“ንደገ ክገሹ ዝፍቐደሎም ኣባላትን ዕጡቓትን” ብዝምልከት ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ዘውጽኦ ውሽጣዊ መምርሒ
'ታይ ግዱ ህግደፍ መንደፍ፣ እንተኾነሉ ሰብ ይነድፍ፣ እንተሰኣነ ገንዘብ የግድፍ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ነቲ ንኤርትራ ሃገረ ዕስክርና ብምግባር፣ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሰጥ ልበጥ ኣቢሉ ብወተሃደራዊ ሕጊ ንምቍጽጻሩ ኣብ ጽባሕ ናጽነት ዝሓንጸጾ ሜላ፣ ንኹሉ መንእሰይ ኤርትራ ብስም

‘ታይ ግዱ ህግደፍ መንደፍ፣ እንተኾነሉ ሰብ ይነድፍ፣ እንተሰኣነ ገንዘብ የግድፍ
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ነቲ ንኤርትራ ሃገረ ዕስክርና ብምግባር፣ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሰጥ ልበጥ ኣቢሉ ብወተሃደራዊ ሕጊ ንምቍጽጻሩ ኣብ ጽባሕ ናጽነት ዝሓንጸጾ ሜላ፣ ንኹሉ መንእሰይ ኤርትራ ብስም ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ኣስገዲዱ ዓስከር ብምግባር ብዓንተብኡ እዩ ጀሚሩዎ። ንመንእሰይ “ኣልዚበዮ እየ” ኣብ ዝበለሉ እዋን ከኣ፣ ነቶም ምንኣስ መንእሰይ ዝኾኑ ኮቴቴ ‘ውን ብስም “ምፍጻም ካልኣይ ደረጃ ትምህርቲ” ናብ ሳዋ ኣውሪዱ ሕጹያት ዕስክርና ብምግባር ናብቲ ቀጽሪ ዕስክርና ኣስዒቡዎም።
እቲ ደረት ዘይብሉ ዘመተ ዕስክርና ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት፣ ሓደ ካብ ቀንዲ ምንጪ ጃምላዊ ዋሕዚ ስደት ኮይኑ ፍሽለቱ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ርኡይ ኮይኑ እኳ እንተሃለወ፣ ኢሳይያስ ነቲ መዕነዊ ፖሊሲ ብኣዝዩ ዘደንጹ ኣንደበት ኣስፊሑ ብምትሕሓዝ፣ ኣብዘን ዝሓለፋ ሒደት ዓመታት፣ ክሳብ 70 ዓመት ዝዕድሚኦም ሲቪል ሽማግለታት ከይተረፈ ብሓይሊ ብረት ኣዕጢቑ ነቲ ንመላኽነቱ ዝምእምእ ናይ ዕስክርና ውጥን ቀጺሉዎ። ብኢዱ ኣይግዳዱ፣ መን ዋና ኣለዎ!
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ስልጣኑ መታን ከይድፈር ንመእሰያት ኤርትራ ሓንሳብ ብወያነ ሓንሳብ ብ “ኣይሰላም ኣይኵናት” እናመሳመሰ ኣብ መሳርዕ ሰራዊት ኩሩንኵሪት ብምእሳር ምቍጽጻሩ፣ ብዓይኒ ህዝብን ሃገርን ክርአ ኸሎ ኣዕናዊ ኳ እንተኾነ፣ ከም ውልቀመላኺ ክርአ ኸሎ ዘዋጽኦ ስለዝገበረ ኣየገርምን እዩ። ሽማግለታት ብግዴታ ኣዕጢቑ፣ “ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት” ዝብል ስም ዓሳክር ገይሩ ኣብ ትሕቲ ምሉእ ምቍጽጻሩ ከእትዎም ምህቃኑ ግን፣ ነዛ ጭርኡ ኳ ምእማን ስኢኑ፣ ርእሰምትእምማን ኣጥፊኡ ምህላዉ ዘርኢ እዩ።
ድሕሪ ምዕጣቖም ግን፣ ከምቲ ዝሓሰቦ ኣብቲ ዘዋደደሎም መጻወድያ ኣእትዩ ከምድላዩ ክቆጻጸሮም ኣይከኣለን። ዕቡድ ስርዓት ደኣ ኮይኑ እምበር፣ ብቐደሙስ፣ መንእሰያት ደቆም ብኢሳይያስ ተዘሪዖም ናብራ ገዛ ኣብ እንግድዓኦም ዝወደቖም ሓረስቶት፣ ዕድመ ንእስነቶም ኣብ ገድሊ ኣብልዮም ኣብ ድርኵዅት ሽምግልና ንዝርከቡ ከዕርፉ ዝግብኦም ተጋደልቲ ነበር፣ ናብ ቤተክርስትያንን መስጊድን ክመላለሱ ዝነበሮም ሽማግለታት ኣቦታት፣ ሞያኦም ምስ ዕስክርና ዘይራኸብ ሰብ ሞያን ነጋዶን መልሓጥሓጥ ኢሎም ምእርናብ ክኣብዩዎ ባህርያዊ እዩ። ህልኹ ግን ኣይደቀሰን። ሰጥ ከብሎም ምእንቲ ከምቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ኣዋርሕ ብዜናታት ዝስማዕኩሞ ናብ ታዕሊም ክወርዱ ክተሃላለኾም ቀዊዑ። እቶም ኣብ ታዕሊም ዝተረኽቡ ውሑዳት ስለዝኾኑ ተሃን ቍጽጽሩ ስለዘየውጽአ ኸኣ፣ እንሆ ሕጂ፣ በቲ በቲ ክሳብ ዝምብርከኹ ኣጥቢቑ ክሕዞም፣ ካብ ሰንሰለት ቁጽጽሩ እንተወጺኦም ድማ ገንዘብ ሸምጥጡ ከምኣመሉ ማሕፉዳኡ ክምልእ፣ ዕድሚኦም ሰሪሖም ዘጥረዩዎ ትካላቶም ክዘምት ሓድሽ መምርሒ ኣውጺኡ ኣሎ። ናይ ህዝብን ሃገር ግዲ ዘይብሉ ዓንዳሪ ስርዓት ዝብልኹም ከምዚ እዩ።
እቲ ዕብዳን ፍርሕን ተኣዋዊሱዎ ዘሎ ውልቀመላኺ ነዞም ብህዝባዊ ሰራዊት እናጸውዐ ዘባጭወሎም ዘሎ መሳኪን ኣመልኪቱ ናብ ሓለፍቲ ዘመሓላለፎ ውሽጣዊ ትእዛዝ እምብኣር ከምዘለዎ እንሀልኩም።
ንደገ ክገሹ ዝፍቐደሎም ኣባላትን ዕጡቓትን፣
- ብምኽንያት ሕማም ደገ ከይዶም ክሕከሙ ዝፍቐደሎም ቀጥታ ደብዳቤ ይጽሓፈሎም።
- ወደይ ጓለይ ብምኽንያት ሕማም ደገ ከይዱ ክሕከም ስለዘፍቀድሉ ናብ ደገ ወሲደ ክሕክሞ ዝብል ሕቶ ዘቕረበ፣-
- ብዓልቲ ቤቱ ነቲ ሕሙም ናብ ደገ ወሲዳ ክትሕክሞ ከምዘይትኽእል ካብ ምምሕዳር ጭብጢ መረጋገጺ ምስዝቐርብ ጥራይ ይፍቀደሉ።
- ኣቦይ ኣደይ ሓወይ ወዘተ… ናብ ደገ ከይዱ ክሕከም ስለዝፍቀደሉ ወሲደ ክሕክሞ ዝብል ሕቶ ዘቕረበ፣
- ጻንታ ማለት ንወለዱ ሓደ ንሱ ጥራሕ እንተኾይኑ መረጋገጺ እንተቕሪቡን ጥራሕ ይፍቐደሉ።
- ኣሕዋት ምስዝህልውዎ ኣይፍቀድን፣ ከም ፍሉይ ዝርኣ 4-5 ኣሕዋቱ ኣብ ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ምስዝህልው እሞ ንህላዊኦም ዝምልከት መረጋገጺ ወረቐት ካብ ኣሃዱኦም ምስዘቕርብ ጉዳዩ ክርኣ ይክኣል።
- ውላድ ዝኣበዮ ናብ ደገ ከይዱ ክሕከም ዝፍቀደሉ።
- ካብ ዝምርዖ ልዕሊ 5 ዓመት ከም ዝገበረ መረጋገጺ ወርቐት ዝቕረበ ብናይ 200.000 ሽሕ ናቕፋ ውሕስነት መገሻ ይፍቀደሉ። ኣብ ዝተወሰነሉ ናይ ግዜ ገደብ እንተዘይተመሊሱን ናይ ምምላስ ኣንፈት እንተ እንተዘይሃልይዎን እቲ ብውሕስነት ዘትሓዞ ገንዘብ 200.000 ሽሕ ናቕፋ ናብ መንግስቲ ኣታዊ ምዃኑ ገያሻይ ናይ ውሕስነት ውዕል ክኽትም ኣለዎ።
- ብዓልቲ ቤተይ ብጉዳይ ሕክምና ኣብ ደገ ስለዝርከብ ርእየዮ/ያ ክምለስ ዝብል ሕቶ ዘቕረበ ፣
- ብሕማቕ ኩነታት ከምዘላን/ሎን ናብ’ዚ ሃገር ባዕላ/ሉን ብኣካል መጺኣ ክትርእዮ ዘየኽእል ጭብጢ ኩነታት ከምዘለዎን መረጋገጺ እንተኣቕሪቡ ብናይ 200.000 ናቕፋ ውሕስነት መገሻ ክፍቐደሉ ይካኣል። ኣብ ዝተወሰነሉ ናይ ጊዜ ገደብ እንተዘይተመሊሱን ናይ ምምላስ ኣንፈት እንተዘይሃልይዎን ድማ እቲ ብውሕስነት ዘትሓዞ 200.000 ናቕፋ ናብ መንግስቲ ኣታዊ ክኸውን ምዃኑ ገያሻይ ኣብቲ ናይ ውሕስነት ውዕል ክኽትም ኣለዎ።
- ኣብ ዝኾነ ሃገር ዝኽፈሎ ናይ ጥሮታ ገንዘብ ስለዘለኒ ገንዘበይ ክቕበል ክኸይድ ዝብል ሕቶ ዘቕረበ፣
- ብናይ 200.000 ናቕፋ ውሕስነት ኣብ ዓመት ሓደ ጊዜ ጥራሕ ክገይሽ ይፍቐደሉ። ኣብ ዝተወሰነሉ ናይ ጊዜ ገደብ እንተዘይተመሊሱን ናይ ምምላስ ኣንፈት እንተዘይሃልይዎን ድማ እቲ ብውሕስነት ዘትሓዞ 200.000 ናቕፋ ናብ መንግስቲ ኣታዊ ክኸውን ምዃኑ ገያሻይ ኣብቲ ናይ ውሕስነት ውዕል ክኽትም ኣለዎ።
- ካብ ደገ ኣገደስቲ ንብረት (ንትካል ዘድሊ ንብረት) ከእቱ ይፈቐደለይ ዝብል ሕቶ ዘቕረበ፣
