እቲ ምቕያር ናቕፋ ብዝብል ምኽንያት ገንዘብ ህዝቢ ዝገበተ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ንተጠቃሚ መተካእታ ሓድሽ ናቕፋ ብዘይምሃቡ ህዝቢ መነባብሮ መሪሩዎ ሸገርገር ይብል ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።
እቲ ምቕያር ናቕፋ ብዝብል ምኽንያት ገንዘብ ህዝቢ ዝገበተ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ብዘይካ ‘ቲ ብሓላፍ ዘላፍ ኣብ ገለ ከባቢታት ዝዘርግሖ 10 ሽሕ፣ ንተጠቃሚ መተካእታ ሓድሽ ናቕፋ ብዘይምሃቡ ህዝቢ መነባብሮ መሪሩዎ ሸገርገር ኢሉ ኣብ ቅልውላው ከምዝርከብ ምንጭታት

እቲ ምቕያር ናቕፋ ብዝብል ምኽንያት ገንዘብ ህዝቢ ዝገበተ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ብዘይካ ‘ቲ ብሓላፍ ዘላፍ ኣብ ገለ ከባቢታት ዝዘርግሖ 10 ሽሕ፣ ንተጠቃሚ መተካእታ ሓድሽ ናቕፋ ብዘይምሃቡ ህዝቢ መነባብሮ መሪሩዎ ሸገርገር ኢሉ ኣብ ቅልውላው ከምዝርከብ ምንጭታት ካብ ኤርትራ ሓቢሮም።
እቲ ዓማጺ ስርዓት ሓደ ሚልዮን ይኹን ብዓል 20 ሽሕ ንዘረከበ፣ ብመንገዲ ገለ ምምሕዳራት 10 ሽሕ ናቕፋ ኳ እንተዓደለ፣ እዚ ዝጠቅም ኣብ ርእሲ ዘይምዃኑ ነዚ ‘ውን ዘይረኸበ ብዙሕ ሰብ ዝበልዖን ዝሰትዮን ስኢኑ ኣብቲ ዝኸፍአ ኩነታት ወዲቑ ዓቕሉ ጸቢቡዎ ኣሎ።
ብመሰረት እቲ ሓበሬታ፣ ብመንገዲ ባንክታት ግብርን ዕዳን መንግስቲ ክትከፍል እንተዘይኮይኑ፣ ንኻልእ ሰብ ዋላ ብቸክ ምኽፋል ኣይከኣልን። ባንክ ይኹን ምምሕዳራት ነቲ ተጨኒቑ ዘሎ ህዝቢ ንህዝቢ ዝህቡዎ መልሲ «ኣይፈለጥናን» ዝብል እዩ።
ብሰንኪ እዚ ኩነታት ‘ዚ፣ ናይ ጥዕና ጸገም ዝለዎም ኤርትራውያን ብሰንኪ ስእነት ዘረከቡዎ ገንዘብ ብሕማም ክሳቐዩ ይረኣዩ። ኣብዚ እዋናት’ዚ ክካየድ ካብ ነዊሕ ተቖጺሩ ዝጸንሐ መርዓታት ተናዊሑ እዩ። ኣብዚ ህዝቢ ካብ ዘምጽአ ኣምጺኡ ሓንሳብ ኣብ ዓመት ደቁ ከሐጕስ ዝፍትነሉ ቅነ ልደትን ኣውድኣመትን ‘ኳ እቲ ስርዓት ህዝቢ ትንፋስ ከምዘይረክብ ምግባሩ፣ ሓልዮት መነባብሮ ህዝቢ ኮነ ባህልን ያታን ሕብረተሰብ ዘይብሉ ኣረሜናዊ ስርዓት ምዃኑ ዳግም ዘረጋግጽ እዩ።
aus 17 January 4, 2016
Isayas wants an empty belly, so that the people would never Think about other things than its own internal belly’s push and pull. I revealed long back the Nakfa was never meant to aliviate our peoples sufferings nor was intended to better the economy. My suggestion was boycot the system and forfeit its end, to nollify the few left value of Nakfa.
Now you lost your own Nakfa, and all of you are simply beggers and you will not sustain long, you are simply hostages of the system: solution, he gave you weapons to protect him, while he’s roaming and flirting in bars and baristas. Now can you protect yourself with that weapon he willingly gave it to you? Or you just wait from God, though he (GOD) gave you; ears, Eyes and mind. You are not born zombies!
semere 2 January 4, 2016
Brother aus17,
Your proposal was unpractical in a country like Eritrea. Do you think the regime of Isayas would care if people boycott the new Nakfa? Absolutely no. On the contrary, it would have created another worse opportunity to aggravate the suffering of the people.
It is easy to talk for us who are out of the country. But for our people inside things are completely different.
