Fear overpowered even to many who reside outside the country .
For heaven sake can someone explain why we visit national
politics forum scared to use our real name ?
The same goes on weakness of cowardice that hide under rug we
observe in our surroundings except the few courageous who speak
up openly to express their defiance against injustices .
The real justice seekers must break the wall of fear to set example.
Eritrean opposition groups should find ways to energize the moral of
our youth by showing some sort of solidarity on fighting against this
oppressive system . I hope U.D.P.F. take advantage on their connection
with leaders in Eritrean military forces to organize dedicated people
that can influence enough justice seeker mobilized supporters .
Political movements in diaspora should not concentrate only outside
but it must also hold ground inside the country to gain SOLIDARITY .
Be self confident! Ask critical questions ! Stop being ጸማም ሓደ ደርፉ!
How long are going to sing the same song “Isaias,Isaias,HIGDEF etc.”…It is high time you understood that Isaias is an individual no more no less.Is he a dictator? Yes,but still ,who worked for him to be a mafia-Boss.?weren’t we collectively? Did you you contribute some thing to the ‘Shiftinet ‘ ? If yes ,then you are responsible for the massacre…You have to ask your self: what is the root cause of this humiliation and disaster?? It is not about who was/is the leader of Shefatu …What would have changed if Shifta Petros .S or Shifta Abdela .E had been at the top ???= absolutely nothing..Yes,Isias was not born as a killer ,but had been trained by Jebha .
2nd,,Stop repeating the stupid song ” EPLF was good unlike HIGDF” ,,,When and where was Ghedli or EPLF good ??You have sold this song for the ppl who came from the capital.Is there anyone form the country side who can buy this forged product? = No-one…Don’t forget also the Kunamas,the Quhayn-Denbelas and others are still on the planet.
ካብዚ ገድሊ እዚ ዝወጽእ ጥዑይ ነገር የለን ።ዋላ እተን ዶዞራት ከምኣቶም ሸፋቱ እየን ።ኣነ ኣብ ዓለም ንግሆ ተሲኣ ጽርግያ ትሃንጽን ፣ ገዛ ትሰርሕን እንበር፣ ተፍርስ ዶዘር ሰሚዓ ኣይፈልጥን እየ።
The revival of the Eritrean people from its extended dormancy is long overdue. It needs to rise up in order to restore its dignity and its rights for a just and democratic rule of its nation.
However,”Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein.
Therefore, those who don’t learn from the past are pretty much already doomed. In short, our people have to wake up from Ghedli madness and destructions.
Almost all the ills that have been stoking the Eritrean masses can be traced to one tragic confluence : that of the culture of abuse of ghedli with that of the culture of conformity of the masses. Last, society respects rule of law when the state respects it first. But what we have at the top and in Eritrea is a regime of criminal shefatu of ghedli that adheres to the “rule of the jungle/ghedli”.
Community organizers, please call for wide spread demonstrations all over the world. We need to condemn these atrocities and show our people in Eritrea we will stand in solidarity with them. Silence will never bring a solution.
Amanuel April 6, 2016
Obey their order, or leave the country for them or fight. No other option.
Semur Ghenbar April 6, 2016
ንነገራት ካብስሩን መሰረቱን ጠንቑ መበገሲኡን ከይፈተሽኻ ካብ ሐቕን ተሐታትነትን ንምህዳም ዝወሀቡ መልስታትን ርእይቶታትን ባህርን መለልይን ናይ ዘይምእማንን ዘይምቅባልን ባህትያይን መለልይን ውልቐመላኺ ኢሳያስን ህግደፍን ጸማማት ደገፍቲ ህግደፍን እዩ።
ህግደፍ ፤ ቅዋም እንተበልኻ ፤ አብ ዓለም ብዙሐት ቅዋም ዘይብለን ሀገራት ይብሉኻ።
ዲሞክራሲ እንተበልኻ፤ ዲሞህራሲ ማለት እንታይ ማለት እዩ ይብለኻ ውልቕመላኺ ኢሳያስ።
ግዝአተ ሕጊ እንተበልኻ ፤ ሕዝባዊ ግንባር ካብ ቓልሲ ዝወረሶ ናቱ ሕግን አኻይዳን አለዎ ይብሉኻ ( ጭውያን ማእሰርትን ቅትለትን ስርቕን ዓመጽን ግፍዕን ጭኻነን።)
ንምድምዳም ናይዚ ኹሉ ጥፍአት ጠንቒ ውልቐመላኺ ኢሳያስ ክኸውን ከሎ ሳዕቤን ድማ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ እዩ።
ሎሚ ዝታለል እርትራዊ የለን ። ብስንኺ ግርህነቱን ፍትወት ሀገሩን ዝተጋገዮን ዝተገረሆን ይአኽሎ።
“””””””””” አይንወራዘ.””””””””””””
AHMED SALEH !!! April 6, 2016
Fear overpowered even to many who reside outside the country .
For heaven sake can someone explain why we visit national
politics forum scared to use our real name ?
