ኣብ መንጎ ዓደርደን እንገርነን ሓንቲ ናይ ጽዕነት መኪና ብዕጡቓት ድሕሪ ምጥቅዓ መራሒ መኪናኣ ከምዝዓረፈ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ካብ ኤርትራ ሓቢሮም።
ካብ ዝሓለፈ ሓሙስ ሰሙን ኣብ ዝነበረ ግዜ ሓንቲ ካብ ተሰነይ `ኣኳ ፍሬሽ` ዝተባህለ ውጽኢት ማይ ጽዒና ናብ ኣስመራ ትጓዓዝ ዝነበረት ዓባይ መኪና ኣብ መንጎ ዓደርደን እንገርነን ብ RPG ተሃሪማ ድሕሪ ምቅጻላ መራሒኣ ብኡንብኡ ከምዝዓረፈ ምንጭታት

ካብ ዝሓለፈ ሓሙስ ሰሙን ኣብ ዝነበረ ግዜ ሓንቲ ካብ ተሰነይ `ኣኳ ፍሬሽ` ዝተባህለ ውጽኢት ማይ ጽዒና ናብ ኣስመራ ትጓዓዝ ዝነበረት ዓባይ መኪና ኣብ መንጎ ዓደርደን እንገርነን ብ RPG ተሃሪማ ድሕሪ ምቅጻላ መራሒኣ ብኡንብኡ ከምዝዓረፈ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ካብ ኤርትራ ሓቢሮም።
እታ ኣብ ተሰነይ ካብ ዝርከብ `ሓሊብ ባርካ` ተባሂሉ ዝፍለጥ ሓድሽ ትካል ውጽኢት ማይ ጽዒና ትጓዓዝ ዝነበረት መኪና ሰዓት 9:00 ናይ ምሸት `ያ መንነቶም ብዘይተፈልጡ ዕጡቓት ተወቒዓ።
ቅድሚ ወርሒ ኣቢሉ `ውን ግርመ ኣብ ዝብሃል ብወገን ባድመ ዝርከብ ቦታ ትጓዓዝ ዝነበረት መኪና ነታጒ ረጊጻ ድሕሪ ምቅጽላ፡ ሰለስተ ሲቭልን ክልተ ዕጡቓትን ከምዝሞቱ ምንጭታት ካብ ኤርትራ ሓቢሮም።
ብሰንኪ እዚ ዘይርጉእ ጸጥታዊ ኩነታት ብወገን ምዕራባዊ ቖላ ምንቅስቓስ መካይን ብምሸት ሓደገኛ ኮይኑ ምህላዉ ይፍለጥ።
Timmy November 16, 2015
a,eyasu, you are a typical ignorant hagereseb coward hypocrite and your days just like higdefs are numbered. you will face your punishment for unfair and opportunist journalism or more like prostitution.
robi November 17, 2015
You wrote the following:
“a,eyasu, you are a typical ignorant hagereseb coward hypocrite and your days just like higdefs are numbered. you will face your punishment for unfair and opportunist journalism or more like prostitution.”
You are a fool and an idiot! What does hagereseb mean? Well we do what ignorant means, and that is you timmy, eti natas nhamata zbluka kemzi iyu. You think an intelligent guy like Ema would be offended by a stupid insults like yours? You want him to do whatever you dictate him to do and if he doesn’t you are angry. Shame on you, timmy! This is an Eritrean website and we are not letting you destroy it. capito?
Dhab November 17, 2015
timmy, bealege. You better behave if you want to be taken seriously.
Genet-orginal November 17, 2015
you are angry and you forgot what you are. if you don’t like Assenna, just get your news from higdef’s TV.
AHMED SALEH November 17, 2015
Kubur yekhbereka husur yehsereka , hade uwala Wedi Asmera
might think superior than others . It all comes from the
way he is raised .
Timmy Wedi Asmera forgot his father origin , funny for laugh .
AHMED SALEH November 17, 2015
Either way the news is not positive idea to argue when involved
at death of civilians particularly if unknown groups started armed
rebellion inside a country . Because HGDF have experience to exploit
our unstable conditions on people’s mind for their favor like they
used to do . The situation inside the country is not on side of our
people interest , we are not strong enough to face dangers at this
time . Sometime we get confused to recognize internal and external enemies .
wey Gud November 17, 2015
Assena seem to be happily reporting the killing of an innocent Eritrean driver and his truck as a victorious attack? well of course this is a victory for the propagnda machine who is working hard for the enemy.
Genet-orginal November 17, 2015
wey Gud,
See, real news is not supposed to be sugarcoated. Assenna News is not for PFDJ and Isayas’s zombies. it is for real people who have human brain. I see, it is hard for you to see real and honest news. If you care about what is right or wrong, we haven’t seen you complaining about PFDJ/Isayas’s TV AKA ERi TV. Isayas’s TV will lie to no end about everything and you can’t say anything about that. You need to wake up.
hefash November 17, 2015
btami zihizin eiyu eza news mkniyatu ezi nay terorisim srahe eiyu amnieal is not good news
ertra n ertrawyan November 17, 2015
The job of a journalist is just to bring any news as it is. You should not hide bad news and publish the good news if you are a journalist. So those who are expecting such thing should go to kindergarten.
delayi fthi November 17, 2015
himak agatami u abmntmntay da nselemawi hzbi ab rasi tsegemu
Keren November 17, 2015
If the attack was directed at civilians and on their property, then it is Terrorism.
tell us November 17, 2015
Amaniel eyasu, demo.archive.assenna.com, can you please tell our people what you know about the death of the dictator of Eritrea. What happens to the investigative journalism? It seems it is credible news but people who know the death of the dictator are steering us away from the news and deflecting us to other issues and news. Our misery was caused by dictator Esias but every one is deflecting us from news of his death. some so called opposition groups some selfish self-serve individuals are working hard to hide it. Why mesfin Hagos left his party?, why yemane monky visited German? why an agreement signed by selfish parties in the presence of Foreigners. How about an interview with misfin hagos or the parties who signed a memo in Germany in the presence of foreign powers? Why do some selfish opposition groups signed a memorandum of understanding of controversial ideas ,views and laws to implement in eritrea? We should not accept any opposition groups to rule our country in secret and to make a deal behind our back showing contempt to Eritrean people. It is too late now to tell us what we already know. If they can not be open to their people from start or to their members and are operating in secrecy then they are traitors who betrayed our trust just like hegdef. Isn’t yemane monkey and others on the UN security council travel ban list. What a mistry? What ever is happening no foreigners can choose who should be our temporary leader or how we should be governed.
Negasi Tesfamichael November 19, 2015
Thank Ahmed for you wise vision.
Negasi Tesfamichael January 7, 2016
There is doubt that Amanuel is the determined and strong Eritrean who is exposing the horor done by Esayas and his fucked up regieme.we should never say a word about his attempts to reach out what he knows to his people.ALL OF US WHO ARE WRITING AND COMMENTING ON THIS WEBSITE IT IS BECAUSE OF HIS HARD WORK DAY AND NIGHT.WE NEED TO ASK OUR SELVES IF WE HAVE ANY CONTRIBUTION AS HE IS DOING.PROBABLY NOTHING.SO LEAVE AMANUEL ALONG .HE WILL REPORT WHAT HE THINKS IS RELEVANT TO HIS PEOLE.SUPPORT HIM AT LEAST HE IS DOING SOMETHING THAT ME AND YOU ARE NOT.