ኤርትራ ዘይወለደቶም ኤርትራውያን
ኣብዚ ዘለናዮ መዋእል፡ ንግዲ ደቂ ሰባት ሓደ ካብ ዝዓበየ ምንጪ እቶት ኮይኑ’ሎ። ሰባት ስለምንታይ ቀዋሚ ናብሮኦምን ዓዶምን ገዲፎም ይስደዱ፡ መንገዲ ጥፍኣት ይመርጹን መፍቶ ሕልና ዘይብሎም ነጋዶ ሰባት ይኾኑ ኣለዉን ባዕሎም’ኳ ዝምልስዎ እንተኾኑ፡ እቲ ቀንዲ ጠንቂ፡
ኣብዚ ዘለናዮ መዋእል፡ ንግዲ ደቂ ሰባት ሓደ ካብ ዝዓበየ ምንጪ እቶት ኮይኑ’ሎ። ሰባት ስለምንታይ ቀዋሚ ናብሮኦምን ዓዶምን ገዲፎም ይስደዱ፡ መንገዲ ጥፍኣት ይመርጹን መፍቶ ሕልና ዘይብሎም ነጋዶ ሰባት ይኾኑ ኣለዉን ባዕሎም’ኳ ዝምልስዎ እንተኾኑ፡ እቲ ቀንዲ ጠንቂ፡ ድኽነት፡ ካብ ኩናት፡ ጭቆናን ሞትን ውልቀ መለኽቲ ንምንጋፍን ሰላም ንምርካብን’ዩ ። ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ሰሙን፡ ሓደ ዘመድ፡ ኩነታት ደሃይ ስድራቤቱ ምስሓተትኩዎ፡ ካብ ስቃይ ህግደፍ ንምድሓን ካብ ኤርትራ ኣምሊጦም ኣብ ዝተፈላለያ ሃገራት ኣፍሪቃን ካልኦት ክፍለ ዓለማትን ፋሕ ጭንግራሕ ኢሎም ዘለዉ ቤተሰቡ ብምዝርዛር፡ “ይኽደነና እቶም ሓደ እግሮም ኣብ ጉድጓድ ኣትዩ ዘሎ ወለድና ገንዘብ ሓውሉልና ከይብሉና” ኢሉ ተዋዘየኒ። እቶም ዝፈትውዋ ሃገሮም ገዲፎም ብመሬትን ባሕርን ኣቢሎም ናብ ስደት ዘምርሑን ኣብ ኩሉ ከይበጽሑ ህይወቶም ዝስእኑን ኣብ ዝረገጽዎ ቦታ ንመዘና ኣልቦ ሓሳረ መከራ ዝቃልዑ ዘለዉ ኣሽሓት ኤርትራውያን ድማ፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ይፈጥሮ ብዘሎ ግዕዙይ ምምሕዳርን ጭካነን’ዩ። እዛ ሎሚ መሳርሒ ውልቀ መላኺ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኮይና ዘላ ድምጺ ሓፋሽ፡ ቅድሚ ናጽነት ኤርትራ፡ መግዛእቲ ኢትዮጵያ ብህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክሳብ ክንደይ ተፈንፊኑ ከምዝነበረ ንምሕባር፡ ‘’ብሎኮታት ኣስመራ ንሓንቲ መዓልቲ ካብ ሓለዋ ወተሃደራት ናጻ እንተዝኸውን ተቀማጦ’ታ ከተማ ተጓሕጉሖም ምወጹ’’ ኢላ ተዛሪባ። ብርግጽ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ’ውን፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ንሓንቲ መዓልቲ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ናጻ ናይ ምንቅስቃስ ዕድል እንተዝህቦን ዶባት ኤርትራ እንተዝኸፍቶን፡ ጉዕዞ ብእግሪ ኣያ ዕቁባይ ምኾነ። ብዛዕባ ኣበራት ህግደፍን ንኤርትራውያን ግዳያት ስደት ኣብ ጉዕዞኦም ዘጋጥሞም ዘሎ ጸገማትን ብዙሕ’ዩ ተዘርዚሩ። ገለ ኣስሓኮ ዘይብሎም ኤርትራውያን፡ ምስ ህግደፍ ተሻሪኾም ካልኦት ድማ ምስ ወጻእተኛታት ነጋዶ ሰብ ተኣሳሲሮም፡ ካብ ኤርትራ ናብ ሃገራት ኣፍሪቃ ብኡ ኣቢልካ ድማ ናብ ሃገራት ኤውሮጳ ንምእታው ህይወት ንጹሃት ኤርትራውያን ዝውሕጥን ዘሳቅን ጉዕዞ ጥፍኣት ንምክያድ፡ ካብ ስድራቤትን ፈትውትን ኣሽሓት ገንዘብ ምእካብ’ዩ። ደርሆ’ስ ብ’ምዑት ደቃ ትጻወት ከምዝብሃል፡ ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ኩሉ ዘይሕጋዊ መስርሕ ምስግጋር ሰባትን ገበናትን ቀንዲ ተዋሳእቲ ምዃኖም ድማ ኣዝዩ ዘሕዝን’ዩ። ኣብ ሱዳን፡ ምድረበዳ ሳህራን ማእከላይ ባሕርን፡ ብገንዝብ ዝዓወሩን ድንጋጸ ሰብ ዘይብሎምን ኤርትራውያንን፡ ወጠንትን ተግበርትን ሞትን ስቃይን ብምዃን፡ ምስቶም ኣብ ምድረበዳ ሳህራን ሲናይን ብልሙድ በደው ተባሂሎም ዝስመዩ፡ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ ንምስጋር ድማ በቶም ኣብ ሊብያ መንግስቲ ኣልቦ ዘፍረዮምን ዜጋታት ካልኦት ሃገራት ነጋዶ ሰብን፡ ንደቂ ሃገሮም ናብ መንገዲ ጥፍኣትን ውርደትን የዋፍርዎም ኣለዉ።
