ኤርትራዊ ናይ ሕጊ ምሁር ዶክተር በረኸት ሃበተስላሰ፡ ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ስለ ለውጢ ዘርእዩዎ ዘለዉ ውዕዉዕ ምንቅስቓስ ብዝለዓለ ደረጃ ክቕጽሉዎ ተላብዮም።
ኣቦ ወንበር ኮምሽን ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ኤርትራ ነበር፡ ካኢላን መምህርን ሕጊ ዶክተር በረኸት ሃብተስላሰ፡ ብሰፊሕ ተሳታፍነት መንእሰያት ኣብ ሃገርና ኤርትራ እቲ ህዝቢ ሃንቀው ዝብሎ ዘሎ ዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ኣብ ዝሓጸረ ግዜ ክመጽእ ከምዝኽእል እምነት ከምዘለዎም ብምምልካት፡ ኤርትራውያን

ኣቦ ወንበር ኮምሽን ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ኤርትራ ነበር፡ ካኢላን መምህርን ሕጊ ዶክተር በረኸት ሃብተስላሰ፡ ብሰፊሕ ተሳታፍነት መንእሰያት ኣብ ሃገርና ኤርትራ እቲ ህዝቢ ሃንቀው ዝብሎ ዘሎ ዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ኣብ ዝሓጸረ ግዜ ክመጽእ ከምዝኽእል እምነት ከምዘለዎም ብምምልካት፡ ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ኣብ ዝተፈላለያ ሃገራት ወጻኢ ስለ ዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ዘርእዩዎ ዘለዉ ተባዕ ምንቅስቓስ ብዝለዓለ ደረጃ ክቕጽሉዎ ተላብዮም።
ንሶም ትማሊ ምሸት ምስ ድምጺ ኣሰና ኣብ ዝገበሩዎ ቃለመጠየቕ፡ መራሕቲ ተቓውሞ ኤርትራ፡ ብዕላምኦም ተኣማሚኑ ህዝቢ ክስዕቦም እንተኾይኑ፡ ስልጣን ከረክቡዎ ምዃኖም ቃል ክኣትዉሉ ከምዝግባእ ‘ውን ኣዘኻኺሮም።
ጽልዋ ዘለዎም ኤርትራውያን ምሁራት፡ ህዝቦምን ሃገሮምን ካብ ውድቀት ንምድሓን፡ ዓቕሞምን ግዜኦምን ብምውፋይ ሞራላዊ መሪሕነት ከርእዩ ሓላፍነትን ግቡእን ከምዘለዎም ‘ውን ኣተሓሳሲቦም።
ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ኣሰና፡ ምሉእ ትሕዝቶ ናይቲ ትማሊ ምሸት፡ ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ጉዳያት እንተላይ ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን ዝዘርግሑዋ ‘Wounded Nation’ ዘርእስታ መጽሓፍን ኣድላይነትን ዘይግብራውነትን ቅዋም ኤርትራን፡ ምስ ዶክተር በረኸት ሃብተስላሰ ዘካየድናዮ ቃለመጠየቕ ኣብ ናይ ሎሚ ሰኑይ 17 ጥቅምቲ መደብ ድምጺ ኣሰና ከነቕርበልኩም ኢና።
truly, Truly i say to you October 18, 2011
In deed after I listen the video click speeches of Dr Bereket´s at Meskerem net, I was the one who was protesting and started to blow dust and to throw stone against Dr. Bereket, because I feel offended ,was false understood and very disappointed like Alenna. But thanks the outstanding very dedicated man Amanuel Iyasu for his good work and quick reaction, after the interview, to be honest I am a little bit feel relived and tends to say “sorry” dottere. it was not my intention to make down any honorable idea or person. Ofcourse like Doctor Bereket said it, according the bible “Ethiopia” means “Black people”, which includes we Eritreans too. Your Pan- Africanism vision also I agreed not to be criticized , but to be respected. But the point is would it be fair to raise the topic In the current reality political situation of East Africa,specially Ethio- Eritrea situation? Is it logic or possible to think any nation which has not peace, understanding unity,love among within its own people, that could to expect to make close relation or unity with other neighbors? How?Never, ever! Unless it is needed for ful filingl other secret political agenda.
truly, Truly i say to you October 18, 2011
part 2
So in this aspect if doctore felt in critic, be it by Alena or by ordinary person like me, he should not to be wonder. I don´t think Alena´s assertion was also total wrong, or had did it purposely to defame someone without reason. Even Alena should deserve to have thanks for bringing every taboo talk, or secret agenda to the light. It is wrong to see Alena or Dr. Berket like enemy each other. You have many things in common to unite if I not mistaken. Unless we not adopt such open critic and discussion we will never growth. Once again many many thanks Amanuel. Please, if possible next time when you ask any prominent politician about their background, it was better if they include to tell where their family origin background is, I mean not where they educated or work only, but where their mother and father born too. This should not to be Taboo. Isayas and alikes are not without reason they destroying our people and nation. It is because the nation not belongs to them originally only. Please! When I say this not because i am racist, but because it is normal and needy to know your nation leaders family origin background in all over the world for security reason only.
abdi October 19, 2011
I think its a racist comment.security reasons(terror in us’s version),
what if somebody born in a country other than the one his parent’s was born, should s/he be thrown out even if s/he was best candidate?
What do u think the Americans should do about obama who was born in Haiti from a kenyan father and America mother?
Regardless of the rumors about isayas’s parents origin which i know nothing about ISAYAS is the best eritrean leader who is serving eritrea day and night honestly and without any corruption..is the best for eritrean’s unity,this is by testimonies of his enemies,yes he restrictive but it is not enough to discredit the efforts he has been doing for the country,absolutely not fair.
