Update:ኣብ መንጎ ሰራዊት ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን፣ ሎሚ ክሳብ ቅድሚ ቀትሪ ዝተኻየደ ውግእ፣ ካብ ሰዓት 06፣30 ኣጋ ምሸት ‘ውን ዳግማይ ብጽዕጹዕ ይቕጽል ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ካብቲ ከባቢ ሓቢሮም።
Update: ኣብ መንጎ ሰራዊት ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን፣ ብናይ ኤርትራ ኣቋጻጽራ፣ ካብ ሰዓት 04፣00 ወጋሕታ ጀሚሩ ክሳብ ሰዓት 10፣00 ቅድሚ ቀትሪ ብጽዕጹዕ፣ ምሉእ መዓልቲ ድማ ሓሓሊፉ ዝተኻየደ ውግእ፣ ካብ ሰዓት 06፣30 ኣጋ ምሸት ዳግማይ ብጽዕጹዕ ይቕጽል ከምዘሎ
Update: ኣብ መንጎ ሰራዊት ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን፣ ብናይ ኤርትራ ኣቋጻጽራ፣ ካብ ሰዓት 04፣00 ወጋሕታ ጀሚሩ ክሳብ ሰዓት 10፣00 ቅድሚ ቀትሪ ብጽዕጹዕ፣ ምሉእ መዓልቲ ድማ ሓሓሊፉ ዝተኻየደ ውግእ፣ ካብ ሰዓት 06፣30 ኣጋ ምሸት ዳግማይ ብጽዕጹዕ ይቕጽል ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ካብቲ ከባቢ ሓቢሮም።
ኣብቲ ናይ ቅድሚ ቀትሪ ውግእ፣ ኣብ ከባቢ ኣኽራን፣ ሓድሽ ዓዲ፣ ዓዲ ሳሆ፣ ገርገራ ዝብሃላ ዓድታት ኤርትራ ኣብ ኢድ ሰራዊት ኢትዮጵያ ከምዝኣተዋ እቲ ሓበሬታ የረድእ።
ክልቲኦም መንስታት ብዛዕባ’ዚ ኣብ ዶባት ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ሎሚ ዝካየድ ዘሎ ውግእ ወግዓዊ ሓበሬታ ኣይሃቡን።
alem June 12, 2016
another scum by a master scum artist.
this is meant to hoodwink the eritrean people. this is meant to distract our attention and buy our sympathies.
He is cornered and the only way out is to ignite the border war.
the ethiopians have gone crazy or they are lending a helping hand to an old friend.
either ways, it does not make sense for the ethiopians to ignite this war at this time.
helen2 June 12, 2016
well said.
ሳሙአል June 12, 2016
ኩናትብንኩሉ ኣየርብሕን እዩ ሰራዊት ኤርትራ ድማ ሃገሩ ካብ ምክልኻል ሓሊፉ ዝነቕሓሉ ምኪንያት የብሉን ዓወት ንህዝብን ሰራዊትን ኤርትራ
T belew June 12, 2016
Goje June 12, 2016
Will the coward Hgdef supporters visiting Eritrea right now as Hgdef celebrates its 25 years of slavery of the likes of – nHna nsu: nsu nHna – stay in Eritrea to defend the Fascist Abeed regime of Asmara or run away with their tails between their legs like the coward Ali Abdus?
Will the Hgdef supporters stay or run to exit the Asmara airport? It is my hope that Issais will choose to die with them by rounding them up and ship them off to Adi Qeyh, Adi Quala, Shambuqo, Gulij, Assab and Kuluku ….
Harestay June 12, 2016
Hi Goje,
I remember in 1998 the coward ypfdj running away, boarding a plane , they used to say ” AJOKUM AB GONKUM ALENA” . Here is what a National Slavery member replied “AB KIDMENA EMBER AB GONINAS BIZUHAT ALEWINA” . yPFDJ are without shame and will definately the same history now. Their biggest interest in Eritrea is their summer house built for free by the National Slavery.
Selam Nhzbi Eritrea
Samson June 12, 2016
The desperate sick dictator is probably saying ‘bidihirey saEri aytibkola ab Eritrea’.
But with the help of our Ethiopian brothers and Western world Eritrea will have brighter future
with full electricity, running water, democracy, freedom of travelling and speech and above all a constitution.
