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ኣብ ሱዳን ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ብሓይልታት ጸጥታ ሱዳን እናተገፉ ገንዘብ ክኸፍሉ ይግደዱ ከምዘለዉ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።

ኣብ ሱዳን ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ብሓይልታት ጸጥታ ሱዳን እናተገፉ ካብ 300-500 ፓውንድ ሱዳን ክኸፍሉ ይግደዱ ከምዘለዉ ምንጭታት ካብ ካርቱም ሓቢሮም። መብዛሕትኡ እቲ ኣብ ካርቱም ዝካየድ ዘሎ ግፋ ኣብቲ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ብጻዕቂ ዝርከቡሉ ሰሓፋ ከምኡ ‘ውን ጀረፊ ዝብሃል

ኣብ ሱዳን ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ብሓይልታት ጸጥታ ሱዳን እናተገፉ ካብ 300-500 ፓውንድ ሱዳን ክኸፍሉ ይግደዱ ከምዘለዉ ምንጭታት ካብ ካርቱም ሓቢሮም።

መብዛሕትኡ እቲ ኣብ ካርቱም ዝካየድ ዘሎ ግፋ ኣብቲ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ብጻዕቂ ዝርከቡሉ ሰሓፋ ከምኡ ‘ውን ጀረፊ ዝብሃል ቦታታት ኮይኑ፡ ኣብ ካርቱም ካርቱም፡ ሱዳን ብሓፈሻ ኤርትራውያን ተሸቝሪሮም ዝንቀሳቐሱሉ ቦታ ኮይኑ ‘ሎ።

ኣብ ሱዳን ዝቕመጡ ኢትዮጵያውያን ስደተኛታት፡ መንግስቶም ዜጋታቱ ከይትንከፉ ንመንግስቲ ሱዳን ብዝሃቦ መተሓሳሰቢ መሰረት፡ ኣብ 6 ወርሒ 150 ፓውንድ ሱዳን ዝኽፈሎ መንቀሳቀሲ ወረቐት እናውጽኡ ቀሲኖም ይንቀሳቐሱ ከምዘለዉ እቶም ምንጭታት ብተወሳኺ ኣገንዚቦም።

Review overview
  • ማሊሻ May 13, 2013

    ዝኣረገ ኣምበሳ መጻወቲ ሃመማ ይኸውን፤ ይብሉ።
    ህዝቢ ኤርትራ መጻወቲ ዓረብ ኮይኑ።

  • wedi hagos May 13, 2013

    way ane hizbey mengistin zerayin seinu ab zikedo kiwared 2 mot koynuna alo

  • NEW HOPE ERITREA May 13, 2013

    ¨ ንህሉዋት ኣብ ቅድሜኻ እናረሸንዎም ንራሻይዳ እናሸጥዎም ደቀንስትዮኻ እናዓመጽወን፣ኣሕሊፎም ብበደዊን ክዕመጻ ኣሕሊፎም እናሃብወን__ሕድሪ ¨ስዉኣት¨ እናበሉ ክጻወቱልካ ¨