እቲ ድራማ ጥፍኣት ግን ኣብ ምድረበዳ ሳህራን ማእከላይ ባሕርን ዘብቅዕ ኣይኮነን። ምኽንያቱ እቶም ስድራቤቶም ተቀሊቶም ተዓድዮምን ናይ እግሮምን ኢዶምን ሸይጦም ዕረ እናጠዓሞም ብዝለኣኽዎ ብዕድል ካብ ሞትን ማእሰርትን ኣምሊጦም ኣብ ሲሲሊ ኢጣልያ እግሮም ዝረገጹ ኤርትራውያን፡ ስቃዮምን ዕዳኦምን ዝውዳእ ኣይኮነን። ኣብ ናይ ዓሳን ብቅዓት ዘይብለንን ጀላቡ ከም ዕንጨይትን እስቃጥላን ተጸፍጺፎም ዝተጓዕዙ ኤርትራውያን፡ ኣብ ኢጣልያ ምስኣተዉ ናበይ ከምዘብሉ፡ ቋንቋን ቦታን ስለዝይፈልጡ፡ ገንዘብን ሕጋዊ ወረቀትን ስለዘይብሎም፡ ኣብ ኢድ ኣባላት ጸጥታ ከይኣትዉ፡ ኣሰር ኣጻብዕቲ ከይገብሩን ኣብ መዓስከር ስደተኛታት ንነዊሕ ከይቅመጡን ብምስጋእ፡ ኣብ ኢጣልያ ሕጋዊ መሰጋገሪ ቅጥዕታት ከየማልኡ ናብ ዝሓሸ ቦታን ሃገርን ክኸዱ ኣለዎም። ገለ ገለ ደም ዘይብሎም ኤርትራዉያን ድማ ነዚ ኩነታት’ዚ ተበሊጾም፡ ንመጎዓዝያ ኣውትቶቡስ ወይ ባቡር ዝኸውን ትኬት ንምግዛእ፡ ካብ ጽጉማትን ዓቅሎም ዝጸበቦምን ኤርትራውያን፡ ዘይዋግኡ ገንዘብ ብምክፋል ገንዘብ ይግሕጡ ኣለዉ። ኩልና ከምንፈልጦ፡ ኤርትራውያን ኣሽምባይ ንወዲ ዓድናን ሃገርናን፡ ንተራ ጓና’ውን ተቀበልቲ ጋሻ፡ ኣዕንገልቲ መግብን ማይን ተደናገጽትን እምበር ንነብሰይ ጥራይ ይጥዓመኒ ዝብል ባህልን ልምድን ኣይናትናን’ዩ። ጸገም ሓላፋይ’ዩ። ሓደ መዓልቲ ድማ፡ እቶም ንጽጉማት ኤርትራውያን ብሞራል ዘጸናንዑን ብገንዘብን ንዋትን ኣጆኹም ኢሎም ኣውዳዎም ዝዘርግሑን ዝምስገኑሉን እቶም ዘመድ ከብዶም፡ ብህይወት ሰብ ዝጣልዑን ገንዘብን ዝዘምቱን ዘለዉ ኤርትራ ዘይወለደቶም ዘይኤርትራውያን ድማ ኣብ ፍርዲ ቀሪቦም ገበናቶም ዝነዛዝሉን ካባ ሕፍረት ዝኽደኑሉን እዋን ክህሉ’ዩ። እተን ብደምን ስቃይን ኤርትራውያን ዝተጠርያ፡ ብገለ ተዋዘይቲ ተቀማጦ ኣስመራ፡ “ኩሊት ወይ ሲናይ” ተባሂለን ዝጽውዓ መካይንን ዝተጠርየ ንግድን ኣባይትን ከኣ፡ ብመርገምን ሃየንታን ናይይቶም ኣብ ጉዕዞ ስደት ህይወቶም ዝሰኣኑን ዝተሳቀዩን ኤርትራውያን፡ ቋሕ ኢሎም ኣይክጥምትዎን ኢዮም።
ጽላል፡ ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ (30 ነሓሰ 2015)
Hakim August 31, 2015
Well said it is very sad situatio but what is the solution? you can not ask them not to leave Eritrea and fight the government for you while you are sitting comfortable with your family in USA. The human traffickers will always benefit from this situation they are taking advantage of it.Human traffickers are getting paid in Asmara and other cities of Eritrea, Shabiya knows exactly what everybody is doing so how can this happen in Eritrea maybe Sabiya is doing it or their security system is totally collapse. I hope one day we will get peace
Fithi August 31, 2015
The solution is ONLY to fight back tooth and nail until the dictatorial brutal regime is relegated to the backwater of history and its entirely rest on THE SHOULDERS OF OUR YOUTH.
