ትጽቢት ናይ ገለኦም ፖለቲከኛታት ። 10ይ ክፋል
ዕላማጽሑፍካብዙሕኣይተረደኣንን።ምንላባትሓድሽታሪኽንምጽሓፍካብዚ ሓሊፉድማኣብኣሕዋትህዝቢትግራይንኤርትራንሓድሽሓዊንምእጓድእንተ ኾይኑጽሑፍካትሩፍንከንቱንእዩ።ኣንፈቱዘይተፈልጠ: መእሰሪዘይብሉ ሃተፍተፍ። [gview file="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Godefa_Abysinia.pdf"]
ዕላማጽሑፍካብዙሕኣይተረደኣንን።ምንላባትሓድሽታሪኽንምጽሓፍካብዚ ሓሊፉድማኣብኣሕዋትህዝቢትግራይንኤርትራንሓድሽሓዊንምእጓድእንተ ኾይኑጽሑፍካትሩፍንከንቱንእዩ።ኣንፈቱዘይተፈልጠ: መእሰሪዘይብሉ ሃተፍተፍ።
robiel May 8, 2014
Godefa, i am 99% sure u r not Eritrean. I red almost everything u wrote in different websites. It has nothing to do sith our present situation. U dont even use your full name. Can u please stop writing and try to fix ur own countries oppositions ?
Mightyembasoyra May 8, 2014
What does make you to guess ato Godefa is not Eritrean? This article will probably piss off some Ethiopians, not Eritreans.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis May 9, 2014
Robel, if you have something good tell us , stop you tosay u r not eritrean ur not Hamasien. You know history of your country write it and we shall aprisciate you, but if you say like this you are not eritrean yourself.
Some of his writing are correct, butbmost eritreans are illitrated and they don’t know nothing of thier history.
Mightyembasoyra May 8, 2014
This is very interesting. The possibility of splitting Ethiopia in to few countries is still there.
I see few articles on tigray-tigrigni is coming from a to Godefa?
ahmed saleh May 8, 2014
The blame of betrayal doesn’t stop only
on HGDF authority but those who give them approval and support are included too .
It is a recent memory to hear some people shamelessly call those political
prisoners “anti-Eritrean sold outs” and
also “Weyane ” to other opponents .
Calling names to blackmail , degrade then to destroy is nothing new , we saw
it and we experienced it long time ago.
As a result of corrupted leadership fault , we observe Eritrea communities
fragile relationships merely to say at least dysfunctional because of lack of
UNITY . That is the fact of realty among
Eritrean society in general nowadays.
Everywhere they are split on two against self common interest for their
well being . Funny but sad occurrence.
Mightyembasoyra May 8, 2014
Agree ato Ahmed!
Dala ksha May 8, 2014
My dear brother Godefa
you are great teacher please continue writing our young people needs a lot of information about our past history,the hate of HGDEF is blinding them to see widely,they are getting so emotionall.this is the time we need you.
yonas May 8, 2014
Robiel :godefa u r not eretrian?
Hahahaha.wey nska tgebr.gusomo
“ተሓሳማይ ጓሳ___ ንምስሑ ደልካዮ
ንድራሩ ይኾኖ እቲ ብኽብረት ዝኣበዮ”
ከመይ ኣለዉ _____________ ሽኮራት ኣምሓሩ
ደርፎም ጥዑም_____________ ቆንጂት እሽሩሩ
ጸብሖም ሃነን________ብጠስምን በርበረን ዘመቅሩ
ዓረብ ከይረግጸኒ____________ሂወቶም ዝኸፍሉ
መስጣኹም ግዲ ወሪዱኒ፣_____እነዉ ደቀይ ይሓሩ !!!
