እቶም ናይ በሓቂ ክርስቲያናት ዝኾኑ፡ ነቲ ዝኸበደ ፍርሒ ሞት ብምስዓሮም፥ ስለቲ ዘፍቅርዎ ኣምላኾም ክብሉ ብሓጎስ ሙማት ይኽእሉ እዮም።
ክርስትናን ፈተናን መከይቲ ስለ ዝኾኑ፡ ንቤተ-ክርስቲያን ተዋህዶ ጋሻ ነገር ከመዘይ ኮነ ካብ መጽሓፍ ቅዱስን ታሪኽ ቤተ-ክርስቲያንን ብቐሊሉ ክንማሃሮ ንኽእል ኢና። እቲ መሥራቲ ናይ ክርስትና ጎይታና ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ፡ ብፈተና ናይዛ ዓለም ንኸይንሳናባድ ኣጸቢቁ መሃረና እምበር፡ ክንስዕቦ

ክርስትናን ፈተናን መከይቲ ስለ ዝኾኑ፡ ንቤተ-ክርስቲያን ተዋህዶ ጋሻ ነገር ከመዘይ ኮነ ካብ መጽሓፍ ቅዱስን ታሪኽ ቤተ-ክርስቲያንን ብቐሊሉ ክንማሃሮ ንኽእል ኢና። እቲ መሥራቲ ናይ ክርስትና ጎይታና ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ፡ ብፈተና ናይዛ ዓለም ንኸይንሳናባድ ኣጸቢቁ መሃረና እምበር፡ ክንስዕቦ ኢሉስ ኣይጠበረናን። “ኣብ ዓለም ከለኹም ብዙሕ ጸበባ ኣለኩም፡ ኣጀኹም ኣነ ንዓለም ስዒረያ እየ” (ዮሓ 16፡ 33) እዚ ኹሉ መምርሕን ተስፋን ዝተዋሃበት ቤተ-ክርስቲያን፥ እቶም ከም ቁርዲድ ምስ ለገብዎ ምልቃቕ ዝኣበይዋ፡ ሰብ ፖለቲካ ሎሚ’ውን ከም ቀደሞም፡ ንፓትርያሪክ እንጠንዮስ ከፋራርሕዎምን ጸቅጢ ክገብርሎምን ከምዝቐነዩ ይስማዕ ኣሎ።
ከምቲ ኣምኖን ንታማር ሓፍቱ ዝደፈራን ዝዓመጻን (2ሳሙ 13፡ 1)። እዞም ደፋራት ሰብ ፖለቲካ ነታ ኣዲኦም ዝኸነት ቤት-ኣምላኽ ክደፍርዋን ክዝርፍዋን ልሙድ ተግባራቶም ኮይኑ ይርከብ ኣሎ። ብ/ጀረናል ኣብርሃ ካሳ (ብወዲ ካሳ ዝፍለጥ)፡ ንቅዱስ ፓትርያሪክና ብተዳጋጋሚ ዘርእዮ ዘሎ ድፍረትን ዘለፋን፡ ክንጻወረሉ ኣብዘይ ንኽእል ደረጃ ከም ዝበጻሕና፡ በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ከዛኻኽሮ ይፈቱ። መብዝሕቶኦም ከም ዝብልዎ፡ እቲ ስርዓት ኣጋጊና ዝብል መልሲ ልሙድ ተርእዮ እካ እንተኾነ። ብ/ጀረናል ኣብርሃ ካሳ በቲ ትገብሮ ዘሎኻ፡ ካብቲ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራን ስዋኣትናን ዝጠለመ፡ ምስቲ ብደም ተሓታቲ ስርዓት ኤርትራ ምኻንካ፡ ካብ መዛግብ ልባትና ዘይሕከኽ በሰላ ኮይኑ ኣሎ። ይሁዳ ኣስቆሮታዊ፡ ንጎይታና ኢየሱስ ብምሻጥ፡ ግራት ከም ዝዓደገ እሞ፡ እቲ ቅዱስ ጽሑፍ ድማ ክሳብ ሕጂ ኣከልደማ ማለት (ግራት ደም) ትባሃል ኣላ ከም ዝበላ። (ግብ 1፡ 19፤ ማቴ 27፡ 8) ንቅዱስ እንጠንዮስን ንቤተ-ክርስቲያንን ብምሻጥኩምን ምድፋርኩምን፡ ኣብታ ንፈትዋን ነፍቅራን ሃገርና ግራት ደም ከም ዝዓደኩም ባዕልኻትኩም ትስሕትዎ ኣይመስለንን።
