ንውጽኢት መርማሪ ኮምሽን ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ኣብ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ኤርትራ ደገፎም ንምግላጽ ካብ ዝተፈላለዩ ሃገራት ኤውሮጳ ብመካይንን ነፈርትን ናብ ጀነቫ ዝወሓዙ ልዕሊ 5 ሽሕ ኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኣብ ጀነቫ ታሪኻዊ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ኣካይዶም።
ንውጽኢት መርማሪ ኮምሽን ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ኣብ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ኤርትራ ዘለዎም ደገፍ ንምግላጽ ከምኡ ‘ውን ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ንምዅናን፣ ካብ ዝተፈላለዩ ሃገራት ኤውሮጳ ብመካይንን ነፈርትን ናብ ጀነቫ ዝወሓዙ ዕዕሊ 5 ሽሕ ኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ፣ ሎሚ

ንውጽኢት መርማሪ ኮምሽን ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ኣብ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ኤርትራ ዘለዎም ደገፍ ንምግላጽ ከምኡ ‘ውን ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ንምዅናን፣ ካብ ዝተፈላለዩ ሃገራት ኤውሮጳ ብመካይንን ነፈርትን ናብ ጀነቫ ዝወሓዙ ዕዕሊ 5 ሽሕ ኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ፣ ሎሚ ዓርቢ 26 ሰነ 2015፣ ኣብ ታሪኽ ተቓወሞ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ብብዝሑን ዓይነቱን ውዕዉዕነቱን ፍሉይ ኣገዳስነት ዘለዎ ዕዉት ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ኣካይዶም።
ፍርቂ ናይቶም ሰልፈኛታት፣ ካብ መተኣኻኸቢ ቦታ ተበጊሶም ንመርማሪ ኮምሽን ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ዝድግፍ ንምልካዊስ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ዝዅንን ጭርሖ እናስምዑ ብማእከል ጎደናታት ጀነቫ ናብ ቤትጽሕፈት ኮምሽን ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ኣምሪሖም። ኣብቲ ቦታ ምስ ዝጸንሑዎም ካልኦት ኣሽሓት ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ተጸንቢሮም ከኣ ውዕዉዕ ሰላማዊ ሰልፎም ቀጺሎሞ።
ሓደ ነቲ ናይ ሎሚ መዓልቲ ታሪኻዊ ሰለማዊ አልፊ ፍሉይ ዝገብሮ፣ እቶም ናይ ሎሚ መዓልቲ ተሳተፍቲ ልዕሊ 90 ሚእታዊት ኣብዚ ቐረባ ዓመታት ካብ ኤርትራ ዝተሰደዱ መንእሰያት ክኾኑ ከለዉ፣ እቲ ጸብጻብ መርማሪት ኮምሽን ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ኣማን ብኣማን ሓቂ ምዃኑ ብኣካል ተረኺቦም ብዘየወላወል መንገዲ ምምስካሮም እዩ።
ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ኣሰና ሰፊሕ ዜናን ናይ ቪድዮ ምስክርነትን ኣብ ቀጻሊ ከነቕርበልኩም ኢና።
zerom June 27, 2015
Now is the whole Eritrean people agree to eleminet HGDEF. If this people start they never go back. Caio caio HGDEF/Iseias….
zerom ,
As much as it seems very difficult ..pFDJ will fall on it’s own weight ,the problem may come afterwards..we do not have united oppositions that attracts majority of religions & Awrajas..That is going to be dangerous.
b a June 27, 2015
I AM JUST ARRIVED ON JUNE 20 ,2015 IN SWEDEN AFTER MISRY OF TTRIPS AND A LOT OF EXPENCES . But this i am happen of what has been done in jeneva and isreal .wonderful i will be yours in all occasions to over throw the regime of eseyas the devil of the world. This is time of eritrean youth. Thanks For all efforts.