- ናይ 300.000 ናቕፋ ውሕስነት ብምትሓዝ ኣብ 6 ወርሒ ሓደ ግዜ ጥራሕ ክወጽእ ይፍቐደሉ። ኣብ ዝተወሰነሉ ናይ ጊዜ ገደብ እንተዘይተመሊሱን ናይ ምምላስ ኣንፈት እንተዘይሃልይዎን ድማ እቲ ብውሕስነት ዘትሓዞ 300.000 ናቕፋን ትካሉን ናብ መንግስቲ ኣታዊ ክኸውን ምዃኑ ገያሻይ ኣብቲ ናይ ውሕስነት ውዕል ክኽትም ኣለዎ።
ዓወት ንሓፋሽ!!!
ቤ/ጽ ኣዛዚ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ኤርትራ
ሌ/ኮ ኣማኒኤል ኣርኣያ
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Hailu February 26, 2015
Col Amanuel Araya a very genius ideas never seen such a brilliant leader
Instead of working to the betterment and rights of your poor farmers you have created such rubbish out dated animal farm rules to please your master Isayas.
You will be accountable tomorrow all this miseries will end soon.
I think Isayas must have gave them his old books from the Mao/Cambodia, what they thought a brilliant idea was an out dated backward rules that were used by those diseased dictators.
Let me tell you one story about one of the newly appointed Adi Keyih Administrator during 2005. I was sent by one company to do some works in the nearby villages in Adi keyih vicinity and as usual practice the local administrator was required to be with us during the start of the project. We gave her lift and we were heading to the work place.
We were laughing and chatting the atmosphere was good, she was newly appointed to be the town’s administrator. At that time bread supply was scarce, series electricity shortages etc.
When we pass through a place close to one bakery a lot of people were queuing for bread early in the morning, then we started to talk about the queues for bread then suddenly the Administrator mentioned some of her new inventions.
She said” once I was appointed as Adi keyih administrator I have set new rules, every wheat flour sent to the bakery will be checked how many breads it can be made then each bread from the bakery will be sent to allocated shops only and each shop will have the names of the families with number of bread for each families. This way I will control the bakery’s and also not allow the shops to sell any extra bred for any families.”
