ኣዋልድ በጠል እንትን
ኣዋልድ በጠል እንትን ረአስክን ርፍዓሁ ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ ሓጥር ዘዓት ልብል፡ ጃእር ኢፈትያ ሓጥር ምስዳር ነስእ፡ ጋድር ኢረድያ በጠል ክፋያ ልብል፡ ወቆሉ ወድያ ገያድ ቀንጽ ወመርሕ፡ ስድት እግል ላ’ርህያ እቡክን ሓጥር ቱ፡ በጠል ቱ ወ ገያድ ኣቡክን ቀንጽ እት ፍዕል፡ ኣለቡ ኣትባራድ [gview file="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Mahmud_W-Ali.pdf"] ም

ኣዋልድ በጠል እንትን
ረአስክን ርፍዓሁ
ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ
ሓጥር ዘዓት ልብል፡ ጃእር ኢፈትያ
ሓጥር ምስዳር ነስእ፡ ጋድር ኢረድያ
በጠል ክፋያ ልብል፡ ወቆሉ ወድያ
ገያድ ቀንጽ ወመርሕ፡ ስድት እግል ላ’ርህያ
እቡክን ሓጥር ቱ፡ በጠል ቱ ወ ገያድ
ኣቡክን ቀንጽ እት ፍዕል፡ ኣለቡ ኣትባራድ
ም ቀርእዎ እንዴ ወዴኮ ካትቡ ሀሌኮ።
Abdu December 31, 2013
With respect ; Mahmud Salih I think it would have been better if you could interpret it either tigrigna ; English or both and post it .
mahmud saleh December 31, 2013
hanti Ertra January 1, 2014
መሕሙድ ሰልሕ
ሹክረን ‘ግላ ናይ ሰነት ሓዳስ ሃድየት። ጀላብ ሻዕቡ ለቐሌት ሩሑ ወ መስተቕበል ውላዱ ለሄባ በጠል ብዕድ ማ ‘ግል ንበል ግሉ ዋጂብ ቱ። ታሪኽ ለሸቓ መዋጥን ሓቆ እብላ ሸክል እላ ‘ዪዘከርናሁ፥ ታሪኽ ለሸቀ ነፍር ግል ሃለ ሙስተሒል ቱ።
mahmud saleh January 1, 2014
ሹክረን hanti Ertra:
ምን ልውሕድ ሀሌና እግልክም ምን እንብሎም ዋጅብና ቱ። ካ ገድም ኢንሕመቅ።
hanti Ertra January 1, 2014
Mahmud Saleh
sure, from now on….we will never let our people down. united we stand.
Douglas January 1, 2014
Abdu, sheklek mutkelif kirin rihib gebil ta Tigrayit gilmi terjemet tehaze diba !
Abdu January 1, 2014
I still didn’t understand plus you don’t sound Douglass. And my real name is Abdu and again didn’t change my name.
ተወልደመድህን January 1, 2014
ንፉዕ ማህሙድ ሳልሕ ሎሚ ብሃቂ ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ መሲልካ ኣንበሳ።ኤርትራዊ ማለት ከምዚ ኢሉ ብከቀራርቦ ዝኽእል ቋንቋ ክዛረብ ከሎ’ዩ።ልክዕ’ዩ ቋንቋ ትግረ ዝኽእሉ መንደልሃቕቲ ኤርትራውያን ንዘይብሎም ጽቡቕ ጽቡቕ ዘለዎም ገይሮም ከምስሉ ዝጽዕሩ ኣለው።ግን ውሽቲ ኣትየ እትን ኣዝን ከይበልኩ፡ኣማን ብ ኣማን ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ፡በቲ ዘለካ እንታይነትካ ከኣ ተሃበን።መንነትካ ሃቢእካ ካልእ ክትመስል ምፍታን እቲ ዝሃመቀ’ዩ።ወረዳ ፡ኣውራጃን ገዲፉ ኤርትራዊ ክመስል ዝደሊ ኤርትራዊ ንፉዕን ቅኑዕ ኤርትራዊ ኣይኮነን።ትግረታይ ትግረኡ ሒዙ ናብቲ ኤርትራ ዝበል ክሕወስ ከሎ’ዩ መልክዕ።ደንከላይ ይኹን ካልእ ብሄር ናቱ ብሔር ሒዙ ብ ኡኡ ምስዝኾርዕ’ዩ ናብታ ኤርትራ ክሕወስ ዝግበኦ፡( ክረዳዳእ ኣለዎ )።ሓደ ሰብ ነቲ ናቱ፡ነቲ መንነቱ ዝገልጽ ዘይንፉዕ እንተኾይኑ ንፉዕ ኤርትራዊ ክከውን ኣይክእልን።ኤርትራዊነት ከኣ ካብ ገዛካ፡ካብ ኣቦካን ኣደኻን እናተኾስኮሰ ዚመጽእ፡ድሕሪኡ ቤተሰብ መቕርብ፡ኣንዳ፡ዓዲ፡ወረዳ ፡ኣውራጃ…..እናበለ ዝዓቢ ቀስ ኢሉ ዝሰርጽ’ምበር ከምዚ ሎሚ ኣብ ሳዋ እክብ ኣቢልካ፡ኢድኩም ኣብ ልብኹም ሒዝኩም ይፈትወኪ ኤርትራ ኢልኩም ድረፉ….ኢልካ ዝህነጽ ኣይኮነን።እቲ ቀዳማይ መሰረት ዘለዎ ነባሪ’ዩ፡ኣቲ ዳሕራይ ግን ግዚያዊ’ዩ።ስለዚ ኤርትራ ኮንካ ብላዕሊ ጀሚርካ ንወረዳን ኣውራጃን ክትጥምት ኣይትኽእልን።ንዝልአኦኣለ ዞኣበየ ገዛ ክትጥምት እንተጀሚርካ ከኣ እቲ ንእሽቶ ገዛ ይፈርስ’ዩ።ገለ ተዛረብቲ ዓቢይ ገዛ ካልእ ክትጥምት ንእሽቶ ገዛኻ ኣይተፍርስ ይብሉ።ስለዚ ካብቲ ሓደ ኣብ ካልእ ክፍለ ኦኣለም ከይድካ ዘይርከብ ሃብቲ ሃገር ዝኾነ ቋንቋ ትግረ ኣብ ኣሰና ብቋንቋ ትግርና ተጻሂፉ ርእየ ኣንቢበ፡ዝተሰመኦኣኒ ሃጎስ ወሰን የብሉን።ነዚ ምብቃዕካ ከኣ ተሓበን።ኣነ ግን ንርእሰይ ኣብቲ ኣብ ኣኤርትራ ዝነበርኩሉ ወላካ ምቹእ ዕድል ኣንተዘይነበረ ቋንቋ ትግረ ብዘይምኽ ኣላይ ንርእሰይ ደጋጊመ ንዒቐያ።እዚ ግን ብሃቂ ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ ኣንተኾንካ፡ከምዞም ከታልሉ ዝበገሱ ኣንተኾንካ ከኣ ደሃን ዝብልከኣ የበለይን።
