እቶም ኣባጊዕ ብርግጽ ወዲቖም
እወ ወዲቖም! እሞ ሕጂ’ኸ ከናፍርካ ጎማጺጽካ ሕትም ሕትምትም ድዩ ንዘይመውት መድሃኒት ስለዘለዎ ፈውሰይ ፈውሰተ-ዓሻ ዕምብረ ሓሶታት ከንከራሩ? ፓይሎት፡ ብመጀመርታ ከምቲ ንኩሉ ብወገነይ ሰናይ ዝምነየሉ ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ፡ እንዃዕ ናብ ኩሉ መዳያት እዋን ትን ሳኤ ኣብጸሓካ። ከምኡ ድማ

እወ ወዲቖም! እሞ ሕጂ’ኸ ከናፍርካ ጎማጺጽካ ሕትም ሕትምትም ድዩ ንዘይመውት መድሃኒት ስለዘለዎ ፈውሰይ ፈውሰተ-ዓሻ ዕምብረ ሓሶታት ከንከራሩ?
ብመጀመርታ ከምቲ ንኩሉ ብወገነይ ሰናይ ዝምነየሉ ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ፡ እንዃዕ ናብ ኩሉ መዳያት እዋን ትን ሳኤ ኣብጸሓካ። ከምኡ ድማ እንዃዕ ናብዛ ናይ ውልቅኻ ፍልይቲ “ሓንቲ መዓልቲ“………..፡ ትብላ ዝነበርካ ዕለት ኣ ሰጋገረካ። ኩሉ ተቃላሳይ ሓፋሽን ተጋዳላይን ድማ ከምዛ ናትካ ትጽቢት ሓንቲ መዓልቲ ኣላቶ እንድያ፡ ንዓኻ የማ ስሎ። ከምኡ ከኣ ከይደጋገም ስለእንፈርሆ እምበር ክብርን ምስጋናን ድማ ነዞም ቃል ሓንቲ መዓልትኻን መዓልት ናን ኣብ በቦታና ዘብጽሑልና ንዘለው ልኡኻት ሓፋሽ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን ይብጻሓዮም!
መልእኽትኻ ተኸታቲለዮ። ብልኽዕ ድማ ኣይወሰኽካ ኣየጋነንካ። ሓቀኛ ናብራናስ እቲ ዝበልካዮ ነይሩን ኣሎን። ከምቲ ዝጠቐስካዮ ከኣ ዘይፈለጥካዮ ወይ ዘይበልካዮ ነገራት መሊኡ ኢዩ፡ ክንደይ ኢልካኸ ክትጽብጽቦ። ገለ እንዶ ከዘክረካ። ኣባል መሪሕነት ዝነበር ሰለሙን ወልደማርያም ኣብ ከም’ቲ ዝጠቐስካዮ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ኢዩ ተኣሲሩ ዝነ በረ። ንሳቶም ዝፈልጥዎ ገበናቱ ብዘየገድስ ንሱ ግን ኣብቲ ባዕሉ’ውን ዝፈልጦ ነዴኺ ማይ ውረድላ ዝዓይነቱ ማሕ ዩር ተዳጒኑስ፡ ተደጋጋሚ ከኣ ናይ መሰል ሕቶ ኣቕሪቡ ጸማም እዝኒ ስለዝተዋህበ፡ ናይ በረኻ ቀብሪ መለሳ ስኢንላ ብዝነበሮ ጥበብን ቆራጽነትን ብትሕቲ’ቲ ዝጠቐስካዮ መንደቕ ኩዒቱ ወጽአ። ሰለሙን ድሕሪኡ እንታይ ገይሩ? ንዕ ዑን ነቶም ነቲ ናይ ለይተ-ለይቲ ኩዕታ እናሰምዑ “ነገራት መስጢሮም“ ዝተባህሉ እሱራትን ዝወረዶም ንዓኻን ከ ማኻን ርዱእ ኢዩ። እቶም ናይ ሎሚ ሰማዕቲ ከኣ ከይደቀሱ ክሓልምዎ ይግባእ። ክሓልሙ ብዘይምድላኦም “ኣን ታዓያ“ እንተኾይኑ ድማ፡ ሎሚ ታሪኽ፡ ምስልን ኣሰርን ሰለሙን ኮነ ከምኡ ዝኣመሰሉ ኩሎም ተኣርቢዶም ኢዩም። “እቶም ገዳይም ጨሓማት ተጋደልቲ “ታሪኽና ከይርሳዕ ንገሩልና ኢሎሙና ነይሮም“ ኢልካ ሓደራኦም ካብ ጠቐስ ካ ከኣ፡ ገበናቶ ብዘየገድስ ንሳቶም እቶም ናይ ቅዱምን ድሑርን ውንጁላት ዝንባሌታት መንካዐ-የሚን ኢዮም። ሞት ከምዝነበረ ጠቒስካ ኣብቲ ማእሰርቲ። ኣማውታ እንተበሉኻኸ ብዙሕ ዓይነት እምበር! እቲ ብኸምቲ ንዓኻ’ውን ዝጀመረካ ዝኣቱ ሰለሎ ጠንቂ ሕማምስ ንቡርእዃ፡፡ እቲ ዘይንቡርን ዘይወግሕን ለይቲ፡ እንተወገሐ ድማ ኣዝዩ ነዊ ሕን ኣሰቃቕን ከምኡ ከኣ ዓስቢ ዘይብሉ ብምዃኑ ህይወት ክትገላገል ክንደይ ምቅርቲ ምኾነ። እሞ ብሕጊ ተፈጥሮ ምልቛቕ እንተኣበየት ሰብ ባዕሉ ነብሱ ክፈርድ ኣጋጢምካ ይኸውን። ብጥምየት ኮነ ካልእ ጥበብ ዝስዕብ ነብሰ ቅት ለት፡ ኣብቲ ኣከታኻት ዝጠፍአት ነፍሲ፡ ሓንቲ ጥይት ክልግሱላ ዝተበተገት ነፍሲ፡ ብደብዳብ ነፈርቲ ቃሬት-ቃሬት ዝሸተተት ነብስን ከምኡ ድማ ካልእ ብዙሕ ብዙሕ ዝነበረ ምክንያታት ከዘክረካ ኢለ ጥራይ ኢየ።
ሎሚ ነዚ መዋጽእቲ ሂብካ ዝጸወኻሉ ካብ ዛራ ወጋሕታ ዝጸሪ ሓቅታት ቁልቁል ዝኣፋ ሓሶት ኢሎም ዝማጎቱ ወሓ ላሉን ተሓለቅትን ኣለዉ። መን ኢዮም ነዚታት ዝነዝሑ? ኢልካ ኣይትሸገረሉ። ንሳቶም’ሞ ፍሉጣት ኢዮም። ድሮ ኣቕሊብካሉ ከምእትኸውን እቶም ኣብ ከም ጐደናታት ዙሪክ፡ ስቶኮለም፡ ዩቶበሪ፡ ኦስሎን ዓቐበ-ቁልቁል ጐደናታ ት ፍራንክፉርትን ክወጹን ክወርዱን ታኒካ ቴኖታት ርሃጽ ’ቃልሲ’ ዝኽዕዉ ዘለዉ ታሪኽ ዘይነበሮም ሰብ ሓደስቲ ታሪኽ ባዶ-ሰለስተታት ተጋደልቲ ነበር ኮኑ ካልኦት ዜጋታት ኢዮም። እዞም ተነስኒሶም ዘለዉ ናይ ሓሶት ነብያት ከ ም ደረፍቲ፡ ወቓዕቲ ከበሮ፡ ደበልቲ፡ ኣባ-ጓይላ፡ ኣዕለልቲ፡ መኹደድትን፡ ገጠምትን ዝኣመሰሉ ምስሉያት ወገናው ያን ምዃኖም ህዝቢ ኣለልይዎም ኣሎ።
ፓይሎት፡- ብዛዕባኻን ታሪኽካን ኣፍልጦ’ዃ እንተዘይብለይ፡ ውዕሎና ባዕሉ ከምዘራኸበና ግን ጥርጥር የብለይን። ኣብቲ ኣቲኻዮ ዘለኻ ዓዲ ሰረትካ እንተዘይተረጋጊጹ ድማ ክስዕበካ ንዝኽእል ተጻብኦ ልቢ ግበረሉ። ብቐዳምነት ኣ ብኡ’ውን ባዶ ሰለስተ ኣላ ኢያ። ብዘለኒ ሓበሬታ ንዝረኣኻዮ ስለዝተዛረብካ ክትብላዕ ስለዘለካ፡ ነቲ ሃብታም ተመ ክሮኻ ክትጅልሕ ክትፍትን ኢያ ባዶ ሰለስተ። ቀጺላ ክሳብ ባዕላ ህግደፍ ብስለያ ከምዝሰደደትካ ተመሲሉ ዝፍኖ