    ኦ መብዛሕትኻ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፣ ካባኻ ኣርሒቐ ብምሕሳበይን__ብምስትውዓለይን__እንተዘይኮይኑ ብምንም ዘይበልጸካ ሓውካ እየ። እቶም ተሰዊ ኦም ኢሎም ዘላግጹሎም ዘለዉ ኣብ መቓብሮም ዝሸኑ ዘለዉ ንሳቶም እዮም።ንፍርቂ ዘበን ተጋደልትን __ድሓር ናብ ሸፋቱ ዝተረፈ ቃልስን__መንነትካ ኣጽሊኡ__ጦብያ (ናይ ትምኒት)ዝኾነት ሃገር ክንፈጥር ኢና።ፍሉያት ፍጥረት ኢና ኢሎም___ከምቲ እቲ ዓቢ መጽሓፍ ዝብሎ__¨ንውድቀት ትዕቢት ትቕድማ¨ኣብ ሆይ ሆይ ዘብል __ዝበላዕካሉ ኢድ ዘንክስ ውግእ ኣእትዮም__ኣንታ ቆለውዕ ኣይኮኑኒ __ሳሬት ክትመውት (ክት ስዋእ) ከላ ዓይንኻ ቁጽርጽር ዝብለካ __ካብ ሓምሳ ዓመት ንላዕሊ ዝፈልጠካ ህዝበይ ናብ ኣረመኔ ቀይሮምኻ __ቆልዑ ጎረቤት ደብዲበን ዝተመልሳ ኣይሮፕላናት__እንቋዕ ድሓን ተመለሳ ኢልካ__ዕልልል ክትብል ምስ ሰማዕኩኻ ኣየለሉኻን። ኣንታ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ__ሰራቒ እኳ ምስ ሓዝካዮ ጠምዩ __ይኸውን ኢልካ ሕብስቲ ገዚእካ እተብልዕ ህዝቢ__ንዓኻ ነብስኻ ሰሪቖም__ኣዴታት ውላደን እናጠፍኡ ስእሊ ናይ ኢሰያስ ዘለዎ ጌረን (ኣንበሳ) ኢለን ከመጉስኦ ምርኣይ የደንጽወኒ። እቲ ዝፈልጦ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ናብ ሕልና ዘይብሉ ኣረመኔ__ስ ሱዕን_ለማንን__ክቕየር ከሎ__ሓዘነይን ሕፍረተይን__እቲ ዝገመትኩዎ ብምብጽሑ ጣዕ የብለኒ።
    ሕድሪ ስዉኣት ኢሎም ኣየላግጹልካ።ነቲ ማሕረዲ ቅዱስ ስም ስለ ዝ ሃብዎ ኣይትዳናገር።ሜላዊ ምዝላቕ ይኹን ምንስሓብ__ምህዳም እዩ።
    ናይ ኣብ ድፋዕ ዝዕመጻ ዘለዋ ደቂ ኣንስትዮን__ኣብ ሲናይ ጾታዊ ዓመጽ ዝበጽሖም ዘሎ ወድን ጓልን __ዝቕዘፍ ዘሎ ህዝቢ ገዲፍካ___ናይ ሰብ ክቐትሉ ዝሞቱ ሕሉፋት ምስትምቓር ናይ ሻዕብያ (ህግደፍ) ድሌት ምምላእ እዩ።
    ካብዚ ንላዕሊ እሞ እንታይ ክብለካ እየ።ብ ኣእምሮ እንተዘይኮይኑ ብትምህርቲ ብዙሕ ሰብ እዩ ዝሓልፈኒ።

    እዚ ወድሓንካ

  • NEW HOPE ERITREA May 13, 2013

    ኣሕዋተይ__ኤርትራዊ ሰብኣይ__ብበደዊን ሰብኣይ ጾታዊ ምዕማጽ እናበጽሖ__ደቂሱ ዝሓድር ህዝቢ__ሕጂ ዓሰብ ተወሲዳ ኢሎሞ ዝኸይድ ዶ ይመስለኩም፧
    ኣንስቲ ኤርትራ ዓደይ__ሰብኡት ኣለዉና ኣይትበላ። ኩሉ ጠጠው ኢሉ ዝሸነ ሰብኣይ ኣይኮነን ።ብደርፍን ስምዒትን ኣዔሺኻ ተጥፍኦ ዓንዛር እምበር__ሰብኣይ የለን። አ አርትራውያን ኣወዳትን ሰብ ኡትን ኣብ ድሕሪኦም በደዊንን ርሱን ማሕረሻን እናኣተዎም፣እዚ ሓሳዊ ሃገራዊ ኣብ ወብሳይት ኮይኑ ኣካኪ ዘራፍ እንተበለ___ትማል ዕላማ ከምዘይነበሮ ሕጂ ውን ብጠጠዉ ዝሞተ ¨ሰብኣይ¨እዩ። እቶም ህግደፍሲ ዕላማ ከማን ኣለዎም።ባርነት ጠኒሶም ባርነት ዝወልዱ እንሄዉልካ__እንታይ እሞ ክብለካ እየ።
    ጸላእትና ኣምሓሩን ተጋሩን እዮም ፧ ባዕልኻ መልሶ።ንዕኦም ሓልየ ኣይኮንኩን።ጽል ኢ ምንም ኣይገብሮምን።ንሕና ግን ብጽል ኢ ተቓሊስና ብጽል ኢ ድማ ንቕዘፍ ኣለና።

  • jose May 13, 2013

    This is what you deserve for hating Ethiopians- people that gave you everything- and falling in love with Arabs. even after all this blood shade and hate the best option you poor asses have is mama Ethiopia-The land of the loving and wise people. Back stabber Eritreans deserve that!!

    • ahmed saleh May 14, 2013

      We do not hate Ethiopian people but we had bad experience with them we just want them to leave us alone .

      • jose May 14, 2013

        Bro, let us not try to hide the truth. Even now, if you happen to see comments by Eritreans, what they love to say is Adgi, Agame, Komal,,,,,, to the people that is sharing from the smallest bread in the world. We are poor but very proud to share what we have hate with our haters. btw, I grew up in Asmara, Barjima. so, i know what was going on in the minds of my Eri friends.

    • Nahom May 14, 2013


      When Equality and Justice prevail in Ethiopia and all Ethiopians feel that they are treated equally, you van blame Eritreans for separation but while certain social and religious groups feel and act that they are superior to others the consequence is more civil wars and separations.

