ናይ ህግደፍ እንተጸላእና – ዝገደዱ ክሓድቲ ኣጥሪና
ናይ ህግደፍ እንተጸላእና ዝገደዱ ክሓድቲ ኣጥሪና Tesfamariam Wel. 23/05/2016 Norway ንህዝቡ ዝተሰውአ ምእንተ ሃገሩ ክላገጽሉ እፍሊ ዕሱባት ወኻሩ ብሕቡእ ምስጢር ዝቃለሱ ዝነበሩ ደርጒሖሞ ተንኮል ምስ ተማህሩ ኤሪትራውያን ድዮምከ መበቆሎም? ናህናዶ ትብልዎም ካበዮም መጺኦም ስውኣት ዘላግጹ እንተእን ድኣ ኮይኖም ንምታይ ድኣ ክሳብ ትማሊ ተቓዊሞም እስከ ንፈትሽ መን ከምዘሎ

ናይ ህግደፍ እንተጸላእና
ዝገደዱ ክሓድቲ ኣጥሪና
Tesfamariam Wel.
23/05/2016 Norway
ንህዝቡ ዝተሰውአ ምእንተ ሃገሩ
ክላገጽሉ እፍሊ ዕሱባት ወኻሩ
ብሕቡእ ምስጢር ዝቃለሱ ዝነበሩ
ደርጒሖሞ ተንኮል ምስ ተማህሩ
ኤሪትራውያን ድዮምከ መበቆሎም?
ናህናዶ ትብልዎም ካበዮም መጺኦም
ስውኣት ዘላግጹ እንተእን ድኣ ኮይኖም
ንምታይ ድኣ ክሳብ ትማሊ ተቓዊሞም
እስከ ንፈትሽ መን ከምዘሎ ድሕሪኦም
ምእንታና ዝወደቑ ጀጋኑ ክትክሕዱ
ናትኩም ድርቅና ሰብ ተገሪሙ ሰንቢዱ
ክንደይ ጌርኩምከ ደቀይ ካብ ትዓብዱ
ምላቊ ድዩ ወይስ ሓንጎልኩም ኣፍቂዱ
ካብ ህግደፍ ናትኩም ትምክሕቲ ገዲዱ
ጀጋኑና ጸሓይ ዘብረቕሉ ንህዝቦም
ምእንታና ኣይተሰውኡን ክትብልዎም
ክሳብ 80,000 ዝሓለፉ ምእንታኹም
ከም ንቡርእኳ ዘይለበሱ ሓመድ ኣዳም
ላገጫ ገርኩሞም እንባዓል ደሴ ጉዳም
ኤርትራ ከም ሃገር እንተዘይ ኣሚንኩም
ራሓቑልና ካብ ቅድመና ብኽብረትኩም
ኣይተዕገርጉሩና ኪዱ ንኢትዮጵያኹም
ህርፋን ናይ ጎረቤት እንተድኣ ኣልይኩም
ተቓለሱ ማሕበር ኣንድነት መስሪትኩም
ንስዉኣትና ዘይኣምን ተሎ ይስዓብኩም
ሰማእታትና ክቡርዩ ቆጭቆጭ ይበልኩም
ንቓልስና ዘየኽብር ኤሪትራዊየ ኣይበል
ይኽፋእ ይጸብቕ ንግዜኡ ዝሃበና ንቕበል
ክሳብ ህዝቢ ዝመረጻ ባንደራና ተንበልብል
ኤርትራ ዋናታታ ኣለ ናላ ክምህ ዘይንብል
ሕድሪ ሰማእታት ተቃጭጭ ዘለኻ ፈላስፋ
ብዘይካ ውድቀት ካልእ ዘይብልካ ሓለፋ
ኣነፈልጥ ክትብል ባንደራኻ ድሕሪት ተሪፋ
ካብ ህዝቢ ከይተነጸልካ መልሓስካ ዕጸፋ
ንስዉኣት ኣሉታ ታዩ ሕማም ድዩ ዕብዳን
ኤርትራ ንዘላኣም ክትነብርያ ንሳን ህዝባን
ተለኩም ናይ ሓሶት ታሪኽ ሽጥዎ ንጃፓን
ክኢለሉልካ ትብል ዘለኻ ላዕልን ታሕትን
ኣብዘይ ፈልጡኻ ካልእ ዓለም ከድካ ፈትን
ተሓቍፎም ኣብ ውሽጢ ማሕበራት ዘለዉ
ህላወ ኤርትራ ዘይኣምኑ ድኣ ታይ የጣቡዉ
ሰማእታት ዘየኽብሩ ንምንታይ ምሳና ኣለዉ?
