ትዕዝብቲ ኣብ ፖለቲካን ባህርያቱን – ኣማኑኤል ሳህለ (2ይ ክፋል)
መውጻእቲ ሓራ መውጻእቲ ሓራ ወይ ምንቅስቓስ ዚብሃሉ እንታይ እዮም? ኣስታት 130 ዓመታት ቅድሚ ልደት ክርስቶስ ሮማውያን ንእስራኤላውያን ብመግዛእትን ጭቆናን ሞኽ ምስ ኣበሉዎም፡ ባር-ኮኽባ እተባህለ ምዑት ሰብ ዝመርሖም ተቓለስቲ ኣንጻር መንግስቲ ሮማ መኪቶም። ከምዚ መግበሪኦም፡ ሃይማኖቶምን ባህሎምን

መውጻእቲ ሓራ
መውጻእቲ ሓራ ወይ ምንቅስቓስ ዚብሃሉ እንታይ እዮም? ኣስታት 130 ዓመታት ቅድሚ ልደት ክርስቶስ ሮማውያን ንእስራኤላውያን ብመግዛእትን ጭቆናን ሞኽ ምስ ኣበሉዎም፡ ባር-ኮኽባ እተባህለ ምዑት ሰብ ዝመርሖም ተቓለስቲ ኣንጻር መንግስቲ ሮማ መኪቶም። ከምዚ መግበሪኦም፡ ሃይማኖቶምን ባህሎምን ዓሌቶምን ንምዕቃብ እዩ። እቲ ዕላማኦም ጽቡቕ እዩ ነይሩ፡ ግን ሮማውያን ብዂናትን ብመሳርያታት ኲናትን ብወትሃደራዊ ውደባን ስልትን ልዕሊኦም ስለ ዝነበሩ፡ እቶም መውጻእቲ ሓራ ኪዕወቱ ኣይከኣሉን።
እዚ፡ ናይ ምህላውን ዘይምህላውን ምርጫ ብምንባሩ ኩሉ ህዝቢ ተሳቲፉዎ ነይሩ። ናይ ሮማውያን ዲል፡ ናይ እስራኤልን ናይ ኣይሁድነትን ውድቀት እዩ ነይሩ። ብፍላይ እስራኤላውያን ንነብሶም ካብ ሃይማኖቶም ፈልዮም ኪርእዩ ዚጽግሞም ስለ ዝነበረ፡ ኪሰዓሩ ማለት በሪሶም ማለት እዩ ነይሩ።
እቲ ኲናት ናይ ፖለቲካዊ ስልጣን ቍርቍስ ኣይነበሮን። ዳርጋ ቅዱስ ኲናት እዩ ነይሩ ኪብሃል ይከኣል። ግን ከኣ ተሳዒሮም።
እንተ ዚስዕሩ ነይሮም፡ እቲ ሃይማኖትን ባህልን ዓሌትን እስራኤል ኣብ ፓለስቲንያ ከም ቀደሙ ምቐጸለ ነይሩ። ህዝቢ እስራኤል ድማ በቲ ዝኣምኖ መገዲ ንኣምላኹ እናኣመስገንን እናዘከረን ነቲ ካብ ሙሴ እተዋህቦ ትእዛዛትን መምርሒታትን እናሰዓበን እናኽበረን ኣብ ሃገሩ ምነበረ ነይሩ። ንግዜኡ ግን ኪኸውን ኣይከኣለን።
እዚ ዓይነት ሓራ-ምውጻእዚ ህዝባዊ ኾይኑ ናይ ሞትን-ህይወትን ሕቶ እዩ። ኩሉ ሰብ ይሳተፎ። ፓርቲ ኣየድልዮ፡ ዶግማ ኣየድልዮ፡ ኣይዲዮሎጂ ኣየድልዮ፡ ፕሮፓጋንዳ ኣየድልዮ። ምትላል ዚብሃልውን የብሉን ከመይሲ ፖለቲካዊ ፕሮግራም ስለ ዚጎድሎ። እቶም መራሕቱውን ንውግእ ደኣዮም ዚመርሑ እምበር ናይ ነዊሕ ፖለቲካውን ስልጣናውን ኣጀንዳ የብሎምን። ምስዚ ዚመሳሰል ናይ ስፓርታኩስ ኣድማን፡ ናይ ሃገር ጀርመን ናይ 16 ክፍለዘመን ናይ ዓዃይ ኣድማን ኪጥቀስ ይከኣል።