    • Zaul May 14, 2013

      Ethiopia proudly proclaims it has never been colonized but still whine about those 5 years in Piaza and wants to claim Eritrea as it’s territory [???]. There are plenty of Eritrean heroes who died defending Ethiopia. Not a single Ethiopian fired a bullet or stone to defend their brethren north of Mereb. Menelik sold us off with a signature.

      Ethiopia sacrificed Eritrea to advance towards other areas (you know where).

      I know Eritreans where upnosed towards their Tigrayan people from the south, which is shameful, the reason is a false sense of self [Italian Derg and Ghedli]. But there are also bad aspects of our mutual culture [kurub terekhebe, Nehna kem kal’ot habesha aykonan, zeybl habesha yelen].

      During the latest war, the big improvement in relations between tigreans (eritreans and ethios) was destroyed, the blame goes to both governments.

      Don’t come here and rejoice the rape of our sisters, they’re your sisters too!

      We Tigrayans must wisen up. When you’re in bad times, you have a refuge in Eri and when we have bad times we come to you. That’s the way it’s been from 800 Bc until 1896 AD.

      Which torch do you want to carry?

      • A.A Yassin May 14, 2013

        “I know Eritreans where upnosed towards their Tigrayan people from the south, which is shameful, the reason is a false sense of self [Italian Derg and Ghedli]. But there are also bad aspects of our mutual culture [kurub terekhebe, Nehna kem kal’ot habesha aykonan, zeybl habesha yelen].”

        Upnosed? That is an absolute lie.

      • Zola May 15, 2013

        That’s very mature of you. Thank you.

        • ahmed saleh May 15, 2013

          Have you seen anyone who used derogatory language toward Tigrians in this forum as you stated . Ofcourse
          you will encounter people with foul mouth , weak personality and arrogance . But you can not associate me
          with such kind of people at the same time I can not associate you with those haters from Ethiopia if you
          are a person of principle and integrity . We all represent our self no need to generalize .

          • ahmed saleh May 15, 2013

            Your ” mamma Ethiopia staff ” is a dream hard not to open your eyes that Eritrea is A COUNTRY not a
            playing ground of Ethiopia , GET OVER IT and keep moving .

    • NEW HOPE ERITREA May 15, 2013


      Although whatb youn are saying has element of truth..your in your face attitude is not helping..In the deal the cancer of Ethiopia was removed in 1993..but ,think about the new generation ..that is suffering through no fault of theirs..Those who hate Ethiopia are abroad to the most part. Next time try compassion works…Be a good neighbour like the rest of Ethiopians..Do not loose your soul with hate..Look what hatred brought to us.


      • jose May 16, 2013

        I completely understand you.and I feel sorry for the bad words I wrote.

  • Mesinas May 14, 2013

    ለዋህ ኤርትራዊ እንታይ እዩ ጸገምካ
    ህያብ ናይ ስውኣት ሃገር ከላትካ
    ካባኻ ዘይሕሹ ክዋራዘዩልካ
    ምስ’ዚ ኩሉ ታሪኽ ቅያ ጅግንነትካ
    ኣዕራብ ክራስዩ ብዓመጽ ገንዘብካ!

    ካብ መዋጥር ሲናይ ምድረ በዳ ሳህራ
    ካብዚ ዘለኻዮ ሓሳረ መከራ
    ዚኸብድ ተኾይኑ ናይ ሃገርካ ናብራ
    ገለ ዘይትፈጥር መንእሰይ ኤርትራ
    ካብ ግፍዕን ጭቆናን ትወጸሉ ሓራ!

    ኣንታ ኤርትራዊ ሕፉርን ክቡርን
    ታንክታት ትማርኽ ድሩዓት ሓጻዊን
    ንስኻ ጅግናዶ ርእስኻ ተድንን
    እሞ ከኣ በዕራብ፡ ብጓሶት በደዊን!

    ቀልባዕባዕ ክትብል ስደተኛ ኴንካ
    ካብዚ ኩሉ ሽግር ኣብ ዓዲ እንዳማትካ
    ክሳዕ መዓስ ስደት ሃገርካ ገዲፍካ
    ዓቢ ምስ ንእሽቶይ ብሓደ ሓቢርካ
    ሓርነትካ ጨብጥ መላኺ መኪትካ!

    ስቓይና ንኺድምደም፡ ውድቀት ንጉጅለ ሕሰም!

  • Hzbi May 14, 2013

    All is the weakness of the people, they have to united and demonstrate to stop this aggressive breach of human in Sudan and the whole ERitrean people in general.
    The weakness of these opposition are really making it worse, these opposition, they have to fight or leave being opposing, its all ridiculous,
    All Eritrea people should fight for their rights, this is the hardest time, HGDF will make Eritrea without Eritraen people but Arabs and Malalits…