ትዕግስቲ መንእሰያት ዝበርበረ ደም!
ሰመረ ዓርከይ፡ ዓለም’ኮ ኣዕለቢጣ ኢያ።ናይ ለውጢ ግዜ ከኣ ብነብሱ ይስግር ኣሎ። መንእሰይና’ሞ ኣካን’ዃ ተዓጊሱ። ካብሕጂ ንንየው በቃ ይኣክል። ንስኻ ግና ነዚ መሪሕ መንእሰይ ክትጅልሕ’’እቶም ኣብ ወጻኢ ሃገራት ኮይኖም ዘዕገርግሩ ዘለው መንእሰያትን ምሁራትን ብልክዕ ኤርትራውያን ዝመስሉ

ሰመረ ዓርከይ፡ ዓለም’ኮ ኣዕለቢጣ ኢያ።ናይ ለውጢ ግዜ ከኣ ብነብሱ ይስግር ኣሎ። መንእሰይና’ሞ ኣካን’ዃ ተዓጊሱ። ካብሕጂ ንንየው በቃ ይኣክል። ንስኻ ግና ነዚ መሪሕ መንእሰይ ክትጅልሕ’’እቶም ኣብ ወጻኢ ሃገራት ኮይኖም ዘዕገርግሩ ዘለው መንእሰያትን ምሁራትን ብልክዕ ኤርትራውያን ዝመስሉ ኢትዮጵያውያን፡ ወይ ድማ ፍርቂ፡ርብዒ ጐድኖም ዝተለኸዩ ኢዮም“ ኢልካ ኢኻ ኣጻዊትካና። ኦይ!! በል ነገር ዘርኢ ካብ ኣልዓልካስ ትሕዝቶ ቆፎ ህግደፍ ክ ትነፊ ብምሕላንካ ቀታሊትካ ነገር ተበሪሃትካ ከምዘላ ተረዲእካ ካብሕጁ ተናዘዝ ዓርከይ ምዓረይ። ክትኣቱ ክትወ ጽእ፡ ክትድቅስ ክትትንስእ ንስድራኻ “ ድሓን ኩኑለይ“ እናበልካ ተናዘዝ። ብሂወት እንተቐኒኻ ነዚ ጠቐነን ውርደት ዝኸውን መልሲ ካብ ባዕሎም መንእሰያት ክትፍደዮ ኢኻ። እንተኾነ ንስኻ ብዛዕባ መናእሰይ ክትዛረብ ቅንጣብ መ ሰል ከምዘይብልካ እንተትርዳእ ክንደይ ምማዕረግካ! እንተዘይተሰቝርካ ግና ቅድም በቶም ሰለስተ እኹላት ደቅኻ ክትከዓብ ኢኻ። መድረኽ መንእሰይ ካብኣቛሰልካዮ ከኣ ኣነ’ውን ገለ ክብል እምበር።
መቸም ተቓውሞ ዘርኣየ፡ ዘቕንእ ብልሒ ዝተፈጥሮ፡ ክሳብ ዓይኒ ዘዘንቁሐ ኣረቲስት,……..ኩሉ ሎሚ ’’ኢትዮጵያዊ’’ ተጠሚቑ ኣሎ። ብርኢቶኻ ብትውልዲ ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ዝተዋሰበ ጥራይ ሓቀኛ ፖለቲከኛ፡ ቅኑዕን ብሃለዮት ኤርት ራዊ ልቡ ዝተመሸተን ንክበሃል ብዝተፈነወ ጠቃር ፖለቲካ ዓዊርካ ኣለኻ። ይዝከረካ ኢዩ ቀደም ኣብ ቃልሲ እንከ ለና፡ ገለ መጻኢኡ ብልክዕ ዝገምገመ፡ ገለ’ውነ እቲ መከራን ሞትን ዘየጋበሮ ነጥሪ ንስደት የምርሕ ምንባሩ። ሽዑ ኩላህና ’’ድሓን ኣብ ዝኸዱ ከይዶም ሃገሮም ኣይርስዑን ኢዮም“ ኢልና ስለዝኣመንና ነቲ ተጀሚሩ ዝነበረ ከቢድመ ቕጻዕቲ ከምዝተርፍ ይኹን’ምበር ንቕሎ’ውን ኣይተረፈን። እንተኾነስ በቲ ግዜ’ቲ ’’በተግ’’ ዘዝበለ ኣብዕላማኡ ኣይበ ጽሐን። ብዙሕ ካብኡ ኣብ ኢድ ራሻይዳ ወዲቑ ኣብ በረኻታት ዝተደፍነ ሓደ መዓልቲ ባዕሉ ኣፍ ኣውጺኡ ከዛረብ ኢዩ። እታ ደሙ ዝጠምዐት ኢድ ከኣ ቅብእቲ ተመሲላ ተመኽንይላ ሓለፈት።
ነጻነት መጺኣ። መንእሰይ ኤርትራን ራሻይዳን ዝራኸቡሉ ኣጋጣሚ ድማ ተረኽበ። ወተሃደራዊ ታዕሊም ኣብ ባርካ፡ እቶም ኤርትራዊ መንነት ዝተመጠወሎም መመላእታ ብሄራትና’ውን ኣብ ባርካ። ንሳቶም ኣብ ባርካ ናይ ደቀ-ባት መሬት ተዓደሎምን ኮንትሮባንዳዊ ንጥፈታት ከኣ ንዐኦም ተሓዝአን። ክሳብ ክንድኡ መሰል ካብተዋህቦም እምበኣር ንመንግስቶም ዝኸፍልዎ ውዕሎ ክህሉ ግድን ኢዩ። ድሕሪ ግኤ እንክርአ ወዮም ጻዓዱ ኤርትራውያን ንብረት ጥራ ይ ኣይኮኑን ዝሸጡን ዝልውጡን። ሰብ ምሻጥ ኣቛራጭ መገዲ ሃብቲ ምዃኑ ልዕሊኦም ዝፈልጦ የለን። ኮይኑ ከኣ በደዊ ኣይተጸገሙን። ዝሓጸረን ውሑስን ቀረብ ጥረ-ነገር ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ስለዘለዎም። ስለ’ዚ ከምቲ ቀደም በተግ ዘዝበለ መንእሰይ ኣብ ኢዶም ክወድቕ ግድን ኮይኑ። ካብቲ ናይ ቅድም ዝፈልዮ እንተሃልዩ፡ ካብ ኤር ትራ ወጻኢ ዝተዘርግሐን ዘርኣዊ መለክዒ ዘማልአን ምዃኑ ጥራይ ኢዩ። ኤርትራዊ መንእሰይ እምበኣር ካብ መዓስ ከራት ሱዳን ከይተረፈ ብሸፋቱን ደላሎን ደቂ ’ሃገርና’ እናተታለለን ተዓፈነን ዕዳጋ ብምውራድ ብተመን ዕዳጋክብሪ ጥቕምን ለውጥን ንሰሃራታት ሊብያን ምድረበዳ ግብጽን እናተሸጠ ልዑል መኽሰብ ተረኺብዎ ኢዩ።
ጸኒሑ ስስዐ ዝፈጠሮ እናመሰለ ገለምስጢር ተበተነ። “ ክንድዚ ኣሸሃት ዶላራት ክፈል ወይ ኣብኣ ትዴኻ“ ንዝብልትእዛዝ ዝመሻኸን ብዓይነቱ ካብ ዓለም ዝተፈለየ ናይ ርድኡና ናይ በረኻ ኣውያት ኤርትራውያን!! እቲ ዝቐረበ ምስ ሊ ሓቀኛን ብልክዕ ከኣ ናይ ኣጻምእ ቤት ማእሰርትታት ህግደፍ ከምዝመሳሰል ገለ ንታሪኽ ካብቲ መዓት ዝወጹ ነ ጥሪ መስኪሮም ኣለዉ። ዕጫ እቲ ዝበዝሐ ኣብኡ ዝተረፈ ኤርትራዊ ኸ?