ቅዱስ እንጠንዮስ ህይወቶም ምሉእ ነኣምላኽ ዝወፈዩ ብምኻኖም፡ እዚ ቃል ነዖኦም ዝበቅዕ ኮይኑ ንረኽቦ። እቶም ናይ በሓቂ ክርስቲያናት ዝኾኑ፡ ነቲ ዝኸበደ ፍርሒ ሞት ብምስዓሮም፥ ስለቲ ዘፍቅርዎ ኣምላኾም ብሓጎስ ሙማት ይኽእሉ እዮም። ነዚ ዝሳማማዕ ቃል ክርስቲያናት ኣብ ካታኮምብ ማለት ኣብ በዓትታት ዝነበሩ እዋን ንረክብ ኢና። ብምኽንያት ነገስታት ሮም ከቢድ ስደት ኣብ ዝነበረሉ እዋን ቤተ-ክርስቲያን ከቢድ ስደት ይሕሊፋ፡ ሎሚ’ውን ትሕልፍ ኣላ። እምበኣር ቅዱስ እንጠንዮስ ካብኣቶም ስለ ዝኾኑ፥ ንማእሰርትን ምፍርራሕን ድምብርጽ ከይበሎም ብመንፈስ ትብዓት ተመሊኦም ይምክትዎም ኣለው። እቶም ሰብ ፖለቲካን ፈለስትን፡ መጋላግልቶም ንቅዱስ እንጠንዮስ ዝነበሩ፡ ኢድን ጓንትን ኮይኖም ብምዕያይ ዓቅሎም ከጽብብሎም እንተ ፈተኑ፡ ካብቲ ቅዱስ ዕላምኦም ነቅ ዝብሉ ኣቦ ኮይኖም ኣይተረኸቡን። ከምቲ ቅዱስ ጽሑፍ ዝብሎ። “ነቲ ዝመጻካ መከራ ኣይትፍራሓዮ። እነሆ ምእንቲ ኽትፍተኑ ዲያብሎስ ንገሌኻትኩም ናብ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ክድርብየኩም እዩ። ንስኻ ግና ክሳዕ ሞት እሙን ኩን። ኣነውን ኣኽሊል ዓወት ክህበካ እየ። (ራኢ 2፡ 10)
ቅዱስ እንጠንዮስ፡ ክሳብ ሞት እሙን ብምኻን፡ ነቲ ዝተነበረሎም ኣኽሊል ዓወት ብመንፈስ ክጥምቱ ከለው፤ እቶም ዘይተዓደሉ ኣባ ሉቃስ፡ ነባ ደስቆርዮስ ዘይጠቐመቶም፡ ቆቢዕ ፓትርያሪክ ክምንዝዑ ይህቁኑ ኣለው። ኣባ ሉቃስ ብሓገዝ ብ/ጀረናል ኣብርሃ ካሳ፡ ፓትርያሪክ ክኾኑ ትጽቢት እኳ እንተ ነበሮም፥ ብረድኤት ኣምላኽ እቲ ዓቢን ታሪኻውን ገዳም ደብረ ቢዘን ምሕለፊ ኣፍደገ ከሊእዎም ይርከብ ኣሎ። ደብረ ቢዘን ጥንታውነቱን ዕቤቱን ርኢኻ፡ እዚ ኹሉ ውድቀት ክግበር ከሎ ስቅ ኢሎም ክርእዩ አተሓሳስብ እኳ እንተ ኾነ፡ በዚ ሕጂ ሒዘሞ ዘለው ኣካይዳ ግን፡ ንቤተ-ክርስቲያና ናብቲ ሃዋርያዊ ሠንሰለት ንኽመልስዋ ናይ ኩሉ ደቂ-ተዋህዶ ናፍቖትን ተስፋን ኮይኑ ይርከብ ኣሎ።
እቶም ክልተ ዕውራት መራሕቲ፡ ማለት እቶም ሰብ ፖለቲካን ተሓጋገዝቶም ፈለስትን፡ ንቤተ-ክርስቲያንን ንሃገርን ምኽንያት ዓቢ ውድቀት ኮይኖም’ዮም። “ዕውር ንዕውር እንተ መርሖስ፡ ተታሓሒዞም ናብ ገደል ይኣትው” (ማቴ 15፡ 14) ናይ ክልቲኦም ዝዓወሩ መራሕቲ ምትሕብባር ንሃገርና ናብ ገደል ይእቲዋ ይርከብ ኣሎ። መራሕቲ ሃይማኖት ናይ ዝኾነ እምነት ተኸተልቲ፡ ከምቲ ቅዱስ እንጠንዮስ ዝወሰድዎ ተባዕ ውሳኔ ስለ ህዝቦም ደው ዝበሉ፡ እቶም መራሕቲ ሃይማኖት ነቲ ዝመርሕዎ ህዝቢ፡ ክጣበቑሉ እንተዘይ ክኢሎም፡ ናብ ዘይ ስገር ኣርዑት ባርነት ክእትውዎም ዓቢ ግደ ኣለዎም።
ናይዚ ውጽኢት ድማ ነቲ ተጻዒኑና ዘሎ ኣርዑት ባርነት ሰቢርና ከነምልጥ ምኽኣሉ ዝተጸገምና። ንሳቶም ንዝደለይዎ ክኣስሩ ክቐትሉ ከጸልሙ፡ ንሕና ድማ ባሮት ተቖጺርና መሰል ከምዘይብልና፤ ጉዳይ ሃገር ከምዘይ ምልከተና፡ ኣይትዛረቡ ጸሎትኩም ጥራይ ግበሩ ክብሉ ዝተራኣዩ። እቶም ክርስቲያናት “ንሕና ግና ሃገርና ኣብ ሰማያት’ያ” (ፍሊ 3፡ 20)፡ ብምባልና ምድራዊት ሃገር የብልናን ዘስምዕ እንተ ተረዲእዎም ተጋጊኹም ክብሎም ምፈተኹ። ምኽንያቱ ነዛ ምድራዊት ሃገርና ክንሕልዋን ክንሃንጻን መሎኮታዊ ሓላፍነት ኣሎና። እዚ ጥራይ’ውን ኣይኮነን ኣብዛ ንነብረላ ምድሪ ፍትሕን መሰልን ደቂ ሰባት ክንሕሉ፡ ኣንጻር ባርነት ክንቃለስ ኣምላኽ “ኣምባሳደራት ናይ ክርስቶስ” ገይሩ ኣቐሚጥና’ዩ።