Then everyone in the car was quite for a while, myself I was really astonished how deep the country was falling with every person brings new rules to the poor needy families.
The same is also true for the Col. Amanuel Araya who issue new rules to tighten things, cos that was his mental capacity.
crystal clear February 26, 2015
I wish woyane did evacuate badme and surrounding so that we could fight Isaias & pfdj with one heart.There are a good number of people that are worried when eritrea becomes failed state woyane will make Eritrea play park.
If the woyanes really want to live in peace and shut pfdj’s mouth they should leave badme and stay in their country ,they know Eritrea has no power to invade Ethiopia.
Eritreawit February 26, 2015
Badme was sold to weyane by the dictator in 1980’s. stop your excuses to be united and say no to the dictator messenger of some evil entity. We need to save our country now.
Zeray February 27, 2015
Your enemies are inside the country not outside. I am assuming you are not one of the enemies, otherwise, my statement won’t make sense to you.
Lingo February 26, 2015
Obama says no person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and corruption. Visiting Africa in 2009, he emphasized that “Africa did not need strong men, but strong institutions.” He was referring to democratic institutions where there is no trace of them in Eritrea. In other words, there is no peace or prosperity without political participation of the people.
Genbhothabt February 27, 2015
If Ethiopia withdraw from the dispute areas. Isais cannot stay in power. However woyane is part of the plot too. Making weak eritrea is part of the plan. Issais can die anytime soon if and only if god listen to the people of eritrea. Issais wants to rule the country till he dies. This is his wish but we as a people are not political ly matured enough to understand the needs of unity.
Eritreawit February 28, 2015
may be true,but they only protecting thier interest we can not blame weyane,on the other hand those of you think Weyane/Ethiopia wishes well for Eritrea and it’s people; think again.
Simon Haile February 27, 2015
WediHagher February 27, 2015
The idea of 200 thousand Nacfa deposit to be able to leave the country legally is not new. Many wealthy families as well as individuals have left Eritrea through Asmara airport after giving the said amount. The regime has devised a safe exit for those who can afford it. As long as you have money and are ready to pay them you can give any excuse. Whatever the reasons given, they know people are escaping from hell created by the brutal junta.
Mana February 27, 2015
I strongly agree with wedi Hagher. This is a ploy. They know their time is short. So they created some exit strategy. First of all, those who leave the country have never left the country legally. They always leave the country through harsh borders. How many people do you think leave the country by issued visas. May 100, 200, 300. What about those in thousands. This is Generals trick guys.
AHMED SALEH !!! February 28, 2015
Awet nhafash enabelka izi khulu gonxi ms hafash
zegherm aynet menghsti khoynuna terifu alo.
The funny part even the retiree who returned back
will loose their freedom from their restrictions.
Wadbahar February 28, 2015
The whole list of the medieval rules is laughable and insane, as all hundreds of thousands of his crimes. Nevertheless, Rule No. 4 is more laughable and crazier than others. The Arabs say, “Shar Al Baliya Ma Yudhik” (Literally put: The scourge of all evils is what makes you laugh). Why should the couple wait for five years, if they have the money to be treated immediately and have their problem solved? Here the sadism is second to none in the world and one of the worst intentional destructive acts in human history. He is conveying the message, “I am the one who should decide when you should or should not have children.” We thought Idi Amin and Bukasa were the most despicable African rulers, and that none would come to be regarded with that much distaste, disgust, and disdain. However, the star came two decades later from the country most African intellectuals thought would be a model for the whole African, sadly enough, forcing Eritreans to say with great contempt, “Natna Gud Gadidu.” It is good that this report is written in Tigregna and that only we could read it, as a friend said to me this afternoon over the phone. I agree with brother WediHager and I put what he had said in an Arabic proverb which says, “Yarayeh Kater Al Fadayeh” (Literally meaning: You are going for sure, and so lift the bar of your scandals as extreme as you can.)
There is nothing surprising in the rules made by a sadist ruler, who has gone to the furthest mile in the path of destroying a nation and its people, and has reached a point of fatal deadlock. The height of the irony is his supporters for whom every dawn is proving in concrete terms that their master has no veil of decency to hide behind, but they still could not see that they are going down the ditch with him. I hope this to be the darkest hour which comes before dawn for our people.
ambabi February 28, 2015
very ugly government and its cheap analysis very cheap I never hate myself like this days I am on the verge to abandon my eritreanity as long as pfdj is in power and I wish I use to live in Asmara and I mean it I would kill a dozen of pfdj because I could not tolerate the atrocities this cheap government is performing up on my people. Wake up ppl just one push