ብትሕትና__________ ሓወይ፣ወዲ ጎይታይ ዝብሉ
ደቂ ባዜን ሳባ፣_____________ ኣቦታተይ ተጋሩ
ስልጣኖም ንሽዋ ዝህቡ፣_______ኢትዮጵያ ከሕብሩ
ሃገሮም ብዕስራ ዓመት፣____ምስ እኒ ጃፓን ዘዋዳድሩ
ካብ ዜሮ ተበጊሶም___________ንሚእቲ ዝሰግሩ
ናይ መሬት ወዲኦምስ___________ጠፈር ክዛወሩ
Hubble Telescope_ ላሊበላን እንጦጦን ዘስፍሩ
ን Europe ክሓልፍዋ___ብቴክኖሎጂ ዝማጣጠሩ
ብጅግንነትን ልብምናን__________ብኹሉ ዝስዕሩ
ዓጋመ እንተልክዎም__________መሊሶም ዝኸብሩ
ኣቦታት______ ናይ ጉራጌ ስልጤ ኣደሬ ምስ ኣምሓሩ
ብጀካ “ህዝበ ትግርኛ” ______ብላሽ ህዝቢ ዘይፈጠሩ
ክልተ ሳዕ ኣዛሪቦምኒ________መልሓስ ኣፈይ ሓፊሩ
ናፊቐዮም__ብመስጥኦም;እነዉ,ሽፋቱ ሂወተይ የሸብሩ !!!
ኣይርስዖን ________ህዝቢ ደቡብ ምስ ኦሮሞ
ቡኑን ጠስሙን __________ነብሰይ ዝኣለሞ
ብናይ ስርዓት ገዳ__________ባህሉ ዝዕምሞ
እቲ ሕማመይ _____፣ካብ ንኣይ ንእኡ ዘሕመሞ
ሸፋቱ ከይጎብጡኒ_____፣ጓድ መንግስቱ ዘህጀሞ
ንወምበዴ________ ብግብረ ሃይል ዘጣመሞ
ቢሮክራሲ ደርጊ_________ንጥፍኣት ዝሰለሞ
ናፊቐዮ “ረቢ ሲያ ኬኒ” ይበለለይ እቲ ዝጥዓሞ !!!
ምስ መን ገዲፍክኒ______ _ ሕያወይቲ ኣደ ?
ብእኒ ኮንዶም ግብጺ እምበር _ እንደገና ተሰዲደ
ብሰብኣየይ ______ ነዕራብ ክጉምባሕ ተገዲደ
መጥሓን ተሰኪመ______ ጸጕሪ ርእሰይ ሰዲደ
እንዳ ኣብዑርኪ ክሓድር፣_ብሓሙኹሽቲ ተለቢጠ
ክመጸኪ እየ ____ ንይቕሬታኺ ተደፊኤ ሰጊደ !!!
ምንነው ሆዴ ቧቧ፣____ኣልችል ኣለ ኣንጀቴ
ናፈቀችኝ፣______ የድሮዋ ኢትዮጵያ እናቴ
የት ኣባትክ ከረምክ____ ኣንተ ሌባ ወምበዴ !
እንደማትለኝ ኣውቃለሁ ,ስሄድ ኣቢሲንያዊ ቤቴ
ኣይጨክንም ልቧ______ያውቀዋል ኣንደበቴ ።
ኣልሞትኩም ብዬ ኣልዋሽም፣ነጠቁኝ ያባቴን ርስት
መንጎንበስ ሆነ ስራየ ፣______የበደዊን ሚስት
ሴት ልጄ ፣___ያጎቴ ኮረዳ ጎረቤት ዘመድ ኣክስት
ሻዕብያ ኣባለጋቸው_______ በሌሊት በማግስት
እኔማ፣እንዳረጀች ኣያት ኣለቅሳለሁ እቤቴ ውስጥ
እናቴ ሆይ___እግርሽን ልሳለም ኩራቴን ልውጥ
ወስኛለሁ________ኣለ ኣንቺ የለኝም ሂወት !!!!!!!!!!!!