ሃገርን ቤተ-ክርስቲያንን እንዳዓነወ፡ ስቕ ኢልና ክንዕዘብ ዘይሓለፍነታውያን “Irresponsible Leadership” እዩ ዘቚጽረና። እቶም ብሃገራዊ ይኹን መንፈሳዊ ዓቕሚ ዘለዎም ሰባት፡ ብሰንኪ ዓማጺ ስርዓት ሃገርና፡ ኣብ ማእሰርቲ ክበልዩን ብሞት ክፍለዩን፡ ዕለታዊ ተርእዮ ኮይኑ ኣሎ። ኣብዚ ቀረባ ማዓልታት፡ እቶም ኣቦ ቓልሲ ዝኾኑ፡ ሃይለ ወልደ ትንሳኤ (ዱሩዕ)፡ ካብዛ ዓለም ምሕላፎም፡ ውድቀት ናይ ሃገርና ዘርእይ፡ ዓቢ ምልክት’ዩ። ንኽንድዚ ዓመታት፡ ምስቲ ሕማቅ ኣታሓሕዛ፡ ኣብ ቤት-ማሰርቲ ምጽንሖም ኣምላኽ ገለ ክንገብር ብዙሕ ዕድል ዘሃበና ይመስል። እንተ ኾነ ግን ገለ ክንገብር ብዘይ ምኽኣልና፡ ጀጋኑና ብዘይ ፍረ በብሓደ ይኸዱ ኣለው።
ሕጂ’ውን እንተኾነ ውዲት እቶም ክልተ ዕውራት መራሕቲ፡ ንምዕራይ ዘይኮነስ፡ ሞት ቅዱስ እንጠንዩስ ይናፍቑ ከምዘለው ካብቲ ልቢ ዘለዎ ወዲ ተዋህዶ ዝተሰወረ ኣይኮነን። “ተስካር ዝለመደስ ሕሙም እንተ ራኣየ የምባሁቕ” ከምዝባሃል እቶም መንፈሳውነትን ርዝነትን ከምዘይብሎም ብዙሕ ግዜ ዝንገረሎም ኣባ ሉቃስ፡ ሞት ቅዱስ እንጠንዩስ ንምርኣይ ኣብ ከቢድ ናፍቆት ይርከቡ። እግዚኣብሔር ግን፡ ከምቲ ንነብይ ዳንኤል ኣብ ቤት-ማእሰርቲ ኣፍ ኣናብስ ዝዓጸወሉ፡ ሎሚ’ውን ኣፍ ጸላእቲ ቅዱስ እንጠንዮስ ብምዕጻው ህያው ምስክር ኮይኑ ኣሎ።
እቶም ብሓሶት ፓትርያሪክ ተባሂሎም ዝተሸሙ ኣባ ደስቆርዮስ፡ ኣብ መወዳእታ ናይ 2015፡ ብሞት ካብዛ ዓለም ምፍላዮም ይፈለጥ። እቶም ኣሳደድቲ ቅዱስ እንጠንዮስ ክሳዕ ሕጂ ፓትርያሪክ ክሸሙ ዘይምኽኣሎም፡ እቲ ከጋጥሞም ዝጸነሐ ከም ዝኸበዶም መግለጺ ዘድልዮ ኣይመስለንን። ከምቲ ዝደለይዎ ስለ ዘይረኸቡ፡ እቶም ክልተ ጸላእቲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ነዚ ብብፁእ ኣቡነ መቃርዮስ ዝእለ ዘሎ ኣህጉረ ስብከታት ብተደጋጋሚ ክውንጅልዎ ይስምዑ እዮም። እንተ ኾነ ግን እቲ ቓልሶም ምስቲ ህያው ኣምላኽ ምኻኑ ዝዘንግዑ ይመስሉ። እቶም ካብ ፓትርያሪክ እንጠንዮስ ብዕድመ ኣዝዮም ዝንእሱ ኣባ ዶስቆርዮስ፡ ኣፎምን ኢዶምን ከምኡ’ውን ኣእጋሮም፡ ተቀይዶም ከምዝመቱ ናይ ኩሉ ሰብ ትዕዝብቲ’ዩ። ነቶም ወዲ 91 ዓመት ናይ ዕድመ በዓል ጸጋ፡ ኣምላኽ ከመይ ገይሩ ከም ዝሐለዎምን፡ ኣብ ቅድሚ ጸላእቶምን ዓለምን ሞጎስ ከም ዝሃቦም፡ እቶም ትማሊ ዝነቅፍዎም ዝነበሩ፡ ስእሎም ክሕዙን ክሰቅሉን ምርኣዮም፡ ኣደናቂ ምስክር ኮይኑ ኣሎ።
እምበኣር ቤተ-ክርስቲያና ካብዞም ክልተ ጸላእታ ክትጋላገል እንተዘይ ክኢላ፡ ከምቲ ብምስላ ዝባሃል “ኣብ ጥቃ እሾኽ ዓጋም ዝተጸገዐት ቆልቋልሲ፡ እንዳ ነበዐት ትነብር” ከም ዝተባሃለ ማእሰርትን ሞትን ስደት ኣብ ሃገርና ብቐሊሉ ደው ዝብል ኣይኮነን። ነዚ ስለ ዝተረድኡ እዮም ብፁእ ኣቡነ መቃርዮስ፡ ስለ ህዝብናን ቤተ-ክርስቲያናን ብተዳጋጋሚ ኣውያቶም ዘስምዑ ዘለው። ነቲ በዓማጺ ስርዓት ዝመጾም ዘሎ ተቓውሞን፡ በቶም ዝባዕዘዙ ኣገልገልቲ ባሃልትን ዝመጾም ዘሎ ዘለፋን ውርደትን ከይራኣዩ፡ ኣብዚ ዘለውዎ ዕድመ ምዕርይቲ ሃገርን ቤተ-ክርስቲያንን ንምርኣይ ኣብ ጸሎትን ስራሕን ተጸሚዶም ዝርከቡ ዘለው። ኣብ መጀመርያ ናይዚ ዓመት ናይ 2018፡ ናብ ዓባይ ብርጣንያ ሃዋርያዊ ዑደት ኣብ ዝገበርሉ፡ ንፓርላማ ዓባይ ብርጣንያ፡ ነቶም ኣብ እስራኤል ዘለው ስደተኛታት ህጹጽ ረዲኤት ክገብሩ ለቦኦም ከም ዘማሕላለፉ’ውን ይፍለጥ።
