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  • k.tewolde August 10, 2016

    Only a coward,imbecile,barbarian,mahaym,insecure,sadistic………. person would do this to his own brother who is pleading in the torturers language.The whole country needs to go to rehab.It is sickening what has been going on in there.The irony is ‘hagerawi dihnet’ sweeps this under the rug and puts out alluring deceptive images of the country.We should counter that with ‘hagerawi filset’ by portraying the true picture under HGDEF”S rule and go on tweeter frenzy. You’ve got to beat them at their own game.

  • TSEGAY August 10, 2016

    PEOPLE OF ERITREA ., This is cruelty ,and inhuman worst than HITLER GAS CHAMBER , THIS VIDEO INTERVIEW IS SHOKE FOR THE WORLD. and it is DONE BY ERITREAN people and leaders. JUST remember it is in the HISTORY BOOK.

  • Hame August 10, 2016

    ኩቡር ሓው፤
    እንቃዕ ከም’ዚ ኢልካ ካብ’ቲ ኩሉ መከራን ሕሰምን፤ ሞትን ተሪፍካ፤ ሓደ ካብቶም ብስርዓት ኢሰያስ ዝሃልቁ ኮይኮንካ፤ ጸዋይ ታሪኽ እቶም ኣብ ቅድሚ ዓይንኻ ዝሃለቁ ኤርትራውያን መንአሰያት ይሕዋትካ ክትከውን ዘብቃዓካ ልዑል አግዜኣብሄር ይመስገን፤ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ከኣ ይሃብካ!። ነዚ ኣዝዩ ኸቢድ፤ ዘሕዝን ኣሰቃቂ ታሪኽ ክትጸዊ ዘርኣኻዮ ትብዓትን ሓቦን፤ ሕድሪ’ቶም ዝተላበዉኻ ምፍጻምካ ኣዝየ የመስግነካ፤ ከምኡ ምግባርካ ከኣ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራውን ዓብይ ቁምነገር ገይርካልና ኢካ’ምኦ ደጊመ ኣዝየ የመስግነካ። በዚ ከኣ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንዘለኣለም ከምስግነካን ክዝክረካን ክነብር እዩ እሞ፤ ክትሕበን ክትኮርዕን ይግባኣካ።

    ብሕጽር ዝበለ፣ መላኺ ኢሰያስ፣ ንሃገርና ኤርትራ፣ ናብ ሓንቲ ኤርትራውያን ዝሃልቁላ/ዝጸንቱላ ማዓስከር ቀይርዋ እዩ። እንታይ ደኣ፣ ናይ’ቶም፣ ኣብ መዓስከራት-ባርነት ገላዕሎ፣ ዊዓ፣ ኣብ መላእ ሃገር ዝሃልቁ፣ ካብ ፍርዳዊ-መስርሕ ወጻኢ ዝተቀንጸሉ፣ ኣብ ብኣማኢት ዝቁጸራ ቤት-ማእሰርትታት ዝሃልቁ፣ ዝተሰወሩ፣ ብሰንኪ እቲ ስርዓት ዝኽተሎ ቁጠባዊ መርሓ ነብሰ-ቅትለት ዝፍጽሙ፣ ካብ’ቲ ረጋጺ ስርዓት፣ ካብ ሃገር ክሃድሙ ብተመልከትለይ፣ ብትእዛዝ ተኪስካ-ቅተል ዝሃልቁ ቁጽሪ ዜጋታትና ጥራይ ኢና ዘይንፈልጦ። እቶም ካብ እዚ ስርዓት ሃዲሞም፤ ኣብ ፈቆዶ ምድረ-በዳ፤ ኣካላቶም ተጋዛዝዩ ዝሃልቁ፤ ኣብ ማአከላይ ባሕሪ ደራር ዓሳ ኮይኖም ዝሃልቁ ቑጽሪ ዜጋታት ጥራይ ኢና ዘይንፈልጦ። እቶም ዝሃለቁ ዝኣተውዎም ጋህስታት ከኣ። ኣብ ትሕቲ እዚ ስርዓት፣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ገበን ኣብ ልዕሊ ሰብኣውነት ጥራይ ዘይኮነ፣ ምጽናት-ዘርኢ (genocide) ኤርትራውያን ዝደማደም ገበን እዩ ተፈጺሙ። ብቅንዕና ክዛረብ!

    ሓዉኻ ሃብቶም መሓሪ

  • Mike August 10, 2016

    This is the Daily Life of Eritrean Prisoners, Unfortunately, no one cares except those few who are affected directly or indirectly. It sickens to my stomach to watch it, but I have to, because I want to know the pain of my fellow human being suffering.
    I applaud the Good doctor for speaking out his hellish prison time under the brutal regime of Isaias Afeworki. There are countless untold stories of appalling prison conditions inside Eritrea. it is not a secret anymore thanks to those who speak and the U.N.H.R.C and the C.O.I has put it in perspective unambiguously.
    The regime and it’s supporters might think that they can hide their crimes and no one can challenge their power, but time is not on their side and their day of reckoning and judgement is not far.
    The pain of the voiceless is lauder and the world is noticing it. Do not loose hope.
    Those who commit crimes will pay dearly for their actions.
    Again, I applaud those who speak for their courageous tenacity to air the crimes of this brutal regime. In my opinion, Every body must speak about what he knows about this evil system and that is how we can break and defeat the fear and intimidation of the lawless regime’s system and bury it.
    People, are starting to know this brutal regime, even though we are making progress, we can’t be complaisant to expose this evil system till we put it to it’s final resting place, the dustbin of history and grave.

