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  • sidiki May 4, 2016

    Okbay you been talking the same isyas isyas isayas the last 15 years please go back to eritrea do 1% what wedi afewerki is doing.

    • Desalegn May 4, 2016

      Dear sidiki,

      Please put your views and suggestions as an adult/a mature person don’t hurt someone in such a way because last year is not this year, yesterday is not today, today is not tomorrow and the same apply to the knowledge and the maturity of a person too. We all human beings learn from our daly life, therefore when you put your comments you should consider the enviorment. Sorry, about that.

    • Hamid Sorobeti May 5, 2016

      You want him to kill 1% of the thousands that DIA had killed and is still killing.You must be insane my brother. DIA is a sick person and due to his sickness he is working hard to instinct Eritrea from its people as a revenge to satisfy his polluted soul.

  • Desalegn May 4, 2016


    It is a logical one to say that the grassroots and bottom up philosophy/ideology to organise the Eritrean diaspora is a unique approach and it is a fully a democratic based on a critical thinking of a solid foundation to organise and to build up a team for a collective action in order to meet our needs and objectives.

    ” Now, the food is almost ready on the plate to be consumed by us but it needs the process or the means how to Eat it” therefore let us …

  • Desalegn May 4, 2016


    It is a logical one to say that the grassroots and the top up approach to organise and to build a team of the Eritrean diaspora is a unique approach. Because It will build up based on a solid critical thinking and foundation, a democratic values, a poeple centred approach that helps us to work togather and act collectively to meet our needs and objectives. Therefore, the time is now to start to build our new Grassroot project based on the required materials and tools.

    Let us ask the following question
    What are the required materials?

    “We are the required materials and the tools”

    In reality our problem or barrior is this answer. Please let’s break this barrier togatger.

  • Hamid Sorobeti May 5, 2016

    Hello Mr. Kidane,
    If this Tekhlay is the same peron who uses in addition to Tekhlay many pen names mainly saving young Eritreans and Massawa. According to him we were ignorant when we conducted a liberation war against Mama Ethiopia and we are still ignorant for not going back to his Mama Ethiopia.

  • Solomon Seyoum May 5, 2016

    Dear Okubai,
    What you said is right..What is needed is a) to join the already existing grass root movements GRM), b) to start GRM in places without GRM, and, c)to concentrate on the two objective- that is to weaken the dictator, and to learn the arts of democratic culture.
    Solomon in Belgium.