እቲ ካልኣይ መውጽእ ሓርነት ምንቅስቓስ ግን በቶም ጥቕሞም ዝተተንከፎም መብዛሕትኡ ካብ ንኡስ ቡርዣ እተዋጽኡ ግንባራት እተመስረተ እዩ። ኣብ ከምዚ ዝበለ ናይ መውጽእ ሓራ ምንቅስቓስ ናይ ምትላልን ናይ ስሰዐን ተንኮልን ባህርያት ንላዕሊ ኪግንፍል ንቡር እዩ።
ይኹንምበር እቲ ቀዳማይ ይኹን እቲ ካልኣይ ዓይነት ናይ ሓርነት ቃልስታት ናቱ ዝኾነ ድኽመታት ኣለዎ። ብሓጺሩ ኩሉ ካብቲ ናይ ወድሰብ መሰረታዊ ባህርያት ከምልጥ ኣይክእልን። ንርእሱ ናጻ ወይ ሓራ ዘይወጸ ሰብ ናጻ ወይ ሓራ ከውጽኣካ ኣይክእልን። ሰብ ካብ ናይ ካልእ ሰብ ጭቆና ናጻ ከውጻኣካ ይኽእል ይኸውን፡ ስልጣን ምስ ዓተረኸ ነታ ናቱ ጭቆና ከም ጭቆና ይሓስባዶ? ኣይፋልን: ከም ፍትሒ እዩ ዚቖጽራ።
ሰብ ካብ ካልእ ሰብ ብምንታይ ይፍለ? ማለት እቲ ዚጭቁንን እቲ ንጭቆና ዚቃለስን ክልቲኣቶም ሰብዶ ኣይኮኑን? ብመሰረቱ እቲ ናጻ ከውጽኣካ ዝብለካ ዘሎ ሰብ ወይ ውድብ ንርእሱ ካብቲ ከም ናይ ጸላኢ ባህርይ ጥራይ ገይሩ ክደጋግሞ ዚውዕል ሓጥያት ናጻ ዲዩ?
ኣብዚ ግዜዚ መትከልን ግብርን ናይቶም መውጻእቲ ሓራ ኢና ዚብሉ ተቓለስትን ምንቅስቓሶምን ኣበየናይ ደረጃ ተሸሚሙ ከም ዘሎ ንኹሉ ብሩህ እዩ። ኣብ ነብሶም ዘየለ ሓርነት ኣብ ካልእ ሰብ ከስፍኑዎ ኣይክእሉን። ኣብ ነብሶም ዘየለ ጽሩይ ልብን ጽሩይ ኣእምሮን ኣብቲ ህዝቢ ከንጸባርቑዎን ከተግብሩዎም ኣይክእሉን። ካብቲ ጨቋኒ ደኣዮም ሓራ ኣውጺኦምኻ እምበር ካብቲ ጭቆናስ ሓራ ኣየውጽኡኻን።
ጨቋኒ ብጥይትን ብቦምቢን ብታንኪን ኪሃድም ወይ ኪስጎጕ ይኽእል እዩ። ጭቆና ግን ብጥይት ኣይጠፍእ፡ ብቦምብ ኣይስንብድ፡ ብታንክ ኣይሃድም ከመይሲ ሰፈር ጭቆና ድፋዓትን ኣኽራናትን በዓትታን ኣብ ናይ ጸላኢ ካምፕን ዘይኮነስ ኣብ ኣእምሮ ወድሰብ እዩ። በዚ ምኽንያትዚ ኸኣዩ መብዛሕትኦም መውጻእቲ ሓራ ኢና ዚብሉ ሓይልታት፡ ነቲ ዘሳጎጉዎ ጭቆና ብሓድሽን ብዘብለጭልጭን ወረቐት ጠቕሊሎም ከም ገጸበረከት ዘቕርቡልካ።