Albert Einstein once said “the world we are living in is a revolution and the youth should take charge to lead”
Unfortunately,ours prefer to be abused, tortured, incarcerated, enslaved, raped in the desert and drown in the deep sea. Our coward youth die 120times when death is only once. What a disgrace.
k.tewolde September 1, 2015
I was only fourteen and half years old when I left my warm and loving home in Asmara, one of the youngest and brightest kids in HIM Haile Selasie secondary school, my Mother followed me all the way to WEKI ZAGER to bring me back home disregarding the risk she was taking.She begged , cried ,and coaxed.I was defiant.I have made my decision to give my young life to the people and the country that I love.She gazed into my little soul intently for a minute that seemed eternity, reached over and engulfed me with her warm embrace and gave me her blessing.That fighting generation is irretrievably gone.I understand your disgust Fithi. My Mom used to say, ‘MOT KIDAN IYU’, IT IS HOW YOU DIE THAT MATTERS.
Abrehet September 1, 2015
The Eritrean opposition should free itself from its past in order to have relevance in this modern world.
They (the so-called former tegadelti) should all get out of their Ghedli shell, and learn to think outside the box.
If however they have cemented their feet in the past and can’t move forward, then only talking of the present and the future will not give them any relevance.
The problem with continuous romanticizing Ghedli is that you fail to see the pervasive nature of it. And as long as the ghedli generation control both the mafia government and the opportunist opposition, the temptation to have obedient population that doesn’t question sacrifices is always there.
Wedizemo baalgrma September 6, 2015
You are right; the so called opposition have become the mainstay of him who is turning the country upside down.
However, still worse, counseled by woyane, they are actively recreating the past, the era of Christian- Muslim dichotomy.
The path forward is to renounce these renegades and swarm around Eritrea for Eritreans by Eritreans.
