PFDJ’s operative. Nice try.
Good luck!
mohammed negash June 12, 2013
are you sure i am not woyane cia or jihad ? very articulate person ,but with emotion of popcorn,stick to the point.anyways ,i said my piece & i am leaving the issue ,i just wanted to bring it to our attention.what a double standard attention though.
mohammed negash June 12, 2013
are you sure i am not woyane cia or jihad ? very articulate person ,but with emotion of a popcorn,stick to the point.anyways ,i said my piece & i am leaving the issue ,i just wanted to bring it to our attention.what a double standard attention though.
idris June 9, 2013
All christians should note the following
1. the main resources of eritrea belong to the muslims. e.g. the red sea itself, the ports (asab and massawa), the gold reseves, the potash reserves, the arable land. The highlander christians own nothing.
2. in terms of number of population, muslims are more than 50% of the population in eritrea.
3. muslims are the most oppresed in this country throughout the ages.
4. muslims, we need to implement sheria for our selves
Unless christians recognoze this, peace can not exist in eritrea.
Yohannes Mehari June 9, 2013
I read your four points.
It is so frustrating to see us waist so much time on matters unrelated to toppling the Dictatorship. Most of us never suspected our great freedom fighters would turn out the way they did, now it is not even sure that we can avoid anarchy.
How do you see our Eritrea in the future? What political system? Which constitution? Can you elaborate on how peace can exist?
From my point of view our opposition parties are more like lobbying groups asking the PFDJ to recognize their groups particular needs. I can however not see how these organizations can develop into political platform that covers all the needs of a nation such as foreign relations, defense policy, economic policy, social policy, environmental policy, agricultural policy, population control etc…
mohammed negash June 9, 2013
brother Idris ,
i am peacefully demanding our rights .things have not been the best since 1960s and we ,muslims are also to be blamed for our comformotionist stand.there is no shame in demanding your religious rights ,be it Islam ,christian,atheist.we are demanding equality & not to be patronized. and idris ,as muslims are purposely massacred & prohibited from our lands. it should not surprise you the former Islam 60% ,christian 40 % is no longer valid .christians may be slightely higher. well we are being pushed out of our Allah given land.
Zaul June 11, 2013
Anyone who was in the EPLF knows full well there were very few Muslims in the struggle until 1980, and most of them who joined after 1980 were forced to do so. We know very well those who sacrificed for independence in the war of independence were more than 90% Christians including a large number of our sisters. The Muslims were nowhere to be found even in diaspora, It was all Christians except for a few Muslims who came to pass on information to their extremist relatives; they gave nominal or no contribution at all. Therefore if the Christian highlanders run away now it is because they are more conscious and have already paid more than enough.Only naive Christian Highlanders would not know that.
That is why extremely stupid Highlanders are being divided based on Awrajas, that are only a few Kilometers apart from each other. Many Muslims would also love to exasperate these fictional differences to weaken the Highlanders. I know all of you agree but would not acknowledge it for fear of being called Chauvinists.
mohammed negash June 11, 2013
you just made my point it is abbyssynyans among eachother . it is christian by christian for christian ,with slight differences.moslems did not interfere in tigray tigringyi affair,eventhough we are being killed and our land confisicated.
Zaul June 12, 2013
Muslims have given up very little for the sake of co-existence in Eritrea. Isn’t there an armed Jihad movement with no interest in Democracy? Have the Christians ever told you not to practice your religion? Have we ever told you what language you have to use for prayer? Haven’t the land of Christians as well as Muslims been confiscated by PFDJ?
ELF started the struggle against Ethiopia for many reasons, one of the being persecution, because of their faith, and when the Highlanders also were targeted more and more, they decided to fight back.
When Muslims were mistreated by Haile Selassie, He did it to divide us amongst ourselves. Much the same way you are doing now! How can you demand a certain portion of the nation to be ruled by one set of rules and another by its own sets of rules. That’s why the drafters of the Eritrean constitution carefully took into account all the faiths of the nation.
If you want us to live as one nation, you have to give up something, just like we have to give up something. But if you are dreaming of one group dominating another, then you are living in a dream? Wake up! our people do not need more Idiots like you and me to tell them what’s best for them, whether you and I like it, the people have chosen to live together. Your fight is with PFDJ, not fellow Eritreans who also oppose the government.
They have always lived in peace side by side. If you don’t let Sudan/Egypt meddle in our National affairs from the west, we will not allow Ethiopia meddle in our internal affairs from the south. But you cannot ask us to cut off our ties with Ethiopia, while you are only thinking of your own narrow un-Eritrean Arabist interests and not the nation as a whole.
It’s hypocritical to accuse us of being Abyssinian and at the same try to intimidate us into submission. Don’t be such a whiner, start thinking in broader terms, we Eritreans and Africans in general have contributed very little to the advancement of Humanity. It’s this kind of Idiocy that’s holding us back and denying our people a dignified life in their own land.
I have observed this deliberate strategy of trying to Isolate the Highlanders from Tigray, while you blame all the Highlanders to answer for the crimes of PFDJ. If the Dictator was a Tigre, believe me, it would have been exactly the same. The last people to stand behind him would be from his ethnic group, his faith and opportunists of all faiths and ethnicities. Look at Saddam Hussein!