ተወልደመድህን January 1, 2014
……….. እርማት………. ሃብቲ ሃገር ዝኾነ ቋንቋ ትግረ ኣብ ኣሰና ብቋንቋ ትግርና ተጻሂፉ ርእየ ኣንቢበ፡………ዘይኮነስ።…….ንኹሉ ናይ ድሑር ኣተሓሳስባን ናይ ሺሕ ዓመት ባዕላዊ ፍርዲ ስዒሩ ብፊደላት ግእዝ ተጻሒፉ ክንበብ ምር ኣየይ …….ተባሂሉ ክንበብ ብትሕትና ይሃትት።
waEro January 1, 2014
We need more of Mahmoud Salih.
sara gual eritra January 1, 2014
des zebl qanqa tgre
ab assennna kiri’o wn des iluni
trgum entezihlu wn mtsebeke
ተወልደመድህን January 1, 2014
eritrea is a lando of people speking different languge now mahmud is writing with alphabet on geeze if yuo are real eritrean must lern this languge
Tekluu Gubtaan January 1, 2014
Proud of u Mahamud for your complete meaning full poem . I grew up in in lowlands Barka n Semhar ,and Sahel i enjoy Tigere more than my native tongue. keep on writing in Tigre thks againe.
Abdu January 1, 2014
Well; I can’t comment on the article it has been written by Mahmud; because of for unfortunate reason didn’t have a clue of it. But; I wish I do. Now what I would like to see happening and I am sure many others as well; to be interpreted to one of the languages so people can have an idea what is all about. There is nothing complication for suggesting to have it interpreted in the language of most people can get a benefit of it and the massage reaches to the destination to the wide vast citizen who can’t speak the language unless it’s posted for only specific part of the community
I am sure there are some people trying to twist to my previous comment; taking my suggestion to negative statement by putting themselves supper and singing unnecessary song which I will call it ( upleli wata muwetay)
mahmud saleh January 1, 2014
There’s nothing negative about the request you posted, I actually honored it,simply, because I thought if diverse readers could have a a feel of what actually it says,it would benefit all of us; and did my own translation(of course not professional); it’s been sent,hopefully assenna will post it.I chose English because both Geez and Arabic readers could benefit.
mahmud saleh January 1, 2014
It feels something like this:but translation a poem is not easy even for the professionals.
ኣዋልድ በጠል እንትን ( you’re the daughters of a brave man; lift your heads up- be proud)
ረአስክን ርፍዓሁ
ማሕሙድ ሳልሕ
Here’s a close translation, but you know that translating a poem is a daunting task even for the professionals. I’m doing it in English hoping many readers will have an idea of what the poem is all about; it was requested by a reader Abdu, and I thought that would be OK.
