ኣብታ ካብ ቱርኪ ናብ ግሪኽ ክትሰግር ዝጠሓለት ህይወት 22 ስደተኛታት ዝለከመት ጃልባ 3 ኤርትራውያን ከምዝሞቱ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።
ኣብ ታ ትማሊ ሰንበት ካብ ዓቐን ንልዕሊ ስደተኛታት ጽዒና ካብ ቱርኪ ናብ ግሪኽ ክትሰግር ኣብ ባሕሪ ኤጅያን ዝጠሓለት ጃልባ ዝሞቱ 22 ስደተኛታት 3 ኤርትራውያን ከምዝኾኑ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ሓቢሮም። ብመሰረት እቲ ሓበሬታ፣ እቶም ኣብቲ ሓደጋ ዝሞቱ ኤርትራውያን

ኣብ ታ ትማሊ ሰንበት ካብ ዓቐን ንልዕሊ ስደተኛታት ጽዒና ካብ ቱርኪ ናብ ግሪኽ ክትሰግር ኣብ ባሕሪ ኤጅያን ዝጠሓለት ጃልባ ዝሞቱ 22 ስደተኛታት 3 ኤርትራውያን ከምዝኾኑ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ሓቢሮም።
ብመሰረት እቲ ሓበሬታ፣ እቶም ኣብቲ ሓደጋ ዝሞቱ ኤርትራውያን ሓንቲ ንግዚኡ ምሉእ ሽማ ዘየረጋገጽናዮ ጓል ኣርባዕተ ዝተባህለት ስንክልቲ ተጋዳሊት ምስ ጓል 14 ዓመት ጓላ ከምኡ ‘ውን ዛጊት ስሙ ክንረኽቦ ዘይከኣልና መንእሰይ እዮም።
እታ ናይ ዓይኒ ስንክልና ዝነበራ ተጋዳሊት፣ ብዓልቲ ቤቱ ኣማረ ንዝተባህለ ስዉእ ተጋዳላይ እያ።
ካብቶም 22 ግዳያት እቶም 16 ሶማላውያን ምዃኖም ‘ውን ተፈሊጡ።
እታ ኩነታት ማዕበል ህዱእ ኣብ ዝነበረሉ ግዜ ዝጠሓለት ጃልባ ልዕሊ ዓቕን ተሳፈርቲ ጽዒና ከምዝነበረት ኳ እንተተገልጸ፣ ምኽንያት መጥሓሊኣ ብወግዒ ኣይተገልጸን።
Tezareb May 6, 2014
ኣሕ !
እየ ቆልዑ ባሕረነጋሽ፣ ኣንቱም ” ሰውራ ” ኢሎም ዶ ዓይንኹም ሰዊሮም፣ ንገደል ወቲፎምኹም፧
ኣንቱም እዞም ቋንቋታቶም ዝፈንፈኑ፣ መንነቶም ዝጠለሙ ናብዚ ዘመነ ቕብጸት ክመርሕኹም ከለዉስ እንታይ ተሓስቡ ኔርኩም፧
ኣንቱም ናብዚ ናይ ውርደት ዘመንሲ ከመይ ጌርኩም ኣተኹም፧
እቲ ክብረትን ኩርዓትን ኣባሓጎታትኩምን እንዳታትኩምንሲ ኣበይ ሃፈፈ፧
ተዋሪድኩም፤ ሰብ ኣዋሪድኩም። ሰብ ብላሽ።
Tezareb May 6, 2014
Yosief Ghebrehiwet comments on:
The burning of Tigre books – Saleh Ghadi’s account
If there is one human being that would never be suspected of ignorance in matters big and small regarding Jebha, it would be Ghadi. So the idea that somehow he was not in the know regarding the burning of Tigre books in mieda would be a joke. Only he didn’t claim ignorance, but came up with an utterly benign version of it.