b a June 27, 2015
Correction but this time i am happy
elias June 27, 2015
It is very sad to support Sheila who is working in be half of CIA to bomb Eritrea, brothers and sisters,In the name of Sadam Iraq people with new data one and half million killed,900,000 injured and 10,000 children are being born with defect.Sadam did not have any sin wrong except oil.Sheila once she finished her drama she will leave the job with massive money for her generation,while Eritrean people will sink down below Iraq by the criminal American policy. If you do not like Iseyas,he will never live for ever. I was one of the salient, but it is time to stand with majority, not to bomb Eritrea again, we will sort out our problem our self.
hp June 27, 2015
elias ,
Your point is well taken about American sin against Iraqi people ,God bless Obama he is doing more by doing less..but ,this has nothing to do with Eritrean issue..You can not use it to angelify the criminqal Eritrean government. Yes ,the UN plays with the big powers..but it does not mean it is wrong when it comes to Eritrean (PFDJ’s )crimes .American intervention in oil less Eritrea would be pure noble ,I am not prescribing it ,as we do not have gennuine opposition ,still it does not PFDJ on good light.
Uncle SYE
dawit June 27, 2015
Dear Assenna, you are doing good Job,but don`t worry to Tell the egsact nr.of the
Demonstants it was about 10000 partisipants i was There and i use to
Count Till 9000 then i gave up.If you don´t blieve See You Tube,you will
Wonder how many poepel they were.
እዚ ዝምጐስ ስጉምቲ እዩ።ዕላማን ስኒን ዘለዎ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ፣ብሓቂ ዝድገፍ።
k.tewolde June 28, 2015
my fallen comrades in bailul ,baraasoli,kur, kerkebet, tamarat, adebara, mensura, asbato, embasoira,the, hills of duta,barentu, mendefera, adikuala, tessenei, akurdat, the hills of sararat,umhajer, in the plains of gash barka, in the rugged mountains of sahel, in the highlands, and in the scorching inferno of the denakil depressions to name a few memhir tewolde, alem neraayo [enda mariam], ahmedin wedi bilen, abraham tecle, mengestaab tecle[my mentor]…the time has come , your vision is about to be realized, your sacrifice will not go in vain.thanks to those who fought, and are still fighting this evil within us. redemption!
Wedi Seyum June 28, 2015
Viva deki Erey anabis, show them we mean business from now up to the end of getting rid wedi berad and his korakur. There ain’t going back but just marching on to victory and to beautiful Asmara – Eritrea.
Genet-orginal June 29, 2015
Congratulation! To the Eritrean People everywhere. Even to those Eritrean who are supporting the Dictator out of fear. The Eritrean youth are active. The mass youth present shows, our youth are ready to take their position and bring changes to our people. DIA and his supporters pushed our youth out of the country they love. Our youth are alive and well and they showed the world that DIA and his supporters can’t lie again. They got out in drove on the street in opposition to the DIA’s rule of Eritrean. Now, we need to be organized. This is a perfect time to give the youth the tool they need. I am proud of you my brothers and sisters. And Thank you Aman for the report. I am so glad Radio Assenna is on!!!!!!!!
God bless the Eritrean people.
Truly Truly i say to you June 30, 2015
The wicked dictator Isayas Afeworki in February 2010 during with Jane Daton of Aljazera gave interview, for her critical question, “can anybody live in its own country if wants?” when replaied, said, “did you enjoy the show yesterday” by repeating three times this word. He meant , those in Massawa for show gathered few artists and may 200 audience was the evidence for his argument everybody can live live in country if wants? In other word , what Isayas saying was, “all my bubil (people) are loving me” like his friend Gadafi. But even though I don´t want to go lower like he reasoning, but if I got an opportunity, I would be asked him, if those gathering in Massawa to watch concert could be an evidence for every body can live in country, what would be his explanation when sees those 10 thousands of young gathered in Geneva to oppose him? But this wicked dictator and blind supporters what didn´t realize the fact is, those in Geneva against the dictatorship gathered would be 1% of them from the Europe diaspora community only as attended, but those on the fever of the dictatorship in Geneva around 75% of the supporters not only ware came from Europe, but from whole continent, including from Eritrea as attended was. All the time the same brain washed, illiterate ugly old women and men around 98% pro dictator, but in opposition side, 95% all fresh blood brave young women and men with sane and moral.
hureya June 30, 2015
its better to be unite and to look forward before doWnfAll of HGDF