ወረ ክላኻዕ ኢዩ። እዚ ዝግበረሉ ምኽንያት፡ ገሊአን ሃገራት ከም ሃገረ-ጀርመን ካብ ጽላሎተን ከይተረፈ ዋርድያ ስ ለዝወጻ፡ ነዞም ብስ ለያ ዝጥርጠሩ ብዓይኒ ኣልቃዒዳን ሸባብን እናተመኽነየ ብሕጊ ኢንተርፖል መሰረት እንተኾነ ክጥረዙ፡ ብዝተረፈ ኣብ ትሕቲ ስዉር ሓለዋ’ታ ሃገር ንኽኣትዉ፡ ናትካን ዘይናትካን ሰነዳት ኣሕሊፎም እናሃቡ ናብ ራ ከይጥዕመካ ምእ ንቲ ክጎድኡኻ ዝዓለመ መንቀኛነት ኢዩ። እንተክኢሎምስ ወረ ክሳብ ከጋድሙኻ ክሕልኑ ኢዮ ም’ሞ ከምቀደምካ ብክትመጸሉ ዝሓበሩኻ መገዲ ኣይትምጻኣዮም። እቶም ሰንኮፍ ዝእምነቶም ደቂሃገር’ውን ዝበሃል ስኢኖም እንተተባህለ፡“ እዚ ኩሉ ዝተዛረብካዮ ክግበር እንከሎ ንስኻኸ እንታይ ገበናት ሰሪሕካ? ኣበይ ድኣኸ ጸ ኒሕኻ“? ዝዓይነቱ መዳኸምያ ከምዘዳምቑልካ ኣይትስሓት። ሓሚቖም እንተተባህለ ከኣ “ወያነ ኢዩ“ ከምዝብሉ ተጸ በዮም። ካልእ ከም “ስለዘይሰለጦ ኢዩ ክንድዚ ዝልፍልፍ ዘሎ እምበር እንተዝሰልጦስ ኣይምወጸን“ ዝበሃል ከምዘሎ ’ውን ኣይትዘንጋዓሉ። ኣብኡ ድማ ኣለዉኻ ዓበይቲ። እንተ ኽኢልካ ንሳቶም’ውን ከክንደይ ሳዕ ከምዝተሳሕቱ ኣዕል ሎም። ብዝተረፈ ንብረት ህዝቢ ምዃንካ ኣይትዘንግዕ ኣይትደቅስ ከኣ። ብኣፍ ዘይኮነስ ብግብሪ!! ምስቶም መንእሰያት።
ብዝተረፈ ሰናይ ናብራ እምነየልካ።
ሓደ ተኸታታሊ።
Unshaved April 17, 2012
Forget what Pilot claims as having occurred be it true or not. AssIAss is capable of every evil thing under the Sun. If they were to say he is the Devil incarnate I would believe it. Luckily or sadly for his cool-Aid drinking cultists all must come to an end and fire just broke out in the Sudan. It may be the repeat of 98. They are willing to go to all out war to see the demise of the other. But it may end up consuming wedi komarit. The noose is tightening on this blood sucker vampire. I hope he meets the same end like his sugar daddy Gaddafi when they trashed his toosh with a knife.