ሓራ ዘውጽኣካስ ትምህርትን ንቕሓትን እዩ። ነቲ ንኽትነቅሕን ንኽትፈልጥን ዚኽልክለካ ሓይሊ ክትምክቶ ዝሓሸ እዩ። ሰኣን ኣብ እዋኑ ተንሲእካ ብውልቅን ብጉጅለን ብማሕበርን ምክርኻርን ምምካትን ግን፡ ግዜ ምስ ነውሐ መውጻእቲ ሓራ ይፍጠሩሞ፡ ድሕሪ ነዊሕ ስቓይን መከራን “ናጻ“ የውጽኡኻ፡ ነቲ ዝላደኻሉን ኣካላትካ ዘማሰነን ጭቆና ብሓድሽ መገድን ቅድን ገይሮም ዳግማይ የቕርቡልካ። ካልኣይ ግዜዶ ክንዛረብ ኴንና ብምባል ድማ ነቲ ብሓድሽ ቅዲ ተሰፍዩ ዝመጸካ ናይ ስቓይን ጭቆናን ካባ ወይ መንጠሊና ለቢስካ ስቕ ኢልካ ትነብር። ክሳዕ ካልኦት ተመሳሰልቲ ሰብ ተራ ተላዒሎም “ናጻ“ ከውጽኡኻ ዚፍትኑ።
ንምጥቕላል፡ ብዘይካ ኣብ ውሑድ ኣጋጣምታት (መብዛሕትኡ ኣብ ጥንቲ) ኣብዚ ዝሓለፈ ዘመን እተፈጥሩ መውጻእቲ ሓራ ካብ ንኡስ ቡርዥዋ ወይ ማእከላይ ቍጠባዊ መደብ እተዋጽኡ እዮም። ሓረስታይ ወይ ዓዃይ ካብ ለውጢ ብዙሕ ኣይጽበን። ምስ መሬቱን ኣምላኹን እዩ ዚጽጋዕ። እንተ ኸፍኦ ድማ ይምህለል ወይ ይስደድ። ሓራ ከውጽእ ግን ዓቕምን ድሌትን የብሉን።
እቲ ህይወቱ ኣብ ፖለቲካውን ቍጠባውን ኩነታት ሃገር ዝተኣሳሰር ንኡስ ቡርዥዋ ግን ምእንቲ ጥቕሙ ኢሉ እዩ ለውጢ ከምጽእ ዚጓየይ። ከምዚ ኪብሃል ከሎ ግን ሓደ መውጽእ ሓራ ካብቲ ሓደ መውጽእ ሓራ ኣብ ፍልስፍንናን ንቕሓትን ኣብ ናይቲ መራሒ ድሕረባይታን ናይቲ ሃገር ታሪኻውን ፖለቲካውን ቍጠባውን ድሕረባይታ እተመርኮሰ ፍልልይ ከርእይ ይኽእል። ኩሉ ነንጻሕሉ ኪኸውን ከሎ፡ ሓደ ግን ብተዛማዲ መገዲ ካብቲ ሓደ ኪሓይሽ ይኽእል።
ደሞክራሲ ዚብል ቃል ዳርጋ ኣሽካዕላል እዩ ኾይኑ ተሪፉ። ቃዛፊ መራሕ ሊብያ፡ ኣብ ዓለም ከም ሊብያ ደሞክራስያዊት ሃገር የላን ይብል ነይሩ። መራሕትናውን ከምዚ ዓይነት መዝሙር ኪዝምሩ ይስምዑ ኣለዉ። ናይ ሰሜን ኮረያውን ከምኡ።
ደሞክራሲ ብህዝቢ ዚምራሕ ዓይነት ምሕደራ እዩ። ብኣበሃህላ ኣምባገነናት ግን ደሞክራሲ ማለት እቲ ኣብ ስልጣን ዘሎ መንግስቲ እዩ። ናይዚ ደሞክራሲዚ ሓድሽ ትርጉም ዘይተረደአ ሰብ፡ ጸረ-ደሞክራሲ ጥራይ እዩ ኪኸውን ዚኽእል።