ሓጥር ዘዓት ልብል፡ ጃእር ኢፈትያ A brave speaks up (utters) a word that’s not wanted/liked by the unjust
ሓጥር ምስዳር ነስእ፡ ጋድር ኢረድያ A brave takes a measure that discomforts the unjust ruler
በጠል ክፋያ ልብል፡ ወቆሉ ወድያ A hero says enough and acts on his word
ገያድ ቀንጽ ወመርሕ፡ ስድት እግል ላ’ርህያ A messenger/sprinter gets up and leads to undo a tense situation (to liberate his people)
እቡክን ሓጥር ቱ፡ በጠል ቱ ወ ገያድ Your father is a brave man and a doer
ኣቡክን ቀንጽ እት ፍዕል፡ ኣለቡ ኣትባራድ Your father sprints to action; he does no hesitation
ኣቡክን ሽሂድ ቱ ፡ዲብ ጎማቱ ዋድቅ Your father is a martyr; a fallen hero on his decision
ኣቡክን ጀዳዕ ቱ፡ ለኣማማያ ኢጠልቅ A gallant, never loses sight of what he’s determined to do
የታይም ኢእንትን፡ ብዝሓም ቶም ኣበውክን You’re not orphans many are your fathers
የታይም ኢእንትን፡ ብዙሕ ቱ ኣዳምክን You’re not orphans many are your (loving) folks
ኣዋልድ በጠል እንትን፡ ረአስክን ርፍዓሁ You’re the daughters of a hero; heads up (be proud)
ኣዋልድ ገቢል እንትን፡ ሶትክን ወቅላሁ You’re the daughters of the people; raise up your voice
ኣዋልድ በርቅ እንትን፡ ጽልመት ለአንጀላ You’re the daughters of a lightning who unraveled darkness
ኣዋልድ ሐቅ እንትን፡ ዛልም ላሃደላ You’re the daughters of truth who shocked the tyrannous (system)
ምሽዋርክን ትርታዕ፡ ስነያ ወትቀደማ May the steps you take be right/straight; be well and stride forward
ሞዳይክን ልስኔ፡ ዕበያ ወተዐለማ May your time/era get better and may you blossom and learn
ኣስመራ ሸሀደት እግሉ ኣቡክን ወድ ዓሊ Asmara witnessed what your dad Wedi Ali did
ባርካ ሰንሒት ወ ሳሕል፡ ወ ጋድሞታት ዶጋሊ Also, Barka, Senhit and Sahel and those plains of Dogali(witnessed it)
ረወሪት ከበሳታት፡ ወ ሰዋሕል ደንካልያ The highlands of Kebessa and the coasts of Dankalia (witnessed it)
ጋኑ ልስከብ ወድ ዓሊ፡ ብርድት ወሰኔት ሐድገያ May the soul of Wedi Ali live in peace; he left a life of luxury behind (for our liberty)
ያሬት ባኩ ወገኣና፡ ለአምዕላይትላ ወቀይ Wish we were on his side on that day of action
ያሬት ኢወጸዕናሁ፡ ዶላ መስደድ ወማእከይ Wish we didn’t let him down when the action began
ማሌ በኑ ምን ወድቅ፡ ሰብኡ ዲብ ልትላኬ Even if he fell down alone (yesterday) calling up (for help)
እት ኣልባብና ሀለ፡ እብ ላሃ ኢልትወርኬ He will surely live in our hearts; won’t be erased (from our memory) that easily
የታይም ኢእንትን፡ ብዝሓም ቶም ኣበውክንYou’re not orphans many are your fathers
የታይም ኢእንትን፡ ብዙሕ ቱ ኣዳምክን You’re not orphans many are your (loving) folks
ኣዋልድ በጠል እንትን፡ ረአስክን ርፍዓሁ You are the daughters of a hero; heads up (be proud)
ኣዋልድ ገቢል እንትን፡ ሶትክን ወቅላሁ You’re the daughters of the people; raise up your voice
ዳይም ዝክር እግል ሹሃዳእና Eternal glory for our martyrs
ሰነት በኪተት ሊደያ እግልክን ወእግልና። ኣብሽርክን ፈንጉሕ ፈጅር ኣጅያል ኤርትርያ ፈራሰት ኣቡክን እግል ልትዓለሞ ቶም። Happy New Year for you and all of us. Be strong, coming generations are going to learn what a hero your father was.
*** I don’t know, if this helps
abdu January 2, 2014
Mahmud Saleh
ahmed saleh January 1, 2014
Mahmud Saleh
That was nice of you to translate the meaning of your
great poem and for sure it helps to readers . By the way , I enjoyed reading the article in Tigre language with my little understanding . Thanks.
sara gual eritra January 1, 2014
thank you mahmud
hiji grm
Sala January 2, 2014
I have some deep love of the tigre people and their language. I started many times to learn tigrayt but kept putting it of. Dear my tigre brothers and sisters, can you write more articles in tigre and push us to read and understand it. You have responsibility to work on it so that more and more of tigrigna people like me can learn it. Even if I didn’t understand it, I read the article twice for my love of my tigre people and their beautiful language. thanks
mahmud saleh January 2, 2014
sala and all brothers/sisters/sons/daughters:
Being aware that the spotlight should be on our fallen hero and his family,I heed your call for more tigrayt(Tigre) contribution and hope others will join in too.