Here is the strategy the Awate duo employ in their anesthetizing mission: if any damaging evidence surfaces, deny it; but if the chances of counter-evidence seems to be real, trivialize it.
Here is how Ghadi handled the claim that I made in this article – that Jebha burned all Tigre books:
“Saay, this is sounding as if a library was burned. The ‘books’ are actually handwritten, a few pages typed, copies for use as a teaching aid–sort of a curriculum of a few pages. Some of those who wrote it didn’t even speak Tigayet and all those who were pushing Tigrayet in place of Arabic were Tigrinya speakers, including Zemehret. I am not sure but I doubt if few pages reached the duplicator stage. But exaggeration has been the hallmark on such issues.”
His first reaction was: how do I attribute the burning of the Tigre books to Kebessa elite? This is a brilliant move, because if he could do that, the Tigre elites would be absolved of that horrendous sin of burning their language – for that is what the burning of the books symbolized. First, he claimed that it was written by Tigrignas who don’t speak Tigre (or Tigayet, as he calls it)! The idea is to make it seem a preposterous idea from the very beginning. And in doing that, Ghadi found a perfect scapegoat: Zemhret Yohannes! This is a smart move since it would make many of the Kebessa zombies happy, that being part of the ongoing anesthesiology.
Ghadi’s second strategy is to trivialize the incident to an inconsequential point: that it is a matter of few handwritten pages. Think of Jebha that has been printing countless pamphlets suddenly preferring to do it the medieval way, with hand-writing scribes toiling in the candle light, when it comes to books!
Enter Amnuel Hidrat, who spoils this damage control by spilling the beans, telling the Awate duo that the burning concerns 1,500 printed books written by none other than Kerenites (which means that Gadi had heard it before over and over one thousand and one times, as a bed-time story).
Since the spilling of the beans, we have yet to hear from Gadi on this matter.
ahmed saleh May 7, 2014
Go ahead entertain yourself like
always when It comes to sad part events of pre & post independence .
m May 7, 2014
Tezareb you are a bull shit cowerd liar udercover with hgdef we know you very well but remember your game and your time soon very is over
Teclay May 7, 2014
Kexil bravooo,,nezom wala tinfer Tel iya zibilu aytehazelom ,,abti niska zelekayo dereja, ab haxir gize kibexiho iyom, izi mengisti zibehal shifta wirid kibilin,, seb kibaraber kab hilmin hanti kitkewun iya
Hagherawi May 7, 2014
Tezareb, you rootless, Wube died long ago … mind your business ..
Tezareb May 7, 2014
al Hagherawi wrote, “Tezareb, you rootless …”
A rootless person is a person who will do anything to borrow a fake Arab identity at any cost, even by selling his own to the savage Arabs, by burning his own proud languages and by defending his Arab master.
Can you show me a single elite Arab Abeed who cares about his own roots in Eritrea? Can you show me a single person who chose to be an Arab Abeed by choice defending his own languages, identity and history?
Now, tell me who is rootless?
I agree !
Teclay May 8, 2014
Tezareb said”Can you show me a single person who chose to be an Arab Abeed by choice”
Brother,you said it exactly.Let me tell you my own experience which i think fits to your statement
A year ago i was on my way with a Moroccan Lady,,we met an Arab ,who spoke only Arabic .He asked me where the train station is? I can not help him as i can not speak Arabic ,,and the lady that i have thought Arab,said nothing ,,, i asked her why didn`t she help him ,,,her answer was surprising ,,,She did`t know Arabic language as she is a BERBER ,,,,
The rest of the comparison to ours i left for you
Goitom May 7, 2014
Ohh dear Lord!!! I cannot stop crying. When is the suffering of my people to end? Dear Lord, please bring an end for the suffering my people. May the Lord God bring us justice. May this year be the year of restoration. May dictatorhip, oppression and suppression be uprooted in Jesus name. May the Lord bring us a leader who is affectianate. I feel sorry for the deceased. God comfort their families.