ኣምባገነን ምስ ሞተ፡ ወዱ ይትክኦ። ናብ ሰሜን ኮረያ ጠምቱ። ኣብቲ ናይቲ ዝሞተ ኣምባገነን ቀብሪ፡ ሽዑ እዩ ናይ ብኽያት ደሞክራሲ ዘሎ። ኩሉ ሰብ ከም ድላዩ ገይሩ ክበክይን ክሓዝንን ይኽእል። ግን ከኣ ደሞክራሲ ብወገኑ ገደብ ኣለዎ ዚብል መምርሒ ድማ ኣሎ። ስለዚ: ብግቡእ መገዲ ዘይበኸየ ጀነራል መዓርጉ ይቕንጠጥ። ዘይወጨጨት ኣደመንበር ደቀንስትዮ ካብ ስርሓ ትስጎግ። ኣብ ምድሪ ዘየንገርገረ ካድረ ድማ መጠንቀቕታ ይወሃቦ። እዚውን በቲ ቄናን ናይ ኣምባገነን ትርጉም ህዝባዊ ደሞክራሲ እዩ
ደሞክራሲ ተዋሂቡኩም ኣሎ ግን……. ዚብሃል ኣዘራርባ ኸኣ ኣሎ። ድሕሪ öግንöእንታይ እዩ ኪብሃል ተደልዩ?
ግን….. ናይቲ ሃገር ሕጊ ክትክተሉ ኣሎኩም። ኣየናይ ሕጊ? መን ዘውጽኦ? ንመን ዘርብሕከ እዩ? ነቲ መንግስቲ ዲዩስ ወላ ነቲ ህዝቢ?
ናይ ደሞክራሲ ተቕዋማትን ሲቪካዊ ማሕበራትን ዘይብሉ ሃገር ደሞክራሲ ኪህልዎ ኣይክእልን። ናይ ደሞክራሲ መሓውራትን መትንታትን ዘይብሉ ምሕደራ፡ ንስሙ እዩ ደሞክራሲ ዚብሃል እምበር ጭው ዝበለ ኣምባገነንነት እዩ። ግን ከም ቃዛፍን ኢሳያስን ዝኣመሰሉ መራሕቲ፡ ነቲ ምምሕዳሮም ፍጹም ደሞክራሲ ኢሎም ኪሰምዩዎ ኣየሕፈሮምን።
ደሞክራሲ ምስቲ ናይ ወድሰብ ናይ ስልጣን ህርፋንን ናይ ዘይነቕሐ ሕዝቢ ባርነታዊ ስነልቦናን ኣይከይድን። ደሞክራሲ ብዙሕ መስርሕ ተሳጊርካ ዚርከብ ኣገባብ ኣመሓድራ እዩ። ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ ክድንጒ ኣይነበሮን። ብሰንኪ ትሑት ንቕሓትን ብሰንኪ እቶም ብድሕረይ ሳዕሪ ኣይትብቆላ እናበሉ ዚሓልፉ ዘለዉ መራሕትን፡ ብሰንኪ ድሑር ቀቢላውነትን ኣውራጃውነትን ጥሩፋዊ ሃይማኖትን ግን ከይተተግበረ ይነብር ኣሎ።
እዚ ህዝቢኮ ደሞክራሲ ኣይፈቱን እዩ፡ ጭቆና እዩ ዚፈቱ… ኪብሃል ንሰምዕ ኢና። ግን ደሞክራሲ ከይፈቱ ዝገበሮ ምሒር ናይ ኣእምሮ ጭቆና እዩ። ንሓደ ከልቢ ንሓሙሽተ ዓመት ብሰንሰለት ኣሲርካዮ ምስ ጸናሕካ እሞ ፈቲሕካ ምስ ኣፋነኻዮ፡ ተመሊሱ እዩ ዚመጸካ። ዓለሙ ስለ ዝገልበጥካዮ፡ ንማእሰርቲ ከም ናጽነት፡ ንናጽነት ድማ ከም ባርነት ገይሩ ከም ዚወስዶ ስለ ዝገበርካዮ። ኣእምሮኡ ኣበላሺኻዮ። መብዛሕትኦም መራሕቲ ኣፍሪቃ፡ በዚ ተግባርዚ ገበነኛታት እዮም።
ናይ ፖለቲካ ምሁራት