  • Berhe Tensea August 11, 2016

    This is another very sad news. Nesredin life began with pain and suffering, as he lost his parent to the war of independence.
    What can be said about this deadly crime, by the pfdj?
    Day in day out the regime’s endless prisons are getting exposed.
    As far as I am concerned this Satan called Iseyas’s main purpose and or policy is to destroy the Eritrean people.
    Amanuel, make an appeal for funds to help Nesredin, I am sure many people will open their wallets.
    I am ready to help.

  • PH August 11, 2016

    It is disturbing, unethical, un human a health professional privilege manipulated to kill .so, what are we waiting to see or hear more! In fact, the poisonous Isayass (snake) has killed more than enough. Despite, we are not doing anything for our dignity and co-existence. WHAT A SHAME!

    • AHMED SALEH !!! August 11, 2016

      Our shame lies on people’s silence to convoy the creation of monsters within
      our society . At this moment they are in control where our people had never
      seen such cruelty from their own countrymen that drove them in panic state
      of mind to fell into chaotic retreat .
      In essence of this kind overpowering fear it paralyze people’s dream , destroy
      their capacity to focus , consciously create uncertainty and brings unimaginable confusion on young generation . To get rid of internal or external enemy who
      revealed himself with hostile intention requires courage to fight back .

  • Berhe Measho August 11, 2016

    This is really sickening crime. We have heard many crimes but what happened to Dr Nusredin beyond belief. Dr Nusredin s hero who sacrificed his own life to save another human being. What a hero and what a real humane. I applaud the heroic action of Dr

    Dear Amanuel. I really agree with the proposal of Berhe (person above) for fund raising appeal for such hero and real human being. I am sure he will need immediate medical attention. Let me know Amanuel on the appeal and we will do what we can from here.

    My dear brother Dr Nusredin stay well and I am anxiously waiting to do what I can once the appeal is out through Assenna. Death to the criminals

  • AHMED SALEH !!! August 11, 2016

    Brother Nesreddin tears speaks the volume of Eritreans cruelty toward harmless
    citizens . HGDF government declared war against its civilian population long time
    ago . That is why we witnessed and heard every horrible stories nobody imagined
    to happen after we gain our independence .
    Again we are at dangerous stage of broken and immoral society that enjoy to kill
    it’s own children . For heaven sake how in earth a human being obey unjust orders
    to commit criminal activities against helpless innocent fellow country men .
    Unfortunately Evil deeds conquered the lives inside our country with the help from
    blessings of wicked people support . I hope God intervene sooner than latter to save
    those voiceless victims and give wrong doers the justice they deserve .

  • Bajet Hagos August 11, 2016

    This guy is a good actor one minute laughing and another minute crying like a baby. All his made up story does not add up or make sense at all because why would hgdefs want and beg him to kill one individual when they can just finish him off themselves without any announcement or third party hand. We should tell this loser and drank person to sell his crap stories in Nakfa or Kessela where he might get lots of idiot buyers. And if he was really that poisoned and beaten up how come that he looks normal and healthy? There is definitely something fishy on his stage managed stories and acts to deceive innocent people. Never trust the moslems and deki so called suwuat tegadelti.

    • Berhe Tensea August 12, 2016

      I feel sorry for you, You must have the IQ of a monkey, may be you are one of the Ahbay mai Dima.
      You must be the world’s stupidest person who frequent this site using different pen names due to being a lair or a coward..
      Bajet why don’t you call yourself Bagea or Begghait.

      • AHMED SALEH!! August 13, 2016

        Only God fearing good heated people show sympathy of any human being unfortunate situations . We belong to a society
        where the good and the bad settle under Eritrean banner . Lets
        hope for the end of bad people life span because the damage
        done is enormously devastating that can not heal easily .

        • AHMED SALEH!! August 13, 2016

          correction : pls read as ( good hearted people)

  • Berhe Tensea August 11, 2016

    PFDJ or Iseyas methods of Killing are the most cruel, sadistic,. Most dictators imprison and kill their opponents the old fashion way, but they don’t kill innocents and those who have already paid dearly.
    This cruelTembenay methods are the following.
    1 poisoning
    2. pushing cars that are transporting officials who are deemed dangerous to the dictator.
    3. Giving deadly injection to drunk officials.
    4 Preventing medical care to sick opponents
    5. planting evidence to jail high ranking officials and those who speak up
    6′ using unusual psychological terror on opponents
    7. Killing selected unsuspecting suspects while heavy war is going on – this done by killing squad.
    8. putting poison on the food of unsuspecting officials.
    As long as the worst enemy of the people remain in power we are going to hear cruelties done by the regime that are beyond any ones comprhension..
    Iseyas crimes are even too much for any kind of dictator.
    Who would inflict such damage on innocents??????????????????????????????

    • k.tewolde August 12, 2016

      Berhe,let me add some to your list,Eliminating anybody that gets notoriety than the tyrant that includes somebody that looks better than him,talks better than him,have more money than him,more educated than him……BUDA IYU! NAY ERITRAWYAN TSIBUK AYFOTUNYU.That is why ZESAQIYENA ZELO. Anybody bold enough to put a cap between his eyes.

      • Bberhe Tensea August 17, 2016

        Thank you , for the additional fact .

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