ኣብ መወዳእታ ክብሎ ዝደሊ፡ ኣብ ጉዳይ ሃገር ኣበርክቶ ህዝቢ ዓቢ ስለ ዝኾነ፡ ብዝተኻኣለ መጠን ነቶም ክልተ ጸረ ቤት-ጸሎትን ሃገርን ኣብ ዝኾነ እምነት ይሃልው። ክንምክቶም ናይ ኩላትና ሓላፍነት ምኻኑ ከዛኻኽር ይፈቱ። ኣብ ጉዳይ ሃገርና መሰረታዊ ፍታሕ ንምርካብ፡ ኣብ እምነትን ፖለቲካን ንቅሓትና ከነበርኽ እቲ እዋን ይግድደና ኣሎ። እምበኣር ብሞት ጅግና ኣቦ ቓልሲ ዝኾኑ፡ ሃይለ ወልደ ትንሳኤ (ዱሩዕ) ሓዘነይ እንዳገለጽኩ፡ ንመላእ ስድራቤትን ሃገርን ጽንዓት ይሃብ ይብል።
ኣምላኽ ንቤተ-ክርስቲያናን ሃገርናን ሰላሙ ይሃብ።
ወስብሓት ለእግዚኣብሔር
Revd Yohannes Ghebrehiwet
Medhani-Alem Eritrean orthodox
church, Manchester UK.
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Tesfit February 25, 2018
ኣንታ ሰብኣይ! እንድሕር ሃይማኖተኛ ኬንካ እንታይ ኣምጽኦ ሃተፍተፍ ናይ ፓሎቲካ። ጥዕና ዘለዎ ናይ ሃይማኖት መራሒ ሃይማኖት ምስ ፓሎቲካ ኣይሕውስን እዮ። በጃኻ ተሰተር ፣ ከምኡ ውን ሓንጎልካ ተፈተሽ።
Gezae February 25, 2018
FAT ASS SO CALLED PRIEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
k.tewolde February 26, 2018
Hgdef’s syndicated political analyst,this is all you can come up with.It is a shame.
Gezae February 26, 2018
If there is anything that will spark a spontaneous debate, it is the discussion involving politics even among believers of the same religion. As a follower of Christ Orthodox, the politics, I contend, is really about the authority I recognize, the citizenship I claim, and the values I hold to as I pursue a vision of the common good with. However, if a matter is political that there is disagreement on it. If a church involves itself in public policy questions, presumably that means that it is taking sides on public policy questions, which means that it is behaving in a divisive way, no matter what sort of language it uses, and will alienate people who disagree with its position.
In a democracy, all ideas and beliefs must be open to discussion. Individuals have rights; because secularism simply provides a framework for a democratic society. But a church should not align too closely with a political party. But if a church does take positions on public policy questions, and wishes to be effective, and if one candidate aligns much more closely with the church’s view on those questions, it seems that would inevitably mean giving de facto support to one party/group over another.
Secularism is a device that seeks to protect religion from the corruption of politics and politics from becoming usurped by religion. Thus the separation of religion and state is the foundation of secularism. It ensures religious groups don’t interfere in affairs of state, and the state doesn’t interfere in religious affairs. This is my believe. The reason as long as religion plays a role in the identities of people, it will play a role in politics.
Hence, if religious groups pursue power to impose laws, to force ideology as knowledge and discriminate against those who are unlike them, the religion is evil. If religion motivates believers to seek for their fellow being all the goods they seek for themselves then it can be a force for good and forgiveness instead revenge. I alert readers that as I told above I am secular Orthodax church believer by my father as well as my mother and I am not interested in reproducing glamorized communist system as laws. But interested in harnessing the devotion of believers in the public sphere in pursuit of good .