ናይ ፖለቲካ ምሁራት ኣብቲ ብተደጋጋሚ ዚግበር ፖለቲካዊ ለውጥታት ብዙሕ ኣበርክቶ ዘለዎም ኣይመስሉን። ካብቲ ኣብቲ ለውጢ ዚካየደሉ ሃገር ኮይኖም ዚዋስኡዎ: ኣብ ደገ ኮይኖም ዚዛረቡዎን ዚጽሕፉዎን ይበዝሕ። ከምዚ ኪብሃል ከሎ ግን እቲ ዚጽሕፉዎን ዚዛረቡዎን ዋጋ የብሉን ማለት ኣይኮነን: ግን ኣብቲ ዚካየድ ርሱን ኩነታት እዋናዊ ለውጢ ከምጽእ ኣይክእልን: ከመይሲ እቲ ዚካየድ ዘሎ ለውጢ ግዜኡ ሓሊዉ ዝመጸ ውጽኢት ናይ ነዊሕ መስርሕ ደኣምበር ብሃንደበት እተኸሰተ ፍጻመ ኣይኮነን።
ናይ ፖለቲካ ምሁራት ንዝሓለፈ ታሪኻውን ፖለቲካውን ፍጻመታት ኪትንትኑ ዚኽእሉኳ እንተ ኾኑ: ንናይ ሓደስቲ ፍጻመታት ውጽኢት ግን ኪትንበዩ ኣይከኣሉን። ሓደ ካብቲ ንውጽኢታት ምትንባይ ኣሸጋሪ ዚገብሮ ድማ ናይ ወድሰብ ብሳየንስ ዘይዕቀን ባህርያት እዩ።
ከምቲ ንኹነታት ኣየር ከምቲ ዚግባኦ ጌርካ ክትትንብዮ ዘይትኽእል: ናይ ወድሰብ ናይ ሓሳባትን ስምዒትን ለውጥታትን ተግባራትን ድማ ከምቲ ዚግባእ ጌርካ ክትንበየአሉ ኣይከኣልን። ምኽንያቱ ድማ ዝኾነ ፖለቲካዊ ምዕባለን ለውጥን ኣብቲ ብዝሕን ርቀትን ደጋዊ ጽልዋታት እተመርኮሰ ብምዃኑ እዩ።
ኣብ ኤርትራ ዚካየድ ዘሎ ፋሉል ፖለቲካዊ ኣመራርሓ: ክሳዕ ሎሚ ካብቶም ናይ ፖለቲካ ምሁራት ምንም እተገብረሉ ነገር የልቦን። እቲ ናይቶም ምሁራን ምልፍላፍ ኣየቋረጸን። እቲ ፋሉላዊ ኣመራርሓውን ከምኡ።
ካልእ ተሪፉ ነቲ ስርዓት ብናይ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ከሲሶም ኣብ ቤትፍርዲ ዘቕርቡውን ኣይተረኽቡን። መጻሕፍቲ ግን ይጸሓፍ: ኣስተምህሮ ይወሃብ: እታ ገመል ግን ትም ኢላ ትጎዓዝ ኣላ።
ንሳዋ ዚምክት ካምፕ ኣብ ወጻኢ ሃገራት እንተ ዚህሉ ነይሩ: መብዛሕትኦም መንእሰያትና ካብቲ ጸቢብን ሕልማውን ኣተሓሳስባኦም ምተናገፉ ነይሮም። ንሳዋ ዚምክት ኪብሃል ከሎ ብኣተሓሳስባ ማለት እዩ። ሳዋ: ኲናትን ኣነነትን ጃህራን ጽልእን ፍልልይን ክትምህርን ከተደንፍዕን ከላ: እቲ ኣብ ወጻኢ ሃገራት ዚኽሰት ሳዋ ግን ሰላምን ተጻዋርነትን ትሕትናን ፍቕርን ሕብረትን ከስፍን ይግባእ። እዚ ድማ በቶም ናይ ፖለቲካ ምሁራትና ኪገሃድ ይግባእ።
Dawit Semere January 23, 2015
This is a great eye opening piece. I can’t wait to see part three.