ዝኸበርኩም ኤርትራውያን ኣሕዋተይ፣እቲ ቋንቋ ህዝበ ትግርኛ ዘይኮነ፣ክፍሊ ግጥመይ__ናይ ሓንቲ ኢትዮጵያ ትብሃል ሃገር እዩ፣ኣብ ጆግራፊ እውን ዘላ ኣይመስለንን በዚ ኣላስካ ገጻ እያ።ሓንቲ ዘይትረብሕ__ሰላሳን ሰለስተን ዩኒቨርሲታት፣ኣህጉራዊ ህንጻታተን ከተማታት፣ ቡን ናይ ኤርትራ ካብ ኢሊባቡር፡ከፋ ሰሪቓ ካብ ዓለም ንኮሉምብያ ብምብላጽ ሳልሰይቲ ዝወጸት፣ብሰደድ ስምስም ካብ ኣፍሪቃ ቀዳመይቲ፣ካብ ዓለም ራብዔይቲ፣ሱቕ ኢላ__ኢንዱስትርታትን ቴክኖሎጂን ዝበዝሓ__ወዲ ዓከርን ብርስንን ዘይትበልዕ፣ዕሸላዊትን ተሕንኽን ሃገር እያ።
ተጋሩ ዝብሃሉ ህዝቢ ክ ኣ ኣለዉዋ።ቆቁሩብ ቋንቍ ኦም ይፈልጦ እየ።ንኣብነት
ኣሎራ ክብሉ ___ከመይ እን ኤኻ ወዲ ጎይታይ፣ወዲ እምበይተይ ይብሉ
መብጽዓ ክብሉ __መጽብዓ። ቺ ቬድያሞ ክብሉ__ክንርእኤ ኢናቲ።___ማዘረይ ክብሉ __እኖይ። Interesting language ,ehh ?
Kalighe May 9, 2014
“ኣቦታት______ ናይ ጉራጌ ስልጤ ኣደሬ ምስ ኣምሓሩ
ብጀካ “ህዝበ ትግርኛ” ______ብላሽ ህዝቢ ዘይፈጠሩ
ክልተ ሳዕ ኣዛሪቦምኒ________መልሓስ ኣፈይ ሓፊሩ
ናፊቐዮም__ብመስጥኦም;እነዉ,ሽፋቱ ሂወተይ የሸብሩ !!!”
Cow[ard] Face
Your mama is calling you, don’t waste your time trying to confuse Eritreans. You are not cheating anyone.
Tezereb May 9, 2014
kalighe writes, “your mama is calling you …”
The Noble Teacher (TNT) is very lucky that kalighe’s savage evil Mother-Arabia is not calling TNT to sell him to Arab slavery and to steal his kidneys to hand over to the highest bidding illiterate Arab shiek.
TNT is very lucky to speak his own proud Habesha/African languages.
Who is confusing Eritreans by burning his own languages to be closer to the savage Arabs? Who is faking to look, smell and walk like the savage Arab, even if the Arab insults him Abeed aswad Wahid?
Answer: It is not The Noble Teacher, AKA (TNT)
Tezareb ,
The truth shall set you free !!!
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis May 17, 2014
According you he is Agame, is he not?kalighe you don’t understand poem, that is your difficult. You can’t write like him he is artist, he can send a message by ink , clear message . Very rare people have this capasity andvthey have always said the truth even using bad words. Don’t bother about the words but the idea in general.
Dala ksha May 8, 2014
Hi cowfac
if you miss your mama Ethiopia why youdon’t go we don’t need some body to preach us about his love with his mama Ethiopia.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis May 9, 2014
Where is him, how you kick out one he is not in the country, you have to dagest what he say, we need wise peole like him who teach something real and concrete thruogh art of thier knowlege. Eritrean wasmissing such wise people of real eritreans.
Most half cast eritreans has been hidden with Dekebat or true eritreans while they where not.
