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Review overview
  • yonatan December 8, 2014

    I really admair them.Good Job.

    • Teme December 9, 2014

      Thank you guys, I support you,everybody should say
      enough is enogh, we should unite all
      eritrean people, we never been worst than anytime before.
      So let work together to get real freedom.

  • Berhe Tensea December 8, 2014

    A very good job indeed

  • Isayas Sium December 9, 2014

    Thanks Emma for sharing with assenna readers. we truly appreciate you and team assenna for all the wonderful job that you do.

  • AHMED SALEH December 9, 2014

    ARBI HARNET proved to be the grass root of political activity inside the country and it’s
    potential is promising for justice seekers which requires to build a bridge of solidarity
    with heir counterparts in diaspora . By now their presence should get more attention and
    support because popular encouragements can plays a big difference to boost their moral .
    So far , the only threat inside the country are these group .

  • solomon seyoum December 9, 2014

    it is a major step forward in d fight against the dictatorship of one man.

    keep the courage, …..and its contribution to the downfall of the brutal, idiot dictator will be immense.

    Solomon in Belgium

  • haile Weldetnsae ( drue ) December 9, 2014

    Arbi harnet teawet teawet jeganu tegadelti

  • arbi huwket December 9, 2014

    The first terrorists in Eritrea is called ARBI HARINET. I hope they will be eliminated as soon as possible.

    • ERITRAWIT December 9, 2014

      Arbi hwket,
      Hager selam msgeberwa gen kedamay shenen bahalay nska eka!!!!!
      Harbi Harnet Jeganew hzbkewm enda teregese yakele tblew alekum Ajokum amlak mskewm eu!!!!!!

      • AHMED SALEH !!! December 9, 2014

        arbi huwket
        Do not worry by now our people know who has to
        be eliminated from Eritrean soil . The sign you
        see send a message for the unwanted to run out before is too late .
        HGDF life expectancy reached close to expiration
        period .

    • Wadbahar December 16, 2014

      Wow. What a definitive piece of evidence and confirmation that this program, Arbi Harent, is seriously biting? I do not see your name or comment as an awful language. Insults tend to happen when you feel losing the ground over which you are standing. Your name and comment show so much pent up hatred, and any half reasonable person should be able to ask: Why the hatred? The answer is there. You have said it all, by failing to control your bubble. Simply put, your reaction shows the level of frustration that the threat the program, Arbi Harent, would constitute to the regime by raising the awareness of the people and preparing them to raise up against their oppressors. The process may be slow but it is in the right direction: slowly but surely. That is the source of the hatred. But before I wind up this comment, I would ask: How do some of you sleep at night, in your little hatred-filled, bigoted beds?

  • Mahta December 9, 2014

    Thanks guys good news in asmara sweet. I hope every body follow them.

  • Mahta December 9, 2014

    hi arbi huwket you are just like your name. This website is not yours go away.

  • haile December 9, 2014

    Arbi Harnet team especially the team inside the country that are risking thier life under appreciated. I am a member a facebook group of a youth opposition group. This news was posted in both groups (EYNS and EYCS ) FB group.. it is sad to see many commenting about the news (not at least “Like”). Youth iniside eritrea risking to send clear meassage the mafia PFDJ and the least we can do is encourage them. Let support the team by contributing few dollars (their email is With the disorganized opposition groups, i blieve the only hope we have is this team. If we encourage them they are into something. THank you arbi Harnet, keep up the good work.