mahta January 23, 2015
Really nice idea continue
But I think the problem of our poletican Men the back ground of them selfs. It is not scientific politics.They always depend on the sociaty. But I hope from now on wards they learned the past.
wediare January 23, 2015
Thank You Mr. Amanuel Sahle. I appreciate your wonderful contribution. Like you said construct sawa camp in our brain and train us have positive mind.
wediare January 23, 2015
Read as, train us to have positive mind.
Eritrawi January 23, 2015
Dearest Brother Aman, very educational.
I hope, the Narrow Minded, Shallow, blinded heart, Worshipers of the Gang leader in Asmara will learn some thing from you.
Let me give you, an Ocean full of Thanks.
Keep on keeping on.
Be well.
araya-11 January 23, 2015
Hanti alem ,,,,,hope fully you will continue writing hanti alem on assenna,,,,,
rezen January 23, 2015
Subject: ትዕዝብቲ ኣብ ፖለቲካን ባህርያቱን – ኣማኑኤል ሳህለ (1ይ & 2ይ ክፋል), 20 & 23 January 2015
Commentary: 23 Jan 2015
First and foremost, I wish to apologize for commenting upon a Tigrigna-Article using English language rather than Tigrigna. There is no excuse. But I cannot help it. The rational for such behaviour is a long story. It has to do with “modern education” that was inculcated upon me from my child hood to maturity, resulting in the development of inferiority complex in my feeble mind >>> though I try to camouflage it with artificial ‘superiority’ complex!!! The Tigrigna language with all its grammar was never a formal and essential curriculum subject in my elementary school, nor in my Secondary school level and — needless to say — nor in University level. It is as if the indigenous written language — derivative of one of the ancient languages in the world, Geez — never ‘exists’! It is a bizarre phenomenon. Perhaps Eritrean Scholars would one day expose the historical malaise in detail and help to have formal educational programme of Geez/Tigrigna from childhood level all the way up to university! If this cannot be done, then the ‘hidden secrete” for its unacceptability “ክጋሃድ ይግባእ።”. It is only through that prism that the REALITY of the so-called “Eritrea” would be appreciated. Let’s proceed.
2.Familiarity with the famous Writer
Mr. Amanuel and I never exchanged a single word in our respective Life– only a unidirectional glance, at one time — and that is only from me, of course! So I am free to express my views without the burden of familiarity which clouds our judgement. But I admire Mr. Amanuel for his independent mind — a trait that is not common in “underdeveloped” society where individual freedom is restricted by ageless norms that never changes, nor provides any hope for inquisitiveness. I like to pass onto you, Dear Readers, an example of individual independence of the mind that I was fortunate enough to be told about Mr. Amanuel. I hope you don’t mind, Sir. It has to do with his colleague at work who was worried about the ‘strange’ behaviour of his friend with respect to the age old norms in the formality of burial ceremony. The friend wanted to share an advice in a warning tone – noting that his friend is not habitual attendant at funeral ceremonies. Here is how the gem of the conversation went, as I was told by an impeccable source:
Friend: ኣንታ ግደፍ! ምስሞትካ ዝቐብረካ ክትስእን ኢኻ!
Ammanuel: ድሓን፥ ከማኻ ዉሉፍ ይቐብረኒ!