I am happy to see the true eritreans and thier wisedom, these wise eritreans has been critizised by the eriteran holigans
ሓው ኣስገዶም፣
ኣይርድኦምን ስለ ዝኾነ እኮ እዩ።ትግራዋይ ት ሽዓተ ልቡ ዝብሃል ንምንታይ ይመስለካ፣ናይተን ት ሽዓተ ብሄራትና ነቶም ተጋሩ ናይ ትግራይ ተጠቕሊሉ ስለ ዝ ሃቦም እኳ እዩ።ንሕና ብዘይ ልቢ ተሪፍና፣ኣነ እኳ ናይቶም ኩሩዓት ማሕበር ኣንድነት ዝነበሩ ኣቦይን ኣደይን ሓቅነትን ናይታ ብንእስነታ ካብ ማይ ቂነጣል ዝመጸት ዓባያ ዘውዲ ጓንጕል ንናይ ሓሙሽተ እንግሊዛውያን ኣእምሮ ተደሚሩ ዘይበልጾ ጉርሕን ብልሓትን ስለ ዘለኒ እዩ።
While black people are wise & surpass all kinds of challenges, we Eritreans & neighbourhood Niggers have the same slave mentality.
eg. A nigger hates the mostly white people funded education ,work opportunity ,including Food stamps..but adores the big nigger that rapes him in prison.
A 70 year old Nigger ,if you adress him as sir ,he would feel insulted & will tell you What the f**k you tripping men”…But when you call him my nigga ,my dog ,or foo/fool..he will be happy,because that is what niggers & Eritrean slave mentality is !!!
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis May 9, 2014
Robel, if you have something good tell us , stop you to say u r not eritrean ur not Hamasien. You know history of your country write it and we shall aprisciate you, but if you say like this you are not eritrean yourself.
Some of his writing are correct, bu tbmost eritreans are illitrated and they don’t know nothing about thier history and these creat confusion.
I think according all eritreans there are no people called eritreans this confermes what he say the writer, the name eritrean propke is only after the eritrean colonizer italians. What do you say you ? There was a prople called eritrean before the italisn colonazation.
Mar Eritrum is not only but every part og the red sea sudsn, egypt, isresl,saudarabia, yemen , eritrea( medri baheri) , Dijibut etc. All of them have the originsl name the Medri Baheri remsin with the name worms on the shore of the red sea ( eritrea means keyeh haseka) strangely have no good name. The country of Red Haseka = eritrea. What do you think of this name. We have a lot of chance to discuss and to say , but don’t add adjectives you are not eritrean, you are not this. Only ignorsnt person use this worthless words.
think , of thevcountry’s problem, and tell us why these problems happen in this country. Don’t weary of what some one is writing, if it is good for you collect if not it is not even to answer it. These how civilized prople do without insulting any one.
Tezereb May 9, 2014
kalighe writes, “your mama is calling you …” to the The Noble Teacher.
The Noble Teacher (TNT) is very lucky that kalighe’s savage evil Mother-Arabia is not calling TNT to sell him to Arab slavery and to steal his kidneys to hand over to the highest bidding illiterate Arab shiek.
TNT is very lucky to speak his own proud Habesha/African languages.
Who is confusing Eritreans by burning his own languages to be closer to the savage Arabs? Who is faking to look, smell and walk like the savage Arab, even if the Arab insults him Abeed aswad Wahid?