በደዊ ስራሕ ዓሚርላ ኢዩ። እሱር በሽበሽ ገንዘብ በሽበሽ!! ባህ እንክብላ መርወይ ስምዒት’ውን ስለዘለዋኣ ሪጋ ሒ ዝካ ኢዩ ኩሉ ነገር። ውርደት ኤርትራውያን ዝምስክሩ ዝውለዱ ህጻናት መባልዕትና ይግበሮም ኣምላኽ!! እንተወዲ ሰብ’ሞ ካብ ብሂወቱሰ እንተሞተ ዝያዳ ክብሪ ከምዝውስኽ ተገልጸሉ በደዊ። ኣካላት ወዲሰብ ተተመዝሒቑ ንሃብ ታማት ምሻጥ ልዑል ምንጪ እቶት ኮነ። ስለዚ ቱጃራት በደዊ ካብቲ ንመናገፊ ህይወት ዝኽፈል ጥማርት ዶላራት ንላዕሊ መኽሰብ ካብረኸበ፡ ብዝቐለለን ብዘይንሕስያን ንጹህ፡ ጅግናን መንእሰይን ኤርትራዊ ኣካላት ንዕዳጋ ኣለም
ኣውረድዎ። ኣካላት ኤርትራዊ መንእሰይ እምበኣር ኣብ ፈቐዶ ዝጠስጠሱ ሃብታማት ተገጢሙ ኣሎ። ከምቲ “ መን ይንገር ዝወዓለ፡ መንከየርድእ ዘቃበረ“ ዝበሃል ኣውያት ምድረበዳታት ኣብ መቓብር ሰሃራታት ከምዝነበረ ዘቃበረ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን እንዳማትና ኣርዲእናን ንብዓለማ’ውን ኣእውይልናን። በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ድማ ንኩሉ ግዱስን ዘቃልሀ ን ምስጋና ይብጻሓዮ።
ኣውያት ዜጋታታ ዘይዓጣ መንግስትና ድኣ ኣበይ ኣላ ስመረ ዓርከይ? ቀደምሲ ኢድ ሻዕብያ ክንዲ ህግደፍ’ዃ ኣይኹ ን’እምበር ነዊሕ ድኣ ነበረ። እንተኾነ ሎሚ ነዚ ንዓለም ዘስደመመን ብነውርነቱ መዳርግቲ ዘይብሉን ምስሊ ናይዛ ብብሉጽ ኣመራርሓን ብምሕላው ሰባውነትን መዳርግቲ ከምዘይብላ እትጥቀስ ብልጽግቲ ህገርና ዝደወነ ግፊዒ ም ብጻሕ ስኢኑ እንክርአኸ እንታይ ኢዩ ምስጢሩ? በዓንደርእሱኸ ኣንታ ስሙር፡ ስለምንታይ ኢዩ እቲ ሰጣሕ ጎላጉል ባርካ ብሰንሰለት ራሻይዳ ክሕጸር ተደልዩ? እቶም ኣብ ሲናይ ምስ በደዊ ኮይኖም ዋጋ ስብ ዝሽንኑ ዘለዉ ደቂሃገር ከ እንታዎት ኢዮም? መን ኢዩ ነዚ ውዱብ መንግስታዊ ሽፍትነት ብድሕሪት ኮይኑ ዘዋፍር ዘሎ? በል ድሓን!!ከምቲ ኣብቲ ኣኻውሕ ንታሪኽ ወቒረሞ ዘለዉ እዚ’ውን ክሓልፍ ኢዩ። መንግስቲ ንዝኸድዖ ሰብን ሃገርን ድማ ዘይኸድዕ ኣምላኽ ኣለዎ። ንግዚኡ ግን እቲ ካልእ ኣወንዚፍና ብጉዳይ መንእሰይ ንምዝራብ ገለ ካብ ብሁል ክብለካ። ላዖለዎ ት መራሕቲ፡እቶም መንእሰያት ስለዝኸድዑ ማንም ብዛዕባኦም ንከይግደስ ስለዝኣዘዙ፡ ክሳብ ኣብ ኩሉ ናይ ርድኡና ኣውያት ሰበስልጣን ሃገርና ጸማም እዝኒ ብመሃቦም ክሳብ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ዝረድኦም ከምዘለዉ ተቃሊሑ ነይ ሩ። እዚ ከኣ ሓቂ ኢዩ። መራሕቲ ቀደም’ውን እኮ ኩናት መሪርዎ ዘዝተበተገ መርሸንቲ ኣዊጆም ነይሮምኢዮም። ት ማሊ ልዕሊ 300 ስደተኛታት ሒዛ ኣብ ከንፈር ወደብ ሊብያ ተወቒዓ ዝጠሓለት ምስጢራ ገዲፍካ መልሲ በዓልስ ልጣን ግን ነቲ ሕመረት ሃዳምነት ዝኾነ ሕምሩግ ምሕደራ ንክሽፍን ፡“ኣመሪካዊ ሲ.