Fantastic! Beautiful! So straight arrow that pierces deep into the ‘heart’ of the age old permanent ritual in Eritrean society, which is not willing to be tolerant.
True to his independent self Mr. Amanuel ventures into a subject [e.g. religion] that is sensitive to people – even to those who have been exposed to other environment; to freedom of expression; and to natural inquisitiveness on what one sees, hears and feels. That is why the First Part of his Article elicited (as of now) fifty-six commentaries. Eritrea, despite its self acclaimed superiority complex is still a society with little tolerance to divergent of views. Simply put, it can’t handle diversity of opinion.
Let me express my opinion about his two parts of his Article. The Article in its two-parts is not, in my view, a political paper, which understandably Eritreans are fixated to it. Consequently they are perhaps disappointed that the political question of the Day is not exclusively addressed by such a renowned writer. In my opinion, the Article is a University class-room paper on diverse subjects for students to ponder about for dissertation etc. It covers subjects such as: Philosophy, History, Political Science, Humanity, and Governance of Society – all in their theoretical dimension. That is all, in my opinion. I like the second part.
The commentaries on the first part are based on personal knowledge of the popular Author rather than upon the contents of his paper. It is a familiar trait in Eritrea. One honest blogger put it this way [not exact quotation]: “It is true that the content of a paper is important, but I like to know who the writer is”!!! I admire his honesty and understand his burning need to know ‘who is who’ in a ሺጣራ world! It is simply a natural phenomenon in “underdeveloped” societies where emphasis is placed on personalities rather than on ideas and principles. Eritrea is not an exception, by a long shot.
4.Current Eritrean problem
As I pointed out above, Mr. Amanuel’s Article is not exclusively about the current issue. In my opinion that question should have been addressed, effectively and appropriately, by Eritreans highly educated scholars (est. 300) scattered all over the world in safe and well secured environment. They failed to get together and come-up with a blue print for the solution of the present problem of Eritrea. The reason is of course the age old trait of self/group ambition and parochial interest. The last 23-year period is a glaring testimony of that failure. And there is no tangible reason to expect otherwise in the future! The following quotation is a gem of an observation:
“ኣብ ኤርትራ ዚካየድ ዘሎ ፋሉል ፖለቲካዊ ኣመራርሓ: ክሳዕ ሎሚ ካብቶም ናይ ፖለቲካ ምሁራት ምንም እተገብረሉ ነገር የልቦን። እቲ ናይቶም ምሁራን ምልፍላፍ ኣየቋረጸን። እቲ ፋሉላዊ ኣመራርሓውን ከምኡ።
ካልእ ተሪፉ ነቲ ስርዓት ብናይ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ከሲሶም ኣብ ቤትፍርዲ ዘቕርቡውን ኣይተረኽቡን። መጻሕፍቲ ግን ይጸሓፍ: ኣስተምህሮ ይወሃብ: እታ ገመል ግን ትም ኢላ ትጎዓዝ ኣላ።”
How about the Diaspora Eritreans of all walks of Life around the Globe? So far, there are more than eighty (80) opposition groups presumably ALL working for the same goal. But we know better and so does Issayas Afewerki Abraha who built the Eritrean revolutionary movement in his own image and became self-appointed president of the 3 -5 million people of Eritrea who welcome him as a saviour and semi-god — in a span of time period of 29 + 23 = 52 years!!! Truly, amazing!
How about the dwindling number of Eritrean people in the purgatory? They exist from day to day. It is not living. But they are happy to see the daylight of the next day, having lost all hopes from their compatriots who are well secured abroad. THE END
Note To assenna-Moderator
I reviewed the 12 articles in the assenna guidelines. I couldn’t find specific level of the maximum numbers of ‘average’ words that a commentator is permitted to submit. If you find this commentary too long, please let me know. I will do my best to modify it within your specified level, without losing my message. Thank You.
assenna January 24, 2015
It is too long.
tamrat tamrat January 24, 2015
Assenna, dont you think this article deserves as front page rather than a comment.