Teclay May 7, 2014
“May the Lord bring us…”
It is good to ask the Lord for help,as he is a miracle maker.But may be that is a punishment from Lord to us,for being
spoiled children,for feeling superior,for igniting the disastrous war,and for substituting the despot to Lord.
m May 7, 2014
my lord he give you brain,eyes,hand, to do somthing not you sit and wait to be free go struggle and fight and lord he will help you otherways you siting like monkey to be free no way
Sabina May 7, 2014
ahmed saleh May 7, 2014
Some commentators reaction doesn’t
hold water in regard of the current
reality of Eritreans. Such deceptive
and damaging approach absent from
rational thought to behave badly against our people interest is the main
cause for suffering to our past actions consequences . For those who refuse to held responsible to be part of solution on Eritrea issues , they only became nuisance in this forum .
How stupid can it be to politicized the death of innocents to cover their hidden intentions .
andinet hizbay May 7, 2014
we were proud and respected ppl, unlike many of african brothers ,we were not sold as slaves to arabs or Europeans. but thanks to Ghedli they turned us to sheer slaved. our problem will not end with removal of isayas, the fanatics and the wanna be arabs are waiting in line to destroy our habesha culure, language and religion once and forever, if we want to safe what is remaining let ask our ethiopian brothers to remove
the evil shabia and eventually unite back with our mother country . I hope oneday our useful idiots will wakeup from their dream and work to the best interest of their ppl. what is taking place in Creame ( Ukraine) is going to be repeated in eritrea if full unification failed
Teclay May 7, 2014
” the fanatics and the wanna be arabs are waiting in line to destroy our habesha culure, language and religion once and forever ”
Brother,we have done the job already thanks to the useful idiots,nothing is remained ,we become a moving dead. If any thing is remained only the official funeral.I wonder if some one help me? Is there any population group in history who was destroyed by none but by it self. Normally the useful idiots must have committed suicide, instead pointing their finger to words the despot.In reality the volcano will erupt after the removal of the despot.
ghebremedhin solomoon May 7, 2014
ezi zereba about arabs no body said eritreans to be arab ezum ziblu arab quanqua it is only for comminication
as English quanqua
denden May 10, 2014
Tezareb,teclay and andinet hizbay,
I really admire your thinking.
ghebremedhin solomoon, are you trying to soften with kebesa people sweetners so that they do not unite with tigray.
Let talk about facts and not fiction.
when you put Arabic as official language of Eritrea then every public servant has to speak Arabic or fired from his job and any one who wants to work for government, including president and ministers has to speak Arabic and anyone who wants service from local authority has to speak also Arabic. We became slaves of arabs in our own ancestral land. To make things much worse no one in Eritrea is native arabic speaker. some people tried hard to trick our kebesas habesha by saying it is our choice to speak Arabic.you can not have a choice to aquire someone else language and tradition. if you want to behave like some one else then move to arab land. I give you an example: algezeera English tv were interviewing one habesha eritrean and one muslim Darfurian in Israel about their treatment in Israel. The habesha Christian was responding to questions in Arabic while the darfurian was speaking in English.the darfurian was accusing the arab buduins as more barbarians than Israelis and he was saying there is nothing in common between darfurians and paleastinians.
selamawit2 May 12, 2014
Denden, how TWISTED!
“The habesha Christian was responding to questions in Arabic…”
Every contsructive person would compliment the habesha person you mentioned,
for beeing a educated cosmopolit – speaking a languages is knowing one world more!
and you try to make something bad out his/her education!
a real, real blooper, Denden!
P.S. For tigrigna speaking habesha it is quiet easy to learn arbic for our languages are related.
tigrigna and arabic belong to one family of languages – the semitic one.
P.S. You still didn’t answer to my question why you consider his Holyness Abune Antonios of the Tewahdo Church as sombody who is afraid of DIA – while he was braving him. Did you lose your words after my questions?