Let me clearly, when I was in the elementary school in the end of 50th most of my teachers were priests [ to name some of them Aboy Keshi Gebrezgabiher, Keshi Tekeste both are from ArbaEta Asmera and members of Enda Mariam church in Asmera] and I had great respect for them. So again I believe a religion has no new duties to perform, but it is urgently called upon to function as a wise guide and experienced counselor in all of these new and rapidly changing human situations.
I will come on the Hgdef’s syndicated political analyst Cont………………
Gezae February 26, 2018
Brother, let me touch briefly on a subject that is still with or arround us. As we see society is becoming more mechanical, more compact, more complex, and more critically interdependent. Thus without compromise I think you/I consider religion must function to prevent these new and intimate interassociations from becoming mutually retrogressive or even destructive. Religion must act as the cosmic salt which prevents the ferments of progression from destroying the cultural savor of people’s civilization. These new social relations and economic upheavals can result in lasting brotherhood only by the ministry of religion.
Henceforth, as a secular I believe religionists must function in society and in politics as individuals, not as groups, parties, or institutions. A religious group which presumes to function as such, apart from religious activities, immediately becomes a political party, an economic organization, or a social institution. Religious collectivism must confine its efforts to the furtherance of religious causes. Religionists are of no more value in the tasks of social reconstruction than nonreligionists except in so far as their religion has conferred upon them enhanced cosmic foresight and endowed them with that superior social wisdom which is born of the sincere desire to love God supremely and to love every man as a brother in the heavenly kingdom. An ideal social order is that in which every man loves his neighbor as he loves himself.
There is no doubt, the Eritrean government has a lot problems and mstakes. I understand the thorny problems arise in particular areas, such as the involvement and trying to steer between avoiding an establishment of religion and permitting its free exercise. Thus I believe the state has no role or authority in defining beliefs. The free exercise of religion is to be guaranteed; because the state should be neutral between particular religions and permits citizens to believe according to the dictates of their conscience.
I believe that also individuals/groups should neither be accorded privilege nor disadvantaged because of their religion. They all need share hospitals, schools, the police and the services of local authorities. It is essential that these public services are secular at the point of use, so no-one is disadvantaged or denied access on grounds of religious belief. All state-funded schools should be non-religious in character, with children being educated together regardless of their parents’ religion. When a public body grants a contract for the provision of services to an organization affiliated to a particular religion or belief, such services must be delivered neutrally, with no attempt to promote the ideas of that faith group.
Always keep in mind: Brother, I am Secularist simply accredited a democratic framework for a society. Let us be realists about the matter. Democracy is sometimes an untidy, messy, matter. The people can do what they want restrained only by the mandates. But it is better when acting politically in the public arena for believers to translate religiously-based beliefs into the traditions, language, and values of the secular order. The range of problems arises when religious belief and practice conflict with secular law.
True religion is to know God as your Father and man as your brother. Religion is not a slavish belief in threats of punishment or magical promises of future mystical rewards. In many conflicts, however, religion has been a positive force for peace and for state building. So in conclusion, I am not wonder about this so called priest’s with big cross or budge; even Snoop dog has that size of cross.
k.tewolde February 27, 2018
My friend Gezae so is the motto of HGDEF’s medium,”serving the truth”.However you slice it or dice it your commentary archives reveals your true essence.The eloquent MSMBC reporter Rachel Maddow wraps it up factually,”DON’T PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY SAY,FOCUS IN WHAT THEY DO.”
Tesfit February 27, 2018
Well done Gezae! You presented your position in a manner of very insightful and educational. Thank you brother.
Anghish February 25, 2018
ተስፊት ከኣ ትበሃል ደንቆሮ ተስፋ ዘይብልካ ጥፋእ ! ንካህናት ትደፍር ወይጦ ኲርኩር ወዲ መድህን በራድ ኢኻ።ደሓን መሬት ምስ ወግሐ ክንራኸብ ኢና መዓልትኻ ተጸበ።
Tesfit February 27, 2018
እንታይ ትበል ወደይ፤ ምስወግሔ ክንራኸብ ኢልካ። ትወሓሰና እባትኸውን ። ሓላማይ!!