ኣይ. ኤ ዘታለሎም እንታይ ክን ገብሮም“ ኢሉ ኢዩ ዝመደረ።“ብዛዕባ መን ኢዩ ሲኣይኤ፡ እዞም ህጻውንቲዶ ካልእ“ ንዝብል ምስጢር ንጎድኒ ገዲፍ ና ሎሚ’ውን ብውሽጢ ኮነ ብወጻኢ ኣባል ህግደፍ ንዘይኮነ ዜጋ ቅንጣብ መንግስታዊ ኮነ ናይተራ ሓፋሽ ሓገዝ ንከ ይግበረሉን፡ኣብ ኩላ ህይወቱ ክሳብ ኣብ ሓዳሩ ከምዝዝረግ ዝዓለመ ጥብቂ ምስጢር ተመሓላሊፉ ኢዩ። ከምሓሳባ ቶምሲ ገዳይም ሃደምቲ ነሓደስቲ ሃደምቲ /ንመንእሰያት/ ከይተሃጋገዝዎን ከምዝንጽልዎምን ንምግባር ኢዩ።
ቲቪ ኤረይከ እንታይ ትብል ከምዘላ ተድህበሉ ዶኣለኻ ሰመረ ዓርከይ? ካብቲ ገበን ናጻ ንምምሳል ነቲ መስደመም ዜና ዜጋታታ ንማለቱ ኣገርዚማቶ ብምሕላፍ ኣብ ሓመድድበ መንእሰያት ኤርትራ ዝጭፍሩ፡ ኣብ መቓብር ኣሕዋ ቶም ዘኹድዱ ዝሰራሰሩ ህግደፋውያን መንእሰያት ደቂሃገር ይለኣኹ ከምዘለዉ ኢያ ተቃልሕ ዘላ። እዚ ማለት እቲ ስዉር ደም ብጡሩምባታት ዓወታቶም ክጉሰ ተሓሊኑ ኢዩ። ድሓን፡ ሰገን’ውን እኮ ምስተሳዕረትሲ ብኽንዲጎቦኣ ደ ው ኢላ እንከላ ርእሳ ጥራይ ብምቕባር ዝተሓብአት ኢዩ ዝመስላ። እቶም ኣብስግር ዘለዉ መንእሰያት ከኣ ኣብልዕ ሊዞም ካብዚ ዝኸዱ መንእሰያት ቂምታን ገልታዕታዕን ከይገብሩ ምጥንቃቕ ይሓይሽ። ጽባሕ ንዝጸናበሩ ነገር ጸላኢ ጸላኢኦም ብልክዕ ምልላይ ይበልጽ። ኩሉ መንእሰይ ብሓበራ ድማ ምንም’ዃ ንግዚኡ ብኩፉእ ተንኮልህግደፍ“ወዲ -ማእከልዶ ወዲ ወሰን እናተባህለ ከምዝሰግእን ከምዝፈላለን እንተተገብረ፡ ንወዲኣንበሳ ንሓዋሩ ወዲወኻርያ ክትገብሮ/ ወኻርያ ምዃን ጉድለት እንተኾይኑ/ ስለዘይከኣል ዓርከይ ሰመረ ፈተኻዮ ጸላእካዮ መናእሰይናስ ኢለካ ግደፍ ሎሚ ባዕሎም እተወፈየላ ሃገር ወኒኖምሰ፡ ቀደም’ዃ መርገጺ ዘይብሎም እንከለዉ ባንዴራ ስለዝተኸሉ ትንግርቲ ምስራሕ ኣይጽግሞምን ኢዩ።እቲ ክዉንነት ንምድፋን ተባሂሉ ብዓብላልነት ናይ ሓሶት ኣገልግሎት ዜና ዝፍተን ሸኾርተት ከኣ መዓልቱ ኣለዎ። ግደፍዶ ኣብ ፎርቶ ኣስመራ ዝዓስከረት ሜጋፎን ዓሊ ዓብዱስ፡ በርሊን ዘሳፍሐት ናይ ጆሴፍ ጎብል ጌጋፎና’ዃ ሓንሳብን ንሓዋሩን ሃጢማ ተሪፋ ኢያ።
ቅልጽም ደምበ-መንእሰይ ይሰውድ!!