My first name is Mehari .I have come a long way ,in my beliefs, let me tell you what happened ,when I lived in Canada ..ሓደ ንቑሕ ትግራዋይ፣ ግን ብዙሕ ትምህርቲ ዘይብሉ፣ ኣእምሮ ግን ንእሽተይ መለስ/ንእሽተይ “ሲንጋፖ”,ዝኾነ , ከምቶም ካልኦት ኣብ ዕድመይ ከባቢ ዘለዉ ብዙሕ ጸርፊ ብናይ ኤርትራ ተጋሩን/ህዝበ ትግርኛን፣ ብጎንደርን phisical & emotional abuse ዝበጽሖም ተጋሩ ስለ ዘይኮነ ሕቡን ትግራዋይ ዓርክና,ከምዚ ዝስዕብ ሕቶ ኣቕረብኩሉ……ወዮ ኣነ እቲ ትግራውነተይ ዘይፈልጥ ስለ ዝነበርኩ….ነቲ ትግራውነት ናይ በይኑ ጌረዮ…..”እንታይ ኢኹም እዞም ተጋሩ ከም ሰፍኢ ግልብጥ,ግልብጥ ክትብሉ ,ሓሳብኩም ክትቅይሩ ጊዜ ዘይወስደልኩም”…ምስ በልኩዎ ..ብቕጽበት….”ትግራዋይ ቐልጢፉ ቕይር ቕይር ልብል ንምንታይ ይመስለካ….ነገራት ቕልጢፉ ስለ ልርድኦ እኮ እዩ ” በለኒ”..ኣነ ክኣ ኩሉ ጊዜ ነቲ ንጹርን ዘስርሕን ዘይጨካንን መገዲ…እናደለኹ..ግልብጥ ግልብጥ ልብልየ ሃ…ሃ..ሃ, ጽቡቕ ትምህርቲ ተማሂረ…ካብ ከም ደንጎላ ንደንቆሮ ኮይነ ኣብ ዝበልኩዎ ጌጋ ዝጸንዕ…ጌጋይ ኣሪመ ክውንጨፍ ይፈቱ ። ቤተ ሰበይ ´ውን ብዙሕ ሕልና ሂቦምኒ። ተጋግዮም …። ምኽንያቱ መሊሰ ተባሳጭየ። ቤተሰበይ ወጻኢ ወጺኦም ፣ ደርሆና ጥራይ ተሪፋ…ንሱ ከማን ..እንቋቝሖ ምውላድ ገዲፋቶስ..ኣንቲ ሌባ..ንጀብሃ ከም ድላዮም ወሊድኪ ተብልዕዮም ዝነበርክስ….በዚ ጊዜ ግን ምውላድ ዝኣበኺ ሓምሻይ መስርዕ ኢሎም ኣሲሮማ እምበር ,ዝተረፈ የለን ዓዲ.ግን 4 ኣሓት ዘለኒ ሰብ ,ድሓን ኣሕዋተይን ደቂ ሓፍተይን ስለ ዘይተደፍራ,ኣይሽግረይን´ዩ ኢለ ክርእዮስ,ኣይክ ኣልኩን ,ርጉማት ወለዲ ሕልና ኣሕዲሮምለይ።
ሓው ኣሕመድ ፣ ንጹህ ኣተሓሳስባኻን ፣ ኩሉ ጊዜ ንሓቅነት ዘንጸባርቕ ፣ ርእይቶኻ ተስፋ ይህበኒ ።
ሓውካ መሓሪ / ሲንጋፖ ኤርትራዊ
Ahmed saleh April 17, 2012
It shows only your honesty and respect to respond to my request of revealing your
name. As pen pals as they called it, I thank you for honoring me as a brother. Who
knows we might see eachother in person all of us when times permits .
