ኣብ ንኡስ ንኡስ ዞባ ኣፍዓበት ኣብ መንጎ ሰራዊትን ህዝብን ፍሕፍሐ ይርአ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።
ኣብ ንኡስ ንኡስ ዞባ ኣፍዓበት ኣብ መንጎ ሰራዊትን ህዝብን ክሳብ ምቅትታል ዝበጽሕ ፍሕፍሐ ይርአ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ንኣሰና ሓቢሮም። ብመሰረት’ቲ ሓበሬታ፣ ኣብ ንኡስ ዞባ ኣፍዓበት ኣባላት ዕቑር ሰራዊት ንሓደ ወዲ ጀሪድ ዝብሃል መንእሰይ ተቐማጣይ ኣፍዓበት ኣብ’ቲ ወርቒ
ኣብ ንኡስ ንኡስ ዞባ ኣፍዓበት ኣብ መንጎ ሰራዊትን ህዝብን ክሳብ ምቅትታል ዝበጽሕ ፍሕፍሐ ይርአ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ንኣሰና ሓቢሮም።
ብመሰረት’ቲ ሓበሬታ፣ ኣብ ንኡስ ዞባ ኣፍዓበት ኣባላት ዕቑር ሰራዊት ንሓደ ወዲ ጀሪድ ዝብሃል መንእሰይ ተቐማጣይ ኣፍዓበት ኣብ’ቲ ወርቒ ዝፍሓረሉ ዝነበረ ካባቢ ብጥይት ድሕሪ ምህራሞም ኣብ ሆስፒታል ኣፍዓበት ብኡ ን ብኡ ሞይቱ።
ቤተሰብ መዋቲ ኸኣ ነቶም ኣባላት ሰራዊት ቀታሊ ወዶም መን ምዃኑ ክፈልጡ ምስ ሓተቱዎም፣ ሓደ ወዲ ማህሚመት ዝኾነ ወተሃደር፣ “ብንዕቀት እንታይ ክትገብሩ ኢኹም ኣነ እየ ረሺነዮ” ምስ በሎም፣ ሓደ ካብ ቤተሰብ መዋቲ ነቲ ቀታሊ ኢየ ዝበለ ወተሃደር፣ ብበትሪ ርእሱ ሃሪሙ ሕነ ፈድዮ ከምዝቐተሎ እቲ ሓበረታ የመልክት።
ኣቐድም ኣቢሉ፣ ሓደ ወዲ ባቕል ዝባሃል መንእሰይ ተቓምጢ እፍዓበት ንሓደ ኣባል ‘ቶም ሰራዊት ብ ኻራ ከምዝቐተሎ ‘ውን እቶም ምንጭታት ብተወሳኺ ይሕብሩ።
Belay Tewlede December 28, 2013
Some people are the exact replica of PFDJ. People! wake up! news is news wether it be bad or good, wether you like it or hate it. Amanuel like PFDJ ERITV can not change the contents of the news. Sorry brothers. If you want such news go to Alenalki, shabait or shabia. Hadas Ertra is no longer available.
justice December 28, 2013
Amanuel amanuel…….Do you need to tell us the village of the soldier what is your plan why dont just say a soldier in the area ?????????
Awet December 28, 2013
I can only read the comments, what in the works is the news? As to the regime website such as Alenalki and Dehai, they seem they are out of business.
Is Haddas Eritrea still printing?
Keren December 28, 2013
One may argue this or that way, Berhan Hagos writes in asmarino:
“Diaspora Opposition has had no success in organizing and mobilizing domestic movements in post-WWII and esp. Post-Cold War era. Some examples are as follows:
Cuba: Despite total US embargo since 1959 (which was mitigated by large USSR assistance until early 1990’s), large expatriate community in Florida (which is only a stone throw away from Cuba), 24×7 anti-Castro radio broadcasts into Cuba, and millions of dollars channelled to anti-Castro opposition, Castros (Fidel and now Raul) are still in power
Iraq: Despite a total UN embargo against Saddam Hussein, including no fly zones, Iraqi Diaspora oppositions were unable to dislodge him. It took a costly US invasion to dislodge Saddam Hussein. Afghanistan is a similar example.