Genet-orginal June 12, 2016
DIA is freaking out. This is a bad time for him. He may think starting war with Tigraya is a way out, but it is not. DIA and Tigray dominated Ethiopian gov are the worst enemy of Eritrean and our beloved country Eritrea. Tigray dominated gov in Ethiopia has been helping DIA to destroy our people and country. This two demonic pair are the death of Eritrea and Ethiopia. They came together in the Eritrean and Ethiopian lives and I hope they go down together. The Eritrean and Ethiopian people should be wise and don’t kill each other. However, it this war cont, it will kill innocent young people on both sides. Most Tigray people have been itching to go to war with the Eritrean people for a while now. Mind you, not war with DIA. DIA tried hard, they didn’t want a war that take down DIA. Because he has been doing what they wanted to do to Eritrea. Now, it is clear they never wanted him to leave Eritrea; Unless he hands them broken Eritrea without its people. With their mouthpiece websites, they have been telling us, they will be going to war with Eritrean people with other Ethiopians children’s blood and lives to benefit them. Ethiopians need to think hard and refuse to go to war with Eritrean people. I just want to tell the Ethiopian people, at this time war with the Eritrean people is not going to get you the port of Assab. Eritrea is a sovereign country, no matter what DIA has been doing, or the Tiray gov has been saying. Don’t be fooled by Tigray gov in Ethiopia. They are not going to hand you Assab port. To the Ethiopian people and the Eritrean people. you have been victims of brutality by the two evil bloody brothers for 25 years. Let us deny them the chance to live anther day. let them perish the way Derg did, after 15 years of lying and killing both brotherly people.
Semur Ghenbar June 12, 2016
እቲ ሕጂ ተወሊዑ ዝበሀል ዘሎ ውግእ ብዘየገድስ መን ከፊትዎን ስለምንታይን? ሕጅን፤ ኢሳያስ ሽፍታን ደቒመዛምርቱን ግን አብ ሕጊ ቀሪቦም ፍርዶም ከምዝወስዱ ናይቲ ውጹዕ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ሕቶ ምኳኑን ዘይተርፍ ሞኳኑን ዘጠራጥር አይኾነን።
Genet-orginal June 13, 2016
Cont, DIA is freaking out. DIA and Tigray gov in Ethiopia are the same. They are the enemy of both people. They are warmonger who don’t care about you. They don’t care about anybody. Even the Tigray gov in Ethiopia don’t care the poor people of Tigray. They are misleading them like they are super power. When in reality, they can’t even feed the poor Ethiopians. just recently, word news were talking about 15 million people going hungry. How is that possible, when Ethiopia is getting multi billions of aid from all over the world. Now, don’t give me wrong, I am not saying Tigray gov in Ethiopia is more evil than their cousins in Eritrea. I am just saying they are the same. This two classless, cowards and criminals are not going to die in the war they are creating. Because this two demonic group have tested the good lives on the back of Eritrean and Ethiopian people, they will not physically fight. But they will drug us all to our death. Let us stop them and send them to hell where they belong. At this time DIA is like a wounded animal who is agitated and desperate. He is looking a way out by killing our people. Sure enough the Tigray gov in Ethiopia is trying to give him a way out. It is may be astonishing to some of you, the act of Tigray gov in Ethiopia feeding DIA’s agitation. But to most of us, it is expected. Just like DIA the Tigray gov in Ethiopia also needs some diversion from the atrocity they are committing against Oromo children and others in Ethiopia. It is amazing how this two evil groups minds work. To hide crimes, they are willing to create more mayhem. To the Eritrean and Ethiopian people, come to your senses and don’t be fooled again. This two group are family and their feud should devour them not us. Don’t let them destroy the two brotherly people. Let us not let them repeat the 1998-2000 war that killed our young people. like I said, they will not die in any war, because they tested the good life they never dreamed of. This time around, let us make it their tern to die or run.
God please bless the Eritrean and Ethiopian people.
Blata June 13, 2016
Wow this war needs to have radical change to wards the fake regime of Eritrean as I heard in this war the involvement of Eritreans with the ARMY of Ethiopia is so significant. Unless that it is very difficult to bring peace and development in the nation.
Commontetor June 13, 2016
No thing is good out come. No need to bit the dram of joy here. People will say and what is the point? We should solve our problem with agreement. The one biting the dram of joy are ignorant that who don’t have any knowledge of what war means.
Michael Tesfamariam June 13, 2016
No one has to be bluffed by war or nationalism or other HGDF propaganda nonsense anymore. Neither I nor a victim of this bloodthirst regime of Issais is prepared to offer their blood and sweat so him and handful criminal thugs in power will continue their extermination policy against the people.
I would rather wish and pray, no matter who started this clash, Ethiopia will continue crushing the regime in Eritrea until those thousands innocents who remained locked behind cells for years in Eritrea will finally get justice they deserve.