Deep from my heart I like to express my appraciation Mr. M. SINGAPO.
That is what I’m going to use not to forget your name if you do not mind.
Brother Ahmed Saleh ,
God bless you & God bless the Eritrean people
I am honored ,you remmembering my name. Kind people ,feel sad ,when they see people being mistreated ,killed ,raped…not only when it happens to their fellow country men, or fellow tribes men….but to any one….Although when Eritreans or Ethiopians die ,it causes me more pain…but I also feel compassion ..when it happens to a Palestinian..Jew…kosovoian Serbian…Sudanese..etc…..When they were massacarring & displacing Kunamas ,they propogated by claiming,,,that…well, they have always been on Ethiopian side..When they imprisoned people from Metahit..baptised them as “Islamic Jihadists….then when they imprison someone from south..”Menka´E” ,when Afar ..wants to take ASAB & give it away to Ethiopia.When they were massacaring Kunama´s if I had loudly said ,this is unfair ,ኢለ እንተዝቃወም እዞም ሕጂ ዝሕረዱ ዘለዉ ናይ ቀረባ ኣዝማደይ፣ ምድሓኑ ኔሮም ። ናይ ሽዑ ምስቃጠይ ግን፣ ነዝማደይ ኣሕሊፈ ሂበዮም፣ ንደቂ ዓደይ ኣብ ሲናይ ኮላሊቶም ከም ዝሽየጥ፣ ደቂ ዓደይ ብዓሰርታት ዝቑጸሩ GANG RAPE ንኽግበራ ብዘይሓሰብክዎ መገዲ ኣሳላጢ ኮይነ። እንዳ ጎረቤቱ ክቃጸል ከሎ እንታይ ኣተወኒ ዝብል ፣ እትቕጽል ገዛ ናቱ እያ። ወያነ እኮ ክቡር ደሞም ክሳዕ ሳሕል መጺኦም ዘፍሰሱዎ እኮ ንህዝቢ ትግራይን ንህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያን እዩ፣ እምበር ጠጠው ደለት ሰስሓ ዘይጭምቱ ሙዳዳውያን ፣ ኣታዅሳ ክምህርዎም ኣይኮነን። እንድሕሪ ደርጊ ንቃልሲ ኤርትራ ኣምኪንዎ ዝተረፈ ጎልጎል እዩ ፣ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ክጥቃዕ እዩ ። ኣነስ ሕማቕ ሕልሚ ኮይኑ እዩ ዝስም ዓኒ ዘሎ ክሳዕ ሕጂ ፣ ምስኪነይቲ ኤርትራዊት ኣደ። ሸንኮለል ኢለ ኣርእስተይ ስሒተ ። !!Well…..
gerimuna April 17, 2012
SINGAP and Ahmed:
I feel humbled and victorious in our media struggle when both considerate and sharing ideas becomes compatible and fruitful. For that I appreciate you guys both and thank you for giving hopes for a lot of us who are frustrated to do anything about our motherland’s hurt and tarnished image Eritrea, mostly by her own children.
This unique interaction of Eritrean ism is what we were lacking and I have to admit you got it. Thank you Pilot and as always Assena (Aman) for giving us a forum to vent our anger and hope. The aura is becoming clearer to see.
ahmed saleh April 17, 2012
You have been one of us as considerate Eritrean in this forum in deed considering
your brotherly and constructive comments as usual . Hat off my brother with love!