The same goes on weakness of cowardice that hide under rug we
observe in our surroundings except the few courageous who speak
up openly to express their defiance against injustices .
The real justice seekers must break the wall of fear to set example.
Oromai Eritrea April 6, 2016
ድሓን እቶም ተጋደልቲ ዝነበሩ ተቓዊሞም ህውከት ክፈጥሩ እዮ….. ይቕሬታ, ተጋግየ ነቶም መቓልስቶም ኣካለ ስንኩላን እኳ ሓንቲ ድንጋጻ ዘየርኣዩ ነቲ ዝንዕቁዎን ኣብ ሜዳ ከለዉ ጀሚሮም ዝገፍዕዎን ህዝቢ ድኣ ከመይ ጌሮም ጠጠው ክብሉሉ…ናይ ብሓቂ ተጋደልቲ መሲሉኒ ኩሉ ጊዜ እጋገ ኣነስ…
AHMED SALEH !!! April 6, 2016
Eritrean opposition groups should find ways to energize the moral of
our youth by showing some sort of solidarity on fighting against this
oppressive system . I hope U.D.P.F. take advantage on their connection
with leaders in Eritrean military forces to organize dedicated people
that can influence enough justice seeker mobilized supporters .
Political movements in diaspora should not concentrate only outside
but it must also hold ground inside the country to gain SOLIDARITY .
Aman April 6, 2016
ጥፍሽና Meskerem net,
ኣለም ጎይትኦም ከምኣመሉ ሓቂ ንኽቕብር ዘርባዕባዕ ኢሉ።
ብዛዕባ ኣጋጥሙ ዘሎ መቕዘፍቲ ፡ንጉሆ ካልእ ትሕዝቶ ዘለዎ ጽሕፍ ለጥፊ፡ ንምሸቱ ደምሲሱ ካልእ ሃበስቀደስ ለጢፉ።
ኣብ ሕምብርቲ ኣስመራ ዘተፈጸመ ግፍዒ ክሸፋፍን ወልደፍደፍ ኢሉ።
ዘሕዝን እዩ። ሊዕሊ 30 ዓመታት ኣብ ስልጡን ዓለም ተቐሚጡ ዘይበስል ሓንጎል ኣሎድዩ?
Shame on Alem General Goitom
nefasit April 7, 2016
We don’t have any such experience even in the era of colonies or in every corner of other nations of the world.
Teclay April 7, 2016
Be self confident! Ask critical questions ! Stop being ጸማም ሓደ ደርፉ!
How long are going to sing the same song “Isaias,Isaias,HIGDEF etc.”…It is high time you understood that Isaias is an individual no more no less.Is he a dictator? Yes,but still ,who worked for him to be a mafia-Boss.?weren’t we collectively? Did you you contribute some thing to the ‘Shiftinet ‘ ? If yes ,then you are responsible for the massacre…You have to ask your self: what is the root cause of this humiliation and disaster?? It is not about who was/is the leader of Shefatu …What would have changed if Shifta Petros .S or Shifta Abdela .E had been at the top ???= absolutely nothing..Yes,Isias was not born as a killer ,but had been trained by Jebha .
2nd,,Stop repeating the stupid song ” EPLF was good unlike HIGDF” ,,,When and where was Ghedli or EPLF good ??You have sold this song for the ppl who came from the capital.Is there anyone form the country side who can buy this forged product? = No-one…Don’t forget also the Kunamas,the Quhayn-Denbelas and others are still on the planet.
ካብዚ ገድሊ እዚ ዝወጽእ ጥዑይ ነገር የለን ።ዋላ እተን ዶዞራት ከምኣቶም ሸፋቱ እየን ።ኣነ ኣብ ዓለም ንግሆ ተሲኣ ጽርግያ ትሃንጽን ፣ ገዛ ትሰርሕን እንበር፣ ተፍርስ ዶዘር ሰሚዓ ኣይፈልጥን እየ።
Tesfazighi April 7, 2016
Ato Teclay,
The revival of the Eritrean people from its extended dormancy is long overdue. It needs to rise up in order to restore its dignity and its rights for a just and democratic rule of its nation.
However,”Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein.
Therefore, those who don’t learn from the past are pretty much already doomed. In short, our people have to wake up from Ghedli madness and destructions.
Almost all the ills that have been stoking the Eritrean masses can be traced to one tragic confluence : that of the culture of abuse of ghedli with that of the culture of conformity of the masses. Last, society respects rule of law when the state respects it first. But what we have at the top and in Eritrea is a regime of criminal shefatu of ghedli that adheres to the “rule of the jungle/ghedli”.
Ageb April 7, 2016
Community organizers, please call for wide spread demonstrations all over the world. We need to condemn these atrocities and show our people in Eritrea we will stand in solidarity with them. Silence will never bring a solution.
hara April 7, 2016
haki AHGEB ZIBL tesa’inu abza hagher!
aziyu zehzin iyu 3 oct. 3 april…. endalna
nkid trah