Tesfit February 25, 2018
እስኻ ብሓጥያት ዝተጣለቕካ ቐሺ፣ ካብ ኣይሲስ ወይ ታላባን እንታይ ይፈልየካ። ፓለቲካን ሓጥያት መንግስቲን ንዓለም እዩ ዝግደፍ። እንድሕር ኣብ ፓሎቲካ ክትዋሳእ እንተ ደሊኻ ድማ ቕሽነትካ ኣፍሪስካ ኢኻ ምስ ጸላእትኻ ትጠማጠም።
AHMED SALEH !!! February 26, 2018
You said enough to offend MOSLEMS and now you jumped to irritate Tewahdo
church followers by your stupid remarks against a priest .
I wasn’t wrong to warn readers that we are dealing with unknown intruders .
Simon G. February 26, 2018
Brother Ahmed,
HGDF is a community of stupid people, from too to bottom. What do you expect?
Tesfit February 27, 2018
እዞም ሕግደፍሲ ስቱፒ ካብምባል ግጉያት ክእረም ዝግብኦም እንተበልካዮም ኣምሓሸን። ካብቲ በሊሕ ኣእምሮኻ ፈይ ተበልካሎም ኣይምሓሸን። ምኽሪ ካብ ምልጋስ ድሕር ኣይትበል ከይንኸስሮም። ምኽንያቱ ድማ ቑጽሮም ውሑድ ኣኮነን። ኣብልቦም እንመለስካዮም እዩ እቲ መኽሰብ።
Gezae February 26, 2018
I sorry I did not respond you your point of view. Brother if you do not have any more to add, thank you for praised me as stupid. Any waydo you now that the twenty first century began with two major religious crises that have horrified the world the sexual extremism and the violent extremism of Islamic groups. But I know many Christians attend church every Sunday, and many Jews go to synagogue every Saturday. Lots of Muslims, Hindus, and Jews keep their dietary laws. However not all of them do it out of love for their Lord. Sometimes their actions have very practical reasons. For some they provide a sense of identity, for others, attending services looks good; it paints a picture of respectability; they keep up appearances to obtain credibility and standing in the community. For me none of these reasons indicate that the individual is in fact spiritually oriented. They might simultaneously, in practice, be ruthless businessman, corrupt politicians, members of organized crime groups, thieves or adulterers.
Tesfit February 27, 2018
AHMED SALEH! ኣይስስን ታላባንን ብዓይኒ እቲ ናይብሓቒ ምስልምና ኣስላም ኣይኮነን። ፓሎቲካ ዝዛረብ ካህን ድማ ኣይ ክስታናይን። ፈቲኻ ጽላእ።
k.tewolde February 26, 2018
I am not going to call you names even though I have plenty for you.FYI,some of the most prominent political activists in recent world political history were religious leaders.Read,learn,widen your horizon instead of watching Eri Tv 24/7.
Gezae February 27, 2018
Did you ever see a film called, “The Last Exorcism” its main principal named Reverend Cotton Marcus. Do you think how many priest, pastors, religious figures might be like Cotton Marcus? Do you think that all priests and preachers believe in what they say? I realize that all preachers and religious figures are human, I realize that at any given moment they could mark mistake, I also believe that there are those that do not really believe in what they preach or study. The Bible says all have sin. There is only one exception and that is Jesus the Christ.
So in the case of clergy, there are many honest and vocationally driven God-fearing men and women but there also some in my opinion and experience who weren’t serving their dioceses very well and only serving their own selfish agendas. These men are doom for destruction and they put themselves into the enemies hand.
k.tewolde February 28, 2018
You preaching to the wrong choir,this post should be delivered in hgdef’s house which recruits ,trains and dispatches priests and diocese wielding wooden cross dividing the Eritrean society in half the sinners(opposition) and the saints(hgdefites) and finish their prayers with “awet nihafash!”.Yes my friend,J.C. left that nation a while back.promising he will come back to take those who belong to him and leave the rest to worship the Lucifer.
Sol February 26, 2018
ኣቱም ኣሕዋት ተኽላይ ንኣጀንዳ ኤሰያስ ኣፍጸይቂ ኽዕውት ወላ ንፈጣሪ ኣይምሕርን እዩ።
Hg February 27, 2018
Do you know that the Orthodox church it self is persecuting true Christians under the pretext of “pente”.
TA February 28, 2018
Good Point.
Mohamed February 28, 2018
May Allah/God give health and extend the life of His Holiness Abune Anthonious to see the end of this criminal junta in our country.