Genet June 12, 2013
Now, the conversation is about “SHERIA”. What a black minded people. In the 21st century, Eritreans don’t want “Sheria”. If any one wants “Sheria” then she/he can relocates to where “sheria” is the norm. You are not going to impose your norm/sheria on us. Eritrea is going to be for all Eritrean.
Sahle Yosieph June 9, 2013
Before you get too emotional, Christian Eritrean are the majority, but this doesn’t meant they have a right to dominant the rest, you’re thinking the majority should dominate the minority. You want to implement a sheria law, where? What are you advocating having two government within one state? You not the voice of Muslims you are the voice of hate and their no place in this world. You can kill people. Killing people it doesn’t require intelligence or common since. We need rule of law that work for every Eritrean regardless of his /her believe. Free for all. The best way to solve our situation by respecting each other and establishing workably government for all. IF YOU ARE ERITREAN THE POSITIVE ROAD WE SHOULD TAKE
mohammed negash June 9, 2013
letting eritrean muslims be governed by their religious law Sharia is hateful, did you know Sharia has been civil law in eritrea for moslems .stop prescribing christian solutions for muslims, that is so paternalistic view of christian chauvinism.
Sahle Yosieph June 9, 2013
Mohammed Negash
Religion it is an indivisible chose. In Ethiopia they was exchange of religion Muslim became Christian and vies versa. Not going into history it is the fact; some Jeberti was Christian before they became Muslim. By the way all religions in the world they claim to teach good over evil. Which side are you on? Only a dictator will scare for someone demanding his/her right. People that stand for democracy and justice in brace diversity and equality. So as Jeberti you are claiming land been taking way from you, are you sure? The history shows, Jeberti are well received by Eritrean they was able to acquire land and sanctuary. By the way what is your ethnicity if I am not wrong you are tigray, nothing wrong to be tigray. Tesfu is right you have identity crises. It is okay you are included in the struggle. The question is human right. The name Negash is their a history behind it?
mohammed negash June 10, 2013
that is very tool of pfdj when you can not win the argument call them tigray ,islam or cia.like i said between the christian goverment and opposition the mentality is almost identical ,except the opposition wanted to the right thing ,unfortunately they want to do it under the christian chauvinism frame work ,that is why i do not see solution.
about the jeberti things ,tipical of christian we know all ,we rule paternalistic mentality. do you know jeberti originated from saudi and are in more than 4 countries. and you are right some former christians saw the light and converted to islam..thus they became jeberti society .well some americabns used to be africans and asian natives before they became americans, jeberti is all accepting biher that if you come to join our religion just like the jebertis that originated from saudi you will be accepted as a biher jeberti. you are tigray calling yourself hizbe tigrignya to deny your biher i do not .jeberti came to ethiopia and eritrea ,settled like all others and added some locals to their biher .sahle i wish you could accept you being tigray ,just like a guy in axum ,mekele etcetera. jeberti do not have identity crisews ,kabessa tigray do .stop using pfdj line.
moslems unite and stand up for your equality ,we started the struggle and we are suffering ?
sidiabdu@gmail.com June 10, 2013
A.Salim on June 9, 2013 at 1:45 pm said:said to my comment as:
For sure King Sidiabdu!!
Ali , I am not sure what you are implying and I hope your attention is good. I can repeat my comment again:
The King/emeror has no clothes. I meant Ras ISSIAS IS EXPOSED. No credibility is there.He can not go on and continues to propogate lies and deception as most of the Eritreans are consious of his intention ” Stay in power” and milk the country. Ofcourse some…….Eritreans still believe on Angel Issias with wings. I am not sure why, but this borders…….
NIHATELATAT June 10, 2013
awur kitkewn slezdelekha kemdlaka blo.aynina gin anbesa nay anbesa nugus nay negestat koynu dma naana yraayena nikha hade fessawi bdhri compiuter tehabiaka tilflif aleha agame win tikewn dey geza agame eu azi.
Sahle Yosieph June 11, 2013
Mohammed Negash
I think you are getting confused, I am not the one perpetuating religion and ethnicity you the one. I am for unity for equality and I believe in individual freedom so individual she or he can be protected from the government, political party or religious institution, As personal you should warship or not freely as long you guided by the common law. Respecting your fellow mans religion, and culture. If someone believe in his nationally or ethnicity is good enough for me Coming from the same family, culture, and religion doesn’t guaranteed you positive result. We have to work together to create a livable society with peace and tranquility. Thank you my last respond.
Morroso June 12, 2013
Mohamed Negash
Do you real know what you saying?I doubt it as understand you may not be Eritrean if you are you must be ignorant, (ZIGEBER NEDIU AYNENGR) go to feaild and start war against Chiristians not against HGDEF,if you are a moslim I will advice your don’t represent Moslims + you need to go back to ESL class don’t be ignorant think twice b4 you post.just Say Smerrrrrrrrrrrrrr Huqo HGDEF kisiber ya man3l.
Remember Hager Nay kulu Hymanot nay Gly.Good DAY::
mohammed negash June 12, 2013
i would never wage war on christians ,then i will be like the toruserawit komandis and eplf christians .if i am doing the same then i have no right to bring moslem case on this forum.i said moslems need to bring our greviences united as eritreans ,why does everyone think it is a bad idea. i am in support of orthodox bringing their issue against the goverment, what i am saying is we moslems have double struggle against the goverment and societies mentality.did you say i should go learn TSR class.is that tewahdo as a second religion ?
thank you