ኤረና ኩሑሎ ሎም ዘመን ሓዲኡሎ
ዘላኣለም ክብሪ ንስዉኣትና
Aman May 23, 2016
የቐንየልና ደራሲ፡
ስም ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ለቢሶም፡ ታሪኽ ክብርዙ ዝፍትኑ፡ እንታይ እዩ ጣቆኦም። ኤርትራውያን ይሕመቕ ይጸብቕ ታሪኽ ኣለና፡ መወከሲ ኣለና። ሎሚ ስለዝሓሰመና “ባዶ” ዝሰረቱ ታሪኽ ክንምስርት ኣይተመጣጠርናን። ኣብ ውሽጢ ታሪኻና ዘሎ ጋሓፍ ክንጉሑፍ ኢና ዓንገረር ንብል ዘለና።
እቶም ብሓደ ክልተ መንነቶም ብንጹር ዘይተፈልጡ ወልቀሰባት፡ ዝተሰንዘሩ ጽዩፋት ቃላት ተጠቒምካ ብወገን ህግደፋውን ንደንበ ተቓውሞ ንምውቃዕ ዝግበር ፈተነ ግን “ይርዳኩም”ንበሎም።
ህግደፋውያን ኣብ “ተዛሪቦም ኣየስምዑ ሃሪሞም ኣየድሞዑ” በጺሑም እዩም። ሎሚ ዳስናን ባይቶናን ተነጺሩ እዩ። ብጋይላን ዳንከራን ህልውነታ ዘረጋገጸት ሃገር ሰሚዕና ኣይንፈልጥን። ብሆይሆይታ ክብራን ዶባታን ዘኽበረት ሃገር ሰሚዕና ኣይንፈልጥን። ህግደፋውን ንነብሶም ከም ቀዳማይ ደረጃ ዘጋታት ቆጺሮም ከጉሩዑ ንዕዘብ ኣለና። ጽባሕ እዛ ሃገር ኣብ ሓደጋ ምስእትወድቕ፡ ብላባዲና ሃሰስ ኢልካ’ውን ክትረኽቦም ኣይትኽእል ኢኻ። እዞም ናይ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ‘ተጋደልቲ’ መትከል ስለዘይብሎም ንሕማቕ ግዜ ኣይኮኑን እዩም። ማሕበሮም ማሕበር ቃንጢሻ እዩ።
k.tewolde May 23, 2016
Our martyrs of the 30 years war for liberation are our backbone, our identity, definition of who we are, our DNA,our investment………they are the reason why we still trying to figure out where we went wrong and find a way to redeem them, this way they can rest in peace.Anyone who raises their name in blasphemy is in the wrong podium, and I suggest they step down as early and often.
Asghedom May 23, 2016
i am sorry my brother but we are still behind all these all martyrdoms was not necessary. it was a war of brothers , the same blood , the same father, the same mother. we respect all people sacrifice their life for noble things but it doesn’t mean every thing was correct and ideal.
Africa is not a country by the will of Africans but by the will of some one .
and there is no country baptized with name and sour name by its people but by enemies.
All African countries have a given Name , may be except Ethiopia.
I respect all the martyrs because every one give his life for what he believe even if it is wrong or right , but we have not to get angry with people who come after him to criticizes his work or his deed.
After all we are human beings , and we can’t say all who give their life were Engels , may be we can say something about them with all the respect but we can’t fight and say they died for the just cause of Eritrea and Eritreans these means some one can have different idea and we respect it , not we accept it.
we Criticize Essays Afewerki because he is alive or he did a mistake .
To say some thing about Tegadalay , and consider them as Angeles, is not bad but it is not even correct too.
God have gave us , a gift to select good and bad , to see the things with different angles , we are always human beings.
God receive them in Haven because they sacrifice themselves for what they believe.
Rora May 24, 2016
” but we can’t fight and say they died for the just cause of Eritrea”
You are trying to justify insulting our martyrs, and then the worst part: posing as one of us. Shame on you .
Rora May 24, 2016
“Africa is not a country by the will of Africans but by the will of some one .
Ethiopia has a fake and stolen name. Yes, a fake name and fake history too. Because, Ethiopia mentioned in old scriptures is Nubia, as the latter was known to Greek families that ruled Egypt. Then in its present form Ethiopia is hardly 100 years old country (after incorporating the whole southern part of the country, which has totally a different history), like many African countries, with the exception of Egypt that had a central government 3000 years ago. So, please stop this nonsense of inventing history and insulting Eritrea and its people.
Wedi Sebera May 25, 2016
Well said Rora.
Asghedom May 26, 2016
Roar, in any case the name is chosen by Ethiopian themselves not by Europeans or others . they told them that their name is Ethiopian. we have to be proud of this, and it is the only country not colonized in Africa, and we have to proud of this too.
If you don’t like Ethiopia or Ethiopians it is your right but you can’t deny History. In any case my intention is to respect the idea and criticizes of some one to a subject. every creature of God called human being have a mind to think , an eye to see and a leg to move , thanks to God of this.
History is of people not of land, do you think there are Romans in Rome , or Vikings in England. there are Egyptians in Egypt but Albanians come from Europe, and them they have no such long history of the Ethiopians. I am sorry the country of Yared and Kaleb has been underestimated by ignorants without history. it is only enough to wonder of Ethiopia the country with full Alphabet and Numbers which Egypt have no , except Arabic language. and I believe the old Egyptians of 3000 years was speaking Arabic which was unknown language until prophet Mohamed arrival, Peace be upon him.