Zimbabwe: the 89-year dictator President Mugabe has been in power ever since Zimbabwe gained its independent in 1980. Although the Zimbabwean internal politics is complex, it is suffice to say that despite strong domestic opposition and even stronger opposition from Britain and EU, Mr. Mugabe continues to maintain tight grip on power. There is power-sharing agreement with the opposition but Mr. Mugabe remains on the helm.
Some may say that religious figures have returned from exile to rule a country. But those are exceptions.”
Kalighe December 28, 2013
““Diaspora Opposition has had no success in organizing and mobilizing domestic movements in post-WWII and esp. Post-Cold War era”.
Berhan Hagos is someone who thinks Mesfin Hagos should replace Isyes and then everything should be ok. It’s strange that a good writer like him see’s a devil incarnate as a hero.
luna December 28, 2013
We need the youth who can invigorate the struggle leading Eritrea into the 21st Century. Forget such figures, long outdated, who has very little to offer. After all these many ROUGH years some still dream to steal the limelight to be leaders. No leadership qualities has been observed from the likes of these. They are just self serving and fighting for their own survival.
They keep on bringing names of individuals with the least popular support behind them. Eritreans are not going to be duped twice. Already, we have paid a huge price as people for our homeland! Please, give us some credit to pass our own judgment to choose our representation in the new and free Eritrea. Diaspora opposition came with nothing to persuade the majority beside killing precious time looking from a distance to the detriment of all Eritreans.
KBRET BHAGER December 29, 2013
If things get out of hand due to “small” issues the population is in grave danger ,in eritrea the only thing missing is the second stage to such occurences. we should not regard this as small issue ,unfortunately there is no real opposition so TPDM & left over generals will lead eritrea to the mouth of woyane that are waiting to steal our bisha gold.
luna December 29, 2013
Keberet Behager:
Please,don’t repeat EMPTY SLOGANS which has no meaning at all but used by the regime for propaganda purposes ONLY. What does ‘HAGER’ mean to us in a true sense? Those who repeat calling names as Woyane and USA are puppets who have nothing to say except showing what they are all about and worth. Wake up it is beyond such a blackmail!
Ask yourself to reconcile with your heart and mind to stand for truth at least once in your life time. Don’t be a merchant of misery at the risk of innocent citizens of this land. Yet, there is nothing left unheard by Eritreans on the atrocities and human rights abuses committed against our people by individuals in position of authority and their subordinates. What we must ask for is how long this is to continue in front of our own eyes?
Now, slowly the real character of our people is coming out. One such transgression is human trafficking which is horrible! The motive has become making profit out of the suffering of fellow Eritreans who chose to flee the regime. Some Eritreans are part of this chain link whose hand is dipped in blood. Never for the life of me have I suspected an Eritrean kills another Eritrean just for money and profit. These are major abuses we have to fight against not petty unfounded fears. I suspect ignorance is a major contributing factor. The tragedies observed/experienced need a rapid response if not for lack of empathy. Let us put our heart into our cause instead of putting down others outright. Tolerance is the mark of a civilized nation and when frequented leads us to nation building as well.
luna December 29, 2013
Keberet Behager:
I am sorry and apologize for my errors. The above message I wrote was for general audience not you in particular. I hope you understand me. Thanks!
ahmed saleh December 29, 2013
At times when people thrown in to jailed , killed and
flee the country considered normal to accept . But when
someone resist and take violent reaction , it become scary
to those who jump for criticism . Oppression have it’s time limit because one way or other the people would rise up at some point . It is fact of human nature. Just
ahmed saleh December 29, 2013
Just prayer for the better . Otherwise we can not deny
the dangers of our country political and social aspects.