ኣለኹ ምሳኻ ብመንፈስ
ኣለኹ ምሳኻ ብመንፈስ : ደላይ ፍትሒ ንስለይ ትቃለስ ኣውያተይ ከተስምዕ:ብለይቲ ብቐትሪ ትግስግስ ዝተረገጠ ማዕጾ ክትኹሕኩሖ ይርኣየኒ’ሎ መሬት ከተውግሖ:: ይሰምዖ’ለኹ መቓልሕካ ድቁስ ዘበራብር ሓያል ቀላጽምካ ኣርዑት ምልኪ ዝሰብር:: ኣብ ዒላዒሮ ተመቁሐ ኣፈይ እንተ ተዓብሰ ትሕተ መሬት ኣደልሰር ስጋይ እንተበስበሰ ኣሎኹ ብመንፈስ ምሳኻ ይዕልል ተመቁሐ ኣእጋረይ

ኣለኹ ምሳኻ ብመንፈስ : ደላይ ፍትሒ ንስለይ ትቃለስ
ኣውያተይ ከተስምዕ:ብለይቲ ብቐትሪ ትግስግስ
ዝተረገጠ ማዕጾ ክትኹሕኩሖ
ይርኣየኒ’ሎ መሬት ከተውግሖ::
ይሰምዖ’ለኹ መቓልሕካ ድቁስ ዘበራብር
ሓያል ቀላጽምካ ኣርዑት ምልኪ ዝሰብር::
ኣብ ዒላዒሮ ተመቁሐ ኣፈይ እንተ ተዓብሰ
ትሕተ መሬት ኣደልሰር ስጋይ እንተበስበሰ
ኣሎኹ ብመንፈስ ምሳኻ ይዕልል
ተመቁሐ ኣእጋረይ ብተስፋ ይዘልል::
ረስኒ ዊዓ ናኹራ ገላዕሎ
ቆርበተይ ቀሊጡ ስጋይ እንተቖሎ
ኣለኹ ሳላ ዝበልካኒ ኣንታ ዘይሕለሎ
ክሓልፍ’ዩ ቢለ ብጸጋ’የ ዝቕበሎ::
ካርቸሊ ዓዲ ኣበይቶ ማይስርዋ ትራክ ቢ ትራክ ሲ
ሞተ ሰረረ ተባሂለ ክትግነዝ ነብሲ
ጽንዓተይ ስዒሩ ሞት
ቃልኪዳን ሰማእታት ኣንበረኒ’ ብሂወት::
ሞይቱ ዝበሃልስ ሕድሪ ዝጠለመ
ዘኾለሰት ኢድ ዝቖርጠመ
ብምድሪ ብሰማይ እተረግመ::
ደጎል ድራር
mussie June 24, 2015
Bravo keep on.
Delina June 24, 2015
Democracy yes dictator hgdef dawn
Habtom W. June 24, 2015
Why is DIA not bothered that Eritreans are seeking asylum in Europe, Israel, US or Canada?
Isaias Afewerki is not bothered by thousands of Eritreans fleeing his brutal regime because he has no conscience, no humility, no sympathy, no humanity. He is cruel and inhuman. But, most importantly, he is not bothered by it because he has learned that he can do whatever he wants with impunity; that is, whatever he does, he knows there are many people (actually sub-humans &animals) thousands of them in fact, who support him, applaud him, and would even go out demonstrating for him in capitals around the world. Inexplicably, and essentially, they are telling him that it is OK to arrest, jail, torture, and even kill their our brothers and sisters.
That is the amazing thing about the whole thing! Isaias’s inhumanity by now is clear to many genuine Eritreans, except to those sub-human animals who are pretending to be deaf and blind indefinitely. DIA will not care! He never cared for the Eritrean people and he isn’t about to start now! He only cares about himself and staying in power. However, kiwegiH’eyu really soon deki Erey so just stay strong & healthy. God bless you all.
ERITRAWIT June 24, 2015
Kubur Haw, Aye we ktsemo zekefef nay HGDEF Masertey.
Ajoka B hewetka tekebrka zeleka hzbey.
yoseph June 24, 2015
Good work ተዓወት ገጣማይ
wedifre June 25, 2015
Dear Degol,
BRAVO Graet poem!!
Tsegai June 25, 2015
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”
ሓቦ ምግባር ዘይምፍራሕ ማለት ኣይኮነን። እንታይ ድኣ “ካብ ምፍራሕ ዝለዓለ ጉዳይ ኣሎና ቢልካ ምውሳን” ኢዩ።
ጀጋኑ ኤርትራውያን (ኣንስቲን ሰብኡትን ) , ብርዒን ወረቐትን ትዓጢቖም, ንዓለም ኣውያቶም ኣቕሪቦም። ዓለም “ምስክርኩም ክኸውን ተቐሪበ ኣሎኹ “ ትብል ኣላ።
እታ መርከብ ኤርትራውያን ሓንቲ ኢያ። ሒዛትኒ ክተንቆልቁል ዛዚያ ኣላ እሞ፡
ስለዚ ብኣካል ይኹን ብገንዘብ ተሳታፍነትና ኣብ ገነቫ ነርኢ።
Senhit June 26, 2015
This is the time for all Eritreans unite and raise only one flag, our Liberation Flag, the flag of our forefathers, the flag of our martyrs, the flag that we raised from the beginning to the end of our revolution, our liberation flag, SEMAYAWIT BANDERANA!
This is the time to save our culture, our land and our people before it’s too late!
This is the time for all Eritreans to unite and stand for justice, freedom, liberty and equality.
We should stand against our #1 enemies the mad dog, tyrant dictator Isayas wedi Berad, his blind followers HIGDEF.
It’s time to liberate our land and our people.
Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay!
Let freedom ring in Barka!
Let freedom ring in Denkel!
Let freedom ring in Hamassien!
Let freedom ring in Sahil!
Let freedom ring in Semhar!
Let freedom ring in Senhit!
Let freedom ring in Seraye!
Eritrea will be free soon!
Our original Eritrean Liberation Flag, Semayawit Banderana will rise up all over Eritrea!
We did it 1991 and we will do it again 2015.