You see Rora , history is very important subject of Human being ,but if it is negated it can’t work. it needs proper maturity to understand it.
infect you could not understand me, what I was saying is every one is free to give his idea and view. on this you can agree or no, but you should respect the view of any person if you are normal.
you see , the problem of the 3rd world is this, they can;t see very fare, and they are applying every thing what they say wrong.
most of us we have a tendency of dictator ship. who was not happy of Essays 25 years a go ? if some one say in that time that Essays Afewerk is detector every Eritrea would killed you. it was necessary 25 years to understand that he is detector not only he was not Eritrean but from Tembien or some ells from Agame Etc.
Tell me , 25 years ago to announce such a word you were already killed from people like you.
my idea is different from any one. every sane person can say any words , should be accepted and analyzed. Is it a sin to criticize some of his action what ever person he is. We are some times we are using this good people who died for their principle as angels and people who could not do a mistake, but as people we have to learn a lot form these people and correct ourselves and we respect them for these. to consider them as Angeles and gods we are in a big mistake my friend.
believe me my intention is good and i respect all the passed people for their ideal.
It is necessary judge the things sentimentally .
We are very luck people , different to others our fathers and for fathers have left us good things including the Alphabet and numbers , that may be we don’t appreciated it but we are more important than the actual Egyptians and other people,at least we have something to tel to our children.
I don’t want to stop to tell my children Italian colonialism that is the end . I know we hae very big history than this . I hope you understand me.
assenna May 26, 2016
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AHMED SALEH !!! May 24, 2016
Haki tezaribka ab menghedi deks belu abotatna .
Niziom nirieyom zelena neana zimeslu xere haghere Eritrea Kuankana
zuzarebu zeynimktomolu mikhniyat intay iyu . Weledo Issayas mukhanom
mikniyat Nihizbinan haghernan yehilifna mihab eshnet do aykonen .
HGDF ziwelodom menentom yikhun hibrom zeyfulut zizeshkauluna zemen
arkibulna . DEMHIT intekhede aserte DEMHITat tewafirom alewu .
Hizbina teberaber asha aytikhun sigab WUHUJ HGDF zixirghefeka .
Fetewtikhan xelaetkan alely . Eritrea niEritrawian iya hanti meftihi.
Kab temokro temahirna nikababer ahwat deki hagher .
wolde May 24, 2016
Zelonayo kunetat nitzur iyu. abzi abtzihomuna zelowu ki’a, itom hiji “mebel 25-amet-Natzinet-Eritra ” zeb’ilu zelowu iyom. Agelalitzana dia yifelale yikewin imber (Meskerem ki’a Benzin tinisnis) maletna hade iyu. Nsu kia hiliwi kunetat hagerna yimiskro. B wegeney, itom bdliyetomn bizey dilyetomn “hiywetom zikefelu” shefatu bilnayom swuat bilnayom “ayriyuwon aysemuwon iyom. Slezi dilayna nbelom. Gna iti zifesese demom, kindey sgumti asegumuna bilna inte hatitna, iti melsi nitzur iyu: 46 ametat nidihrit.
B nai awedat swuat tzihefe imber iten awald iwn maireom ms’om alowa (hiji win
Agelalitzay dia yifelale yikewin imber (Meskerem ki’a Benzin tinisnis) maletey bizey tzotawi fililiy iyu. janda HGDEF, n Eritra Fabrika Meswaiti geyruwa zelo, Swuat intay yibitzihuwo.
Zelealemawi zikri n Swuatna, Ti’um Nabra n Akel-Snkulan’na, Tzinatin Tibati N Hizbina.
Rora May 25, 2016
“Gna iti zifesese demom, kindey sgumti asegumuna bilna inte hatitna, iti melsi nitzur iyu: 46 ametat nidihrit.”
ኒሲኸ ኢኽ 46 ዓመት ደሒርከ ዘለኸ
ስራሕካ ግበር አንታ መርዛም
AHMED SALEH !!! May 25, 2016
Welde meskin
Kab ab dem suwuatna inatemetka fezez fezez nikhtiblu 25 ametat
ms halefe higi uway- ane inabelka aweyat turghum yeblun .
Kemti natom jigeninet neza hagher kab tiwufuyula ab Guaylan
ghanteran semieka kemzesemaeka reikha kemzeyreakha ab mewedaeta
halenghi HGDF arkebatka ala . Higi do yihayish kebetebet mibal
baelekha zebegheskayo xebeba . Dihrit zigoteteka iti natna nay
timali Anbessa Nakfa tiblo zineberka iyu imber etom Ginbot 24
Bandera Eritrea ziatewu jeghanuna si intay kem zikhehasnayom
baelina nifelt . LEKHBATAT ketezarubuna imber tifeltuwo ikhum .
Azaria May 24, 2016
Ahmed tertireka aleku gorebet hager eka mesleni.i understand from your writing you have an idenyity problen like DIA.