Save it if ur reponde to me gonna be hgdfist,because I AM NOT NOR RELATED TO ANY OPPOSITIONS
IM AN ORDINARY ERITREAN WHO IS looking”nmaly’eu zTafae(bander’eu)”
Tsahaye October 18, 2011
Part I:
I could not believe what I heard from the Dr. Bereket Habtesilasie’s interview with the woyane’s OOSUB, Amanuel Eyasu. When the good doctor was asked about video on meskerem.net, he said that he did not say “unity with Ethiopia before I die”. After hearing this, I immediately paused the interview and went to meskerem.net to check what exactly so he said. Hear it is in black and white unless he is telling us the voice in the video is not his and that would amount that he thinks we are all dummies. He also tried to tell us that when he said “Ethiopia”, he did not mean the nation Ethiopia. He said that what he meant was in the context of the ancient Ethiopians which were Nubians and that means all blacks. I am really speechless. The good doctor has unashamedly sadly contradicted himself in front of Eritreans. If he truly believes in the unity of Eritrea with Ethiopia, and I am sure he does believe in it, why is he now feeling shaky when Eritreans are slapping him left-right-and-front?
Tsahaye October 18, 2011
Part II:
I think he never thought that his speech or interview was going to be posted online for everyone to see. Many of his audience in that meeting were probably Ethiopians and other Africans so he was trying to make them feel good by uttering his utopian unity card. Only the insane can believe that Africans would abandon their national borders in order to create one humongous nation called Africa. And no one should know this truth more than the good doctor himself. If that would help him to increase the sale of his book, I wish him good luck.
Temesgen Medhanie October 19, 2011
There is no room for the age old tired scare tactics or intimidation where PFDJ seems to set in motion its operatives. And you’re obviously trying to put words into Dr. Bereket’s mouth. First and foremost, it is his prerogative to opine on anything and everything he holds dear to his heart. As much as he is an authority in the history of the region, he was talking about an event or a historical thread in a larger context where he said, we are all Ethiopians as the latter in deeper sense describes people who had shared a common history not the present day Ethiopia but a term which describes a collective populace who share the same gene pool if you will. In fact, if you listen carefully he would emphatically discount the idea of unity when he said, “zey’H’lem neger eU”. Eritrea is an independent nation. That is the fact. Nobody can re-invent the wheel of history. I am a bit at a loss when you said, utopian unity. Are you referring by any chance Thomas More’s Utopian society? Or you meant to say Ethiopian unity?
abdi October 19, 2011
Temesgen hawey,it was very clear,
whatever he says and twists he can’t amended nothing now,
don’t forget he is intellectual and deceptive enough to mislead the whole world let alone eritrean who are in a confusion state and acting like a sinking person who’s looking for whatsoever to save his/er life.
Eritreans i thank Allah/God for exposing his bad intentions before he brainwashed the whole nation.
(halaw Ayni alo) nay behaqi enqwA Aynna ayenqorena.
Tsahaye October 19, 2011
Before I answer to your question, let me say something about the, “zeyHlem neger eU”. Yes, Dr. Bereket said this when he was answering to Amanuel’s question, but he never said that when he was basking in the midst of his admirers. What he said, in point blank, was that he would like to see Eritrea and Ethiopia united before he dies. Just check the video on you tube or mekerem.net if you are not sure about his double speak and contradictions.
As to the word “utopian unity” that I had used in my comment, what I meant was it is pure fantasy, things out of this planet, Hilmi derho (in Tigrigna), impossible to achieve, a light year away from reality. I hope I made myself clear.
Tsahaye October 19, 2011
Sorry Temesgen. I forgot to address the above comment to you.
Temesgen Medhanie October 19, 2011
I would think you’re a young guy where you and I are contemporaries. Dr. Bereket has been around where he seems to defy the inertia of time as he has lived in different milestones. That as it may, he wouldn’t have any qualms to say what ever he feels is right including his much weighty opinion about the ever restive Eritrea’s political dynamics. He doesn’t have to impress anybody or a certain group as you seem to insinuate when he gave an interview during the book signing ceremony. If he felt like it or if he believed in the re-annexation of Eritrea, he would have said it right out instead of beating around the bush. Instead, he made his ideas clear where he said, he would want to see the unity of the countries before he dies where the unity is based on his timeless believe in Pan-Africanism. Again, I need to emphasize that, even though some people in a fantasy world entertain the idea of unification (read Dr. Fesseha-tsion Mengistu), it is not only impossible, it is unthinkable as well. Eritrea is a sovereign nation. I repeat, Eritrea is an independent nation. Period.
SAM October 19, 2011
truly, Truly i say to you October 19, 2011
Abdi you said my comment is racist and asked me this, “What do u think the Americans should do about obama who was born in Haiti from a kenyan father and America mother?
My friend, for your well interest, i can add that French president Sarkosy also that born from a Greek father and Hungaryan mother if you will, but how you call me i am racist only because I asked to know my nation leaders origin background? Is it normal for you if all Eritreans know where American, France president etc…born , but if they don´t know officially about their leaders origin? Please don´t be naive. First of all in nation like America or French, because there is Rule of Low in the country and the nation is not ruled under dictatorship, late alone by human big if they be ruled by donkey like president it does´nt affect them, no matter the president origin has. Because as I said the nation is not lead by single person but by many many economy,military, low experts and advisers. As in our situation as long as we have no such rule of low in our nation, it is must to know anyone who likes to run to lead our nation about his family origin, I once again said it because of the security reason. Finally I don´t like to leave you without pointing Obama that he is a selected but not an elected president he is for very well know good reason. And almost in all nation about 95% in power that they native origin born rulers are. We have right to do so. This is not absolute racism.