ዓወት ነሓፋሽ!!
Kozami November 6, 2011
It has been few months now since the sold out “opposition” has been raving and ranting amid nothing. Eritreans have been quietly bemused about the empty ‘saber rattling’ and bravado that they are consumed with. The sanction isn’t new, Eritrea has been under one for the last 12 years, the media vilification is not new, the dozens of “opposition” protesters with unsightly placards has been around for sometime too. So, what exactly is incensing these sold out “opposition” to be hyped up in empty grounds. Well, vanity is the greatest vice. In the recent wikileaks, we learned that the woyane clique had designated Ministries to deal with these sell out “oppositions” rather than directors. Imagine that a nobody to be flattered with such ill placed gratification. Senior Ethiopian intellectuals have no chance of meeting woyane director let alone Minister. And, a downtrodden nobody so called Eritrean “opposition” is handled with red carpet! Can you see where all this empty bravado is coming from. People of integrity would not give in to unearned flattery. They would see that they have neither the constituency nor an organizational competence to earn that kind of flattery, yet fools that they are, they have convinced themselves that they must be doing something worth to illicit such a red carpet treatment from the sadistic woyane. And there we find the reasons of such bemusing ‘saber rattling’ .
Huluf November 6, 2011
It is all about who controls the media with these banana republic: watch how power is nothing when people reject you:
Huluf November 6, 2011
I am sure you enjoyed the Eri TV hype and on the ground the grandeu dictators display seem in invincible…. not so. All that pomp, protocol and authority and power display of a ONE MAN show ends in ONE MAN:
Huluf November 6, 2011
I did not mean to pinpoint on Gadaffi. It is just to state the sad stae of Africa. The road from Sahel was best hope. However watch a similar type of seminar like one in New York or any place….How you respond with invincible attitude to tease and please a fanatic crowd….I will prove to you how that crowd quickly abandons a crowd after this message.
Huluf November 6, 2011
Kozami Hawey
Bear with me. History teaches many things it is just we do not go and study it.
Mind you when the going get tough, Zemachs & Komars usually have no stomach to stand like gallants of Sahel…..At best they begin to pinch their lord…worst they are nowher to be found.
Here is a proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuweGoV10Os&feature=related
Huluf November 6, 2011
Deep in your heart may be believing that Woyane have the capacity to derail Eritrean as a nation. I completely have a different view….it is fear of DIAs unpredictable and boolying behaviour they do not sleep with. They know an unreliable Eritrean governoment friend is a threat and a friendly Eritrean governoment is their strength in the complex, historically devaoured Ethiopian history(unfortunate to Ethiopians….we should wish them no evil)….just in passing DIA uncle(howeabo) was governor of Wollo (during the worst famine- among the 60 killed by derge).
This ugly feudalistic history of Ethiopia has pitted the Tigreans(Tigray) and Amharas for ages and that trust is hard to come by….Put the emerging Oromo factor(Oromos are not Habeshas I realize you do know)…Why am I jabbering all this..an answer to that is a conclusion I want to share with you.