Wedibashai January 5, 2016
Brother Semere, so, you are also proposing that the people should be quiet for whatever happens to them. They were silent when they lost their children in all these crisis just because of this idiot regime, and now they have to be silent even when they are getting killed with hunger? I do not agree with your idea because whether they boycott or not, they are dying. I am not saying if it was me, I would do different because once I was there too, but it was not as bad as this and I thought that I made a damage to the regime by leaving but now I know it was not the right solution.
aus 17 January 5, 2016
Hello semere
To boycott by itself is not enough, but I encouraged the oppositions with the help of example Ethiopia/ Sudan give guarantee for the notes exchanged to fully reburse/ pay them: given the amount and the person identified. In that case the people are guaranteed to recieve their Money when the time comes, post the barbaric regime. This would lead the govt nollify its barbaric policy, and yet for the people is the same: losse their Money temporarily and gain them later. But now they will not even gain them later. I was a try for solution, yet in vain. Is it now better?
semere 2 January 5, 2016
Wedibashai and aus17
Brothers, may be you misunderstood my comment. Boycotting the currency and doing “something” to topple Isayas is different. All of us, those out and in, should do our best to end the brutal regime. But to ask people to boycott the currency at this moment is to exasperate more the situation of the “helpless”, especially elders and innocent children. To boycott the currency can be fine when other resistance movements are already ripe to unseat Isayas and his regime.
Mind you it is very difficult to uproot communist and Maoist regimes like that of Isayas. Who toppled Lenin, who toppled Mao, who toppled Fidel Castro?? All died rotten while in power.
Though I respect your opinion, I prefer to be realistic.
AHMED SALEH !!! January 6, 2016
I might encourage people to boycott if I prepared alternatives how to
bring bread in the table for their family dinner .
Let be a little realistic and reasonable people when we talk on people
who live in hardship at different part of the world far from where we reside . For too long we used our people in game of political field to
play selfish mind of arrogance . Same people have nothing better to give
but to put the blame for helpless victims . In fact true speaking ,
Issayas succeed to fail us because our people direct involvement and silence attributed to bring these tragic consequences .
Musa Ali January 6, 2016
That is the only solution. Use the gun he gave u to finish him. If u can not kill one man and choose crying with the gun in your hand, then you do not deserve respect. Do not even cry. Just admit that you you are filthy and let him defficate on your face every day b/s that is what you deserve.
Wedibarka January 5, 2016
Issias want to introduce the economic system of Cuba in the time of Fidel castro.he will control not only your money in the bank even the money in your pocket and all the house holds every eritrean have.
My brothers and sisters don’t wait any good thing from this mad man.even the hgdf zombies the game is finishe. you have to fight for changing this dirty mafia group of leader ship in our mother land.
Under a legitimate system we are equal.but under the colony of hgdf we are slaves and servants of issias and his group.
Berhe Tensea January 5, 2016
People get what they deserve. There is a limit for every thing. The regime has been turning peoples life unbearable for a very long time, with out getting opposed .
Iseyas thinks and believes Eritreans are slaves and have no self respect and are too coward to stand up for their basic right.
People who had abandoned thousands brave martyrs and political prisoners deserve cruel punishment from their self appointed leader
Call Asmara, and you will hear horror stories as the result of the currency change.t time some relatives are speaking up with out fear, for the first times,
People get what they deserve.They must abandon and give up the kurdid regime.
Merhawi January 5, 2016
Right isiyas is the smartest and high risk taker person Eritrea has ever made at this time than those who pass their time on dancing,conference, and than those cowards flee out of the country leaving their wives,children and families.how ever I don’t mean he is not dictatorship ,brutal,and killer.what I mean is he knows how can mantian his power.he is working day and night to trap for our idiots.even he is brutal ,he is also brave in holding his power. the problem is we people expect from him good thing while he tells us he is our enemy.so tell me who is the brave.is the person who is killer for the purpose of his power and know how to trap mass people or the people flee away from facing the problem die in every corner of the world for nothing .for me isays is the bravest person in Eritrea because I see only one person control and trickes for above 5 million people while we idiots waste time on dancing in concerts ,fighting each others and study his identity instead challenge him face to face to solve the problems.
Merhawi January 5, 2016
Another thing ,there is not needed to call dictatorship to isays because we idiots made him.at first we idiots said take the power ,no one is better than you ,rule us for years,you gave us the freedom,and we said you are gift from god to rule us.but after he oppressed us ,we blam him instead we blam our selves.we call him also dictatorship while dictators.there fore we are punishing by our hands.
matusala January 5, 2016
zteametse beawta keyedmetsen keyteqalesen, mzrabn fthi kmetsie mzsbayn atsegami u.
