ታንኪ ወዲ ዓሊ!
ወጽዓ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ሕሰም ዝቐሰባ ለይቲ ተበጊሳ ካብ ጎልጎል ማዕረባ ታንኪ ወዲ ዓሊ ምልኪ ከይዓጀባ ተኣምር ሰሪሓ ኣብ ፎርቶ ደይባ! ስእላ’ሞ ረኣዩ እዛ ታንኪ ሓርነት ማዕረ ብዓል ጃጓር ሓወልቲ ጥዋለት ብግርማን መንፈስን ጸብለል ከም ዝበለት! እቲ ስውር መንፈሳ ዘይተሰወጠኩም ማዕረ’ተን ቀዳሞት ከመይ’ላ እንተ
ወጽዓ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ሕሰም ዝቐሰባ
ለይቲ ተበጊሳ ካብ ጎልጎል ማዕረባ
ታንኪ ወዲ ዓሊ ምልኪ ከይዓጀባ
ተኣምር ሰሪሓ ኣብ ፎርቶ ደይባ!
ስእላ’ሞ ረኣዩ እዛ ታንኪ ሓርነት
ማዕረ ብዓል ጃጓር ሓወልቲ ጥዋለት
ብግርማን መንፈስን ጸብለል ከም ዝበለት!
እቲ ስውር መንፈሳ ዘይተሰወጠኩም
ማዕረ’ተን ቀዳሞት ከመይ’ላ እንተ በልኩም
ነጺሩለይ ኣሎ ባዕለይ ከብርሃልኩም
ጽን ኢልኩም ስምዑኒ ምስጢር ክነግረኩም!
ካብ ሓመድን እምኒን ተፈጥራዊ ሃብቲ
ካብ ቤትካን ጤሳኻን ናይ ኣቦታት ርስቲ
ህይወትዶ ኣይትዓብን እዛ ትንፋስ ክብርቲ
ኣምሳያ ዘይብላ ፍጹም መባድልቲ!
ታይገር ምስ ኮማንደር ታንክታት ጀጋኑ
መሬትናን ባሕርናን’ወ ብኣኣተን ሓራ ኮይኑ
መግዛእቲ ህዝቢ ግን መሊሱ’ዩ ገኒኑ
ናብራኡ ጸልሚቱ ዓለም ብብርሃኑ!
ቅያ ዝፈጸሙ ኣብ ምሕራር ሃገር፡
ዝናኦም ንመላኺ ንኸይወዳደር
ስሞም ምስ ስጋኦም ኣብ ጉድጓድ ኪቕበር
ታንክታት ራሻ ግን ጃጓር ምስ ኮማንደር
ሓወልተን ተተኺሉ ዘልኣለም ኪዝከር!
ስም ወዲ ዓሊ ግን ከምኡ ኣይቅበርን’ዩ
ንሓርነት ህዝቢ’ዩ ጅግና ተበጅዩ
ሓወልቲ’ዛ ታንኪ ንምስሉ ኣሰንዩ
ዘልኣለም ኪዝከር ኣብ ፎርቶ ኪትከል’ዩ!
ታንኪ ሓርነትና እዛ ናይ ትማሊ
ንኣግእዞ ህዝቢ ብዘይ ገለ ከውሊ
ኣፉ ንኪትዓብስ ነቲ መታለሊ
ንዕሱባት ምልኪ ጥሒሳ ብሓይሊ
ኣብ ፎርቶ ደይባ ሕሰምና ክትኣሊ!
ኣንታ ውሕሉል ሰኣሊ ምስጋና ይኹንካ
ንታንኪ ወዲ ዓሊ ምስላ ዝሰነድካ፡
ታሪኻዊት ታንኪ ህግደፍ ከየጥፍኣ
መዝጊብካዮ ኣለኻ ምልክት ታርጋኣ፡
ምስጋናና ልዑል’ዩ ሓርበኛ ንኣኻ
ጓሳ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ ኣኹሪዕካና ኣለኻ!
ስቓይና ንኺድምደም፡ ውድቀት ንጉጅለ ሕሰም!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 15-02-2013
wedi Forto February 17, 2013
Thanks for your tireless efforts many of our citizens inside and outside the country are informed as to what really happened on January 21st. This is a blow to Isayas and his cohorts who are hard at work trying to belittle and dismiss it as “ita film ab’u iya twedia”. This thing is bigger than anyone has imagined, and even though it may have failed it’s initial objective, rest assured the fire has been ignited and it will continue to burn until the situation in our country is reversed.
We should help the families of wedi Ali and others who participated in srHit forto:
I am not sure how this can be done, but I really feel that the families of wedi Ali and all who are in prison for participating in operation Forto 21, should be helped financially. It may be hard to send money directly to the immediate families back home, but their family members who may be abroad may be able to send the money to them on our behalf. Amanuel, is it possible to launch a campaign to collect financial contributions from Assena readers and others?
Long live the spirit of Forto 2013
Murad Ali February 18, 2013
Dear Wedi Forto,
I wholeheartedly support your initiative to support the families of all who were involved with Sirheet Forto. I mean the families of those killed and those in jail.
Brother Amanuel keep up the great job you are doing.Thank you so much.
salma a. February 18, 2013
Great poem brother Mesinas! keep it up!
Kone Selam February 20, 2013
Kimbl bele ember sytekaaewen ! Ajokum ! ajona !
Yikun Selam February 20, 2013
Wedi Gerahtu dima ms America tsilee yebilnan kibl gemiru ! !!! Fesh fesh !!!
meseret February 20, 2013
kahsai February 20, 2013
I have had my appreciation and surprise to the struggle you attempt in January 21,2013 to overthrow the dictatorial symbol Esayas afeworki But it lacks tactical and strategic massive organization and awareness of the national defense and the people too. Anyway, let’s take this opportunity as a lesson and lets harmonize our strength both outside and inland citizens of the Eritrean
tesfa senkey February 26, 2013
he open the way and make sacrifice. let’s take this opportunity as a lesson and lets harmonize our strength both outside and inland citizens of the Eritrean.