Huluf November 6, 2011
A strong Eritrea is buffer for future Tigray. It is undeniable as we proved it rolling down from Sahel roaring to Addis Abeba. But both Issayas and Meles pacted something which in our Eritrean case had no knowledge but in case of Woyane they were privy of the strategy but most of them in their feudalistic and chauvinistic spiced by Albanian style communist indoctrination did not have a full buy in…..DIA gave the fuel to the fire in 1998….(Ghebru Asrat, Natsznet, Siye Abraha(personally hated by Issyas- he would at times chase him out!!)….Lucky for Eritrea( with DIA messed diplomatic & militaary stance he took in 1998…we saw the result) the Albanist group did not suceed. Recall they kept trying for Aseb while Durue awaited Woyanes’ foregin minister !! Ok, I will say now rumour has it DIA had ordered a withdrawal from Aseb, for the sake of this argument……But gallant Eritrean men and women defended a strategic and valuable Aseb for Eritrea…..days after the war stopped Meles clarified that Aseb is an Eritrean part to the disappointement of all that had evil thought for our country……
Huluf November 6, 2011
Now, if DIA, Higdefites can tune their propaganda, lies etc we know the truth and it will be not be far even you rally where your principal desire is and I know it is a united Eritrea and you would know Woyane is not trying to reverse our freedom….Not only is that they will have no desire but they know the consequence and they know it will be their demise and is unachievable….My point is let us debate on our own internal issues instead of scapegoating!
Kozami November 6, 2011
Your argument stated above, well reasoned as it sounds, leaves other concerns out of the picture. Say woyane has managed to rid the anti-Eritrea segments, then why is it that it refuses to recognize Eritrean sovereignty as per EEBC ruling? Does a country’s sovereignty has to be hold hostage for dialog on normalization? Why does woyane work for Afar secession and the blockade of Eritrea economically? You seem to be overlooking the elephant in the room and dealing with derivative issues. If we shall talk about our internal affairs, how about our territorial integrity? Or is it everything except our existence as a clearly defined geographical entity?
dani November 6, 2011
ኣነ ካብ ዝገርመኒ ነገር ሲ መደብ ኣሰና ኩሉ ተቃልሖ ወያኔ ዝገበርዎ ቅኑዕ ሻዕብያ ዝገብርዎ ጌጋ ገርያ ኢያ ተቅርቦ።
እንታይ ኢዩ እቲ ምኽንያቱ፣
እስኪ ሓቂ ንዛረብ ወያኔ ን ኤርትራዊ ብግፍዒ ኣየባረሩን ዲዮም፣
ክንደይ ኤርትራውያን ድዮም ብወያኔ ዝሓቀቁ ዝጠፍኡን፣
ኣብ ሳልሳይ ወራር ወያኔ ዶ ኣይኮነን ናይ ኤርትራውያን ንብረት መንከሽከሽ ከይተረፈ ዝዘመቱ፣
ካብ ኩሉ ዘነውር ድማ መቃብሕ ሓርበኛታት ዝፋሕሩ ወያነ ዶ ኣይኮኑን፣
እንታይ ደኣ ኢዩ ጉዳ demo.archive.assenna.com ኩሉ ናይ ወያኔ ተግባር ቅኑዕ ናይ ሻዕቢያ ተግባር ዘይቅኒዕ ተቅርብ፣
ምኽንያቱ እንተኢልና ናይ መደብ ኣሰና መዋሊ ቀዳማይ ወያነ
ኣባላታ ኣማኑአል ኢያሱ ካልኦትን ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣባባ ከይዶም ምስ መለስ ሃገር ክሸክጡ ዝተዋዓሉ፣
ካብ ወያኔ ወርሓዊ ደሞዝ እናተዋህቦም ዝናበሩ።
ስለዚ መደብ ኣሰና ናይ ኤርትራውያን ዘይኮነት ሲ ናይ ወያኔ ኢያ ኢልና ክንድምድሞ ንኽእል፣
Barentu November 6, 2011
The Ethiopians had admitted and apologized several times through their ministers and the Prime Minister to every injustice done on Eritreans. Ethiopians are not responsible for every crime taking place in Eritrea by Eritreans right now.
The Eritrean regime is responsible for all crimes being committed in Eritrea by its own regime. These includes the religious persecution, indefinite jailing of Eritreans, endless national service, slave labour … in hundreds of prisons throughout the country.
There are more jails in Eritrea now than the combined Italian fascists, Haileselasie and Mengistu had ever built together.