And Mr Rezen, please write about teaching people upto university in one language and university by other and its negative consquences.
goitom ወድ አረ ካብ ማይ ስሑል January 24, 2015
Simply non-sense
Filmon Zion January 24, 2015
If it’s non sense, tell us which is the one with a good sense, by the way what’s your IQ level, damn you -100 I bet ya…
assenna January 24, 2015
Filmon Zion,
Kindly review Assenna guidelines if you haven’t as yet. Stick to the topic.
Stefanos Temolso January 24, 2015
ሓው ኣማኒኤል፡ እዚ ትጽሕፎ ዘለኻ ዳርጋ ኵሉ ሰብ ከንብቦ ዝኽእል ጽሑፍ እዩ። ህዝብና ብፍላይ ከኣ እዞም ሕጂ ናብ ኤውሮጳ ዝኣትዉ ዘለዉ መንእሰያት፡ ዝበዝሑ ካብኣቶም ዝኾነ ነገር ዘይፈልጡ ኮይኖም ረኺበዮም። ስለዚ፡ ከምዚ ዓይነት ጽሑፋት ብዛዕባ ዓለም ዘለዎም መረዳእታ ክብ ከብሎ ዝኽእል ይመስለኒ። እቲ ዘገርም ግን ዝበዝሑ ካብኣቶም ኣብ ፊልምን ኣብ ኮሜዲን ደርፍታትን ዝተኵሩ ምዃኖም እዩ። ብዝኾነ ገለ ካብኣቶም እንተ ኣንበቡዎ’ውን ሓደ ቁምነገር ስለ ዝኾነ ደጊመ ጽሑፋትካ ቀጽሎ እብለካ። ወዲሰብ ልክዕ ከምቲ ኣካላቱ ክንቀሳቐስ ከሎ ዝተርርን ዝጕልብትን። ሓንጐሉ ድማ ብንባብ እዩ ዝምዕብልን ዝበልሕን። እቶም ናይ ቀደም ዓማዊልካ ብሃንቀውታ ኢና ንጽበየካ። ከምዚ ሓውና ረዘነ ዝበሎ፡ ብልጫ ናይ ጽሑፋትካ ብዘይ ገለ ዕቃበ ስለ ዝጸሓፍ፡ ሓቂ ንዝደሊ ሰብ ጠቓሚ እዩ ዝብል ርእይቶ ኣሎኒ። ሓቂ ሓቂ እዩ። ኣብ ምቕባሉ ግን ክንፈላለ ንኽእል ኢና። ንሓቂ ድማ እፈትዋ እየ ዝብል ሰብ ብዙሕ ኮይኑ^ኣብ ነፍሱ ክትበጽሕ ከላ ዝቕበላ ግን ኣዝዩ ውሑድዩ። ብሩኽ ቅነ።
abrham January 24, 2015
dear stefanos,
you are right that all the new comers, the new Generation are, most of them they don’t interest in poletics.what is the reason i don’t know.
there are almost 50 in my small village ,they came last year.they are from the age of 17 to 28. they have all the latest mobile phones.the whole day they look Comedy,sings,and Religion mezmur
Filmon Zion January 24, 2015
I like everything about your ideas…it’s really mind changing and taught full. Need to fill the gaps with those who are not really fast learners or dummy HIGDEF and his puppies to bring them to the truth and challenging debate by scripting such a wonderful articles, so I need more of your articles like you did before Amanuel show them how article can make a change…a change to one democratic and truth full nation.
This is my first time to comment on demo.archive.assenna.com but I do always follow the infos..
Thank you demo.archive.assenna.com
TYitbarek January 24, 2015
Hi Amanuel
Well it is Morality 101: If I follow the article correctly.Amanuel is still doing a contribution to those who need a well tailord morality education with historical
background as an art of arguement.Those of us who need more spoonfeeding of all subjects may crave for more of that,however it is a fantastic morality education.
Thanks again Emma.
feven amaniel January 24, 2015
Amanuiel I really appreciate ur article. I am optimistic that we have intellectuals like you who can deliver our blinded minds from the indoctrination we have by the stupid cadres.