Simon G. January 5, 2016
His plan was and still is to suffocate the people until they either die or leave the country. This is not because they don’t know how to lead the country. They are doing it purposely. Well co-ordinated. They are trying to wipeout the nation and then they can hand it to Ethiopia. HGDF followers, you dumb as hard rock, wake up from your semi-comma sleep, before it is too late.
ኣርዓዶም January 6, 2016
እዚ ህዝቢ ክሳብ እንታይ ዝኸውን ይጽበ ኣሎ፡ እንታይ ይአርእይኡና ኣለዉ፡ በትሪ ኣብ ኢድካ`ሎ ! ዳርጋ ዘይዓጠቐ የለን፡ እዚ ኩሉ ሕሰብ ኣብ ስድራቤቶምን ኣብ ርእሶምን እንዳተፈጸመ፡ ከመይ ኢሎም ይቕጽሉ ኣለዉ! እንታይ ኢዩ እቲ ኩነታት ! ናይ ወጻኢ ተቓወምቲ ተኾኑ፡ ሓደ ኣብ ርእሲ ሓደ ክንካሰስ ካብ ንውዕል፡ ሎሚ ረዳኢ ስኢኑ ዘሎ ህዝቢ፡ ድምጽና ኣብ ማሕበረሰብ ንስማዓሉ፡
በቲ ድሌታት ምብራቕ ሃገራት ስዑዲ፡ በቲ ድማ ድሌታት ኢትዮጵያውያን፡ ኣመዛዚና፡ ንህላወና ብሓድነት ኣንተንጉዓዝ፡ ዝተመርጸን ዝሓሸን ኢዩ። ስዑዲ ዓረብ ዝመራሒተን፡ ንሃገርና ኤርትራ ኢስላማዊት ንምግባር፡ ብ ኡ ኣቢልካ ሃገር ንምጉባጥ፡ ምስ ኣመሪካ ንጥቕማ ትማኸረሉ ዘላ ጉዳይ ኢዩ። ልክዕ ኣመሪካ ንምስፍሕፋሕ ኢስላምያዊ ትድግፍ ድያ ኣይትድግፍን፡ ርጉጽ ኣይኮነን፡ የግዳስ፡ ድዓሽ ዝረኽቦ ኣጽዋራት፡ ካበይ ከም ዝነቅል፡ ቑሩብ እዋን ተዘሪብሉ ነይሩ፡ ህያባት ኣመሪካ ምዅኑ ንማለት ኢዩ።
በቲ ሓደ ወገን ድማ፡ ኢትዮፕያ፡ ንህላወና ትፈታተን ዘላ ህገር፡ እዚ ድማ፡ ኤርትራ ስም እምበር ሃገር ኣይኮነትን፡ ኢላ ስለ ት ኣምን፡ እቲ ህዝቢ ተዳኪሙን ተበታቲኑን፡ ንመጻኢ ኢትዮፕያዊት ኤርትራ ንምግባር ትሰርሕ ዘላ ሃገር ኢያ። ስርዓት ህግደፍ ድማ ነዘን ክልተ ኢዩ ዝሰርሓለን ዘሎ። እንሆ ህዝቢ ብስእነት ተጨኒቑ፡ ሃጽ ኢሉ ናብ ሱዳንን ኢትዮጵያን ይኸይድ፡ እንሆ ሃገር ጥራሓ ትከውን፡ ደቐባታ ተበታቲኖም፡ ጎኖት ክዕንድሩላ ጀሚሮም። ስለዚ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ትልሙን ጥሙሕ ድሌቱን፡ ኤርትራ ኣዳኺምካ፡ ኣብ ኢድ ኢትዮጵያውያንን ኢስላማዊ ሽበራን ምሽማም ኢዩ። ስርዓት ህግደፍ ንወያነ ይፈትዎ ኢዩ ዝብል ግምት የብለን፡ ምክንያቱ ወያነ ትሃልዩ፡ ኤርትራ ክትህሉ ንቡር ኢዩ፡ ስለዝኮነ ንወያነ ኣልጊስካ ዝግበር ቃልሲ ኢዩ። ልክዕ ዋላ ወያነ፡ ነቲ ምጽንባር ዝብህል ህዝቦም ዝድግፍ ይበዝሕ፡ ይኹን ግን ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያን ኤርትራን ንጉስ ኮይኑ ንክወጽእ ዝገብሮ ዘሎ ዕግርግር ኢዩ። ብሓጺሩ ንሕና ከም ህዝቢ ክንህሉ ተኾይኑ፡ ሓድነትና ክተርር፡ ነቶም ልኡኻት ህግደፍ ኣብ ተቓውሞ ተሰዅዖም ዝርከቡ ኣለለና ክንውግዶም ድማ። ፡ ሓላፍነትና ኢዩ
Simon G. January 6, 2016
Take a look what is posted at mekerem mergem about petition. I am not sure what is wrong with this old man with a child brain.