Abnet Tesfai November 6, 2011
Baree November 7, 2011
If you believe this is a war of border disupute then I submit to the elephant analogy you clearly stated. Unfortunately it is not..I give you a scenario if Issayas or Meles drop off the map this dispute will be over because the are competing on regional power. Woyane is fully aware they have to finally respect the ruling and they will be forced by international community soon as you and I and sensible presdent uses diplomatic capmaign than inexistent might. They are holding to this card because they do not trust Issayas will rest until he get rid of them specially if comes out a winner of this war….It is the people of Eritrea and factual historical points that won(such us Wuchale treaty signed by Menelik himself)….the rest is chess game who goes down first!! which Eritreans have no interest in. DIA does.
As for supporting Afar etc, DIa is doing the same thing…One time is Kinjit, another time it Oromo which in itself tells you it is disdain on each other they have produced. True as it may seem and like any people and speciall Eritreans so attached to our land DIA continues to exploit the situation. Remember the soverigity of Eritrea is well recognized by Ethiopia and the world community. (contd..)
Baree November 7, 2011
I meant to adress to you than Huluf earlier
What is lacking is a governoment that follows the international norm of politics and diplomacy. Once the latter is in place, we Eritreans havea right to drive Woyanes out and we do not need their accepting once the court has decided. But you do not just start a war but a declaratoin of it where if you are diplomatically well positioned the mediation begins and ultimately Ethiopia would be put on a stage of agression. DIA does not have moral authority to demand justice when he is the court himself. Evertime he demands justice they respond “Mr President you have no constituion , no court of law in the first place…” this is unfortunately the world we live in. Our eloquent diplomats like Haile Menkerios, Andeberhan where are they Kozam?
Kozami November 7, 2011
If the sadistic woyane didn’t recognize Eritrean sovereignty now with strong Eritrea, what makes you think they would for a weak and divided Eritrea. That is after paying the air ticket fare and hall rentals of the sold out opposition, totally hard to imagine. Your hope on the Intl. community is way too archaic, after we have seen what we have seen.
Baraee November 7, 2011
Because they know there is no more weak Eritrea….Weak Eritrea is only made by Issayas. You underestimate yourself so much that you think every one is like you. Didn’t you know it is the people that stopped Woyane offenses. This mad man had no planning on contingency basis. He was working promptu. Ask people, no one even rallied people. Ex freedom fighters rallied on their own when the first round of war broke out.
Woyane knows once Issayas is gone there will be a galvanised force…..Now all you see is muzzled people coping with the situation. It is very few people like who these zealot most people went through in the last 30 years. You are still fresh in the old game….We have been through these years….Once DIA is gone the people of Eritrea will unite….Forget even the people , every General, every Colonel will be harmless to their people with the exception of handful those around the DIA. Did you not watch, Sirte the birth place of Gadaffi would not even embrace it’s “son” …they abandoned the city for him.
Huluf November 7, 2011
Specifically the international committee rallies when you make the effort and it is not because they love Eritrea it is because they can not afford chaos and instability in the red sea. We are in the most strategic place on earth if we know how to spin it albeit might , force attiudes…..We have shown the world once….We have proved “Never Kneel Down” and we asserted a nation both legally and miliatrily. No question….but we kept blundering because we have a mad man that thinks he can continue that single track attitude.
Like it or not the war starated as a REGIONAL LEADERSHIP competition between Meles and Issayas period….one day you will for sure find out.
Kozami November 7, 2011
If I may start with your last point, the question of who started the war or why is an issue for the peoples of both countries to deal with once the problem has been resolved. As things stand now, the boundary has been delimited by the most skillful professionals and woyane has bolted. Who is responsible for its continuation then? I have no doubt our people are the ‘can do’ type, yet gambling their future away on the promise of ‘milk’ and ‘honey’ isn’t one of their traits. They are not muzzled people, but stoic and forbearing. Woyane recognized our independence because it had no choice. Now, it refuses to recognize our territorial integrity because it had speculative gambit of the super power. PIA has taken woyane bluff head on and has showed Eritrea is indeed viable and here to stay. Almost all Eritreans are eternally grateful of his life long sacrifice for us and our generations to come. Just pilot read the wikileaks of Ethiopia cables to learn who really is mad. The could find NOTHING to tarnish PIA’s character other than cheap shots of third rate hateftef. Where as Meles’ integrity has been dent beyond repair, thanks to his double speak and opportunistic duplicity.
Kozami November 7, 2011
Please read my reply as made to Huluf, thanks