Abrehet August 31, 2015
The strongest magic of revolution and its darkest secret is that you will never
find out that you have been duped until you are actually duped. Would you have listened to anyone
who would tell you that you would be worse off after Eritrea’s split from Ethiopia during the Eritrean
revolution between 1961 to 1991?
The poor and unfortunate Eritrean refugees who have been suffering so much humaliation, abuses and shames would answer the above question with definitely NO and NEVER.
Fithi August 31, 2015
Well said Abrehet. I couldn’t agree more.
AHMED SALEH September 1, 2015
To be victim of back stabbing hurts deep to the bone particularly for those who sactificed their life
time for Eritrean cause . Many extegadelti live with broken heart to see this nonsense events of
our people . In fact , this leadership first went after every opponents before reaching against
general public .
k.tewolde September 2, 2015
Fithi where do you stand?, my statement was backing you up.As of Abrehet, there is nothing to romanticize about ghedli, as matter of fact, it is a recollection of blood and gore, dismemberment, and the stench of death in black and white in the minds of those who lived it.The purpose of the post is, to show the difference between a volunteer fighter and forced conscript. Believe me, there is no romance when your face gets splattered with your comrade’s brain matter leaving you shell shocked.
AHMED SALEH !!!. August 31, 2015
” Kulit dekna ” is the sad reaction of people’s injured heart . In
near future all who took advantages at our bad times , I hope to
see a day of judgement under rule of law for the pain they inflicted
to many families . There is no excuse to engage on life and death
situation illegal business for profit because they share responsibility
at the outcome of their involvements . It may look financial success but
the lives lost will hunt them down one by one . Nobody can hide from
truth for his whole life .
semere 2 August 31, 2015
Extremely heartless cruelty.
It is true that the human being is the worst animal.
Senu September 1, 2015
With the type of PFDJ as humans then animals should be called humans and the Higdefs as extreme animals.
Temesgen.Z August 31, 2015
Sister Abrehet well said indeed. The simple answer to your question would be if only we knew then what we know now about Ghedli’s so called revolution or “liberation of Eritrea”!!!!!!
In 1993, I (as new comer to America) attended a meeting when DIA was visiting the US. This is back in the days when DIA had “fattened his neck” (you know the expression), and anybody could line up and ask any question.
An Eritrean asked this question (paraphrased, not an exact quote): “after all the atrocities committed by the Derg, what are we Eritreans going to do to seek justice from those who victimized us? Will we ask for reparations? The answer was that we should look to the future, not the past, and as for those who have done us wrong, “mergemna Tray y’aklom” (our curses are enough.)
Typical Isaias line but… here’s the part where we have to assume responsibility… it was (his speech) was accepted with thunderous applause and laughter by the attendants.
Now, our poor and mistreated young generation with no future and hope, would they only say “mergemna Tray y’akhilom” to the PFDJ beasts that are worse than the Dergs????
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 1, 2015
At that meeting the thing which demoralized me
was the thunderous applause with laughter of
audience when Issayas answered to a question
about Eritreans unity by saying ;
” forget those HATELA-GHILET ” .
Speaking the truth , people made Issayas to behave
the way he does . What do you expect from spoiled
grown up individual ? Do not forget , Eritreans in
diaspora were his strong supporters to despise our
people inside the country . Like one guy said after
Badme war , WEYANE then HGDF then ERITREANS IN
DIASPORA share blood in their hands . When he said
that , surprisingly it blow my mind . In fact , I
felt the frustration at his young age . If you try
to pay attention on the whole scenario , it is very
complicated to comprehend and sad reality better take
it easy before we loose self control .
tesfa890 September 3, 2015
thank u
Kabbire September 3, 2015
ዝኸበርኪ ኣብረሀት፤
ከምዚ ከማኺ ለባማት መስተውዓልቲ፣ ንርሑቕ ኣማዕደውቲ፣ እዛ ማርያም ኣስመረይቲ፣ ኣብዝሕ ኣቢላ እንተትልግሰልናስ ካብ ሕማም ናይ ሰውራ ምተፈወስና ኔርና። ተባረኺ፣ ጽኑዕ ርገጺ።