Answer: It is not The Noble Teacher, AKA (TNT)
“ጸረ ዓለም ለኻዊ ሓቀኛ ቃልስታት ዝኾኑ ኣሜሪካን ወያነን ንቓልሲ ኤርትራን ህ.ግ.ቦ.ና ን ጠጠው ኣየብልዎን እዮም”
ጀጋኑ ተጋደልቲ ህ.ግ.ቦ.ና ማለት ,”ህዝባዊ ግንባር BOKO HARAM- NIGERIA”ሳልስቲ ይገብር ኣብ ትሕቲ ጽላል ገረብ ንዝርከብ ፣ናይ ጨቋኒ መንግስቲ ናይጀርያ__ኣንጻር ጂሃዳዊ መስመር __ደቀንስትዮ ኣብ ድፋዕ ኮይነን ጠኒሰን ህዝቢ ከራብሓን ፣መዝሓል ውትራን ተጋደልትን ክኾና እናተገብኤን፣ እቲ ከም መንግስቲ ወያነ ኣብ ትምህርትን ዘየድሊ ምዕባለን ዝኣምን ጨቋኒ መንግስቲ ናይጀርያ ንደቀንስትዮ ቤት ትምህርቲ ብምልኣኽ ብብርቱዕ ሳብጀክትታት ከሳቕየን ምስ ጸንሔ__ጀጋኑ ተቓለስቲ ቦኮ ሓራም ተጋላቢጦም ኣብ ቹቡኪ ዝተባህለ ገጠር መብዛሕትኤን ትሕቲ ዕድመ ማለት 13 ዝዕድሚኤን 300 ኣዋልድ ጨውዩ ከም ዘድሓነን ናይ ቦኮ ሓራም ኣፈ ቀላጤ ሓጂ የሙኒን ማንኪልዓድር ገሊጹ ።እቲ ወትሃደራዊ ክንፊ ቦኮ ሓራም ነዚ ኣብ ቺቡኪ ዝገበርዎ ስርሒት
” ኣብ ግብሪ ቺቡኪ ብቐትሪ”ን
“ዕድል ኣለኒ፣ግንባር ኣለኒ ኣብ ሓቀኛ ውድብ ቦኮ ሓራም ዘሰለፈኒ”……
እናደረፉን ,ቢቪታን ኣባዕከን እናሰተዩ ምዃኑ ገሊጹ።ኣብ ሃይማኖቶም ድሙ ድሙ ምስታይን ትምህርቲ ነዋልድን ሓራም ምዃኑ __ምሕራድን ንኣሽቱ ኣዋልድ ምዕማጽን ግን,ሰውራዊን ጂሃዳውን ግዴታኦም ምዃኑ ገሊጹ።ናይ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ተወካሊ እቲ ኩሉ ተግባራት ጂሃድ ካብ ናይ ሻዕብያ ኣሳራርሓ ዘይፍለ እኳ እንተኾነ__ተጋደልቲ ሓራእራእ ከይብሉ መታን ድሙ ድሙ ምስታይ ወሳኒ ምዃኑ ገሊጹ።ከም ኡውን ንተቓለስቲ ደቀንስትዮ ቡኮ ሓራም እግረን ከፊተን ንኹሉ ተጋዳላይ ከስተኤንግዳ ከም ዝሕግዝ ገሊጹ።
ነዚ ሓቀኛን ጅግናን፣ዝኾነ ሰውራዊ ስርሒት ግን ወያነ ከም ዝቃወሞ ኣይጣራጠርን።ቀናእ መንግስቲ ወያነ ነቲ ክፍሊ መፍረ ናይ ሻዕብያና እውን ከም ዘይደገፎ ኣይጣራጠርን።ንኣሽቱ ኣዋልድ, ከም ፊትወራሪታትን ክፍሊ መፍረን ኮይነን ምስ ዘገልግላ፣ መንግስትን ህዝብን ናይጀርያ ቍጽሪ ህዝቢ በዚሑ ነቲ ቍጽሪ ህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያ ከም ዝሓልፎ፣ንወያነ ኣቕኒኡ ስለ ዘሕረሮም ምዃኑ ኤርትራን ኢራንን ገሊጸን።
ደንጕዩ ዝመጸና ዜና ድማ ገለ ካብተን ኣዋልድ ንካሜሩን ብ 12 ዶላር ከም ዝተሸጣ ዝሰምዔ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ፣ዕሸላውን ዘሕንኽን ፣ራሻይዳን በደዊንን ካብ 3000 dollars ክሳዕ 50.000 dollars ከም ዝኸፍሉ ንዝመጽእ ጊዜ ERitrean ሰብ Exchange Market ክጥቀሙ ምዒድዎም
— ትምህርትን ምዕባለን ናይ ጨቋኒ ወያነ መሳርሒ ስለ ዝኾነ ንኹንኖ !!!
— መንእሰያት ንሳዋ ንስልጣንን ንድፋዕን ዘይኮነ ብዩኒቨርሲቲን ቴክኖሎጂካል ኮሌጃትን ናይ መንእሰያት ሓንጎል ዘዕኑ ወያነ ብቓልስና ዓናዊ እዩ !!!