Gerimuna ,
Thank you for noticing , We have to talk & listen to eachother .Thank you for being part of it, brother Gerimuna.When people in qarura are being harrassed & become victims of atrocites…..I will stand up for the fellow citzens ,I do not know them ,ones I getb to know them I may not like them..but ,let us look at it in a narrow mentality…I may think my Awraja is number one & my religion the only one that leads to paradise ….It is still in my advantage to stand up for people from qarura ,tekhombya ,segeneyti ,…if not, it will come to bite my & my relatives ass.We do not even have to like each other…just respect every bodys´rights. Let us be realistic ,I have more concern & care for my uncle in dimbezan than a Rashaida…that, I first heard about them in 1987.By respecting that Rashaidas´ human rights and standing up for him ,I am saving uncle YiHdego from Geshnashim,Dimbezan ,People ,am I making any sense ???
raeiu zitemenzea April 17, 2012
Thanks Pilot And Amanuel I was 3 years old the time that Pilot desired to give his life for his country he is really hero and i would understand from the interview Amanuel also you were freedom fighter. Who I am glade to hear the real history from the people who fought for us despite the lairs monopolized and fabricated news ever heard from DIMSI HAFASH center of the dictatores. Keep it up guys (MEN YERDIE ZIKEBERE MEN ZITERK ZIWEALE) Kemzibehal halawnetom nimirigigax korakur HGDEF HAQI kebiromo qa enteneberu haqi haqi mukanu gin ayterfon duro bziwesedkumo korax sugumti dma tate kibl bmijimaru kbret yihabelna ziterefkum ayatatna dima HAYE NIXBE ALENA.
H g D f MENDF April 17, 2012
“ጸሊእና” እንቅይሮ “ስርዓት”፡ “ጽልኢ” ሒዝና ንኣቱ ናብቲ “ስርዓት” “ፈቲና” እንቅይሮ “ስርዓት” ግን “ፍቅሪ” ሒዝና ኢና ንኣቱ ናብቲ “ስርዓት”። ህዝባዊ ማዕበል ንኣንጻር መለኽቲ ስርዓታት፡ ብፍላይ ኣብ ሳልሳይ ዓለም “ጽልኢ” እቲ መሰረታዊ “ሳቦያ” ናይቲ ቃልሲ እዩ። መብዛሕትኡ ግዜ ድማ ብደማዊ ብጎነጽ ይፍታሕ። እቲ “ጽልኢ” ከም ቀንዲ ትካል ናይቲ ቃልሲ ወሲዱ ንለውጢ ዝተቃለሰ ሓዳሽ መሪሕ ድማ ሪጉኡ ክጽበ ዝጸንሐ “መላኺ” ይኸውን። እዞም ቀዳማይን ካልኣይን ዓለም ግን ኣብዚኣ ይበልጹና፡ ፈትዮም ዝቀየርዎ ስርዓት፡ ኣብ ሃገሮም ድማ ሰላምን ርግኣትን ንርኢ። ንሕና ንሽግርና ክንፈትሕን ሰላማዊቲ ሃገር ክንገብር ስለ ዘይበቃዕና ድማ ናብኦም “ንስደት”። እቲ ዝገርም ድማ “ፖለቲካዊ ሞዴሎም” ከም ቅዱስ ወሲድና ንሃገርና ንምነየሉ። ንሶም ግን “ሰሪሖምን”፡ “ተኸባቢሮምን”፡ “ውረስ ተወራረስ” ባህሊ ኣጥሪዮምን ዘምጽእዎ ጸጋ’ዩ።………እፈርሕ!!! ብዛዕባ ጽባሕ!!! ኣብ ሃገርና’ውን ፈቲና ምስ እንቅይሮ ስርዓት ጥራይ ኢና ሰለማዊትን ርግእትን ሃገር ክንፈጥር ንኽእል፡ ኣነ ዝርእዮ ዘለኹ ግን “ጽልኢ’ዩ”፡ ይፈርሕ!!!! ድማ ከይድገም!!! ይፈርሕ እወ!!! ንምቅያሩ ነዚ ስርዓት ጥራይ ከይከውን እቲ ጉዕዞ…፡ ይፈርሕ ብድሕሪኡከ??? ይፈርሕ’በር!!! ስጡም ውዳበ ዘለዎ ናይ መጻኢ ራኢኡ ንኹሉ ዘሳትፍ፡ ስልጣን ህዝቢ’በር ንሱ ከምዘይኮነ ዝፈልጥ ከይስእን!!!! ዋላ ዋላ ይርደኣኒ የልቦን ናይ ሎሚ ፖለቲክ….ሓግዙኒ’ባ….ፈሪሐ’ኮ።
ahmed saleh April 17, 2012
HGDF mendf
Eritreans sustained nothing worst difficulties than this government policy.
Any change would bring a little stability in the region, so do not afraid for
to see different system of administration. What we need is democratic
Eritrea under the law of it’s constitution. Once civic right is protected ,
believe we can build the country in rapid way of time. The sad part what
happened under HGDF regime for the last 20 yrs was diasterous to the
progress of our society in all level. To heal that wound would not going to
be easy. Look Ethiopia as a model of devolopment. The representatives of
80 million people in their parliament went through conflicts to reach to an
agreement of common interest. We saw the potential of Eritreans eagerness
after independence when international economy analysts predicted as a country
of promised future. Our people didn’t fail the country but they were deceived by
their own fellows. And I think we could fix our past mistakes if there is a will for
an honest guilt consciousness to say sorry (“YEKRE BELELEY’) mainly those lost
and disconnected corrupted minds in diaspora. Anyway keep hope alive ! Our
culture is all for forgiveness but we do not forget our past and we learn out of it.
HAGERAWI April 17, 2012
Thank you SINGAPO ERITREAN and AHMED SALEH for your kindness and polite men.
ናይ ብሓቂ ሃገራዊ ፣ ኣጆኻ፣ ካልእ ይትረፍ ደቂስና መታን ክንሓድር፣ ነዚ ህዝቢ እዚ ክንብል ንካባበር፣ ምኽንያቱ ርእየኩም ኣለኹ ፣ ከምዚ ናተይ ጸገም ኣለኩም፣ ህዝቢ ትፈትዉ፣ እንታይ ኣተወኒ ክትብሉ ኣይትኽእሉን ኢኹም። ባርኔጣይ የውጽኣልካ ሓው ሃገራዊ።
Freeprisoners April 17, 2012
ሓቒ ወይ ሓሶት በል።
”ኤርትራውያን ሞይቶም ከለው፤ ሞት ይፈርሁ”
FACT-is-FACT April 17, 2012
SiNGAPO & Ahmed Saleh:
at this juncture in time when everything and anything is bleak about Eritrea and Eritreans, your sense of sensibility, as Gerimuna” said it “it gives one hope!”
it is soft-hearts that gives us humans a ray-of-hope when it feels so bleak and hopeless. and so keep it up being the good ones.
Brother Fact is Fact,
Thank you ,the Formula is having the mentality ..attitude..to “LOVING ERITREANS more THAN WE MAY RESENT Commander Dimu-Dimu .Hatred makes us crippled ,It happened to me . Gerimuna ,when your relatives are attacked ,I will shout and make it known to any organization that deals with such issues ,because ,when you hit the nose,the eyes weep …because ,they are attached under one sistem ,whether they like it or not. If the eyes say ,it is not my concern..the injury /inflammation will spread to the eyes. By standing up to your close relatives ,I am saving my close relatives ,and you would be obliged to like me ,and me to you …because together we are better.Do not wait ,for the opposition to share with you this solutions ,we need to get up brothers & sisters. ነደቕቲ ዝንዓቕዎ እምኒ ርእሲ መኣዝን ኮነ !!!